Wait...do the Abyssals even know about the wedding? I can't remember if they consider that significant or not. If I were an Abyssal commander, I would be thinking, 'All right, all the shipgirls are going to be at Location W. 'W' for 'Wedding'...haha, I'm so clever! :) So hitting there would be an uber-bad idea unless we all want to die. But with all the shipgirls at Location W, Locations X, Y, and Z are going to be wide open. Yeah, let's hit those locations instead.'

Perhaps a massive Pearl Harbour style air raid on the wedding while everybodys distracted?
If the Abyssals know who's getting married, then they know that if they attack the wedding in any way, they run the risk of a very angry Nagato. If the Abyssals attack the wedding, I somehow see Nagato wading into the midst of the attacking fleet and ripping the Abyssal flagship apart with her bare hands.

...And a thought just occurred to me: what if said flagship was Tosa?
Visited Patriot's Point today. Pictures to come after I get home. But briefly:

Yorktown was cool. There's a lot of interesting display on the hangar deck, and poking around the engineering spaces was fun.

Laffey was also fun, although there's not as much ship to explore. I highly, highly recommend the Turret 53 presentation.

Clamagore is interesting, mostly because of what she doesn't have, being a GUPPY sub.
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Just read the SB thread, basically.

The rule isn't "No French fast BBs" it's "not characters big and powerful enough to meaningfully impact the main story line in side stories." Richelieu is such a potent battlewagon that she would logically be incorporated in a lot of the plot threads I have worked up, but that means handing her back and forth between Sky and me. And from working with Iron, that's not something I want to do if I can avoid it. It's fun, but it also takes a long time.

I've asked the Omake writers to keep things contained so I don't need to juggle three storylines.
Wonder if we'll see the kaibokans in this story (Shimushu, Kunashiri, Etorofu, & Matsuwa)...or would that be cuteness overload?
They're too small according to the rules and would be animals instead. The Flower class is right around their displacement and were turned into Labrador Retrievers after all (yes, I am still a bit annoyed about that).
So the fact that they're actual girls doesn't apply in this fic? Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
Mo and Wisky letting loose the thunder!

Sadly, there will never be a sight like that again. I remember when I was about to graduate high school (May 2002) a U.S. Navy recruiter saw me reading one of my many naval history books and was trying to convince me to sign up (I was refused due to flat feet and back problems).

Our conversation:

ME: Thanks, but four out of my top five postings are no longer in service.
RECRUITER: What are those?
ME: The Iowa-class battleships.
RECRUITER: Those are antiques...we use missile cruisers and destroyers now.
ME: Guess I'm just one for the legends / classics.
RECRUITER: What's your fifth choice?
ME: The Enterprise.
RECRUITER: She's the oldest ship in the fleet...why would you pick her?
ME: The name alone. *Then, after a brief pause* Well, that and...*flashes Vulcan hand salute*
What is with the Frenchies and putting all the guns forward? Do they envision NEVER retreating? Because seriously, France?
It actually negates one of the standard tactics in World War era naval combat. A ship with an all forward armament can direct its full firepower at any vessel trying to 'cross the T' while minimizing its own profile. But also what @landcollector said.
Omake: FAKE botegurl NEWS
Man to Marry Battleship
Jason Barros- CNN, Tokyo.

It may sound like a headline from a 1950s tabloid, but tomorrow, Admiral John Richardson of the US Navy (no relation to the current Chief of Naval Operations) is to marry the battleship Mutsu of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Forces. The ceremony comes as a total surprise to many, who did not expect an American officer to marry one of his subordinates. Sources close to the Admiral say otherwise.

USS New Jersey, when contacted, stated that she "Saw him f***ing the s*** out of her from thirty miles away. And she f***ing needed it, too. Otherwise her third turret would explode, and not in a fun, sexual-ish way."

New Jersey, in her response, was referring to an incident during World War 2 where Mutsu exploded while in port. The incident was officially stated to be caused by a suicidal crewman.

The response from others under Richardson's command were far less foul.

"Kongou-onee-sama was willing to give up her claim on being the first of us to bear children." Said Hiei, when asked.

"The two are going to make one another very happy." Arizona responded.

The wedding comes after confirmation that Mutsu is pregnant and expecting twins. The revelation shocked the scientific community, who had insisted that it was impossible for ships to bear children. Other responses to the announcement of both the wedding and the pregnancy were less than supportive.

"Mutsu was able to find someone to love her, while I can't find any kind of victory on that battlefield!" A Japanese heavy cruiser complained, who wished to remain anonymous.

Arizona's sister ship, Pennsylvania, was also less than enthusiastic. However, her comment, due to the racially charged and inflammatory language used, will not be published.

Attendance is expected to be very high, with officials from both Japan and America present. When pressed about security measures, the wedding organizers stated that the ceremony "secured itself". The wedding will take away a number of the "Shipgirl" units away from their normal patrol rotations, leaving concerns that Abyssal forces will take advantage of the gaps. However, both US Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defence Forces officials have stated that they will ensure that any gaps in Japan's defences will be thoroughly covered.

The wedding ceremony will be covered live by CNN and affiliated outlets.

Read More:

USS Saratoga Returns as Battlecruiser, Rumored to be in Relationship With Author

USN Efforts to Summon Carriers Meet Little Success

Military Forces Scramble to Provide Birth Control for Shipgirl Units

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Except they had three triple gun turrets instead of four with the third turret placed in a very awkward position.
That sort of arrangement was quite popular with naval architects of the 20's, although only the NelRods were built with it. It gives you maximum broadside firepower on a compact citadel, as well as simplifies machinery arrangements. On the other hand, it turns out that hyper concentrating all the things that go boom together tends to, well, risk them going boom, especially since the turrets were practically amidships where they were most likely to get hit by boom-inducing boomness. So there would be boom... Maybe not today, but boom tomorrow... (love the B5 quote)

Therefore once naval architects thought about it, they discarded the entire idea as a bad one and just went back to more traditional arrangements.