Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

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[] Koprulu Disaster Relief Committee
Edward Fitzsimmons' old NGO is still up and running, providing food, shelter, and other resources to the massive population of refugees across the Fringe Worlds. Their personnel are hardened veterans of the Great War refugee exodus and can offer a broad spectrum of helpful advice, particularly given their widespread acceptance in otherwise untrusting Fringe frontier settlements.
Crisis Management: +5 to all Infrastructure, Environmental, and Services dice
Frontier Contacts: +5 to all Fringe Worlds projects

[] Milspec Ltd.
Having failed to secure a government position, Jamie Winston has teamed up with their old work group from the Sons and gone into the private sector. As Milspec Ltd., they specialize in military engineering, ruggedization, survival infrastructure, and various related fields. Winston's own tendency to occasionally get blown up by or caught in the jaws of whatever they're researching has been thoroughly mitigated by an entire team of safety experts and other babysitters. Consequently, they are prepared to offer their expertise as consultants.
Legion of Geniuses: +5 to all Infrastructure, Research, and Military dice
Innovation Specialists: +5 to all Tech projects

One of these two. I think having Environment and Services would both help since right now those are at a higher - than many of the others. And of course, in both cases another +5 to Infrastructure is great, but everyone does that.
[X] Cruikshank and Taylor

We've promised we're gonna make regular progress on augustgrad
getting a bonus to it seems wise
I don't think the Military dice are that useful, though it would of course play to some strengths. But I'd rather get Services and Environmental penalties down to -1, tbh.

...Research is tempting, of course.

[X] Koprulu Disaster Relief Committee
Though I will say that the +5 to Personal from Dewey Cheatum is tempting to counteract our penalties to Personal. But I don't know if it's enough so to, like, overwhelm the alternatives.
[x] Cruikshank and Taylor

IMO this is the more overall useful to us, due to the bonus to Personal rolls. The reason is that a lot of Personal actions/projects are pass/fail with specific thresholds, with more severe consequences for failing them, and they'd help avoid that. That's kind of important given we're likely to start engaging in subversive activities soon, and thus need to avoid as much Paranoia as possible.

Bureaucracy is also a good priority for us, IMO, since there are a lot of projects we should complete ASAP - like the Statistics project - because they would likely give us more information to make decisions with.

The disaster relief group is a good second choice though.

I think that continued discounting of NIM and continuing, as we have already done this turn, albeit for a good reason, to basically keep on chipping in small numbers of dice into what is in fact a highly critical piece of the Dominion's economy would be a mistake.

But yes, it is also wait and see with what the Tool and Die impacts.
IMO you're both exaggerating, and focusing far too much on NIM, while ignoring the greater overall context it exists in.
To start with, 3 dice is hardly a "small" number; it's 3/4ths of our total available Free or Heavy Industry dice. Further, by your own estimates the chance to complete NIM in Q2 with a 4-die investment would be extremely small, and you expect to need another 2-die investment in Q3 to complete it. Shifting 1 die away from it for Q2 thus simply means that in Q3 it would require 3 dice to finish. That's it. Not sure why you're trying to make such a huge deal out of that.

This still ignores the larger context of the plan, though; Infrastructure remains incredibly tight in terms of the work that we *absolutely must* get done by Q4 '11, if we don't want to disappoint ol' Arcturus (and we know what happens to people who disappoint petty tyrants like Arcturus Mengsk, don't we?), so we need labor-saving projects such as the T&D Works and SCV Factory to get ourselves some breathing room.
Labor-saving projects of which at least one, but quite possibly both, are likely to also affect the NIM project and reduce the amount of progress required to complete its various phases. So by making sure that we complete the SCV Factory in Q2, we might very well be able to save dice or R in order to complete NIM in Q3. Or, if both labor-saving projects apply, there's a chance that NIM might even be completed in Q2, like what happened with the Military Recruitment Office this turn.
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[X] Koprulu Disaster Relief Committee

Korpulu's own version of the Mozart Group for the subversion of the plan.
[x] Cruikshank and Taylor

IMO this is the more overall useful to us, due to the bonus to Personal rolls. The reason is that a lot of Personal actions/projects are pass/fail with specific thresholds, with more severe consequences for failing them, and they'd help avoid that. That's kind of important given we're likely to start engaging in subversive activities soon, and thus need to avoid as much Paranoia as possible.

Bureaucracy is also a good priority for us, IMO, since there are a lot of projects we should complete ASAP - like the Statistics project - because they would likely give us more information to make decisions with.

The disaster relief group is a good second choice though.

IMO you're both exaggerating, and focusing far too much on NIM, while ignoring the greater overall context it exists in.
To start with, 3 dice is hardly a "small" number; it's 3/4ths of our total available Free or Heavy Industry dice. Further, by your own estimates the chance to complete NIM in Q2 with a 4-die investment would be extremely small, and you expect to need another 2-die investment in Q3 to complete it. Shifting 1 die away from it for Q2 thus simply means that in Q3 it would require 3 dice to finish. That's it. Not sure why you're trying to make such a huge deal out of that.

This still ignores the larger context of the plan, though; Infrastructure remains incredibly tight in terms of the work that we *absolutely must* get done by Q4 '11, if we don't want to disappoint ol' Arcturus (and we know what happens to people who disappoint petty tyrants like Arcturus Mengsk, don't we?), so we need labor-saving projects such as the T&D Works and SCV Factory to get ourselves some breathing room.
Labor-saving projects of which at least one, but quite possibly both, are likely to also affect the NIM project and reduce the amount of progress required to complete its various phases. So by making sure that we complete the SCV Factory in Q2, we might very well be able to save dice or R in order to complete NIM in Q3. Or, if both labor-saving projects apply, there's a chance that NIM might even be completed in Q2, like what happened with the Military Recruitment Office this turn.

I did an analysis of why 4/3 might be slightly better at 3/4. I don't think that either combination is going to spell doom, tbh, unless NIM gets pushed off again in Q2 or so on.

I guess it also depends on what gets shortened by it. If the SCVs get shortened by 50, that would make 4/3 even more attractive, whereas if it doesn't but NIM does, it'd make 3/4 more attractive. If both that kinda gives the edge to 4/3 just in terms of trying to get closer to completing both.

E: Oh, I will say that I'm skeptical that SCVs will improve NIM, just because SCVs seem more like a large construction project kind of bonus. Infrastructure things rather than "rebuilding the existing industrial plants."
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[X] Cruikshank and Taylor

Ultimately improving our Personal action category's abysmal -13 is critical if we want to make serious headway on Subverting the Plan.

Research is also great though.
[X] Cruikshank and Taylor

As of now, the Disaster Relief Committee's secondary bonus applies to only 1 action, whereas Cruikshank and Taylor's secondary bonus is more widespread (and includes the only action that would allow us to know IC about Valerian, who can be used to, in time, change the Dominion to be better without making it too vulnerable to enemies of the Dominion; once the bonus changes to target Korhal actions, it makes getting into contact with Colonel de Santo easier, if we want to do that at some point). Between Bureaucracy and Personal dice bonus vs Environmental and Services dice bonus, I think the former is slightly more important than the latter.
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God, I would've killed for an Environment, Services, Personal loadout. As it is though, Personal has to be where we steer bonuses. It has our fewest dice and harshest penalties, and we nuked it into the ground. If we fail to complete Services, we have to spend another die. If we fail a Personal DC, we might die. Sadly both Center of Power and Frontier Contacts are kind of useless right now, but maybe we'll get more projects moving forward.

[X] Cruikshank and Taylor