Then why don't we see more of that? o_0If I rember correctly she was rocking out when taffy 3 was summoned.
that tooAnd when woman is impregnated by battleship who is also woman?
And when woman is impregnated by battleship who is also woman?
I favor a modern battleship but I'ma not open that can of worms here.
Which would take months, if not years to design and build.I favor a modern battleship but I'ma not open that can of worms here.
and? To fully remodel Iowa would take almost as much time and more money. And for a ship whose primary armament (read: not the type of ship itself) is out of style for the wars we fight today. Shell dispersion is 200 yards apart, in an age where munitions can land within mere feet of their target.
"Iowa, please taking care of my leg. Or fucking else."
"Calm your tits, sis. I won't let anything happen to it."
She can still talk to the (arguably) existing spirit of the hull. Won't get straight answer, tho, but it's the thought that counts."Calm your tits, sis. I won't let anything happen to it."
Though you guys do realize that in taking her out of mothball she won't be available for summon until the war's pretty much over, right?
yes, but now you need 2000 people just to run something that could have run by herself.She can still talk to the (arguably) existing spirit of the hull. Won't get straight answer, tho, but it's the thought that counts.
yes, but now you need 2000 people just to run something that could have run by herself.
Oh wait so is that how it works?Iowa hasn't hit the 100 year old threshold to self summon, and she isn't sunk. She can't be summoned yet. Unless you are willing to sink or scrap one of the two remaining Iowas, she's not going to appear.
*All the shipgirls have together for the wedding and music is blaring at the reception. It somehow reaches the summoning chamber which produces...something*
*The reception is still going strong when a Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike strolls in*
Black Pearl: *Speaks just like Jack* A wedding? I love weddings! Drinks all around!
Taffy Three: YAY! *Murder-balls make a beeline for the bar*
Jersey: *Grabs onto their shirts to stop them* Yeah, that shit ain't happening.
The insanity is just strong enough for this to occur.
JMPer: Nixed!