If anything Nautilus needs a either a Tommy Gun or a Johnston LMG, and I think the logic behind this discussion was because Nautilus staged the first ever sub launched special operation mission when she dropped off the Marine Raiders on Makin Atoll.
If anything Nautilus needs a either a Tommy Gun or a Johnston LMG, and I think the logic behind this discussion was because Nautilus staged the first ever sub launched special operation mission when she dropped off the Marine Raiders on Makin Atoll.
that's why she needs something with a suppressor on it, for all the secret squirrel shit she'd be doing.
If anything Nautilus needs a either a Tommy Gun or a Johnston LMG, and I think the logic behind this discussion was because Nautilus staged the first ever sub launched special operation mission when she dropped off the Marine Raiders on Makin Atoll.
M1 Garand would be more appropriate, IMO. The Marine Raiders got them ahead of the rest of the Corp, for one. Also, the Nautilus was considered too large, slow to dive, too hard to maneuver, and too easy to detect for conventional submarine duties, and the Marine Corp had similar issues with the Garand: Big and heavy.
EDIT: Nautilus isn't the Commando, the Secret Squirrel. She's the Secret Squirrel's support.
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M1 Garand would be more appropriate, IMO. The Marine Raiders got them ahead of the rest of the Corp, for one. Also, the Nautilus was considered too large, slow to dive, too hard to maneuver, and too easy to detect for conventional submarine duties, and the Marine Corp had similar issues with the Garand: Big and heavy.
EDIT: Nautilus isn't the Commando, the Secret Squirrel. She's the Secret Squirrel's support.

Wasn't she also armed with a pair of 6in Deckguns?
I...no! No! I can't have binged my way through to the present time. ...nooooooooooooooo...

I'll keep watching.
I've fired one of those, and they are shiiiiit. (It's amazing the things that show up in a Iraqi confiscated arms pile...)
Apparently, someone in Syria dug up an old Wehrmacht leFH 18 in 2015 and put it into use against ISIS combatants. Honestly, I'm not surprised--a 105mm howitzer is a 105mm howitzer, and as long as the barrel's still sound, an eighty-year-old one is just as effective as a brand-new one...

I...no! No! I can't have binged my way through to the present time. ...nooooooooooooooo...

I'll keep watching.
Now you go back and reread the entire thread, so you get all the commentary and non-threadmarked omake and such... all 10,000+ posts... :lol
Apparently, someone in Syria dug up an old Wehrmacht leFH 18 in 2015 and put it into use against ISIS combatants. Honestly, I'm not surprised--a 105mm howitzer is a 105mm howitzer, and as long as the barrel's still sound, an eighty-year-old one is just as effective as a brand-new one...
Wonder if they'll manage to dig up actual German WW2 tanks the Syrians used as stationary gun emplacements at certain borders. That'll make me genuinely impressed. And also a little sad, because stuff like that ought to go in a museum.

Now you go back and reread the entire thread, so you get all the commentary and non-threadmarked omake and such... all 10,000+ posts... :lol
"Kameraden, I bring news from Berlin!"
>"Great, now go back there."
"But I just came from-"
I think there's also stuff on the SpaceBattles threads that sometimes doesn't make it over here. Like some of the plushies and chibis.
So... just a question, but when is anyone going to realize how lewd Sendai is? I mean... people have read her lines about "Night Battles" in the game and realized that she's often not talking about the fighting kind...
I...no! No! I can't have binged my way through to the present time. ...nooooooooooooooo...

Now you go back and reread the entire thread, so you get all the commentary and non-threadmarked omake and such... all 10,000+ posts... :lol
Now go read the SB threads. All 1500 pages or so of them.
GIVE UP YOUR SECRETS YOU OLD BASTARD! Tell us everything you know about the cuteness!:p

Wash, Jersey, Ari, Sammy ('Laska has several of the Wash plushies)

'Laska hugging her plushie

Taffies plus White

Albie, Vestal, England and Kidd


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I've fired one of those, and they are shiiiiit. (It's amazing the things that show up in a Iraqi confiscated arms pile...)
To be fair when the Sten guns were first designed and made, the Brits were going for cheap and easy to make. Sure they were far from the best guns out there, but given the circumstances their makers needed lots of firearms now.
To be fair when the Sten guns were first designed and made, the Brits were going for cheap and easy to make. Sure they were far from the best guns out there, but given the circumstances their makers needed lots of firearms now.
Because most of the British Army's guns and equipment were on the shore at Dunkirk.
Eh. Takes a couple hours to make a gun, but almost 20 years to make someone who can shoot straight with it.
'twas a sound decision they made.
We Canucks covered the realities of the Sten gun pretty well:
Ode to a Sten Gun

By Gunner. S.N. Teed

You wicked piece of vicious tin!
Call you a gun? Don't make me grin.
You're just a bloated piece of pipe.
You couldn't hit a hunk of tripe.
But when you're with me in the night,
I'll tell you pal, you're just alright!

Each day I wipe you free of dirt.
Your dratted corners tear my shirt.
I cuss at you and call you names,
You're much more trouble than my dames.
But boy, do I love to hear you yammer
When you 're spitting lead in a business manner.

You conceited pile of salvage junk.
I think this prowess talk is bunk.
Yet if I want a wall of lead
Thrown at some Jerry's head
It is to you I raise my hat;
You're a damn good pal...

You silly gat!
You know what they say. Even a crappy gun is better than no gun at all.

Unless it's a smoothbore musket, then the Bow and Arrow is better, in terms of accuracy and range.

EDIT: Also I just remembered this. In the Halo Universe their isn't a ship named UNSC New Jersey but their is or rather was a ship named UNSC Musashi which was a Carrier. Wonder how our two favorite battleships will react to that?
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