No silly, the Internet is for information transfer. That's why DARPA made it. And more of the web is devoted to lolcatz than porn.

I was around for the dawn of the internet. Back when a gigabyte of hard drive space required a machine the size of a compact car.

When high quality digital images were not yet available, and all monitors were monochrome green, orange, or white text, humanity still found a way to create visual porn.

Text image porn was a thing. Some of the images were pretty damn amazing and left little to the imagination.

Porn pushes the boundaries of internet technology. Lolcats don't push any boundaries, other than people's virtual saccharine overload point.
I remember being in school and people were jealous of those 'rich' kids who had pagers. Where if you had Oregon Trail for your home computer, you were the top guy. If you had your own landline you were something.
Yes...I still keep a whale oil lamp lit in honor of those days, when if I wanted to write a story, I had to put quill to parchment.....

Speaking of paper. As a truck driver, I use a notebook and pen to organize all my load data in one place...

Has anyone else noticed how hard it is to find spiral notebooks without the perforations? I have only found one type and brand at anything resembling a reasonable cost. A 100 page, hardback spiral notebook made by Blue Sky.

I remember when the first perforated-page notebooks hit the market. A few years after Trapper Keepers.
Speaking of paper. As a truck driver, I use a notebook and pen to organize all my load data in one place...

Has anyone else noticed how hard it is to find spiral notebooks without the perforations? I have only found one type and brand at anything resembling a reasonable cost. A 100 page, hardback spiral notebook made by Blue Sky.

I remember when the first perforated-page notebooks hit the market. A few years after Trapper Keepers.
What's wrong with the ones with perforations in them? Or just a composition notebook? Also Trapper Keepers, damn that takes me back. I might still have mine somewhere in the pile of stuff I never unpacked after the 3rd move after I left home.
Up until Something something wolf suffering this thought never really dwelled in my mind since I had always presumed it to have been impossible, but when Hunter had mentioned one of the Akizuki sisters looking at him like how Arizona looks at a box of donuts; the thought wouldn't stop bothering me: Love-struck Destroyers.

More importantly, how does one deal with a love-struck destroyer?

Lets face it people, this is likely going to pop up again at one point or another. The chapter linked above proves that yes, the little murder balls can indeed feel attraction towards people in that way. Now whether or not if its inherit for them to be able to have those kind of feelings on their own or if they gain the ability to have those kind of feelings after attending a wedding is up for debate. But in either case, as more shipgirls start to get married, the frequency of which destroyers begin to look at people in that way will likely increase as well. Which brings us back to the question at hand: How does one deal with a love-struck destroyer?
I am aware that the likelihood of me getting shelled and having bombs dropped on my head as gone up dramatically for asking this question, but it must be asked.​
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