Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
- Location
- Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood
"There's another one of you subtheives running around?" Goto scowled and rubbed at his temples. While a rouge American subgirl wasn't at the top of his list of waking nightmares, it was up there. Those boats had played hell with Japan's economy during the war, and this time they didn't even have to do all the damage themselves.
While I'm sure all the shipgirls at Goto's base getting all fancied up with rouge and wanting to take him on a date does qualify as a walking nightmare for him, I'm pretty sure in this case a rogue American shipgirl is more what he's worried about.
You've got a great story going here and I feel like I'm being a downer making my post in this thread about a typo, but this one really bugs me.
