That's nice and all, but beyond that, what could she do? She's not just obsolete. She's so outdated that I can't even think up a proper analogy. The Atlantic's a back and forth, but not as bad as last time, and the Pacific is another story entirely. She'd be, at best, relegated to deskwork. Because she's slow(er than anything else on the roster) and undergunned. And I won't go into her hull.

...But yeah, that would be bad. Except probably as boarder/ raider or something like that. Even then, her target are limited to Supply Classes and other small fries.
Except probably as boarder/ raider or something like that. Even then, her target are limited to Supply Classes and other small fries.
She couldn't even get close to them without outside assistance. She may be a 'fast ship,' but that's fast for a sailing brig. Any merchant raider, or AMC will kill her, without much issue.
Could the Mikasa come back? She's 112, so potentially she could self summon, right?
Japanese mythology. After 100 years, something...something...

It's something to do with souls. I'm tired and my brain is dead from reading about Barbarossa. Sue me :V
Japanese mythology. After 100 years, something...something...

It's something to do with souls. I'm tired and my brain is dead from reading about Barbarossa. Sue me :V
They're called "Tsukumogami" and technically, it's only after 99 years of existing. Basically an object gains a soul and transforms into a yokai of various sorts depending on the object. Sandals gain tiny legs and eyes before running around, umbrellas sometimes gain a foot, an eye, and a very big tongue, and so on.
They're called "Tsukumogami" and technically, it's only after 99 years of existing. Basically an object gains a soul and transforms into a yokai of various sorts depending on the object. Sandals gain tiny legs and eyes before running around, umbrellas sometimes gain a foot, an eye, and a very big tongue, and so on.
Please note that this is actually a controversial definition.
So, that's now canon?
It is for Harry Lefert's Harry and the Shipgirls thread.
The Kaiju didn't self promote, so I did it instead.
Yeah, there's gonna be complete chaos at this wedding...probably 'funny-ha-ha' and 'funny-uh-oh' chaos, not 'weep-wail-and-sob' chaos. (Well, there will be crying, probably, but happy tears only. I mean, come on...we can't ruin Mutsu's wedding! That's on par with interrupting teatime!)
Yeah, there's gonna be complete chaos at this wedding...probably 'funny-ha-ha' and 'funny-uh-oh' chaos, not 'weep-wail-and-sob' chaos. (Well, there will be crying, probably, but happy tears only. I mean, come on...we can't ruin Mutsu's wedding! That's on par with interrupting teatime!)
Except that the Abyssals are determined to ruin Mutsu's wedding, but I doubt they can get past the other shipgirls. :cool:
You know, with everyone in JSDMF, USN, and their mother and odd warships from other countries, I won't worry too much about, er, wedding crashers.
Actually, I kinda feel sorry for them. Also, there should be a Russian Salutations joke there.
You know, with everyone in JSDMF, USN, and their mother and odd warships from other countries, I won't worry too much about, er, wedding crashers.
Actually, I kinda feel sorry for them. Also, there should be a Russian Salutations joke there.

But the problem is if an Abyssal managed to deal a serious blow to Admiral Richardson, since we humans are squishy, y'know...
Except that the Abyssals are determined to ruin Mutsu's wedding, but I doubt they can get past the other shipgirls. :cool: the Abyssals even know about the wedding? I can't remember if they consider that significant or not. If I were an Abyssal commander, I would be thinking, 'All right, all the shipgirls are going to be at Location W. 'W' for 'Wedding'...haha, I'm so clever! :) So hitting there would be an uber-bad idea unless we all want to die. But with all the shipgirls at Location W, Locations X, Y, and Z are going to be wide open. Yeah, let's hit those locations instead.' the Abyssals even know about the wedding? I can't remember if they consider that significant or not. If I were an Abyssal commander, I would be thinking, 'All right, all the shipgirls are going to be at Location W. 'W' for 'Wedding'...haha, I'm so clever! :) So hitting there would be an uber-bad idea unless we all want to die. But with all the shipgirls at Location W, Locations X, Y, and Z are going to be wide open. Yeah, let's hit those locations instead.'
...Mine shipgirls are a thing?