Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

Emergency Response Plan Second Round Review
So.. Railgun Launch assist seem viable at least seem like solid plan too, here my edited idea of BIFROST. It turn in to 2 plan in one.

[] Plan: Rapid Deployment
-[] Megastructure Design:
--[] Name: Project Heimdall (can probably start this project after Ulysses deal with, )
---[] Concept: A Large Railgun turret launch system that able to use aircraft as payload, This launch system are build to be able to launch aircraft with enough speed to deploy immediately at certain range, the Railgun turrets got 270 degree of movement thus be able to aim the payload to exit the atmosphere or use the Earth high altitude orbit to help aircraft get to where its need faster. (Basically offload most launch system from aircraft itself that allows aircraft to have lighter load but still able to operate in both Atmosphere and in space)
---[] Scope: Huge (Only need enough to be able to get the aircraft in to orbit, the atmosphere slingshot range is just a bonus)
---[] Approach: -
---[] Mobility: Stationary - Ground based railgun launch turret.
---[] Location: On the island area administrated by the brotherhood of Nod.
--[] Name: Project Bifrost V.2
---[] Concept: A fighter jet which design to be able to handle the strain from potential Railgun launch assist in the future, equipped with best weaponry and technologies that we can muster to deal with asteroids that split from Ulysses, The plan is to go in send in a fleet to deal with asteroids in high altitude or in low gravity.
---[] Scope: Huge (one timed)/Small (repeatable) (Overall tech research then each fighter jet need Small point amount to build)
---[] Approach: Fragment destruction (Laser, Missle, etc)
---[] Mobility: Mobile (Nuclear reactor + Ion thruster? May have more effective thrusters need more research)
---[] Location: On the island area administrated by the brotherhood of Nod.
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
-[] Intent: To the sky to stop an apocalypse, Shoot those fragments down and make our continents safe.

aka. Copy part of Arkship's railgun launch assist create seperate plan then make a Moderate project that can make use of said launch system. So basically we end up with fighter jet with can operate in both low Orbit and atmosphere but can't really transfer from atmosphere to outer space without assist, not really a problem when you re entry though as gravity will assist.
Also I gonna argue that station all fighter jets at Heimdall launch turrets seem stupid that is half true as in case of War or something similar we can just fire up Heimdall and aim at where we want to deploy the fighter jets. (Still a problem if Heimdall got blown up)

Also I redesign the launch assist to something similar to Stonehedge but its launch aircraft at high speed toward where we want not just payload. (don't talk about war potential, The rapid deployment alone gonna be worth it)

Project HEIMDALL is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The second revision of Project BIFROST is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. While either one of these projects in isolation is likely to be completed prior to Ulysses Day, it is exceedingly unlikely that both will be, and therefore the proposed prioritization of BIFROST before HEIMDALL is agreed upon. Note that without HEIMDALL the aircraft designed as part of BIFROST will require an alternative launch and support platform, but conventional methods such as aircraft carriers or the securing of basing rights from Usean or East Osean states may suffice for that.

Technically we are not of the impact zone right? And only harm thing is Tsunami or water rising?

So can we set up some kind of barrier that break H2O molecules in to Hydrogen and Oxygen? Aka. Water splitting.

I mean we got strong enough electricity (Electrolysis) or Heat (thermolysis) then we can probably erect some kind of anti water barrier to counter Tsunami and water rising.

Technically this is similar in design to Firestorm defense grid (Tiberium 2, not 3) that just blast high thermal energy in to Stratosphere to stop everything from getting pass while the grid is active.

firestorm in Tiberium 3 become forcefield so nope to that.

[] Plan: Firestorm Lite
-[] Megastructure Design:
--[] Name: Project firestorm
--[] Concept: Build a coastal defense grids with thermal lasers turrets connected with multiples nuclear reactors (possibly to also develop nuclear reactor tech to fusion territory?) which build up insane amount of heat (5000+ Celsius) as it will shoot laser upward forming thermal laser wall along the defense grids that will evaporate water or aim at the Tsunami to focus fire on it, this thermal laser will break water molecule bond and will transform them in to pure hydrogen and oxygen. Each defense grid will need delicate nuclear reactors to function while defense grid need to be strong enough to withstand Tsunami and intense heat while operation. (basically laser wall that can be turn in to laser turrets)
--[] Scope: Huge
--[] Approach: Mitigation
--[] Mobility: Stationary
--[] Location: around Antarctica
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
-[] Intent: To safeguard Antarctica, To protect our sky and to make sure its belong to us.

And here is the counter plan, RA3 Cryo tech.
Which to be fair almost impossible to exist.

[] Plan: Cryostorm Lite
-[] Megastructure Design:
--[] Name: Project Cryostorm
--[] Concept: A reverse concept of Firestorm instead of Thermal replace with Cyro, Build a coastal defense grids armed with multiple Energy absorption beam turret that will drain energy from target to make them frozen solid, This coastal defense grids will be power by multiples nuclear reactors, while the energy absorption may need further researches to make it usable in larger scale, take Heat sink for example its expel heat to outside environment so why not crank it up to 11 and freeze the whole Tsunami.
--[] Scope: Monumental
--[] Approach: Mitigation
--[] Mobility: Stationary
--[] Location: around Antarctica
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
-[] Intent: To safeguard Antarctica, To protect our sky and to make sure its belong to us.

Projects FIRESTORM and CYROSTORM are deemed NONVIABLE by the technical staff. The amount of energy required to flash-evaporate or flash-freeze continental-scale tsunami waves are currently beyond the energy grids of any nation on the planet, to say nothing of the technical concerns of attempting to create such novel technologies within such a short period of time.

Inspired by @DragonMAtlas's submission and the quoted response:

-[] Name: Project Fireworks
-[] Concept: Design a high-altitude fighter equipped with sufficient speed and firepower to intercept and destroy asteroid fragments before they land, then build as many as possible, up to enough to reasonable intercept all sizeable fragments.
-[] Scope: Monumental
-[] Approach: Fragment destruction
-[] Mobility: Mobile (Some kind of in-atmosphere thrusters.)
-[] Location: Somewhere in GDI territory? Plz help.

Not sure on the rest of it, but I think this would be a good in-universe solution, powered by Ace Combat absurdity.

Project FIREWORKS is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff, with the same caveat on launch and support infrastructure given in the response to Project BIFROST.

Plan Joyeuse
Take Two

"When history witnesses a great change, Excalibur reveals itself. First, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Excalibur returns, this time as a great hero."

"The Technical Board, having found Dr. von Killinger's proposal to be improperly scoped and containing technologically impractical references to 'force fields of pure energy,' had him taken out into the parking lot and beaten with wiffle bats. After his recovery, he returned with this somewhat more feasible proposal."

Name: Joyeuse (primary weapon system); Holy Lance (supporting technology, optional); the Paladins (secondary orbital support platforms, important); Erebus (laser launch system for satellite launches, strongly recommended)

Concept: Excalibur, but better, with slightly more than aesthetic changes, and more focus on the system of reflector satellites mentioned in lore. The satellites allow Joyeuse to fire "bank shots" to increase maximum potential firing range and engage asteroid fragments that are over the horizon from Joyeuse's perspective, or that would require impractically long paths through the atmosphere to engage..
The core of GDI's plan to protect the primary countries is clearly derivative of the Belkan 'Excalibur' ballistic missile defense system, with some refinements.

Joyeuse ('Joyous') itself is a massive chemical laser tower similar to the Excalibur design. Built to the same general scale as the thousand-meter Excalibur tower, Joyeuse integrates improved cooling systems, better beamline component redundancy than the original, and a secondary firing mode based on the exotic 'Holy Lance' pulse-laser system designed by Kane's engineers but rejected for installation by the Belkan government.

With the Holy Lance switched into the optical beamline, Joyeuse's beam would still appear continuous to the naked eye (given sufficient anti-blinding and anti-flash protection), but actually consists of long pulse trains of "chirped" millisecond-range laser pulses, yielding instantaneous power output in the terawatt range. This allows the multi-gigawatt beam to act less like a heating implement, and more like a stream of hundreds of battleship-caliber explosive shells striking the target per second. This is hoped to give Joyeuse optimal shattering power against the relatively frangible material of Ulysses. Much if not all of the asteroid is believed to be composed of frangible compacted rubble, explaining the expectation that it will fragment easily after passing the Roche limit. However, the Holy Lance can only be engaged in direct-fire mode, as the Paladin reflector satellites are not expected to be capable of withstanding the 'chirped' mode. Therefore, "bank shots" taken off the satellites will have to use the continuous-beam mode already familiar for those aware of Excalibur's performance during the Belkan War.

Joyeuse is intended to be supported by the Paladin satellite constellation. Numerous satellites will be launched into mid-altitude polar orbits, roughly 2000 km up, to ensure that there are always multiple satellites visible from Joyeuse's location at high latitude in the southern hemisphere. As these satellites will pass through the Van Allen belts continuously, despite significant radiation shielding, their service half-life is expected to be no more than 5-10 years. This will suffice to deal with Ulysses, but afterwards the satellites will need constant replenishment of their numbers, or replacement with a radically redesigned variant, to function satisfactorily.

As no current or likely GDI member state has extensive space launch infrastructure, the Paladin satellites will need to be launched into orbit by heavy-lift rockets of types only the major superpowers control, or GDI will need to develop its own space launch infrastructure. To make the task more feasible, Dr. von Killinger has dusted off preliminary studies for a laser launch system contemplated by the Brotherhood while still working with the Belkan government in the mid-1980s. Renaming the system 'Erebus' after the famous Antarctic volcano, Dr. von Killinger recommends that this system could be used to make it relatively easy to put the Paladins, and any other polar-orbiting or high-eccentricity satellites, into orbit by effectively replacing the lower stages of conventional rockets. The satellites would still need vacuum-optimized upper stage chemical rockets for final orbital insertion, but with laser launch, enormous costs in booster construction and transportation could be saved.

Dr. von Killinger notes that the same technology used in the 'Holy Lance' pulse laser apparatus would also be useful for the laser launch system, if an ablative propulsion concept is used rather than the alternative 'laser thermal rocket' concept.

Equipped as giant low-mass parabolic reflectors, the Paladin satellites can redirect and refocus the simpler continuous-wave Joyeuse beam to enable "bank-shot" firing modes. This provides more flexible options for engaging targets at orbit altitude. Theoretically the beam could be redirected against air and ground targets, as was done a number of times by the Belkans during the Belkan War, but this would be ineffective at striking targets more than at most 1000-2000 km from the Joyeuse tower proper. Joyeuse, as designed, would be unlikely to be considered a threat by the major superpowers, much as Excalibur was incapable of threatening, say, Erusea or Yuktobania.

Between direct-fire engagement of asteroids in orbital space as they pass over the relevant parts of the southern hemisphere, and "bank-shots" that may be less effective but can be delivered at other firing angles, it is hoped that Joyeuse can significantly mitigate the risk of tsunami-causing strikes threatening the GDI member states, and largely eliminate the risk of direct impacts (already expected to be low).
Scope: Huge (~7500 points). Joyeuse alone would be Moderate, capable of covering much of Chaldea, the Celestial Dominion, and Aurelia peninsula and disrupting most asteroid impacts against the land or parts of the ocean near the coast, mitigating the worst of the damage. Particularly when supported by the 'Paladins' satellite constellation, Joyeuse would be more flexible about engaging asteroids in other orbits, though with reduced shattering/disruptive effect as compared to the direct fire mode, and a reasonable degree of coverage against direct strikes could be extended to Leasath and potentially the Antarctic polities on the opposite side of the continent.

Approach: Fragment destruction. Fragments in much of the southern hemisphere sky can be targeted with (relatively) moderate-intensity "bank-shot" beams and hopefully shattered by differential heating and ablative propulsion forces. An asteroid fragment on direct approach within Joyeuse's direct line of sight may be hit with the 'Holy Lance' chirped pulse mode, which if successful would hit it with hundreds of multi-megajoule laser pulses per second, striking like a blizzard of battleship-caliber exploding shells and smashing the thing into bitty little pieces. Hopefully.

Mobility: The kilometer-ish-high laser tower is, of course, not mobile unless something has gone very wrong, in which case its mobility can probably be described as 'downward' (CURSE YOU, DEMON LORD!). The orbiting mirror satellites are mobile by definition, though their orbits are predictable unless someone commands them to fire up the thrusters and do a maneuver.

Location: the highest feasibly available and quasi-accessible non-sacred mountaintop on the North Island in the contested islands. 70 degrees South latitude, 162 degrees East latitude, assuming the '180' meridian on the map is the international date line in the system being used here. Hope I got the latitude and longitude right; the idea is that this is built on a mountain in the equivalent of the North Island Volcanic Plateau. The mountain is possibly a volcano, and probably extinct, but making our superweapon technically a volcano base is just the cherry on top.

1) Build the Joyeuse laser tower.
2) Optional: Enhance the Joyeuse laser tower with the 'Holy Lance' pulse laser system; tower should be designed to be viable without the Holy Lance.
3) Strongly Recommended: Launch the 'Paladin' laser reflector satellites to extend the effective range and firing angles of Joyeuse against asteroid fragments in planetary orbit.
4) Strongly Recommended, pursuant to (3): Construct the 'Erebus' laser launch facility to enable reasonably cost-effective launch of the Paladin satellites, as this would otherwise require us to outsource the launch to a foreign nation with substantial heavy-lift rockets. 'Holy Lance' tech will definitely help with the Erebus launch facility.


1) Extend Ulysses Mitigation. Given the need to cover both Chaldea and the Celestial Dominion, the desirability of covering western Antarctica (the part south of Usea) as well, and the basic concept of Joyeuse, it is if anything easier to extend coverage over Aurelia and Leasath than to not do so.

2) Establish World-Class Research Institutions. This system explores multiple ambitious space launch and exotic physics technologies, pushing the boundaries of what humanity believed to be possible even now, in the closing years of the twentieth century.

3) Expand GDI: We can almost certainly get Aurelia on-side, given the defensive laser coverage of much of their country. Leasath and the nations of East Antarctica (the Antarctic Republic and Nouvelle Erusea) can hopefully be persuaded to contribute resources to help ensure the Twelve Paladins actually launch, because we will need the laser reflector satellites just humble targeting support platforms to ensure coverage of their homelands.

Intent: WITH THE AID OF MY somewhat less ambitious SECRET WEAPON, defend Antarctica with the VASTLY SUPERIOR design that should totally have been used for Excalibur if the Belkans who drove us out in '91 weren't HIDEBOUND REACTIONARY IDIOTS!. This will purely coincidentally give us a giant regional doom laser system, with potential for an ambitious semi-related satellite technology we would TOTALLY need to launch anyway in 5-10 years' time to upgrade the system into an orbital doom laser with hemispheric if not global coverage, which it would then of course be wildly irresponsible to fire at the ground. NO LONGER WILL THE WORLD BE DOMINATED BY THE LEGACY OF THESE FOOLS!

The second revision of Project JOYEUSE is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The review board additionally extends its appreciation for a novel space launch system included in the design specifications, and would note for the record that no wiffle bats needed to be withdrawn in this round of review.


Trio of fragment interceptor planes powered by nuclear hybrid ramjets operating in the upper atmosphere and just beyond through the capability for short sub-orbital "hops" if nessecary. Constructing three separate airframes should reduce the requirements and stress placed on each individual system, as a proper shift schedule can allow for one to be ready on the runway or in the air at all times during the two week window while the others are undergoing a quick maintenance check in between flights, and can also still provide notable (if porpotionallly reduced) capability if only one or two are completed in time. Primary fragment destruction munitions are very high yield conventional missiles acting similarly to bunker buster weapons, designed to impact and penetrate into the fragments at high speed before detonating. Thus reducing the fragment into small chunks and gravel that will either burn up completely throughout any remaining reentry or be slowed down enough to have negligible effect on impact. Auxiliary backup fragment destruction weaponry in case of incomplete destruction or exhausting onboard missiles is a high strength fixed laser system powered by drawing energy from the nuclear powerplants.

Scope: Huge
Approach: Fragment Destruction
Mobility: Mobile (Twin thrust-vectoring nuclear ramjets, plus some amount of methane reaction mass to be used instead for operation below minimum velocity and above the atmosphere)
Location: Airfield and final assembly at 66 degrees South 164 degrees West.

Intent: Exactly as it says, to defend those under our wings from the threat of Ulysses. If that also means that constructing a system capable of later rapid, difficult to intercept, and highly effective first strikes against other Ulysses mitigation megastructures before the technologies of peace can once again be misused, well, what of it?

Not sure yet about the last two of these, but I think I've settled on the first two.
-(Antarc)Extend Ulysses mitigation efforts to Aurelia
-(Joint)Expand GDI
-(?)(Chaldea)Establish world-class research institutions
-(?)(Joint)Secure international trade

Tossing my hat in the ring for another variant on the "superplane vs asteroid fragments" idea. Just because that sounds cool and like something that would exist in Ace Combat.

The major difference in my version is making it three different planes rather than just one super plane. In universe, the rationale for that is to reduce the demands placed on any one particular aircraft by giving notable time to rest, repair, refuel, and rearm compared to just one plane needing to defend the entire area by itself for the full two weeks straight, as well as still being able to provide some asteroid mitigation technology even if only one or two are completed instead of having a single unusable plane that can't pull off any intercepts.

Out of universe, it also plays to the rule of three as bosses the AC protagonist may face over the course of the game. As for what kind use I'm imagining it will get as a superweapon in the hands of Kane, I'm thinking a superweapon to first strike and destroy everyone else's with the super bunker buster missiles being used to great effect against the Stonehenges or Excalibers or whatever else of the rest of the world either by striking them directly or attacking the foundations and ground they're sitting on to collapse them. Also probably pretty good against fortresses and undergrounds bases.

Project DAWN SHEPHERD is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The review board takes special notice of the fact that unlike other airborne interception missions, the craft outlined in DAWN SHEPHERD would not require a launch or supply base closer to the probable impact sites due to their nuclear powered ramjets. However, it should be noted that GDI has no indigenous source of uranium at this time, making its acquisition key to the eventual construction of the craft.


"In our darkest days, the Southern White Bird emerges as a symbol of unwavering resolve. Its wings span the horizon, casting a shadow over the chaos below and illuminating a path through the storm. As we fly alongside it, let our hearts be filled with courage and our spirits be unyielding. This majestic bird guides us towards victory, reminding us that even in the darkest times, hope can take flight and lead us to triumph."

[] Plan: Rising White Bird V2

-[] Name: Project Albatross
-[] Concept: A colossal low-orbit spacecraft, meticulously engineered to operate seamlessly in both the vacuum of space and within atmospheric conditions, stands as humanity's last line of defense against impending asteroid threats. This advanced vessel is outfitted with state-of-the-art technology and an array of formidable weapon systems, including high-powered laser beams and other cutting-edge armaments designed to intercept and obliterate incoming asteroid fragments before they can reach Earth.

In tandem with its defensive capabilities, the spacecraft is also engaged in constructing an innovative railgun launch assist facility. This facility is pivotal in accelerating reusable, large single-stage-to-orbit crafts and shuttles, ensuring efficient transport of essential components and crew members to the spacecraft. These shuttles will serve as a vital link, ferrying parts and personnel necessary for the continuous operation and maintenance of the spacecraft, thereby bolstering humanity's efforts to protect the planet from celestial hazards.

The process begins with surveys to find the best location for the railgun launch facility, focusing on stability, accessibility, and minimal environmental impact. Once the land is secured and cleared, detailed plans will be made with input from experts, and necessary environmental and safety checks will be completed.

Construction will start with setting up power systems, including substations and backup generators, and building the facility's main structure. Essential components like superconducting magnets and control electronics will be acquired and tested with a small prototype to ensure everything works as planned.

Collaboration with government agencies, aerospace companies, and academic institutions will be key for resources and funding. A public outreach campaign will address community concerns, and all required approvals and safety protocols will be put in place.

Installation of critical systems will follow, with thorough testing to ensure all parts work together smoothly. The railgun will undergo trial launches with dummy payloads to fine-tune its performance. Training programs will prepare the crew to operate the facility effectively. Throughout this phase, regular updates and reviews with stakeholders will ensure the project stays on track.
First, design and development will create detailed plans for the spacecraft, focusing on its features and performance. A prototype or simulation will be tested to ensure the design works.

Next, construction and testing will involve making and assembling key parts like the frame and propulsion system. The spacecraft will undergo integration tests and full-scale environmental tests to ensure it can handle space conditions.

In the third phase, final preparations will include making adjustments based on tests, integrating the spacecraft with the launch vehicle, and completing a readiness review to ensure everything is set for launch.

Finally, during the launch and post-launch phase, the spacecraft will be launched and monitored to ensure it reaches its orbit. Initial checks and calibration will be done once in space, and mission operations will begin. A review will follow to assess the launch and performance, capturing lessons for future missions.
--[] Scope: Monumental
--[] Approach: Fragment destruction
--[] Mobility: Stationary - Ground based railgun launch assist facility, Mobile - Orbital spacecraft.
--[] Location: On the island area administered by the brotherhood of Nod (A committee would determine where specifically the railgun launch facility would be establish)
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
-[] Intent: To safeguard Humanity as a symbol of peace, to protect the planet in a post-Ulysses world and "bridge" a path into outer space. (And if for some reason it becomes a weapon of war…well)

The second revision of Project ALBATROSS is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The inclusion of a space launch system is appreciated by the review board.

Right, feeling some inspirational spark, going to borrow from a few of these proposals but also throw in my own ideas/preferred goals.

[] Plan: Talons and Hands
-[] Mandates:
--[] (Antarc): Extend Ulysses mitigation efforts to Aurelia
--[] (Antarc): Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] (Chaldea): Establish world-class research institutions
--[] (Chaldea): Improve interior logistics
--[] (Joint): Create a meaningful military
--[] (Joint): Expand GDI
--[] (Joint): Secure international trade
-[] Project Black Hand: Utilizing the early draft ideas from Proposals Archer and Joyeuse, it is thought that a modular, multi-part system that uses both laser emitters and ground-based reflecting and focusing platforms can be utilized to not only focus a great number of beams on one or a few large fragments, but rapidly pivot to breaking up steadily smaller fragments as they get close or enter atmosphere. While this will likely not prevent some measure of global climate change from the sheer dust and debris, current estimations expect that this will be less than the results of one or more major impact events. From Proposal Archer, the idea is to emplace several mid-size laser towers at key points across the Antarctic continent, primarily "ringing" the continent (and thus keeping these emplacements closer to existing population centers), but with at least a small number further inland, perhaps mounted higher into the mountains as suggested in Proposal Stone Splitter. Due to the focus on utilizing a massed array of smaller laser systems (again per Proposal Archer), it is hoped and anticipated that at least some progress can be guaranteed before the Ulysses Event. The inclusion of reflector and focuser systems per Proposal Joyeuse, albeit ground-based (due to time and location constraints) should allow even "off-bore" firing to a large degree. While Project Eagle Talons is intended to operate alongside Black Hand, Black Hand is considered the primary avenue of immediate impact defense due to the available space to scale up the laser systems, as well as the ability to simply utilize the climate and terrain of Antarctica to cool the systems without horrific environmental impact.
--[] Scope: Huge, Scalable.
--[] Approach: Primarily Fragment Destruction, with potential to achieve Pre-Fragment Reduction if we achieve sufficient scale in usable timeframe.
--[] Mobility: Stationary, Distributed Locations
--[] Location: Scalable, ideally with at least 1 "cluster" of emitter towers located in each of the claimed territories, and major "central" emitter stations in the Chaldean Confederation, Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne, and the Kingdom of Eurasa territories.
-[] Project Eagle Talons: Based on the ideas outlined in Proposal Hermes and Proposal Bifrost, the idea of Eagle Talons is to construct and utilize a magrail-based launch assist system to propel vehicles to orbit without needing large disposable/multi-stage rocket systems. Small boosters for the craft may be required, but more along the lines of JATO assist devices, rather than full-scale SRB systems. Eagle Talons proposes to utilize the launched vehicles as the basis for deployment of three main potential weapon systems. First, nuclear-warhead-equipped guided missiles intended to intercept fragments in high atmosphere or near-Earth orbit distance, to break apart and slow down these fragments. Second, if found to be viable, a series of small laser satellites, likely using one-shot systems to reduce weight and cost; either chemical laser systems intended to "burn up" their fuel and systems as they make the shot or, if proven viable and constructed in time, some sort of crude bomb-pumped laser system to produce high-altitude xaser bursts to disrupt incoming fragments. Finally, high-explosive non-nuclear missiles can be deployed as needed by both boosted craft and more conventional planes to help the Black Hand system intercept mid-size or "small" fragments as they approach impact distance, hopefully at least mitigating some damage.
--[] Scope: Moderate, two main installations with attendant craft.
--[] Approach: Fragment Destruction
--[] Mobility: Launch Systems are Stationary, craft are Mobile.
--[] Location: One Launch Rail each in Chaldea and Antarc.

Project BLACK HAND is deemed POTENTIALLY VIABLE by the technical staff. Project EAGLE TALONS is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. Note that the major point of concern for BLACK HAND is political in nature, as it suggests ringing the entire Antarctic coastline with defense installations and therefore presumes the support of all Antarctic powers. While this is not seen as necessarily insurmountable, it is a factor to consider. A minor note for Project EAGLE TALONS is a repetition of that given to Project DAWN SHEPHERD, specifically that GDI lacks an indigenous source of uranium which would be required for the theorized nuclear payload.

Project Citadel​
A project of Last Resort, in the case that Celestial/Orbital/Sub-Orbital interception of Ulysses is unsuccessful, a think tank was put together on protecting the cities of the GDI from the effects of impact and fragments. This consists of the construction of coastal walls around the major population centres of Confederation and Dominion of immense size, designed with dealing with upwards of 50m high waves, alongside functioning as bunkers and caches for post-impact survival. These walls are designed to provide a bastion for the cities themselves, as well as be directly liveable by populations for upwards fo 6 months.

Scope: Small-Moderate

Approach: Mitigation and Evacuation.

Mobility: Stationary

Location: Depending on Project Stages: Capitals > Regional Capitals > Major Cities > Cities.

Mandates: Perform exploratory drilling, Improve interior logistics, Create a meaningful military.

Intent: The intent of this project and the long-term goals of the GDI is to create a fortress from which the nations under Kane can trust as a population/industrial/research fallback point for the eventual expansion.

Right, how does this look? Still in the mega-project idea, but instead of being lasers or aircraft, it's making giant fuck-off Wall-Bunkers for the population to shelter in and ride out the storm. Also, totally not a way for Kane to consolidate power from the nations, making them know that their lives have been saved by him directly, rather than a more nebulous project.

Project CITADEL is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. More conservative members of the review board urge that that this be adopted at least in part as a mitigation measure in case other, more ambitious plans, fail to succeed as hoped. GDI is urged to divide construction effort as evenly as possible between Antarc and Chaldean territory.

Project Solace

Concept: We're really good at both lasers and excavation. Combine them. Project Solace is centered around a large network of what is effectively armored arcologies built around enormous lasers. Buried almost entirely in the ground, the living quarters are capable of sustaining the population of a major city for about a year at full load, with a tenth load of occupants being entirely self-sufficient. They happen to be easily retrofit into research or manufacturing facilities. The core of these subterranean cities consist of an enormous laser array for the purpose of shooting down asteroid fragments, but just so happens to double as incredibly effective anti-air systems.

Scope: Small (Design), Tiny (Repeatable, Construction)

Approach: Fragment destruction, Evacuation

Mobility: Stationary

Location: One in or nearby each major city

Extend Ulysses mitigation efforts to Aurelia
Establish world-class research institutions
Expand GDI

Intent: Okay, this is a sort of "Design general civilian fallback shelter, license the design to member nations and subsidize their construction" plan. Is this becoming Vault-Tec? I really hope not. In the aftermath, we have a bunch of extra ones converted into hidden research and manufacturing facilities, and also build them further south for expansion and research. Also provides safe haven for civilian populations during wartime.

Project SOLACE is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. If selected as the only project to be constructed, GDI must create at least THREE (3) installations - one to be located in the Antarc capital, one in the Chaldean capital, and a third for GDI itself.

Project Normandy​

Concept: If the fragments of Ulysses, let alone chunks, land in close proximity to the nations of the GDI, then the coastlines of the Confederation and the Dominion would be under threat from tsunami waves measuring tens of metres tall, with direct impacts registering in the megatons. As such, the construction of water-based mega-vessels, designed to accomodate the population of the GDI while providing protection, food production and industrial use for colonisation after the impact. Measuring in the hundreds of metres each, the vessels would provide shelter for vast swathes of the population during and after the impact, then the foundation for reclamation. Weaponry will of-course be attached to each vessel, to fend-off attempts from other nations to halt our efforts.

Scope: Minimal

Approach: Evacuation

Mobility: Mobile - water-based system

Location: Construction yards in Major Ports, then oceanic.

Mandate: Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds, Establish world-class research institutions, Create a meaningful military

Intent: Basically, big fuck-off battle-carriers. Designed to house a decent amount of population ala 2012 for upwards of several years. Of course, the fact that they can be used to aggressively expand Kane's direct reach, through providing perfect vehicles for amphibious invasion of the Global South, is completely coincidental.

Project NORMANDY is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The review board notes that GDI must either select an additional project or upscope the intended number of vessels in order for this plan to be acceptable.


"In our darkest days, the Southern White Bird emerges as a symbol of unwavering resolve. Its wings span the horizon, casting a shadow over the chaos below and illuminating a path through the storm. As we fly alongside it, let our hearts be filled with courage and our spirits be unyielding. This majestic bird guides us towards victory, reminding us that even in the darkest times, hope can take flight and lead us to triumph."

[] Plan: Rising White Bird V3

-[] Name: Project Albatross
-[] Concept: A colossal low-orbit spacecraft, meticulously engineered to operate seamlessly in both the vacuum of space and within atmospheric conditions, stands as humanity's last line of defense against impending asteroid threats. This advanced vessel is outfitted with state-of-the-art technology and an array of formidable weapon systems, including high-powered laser beams and other cutting-edge armaments designed to intercept and obliterate incoming asteroid fragments before they can reach Earth.

In tandem with its defensive capabilities, the spacecraft is also engaged in constructing an innovative mass driver launch assist facility. This facility is pivotal in accelerating reusable, large single-stage-to-orbit crafts and shuttles, ensuring efficient transport of essential components and crew members to the spacecraft. These shuttles will serve as a vital link, ferrying parts and personnel necessary for the continuous operation and maintenance of the spacecraft, thereby bolstering humanity's efforts to protect the planet from celestial hazards.

The process begins with surveys to find the best location for the mass driver launch facility, focusing on stability, accessibility, and minimal environmental impact. Once the land is secured and cleared, detailed plans will be made with input from experts, and necessary environmental and safety checks will be completed.

Construction will start with setting up power systems, including substations and backup generators, and building the facility's main structure. Essential components like superconducting magnets and control electronics will be acquired and tested with a small prototype to ensure everything works as planned.

Collaboration with government agencies, aerospace companies, and academic institutions will be key for resources and funding. A public outreach campaign will address community concerns, and all required approvals and safety protocols will be put in place.

Installation of critical systems will follow, with thorough testing to ensure all parts work together smoothly. The mass driver will undergo trial launches with dummy payloads to fine-tune its performance. Training programs will prepare the crew to operate the facility effectively. Throughout this phase, regular updates and reviews with stakeholders will ensure the project stays on track.
First, design and development will create detailed plans for the spacecraft, focusing on its features and performance. A prototype or simulation will be tested to ensure the design works.

Next, construction and testing will involve making and assembling key parts like the frame and propulsion system. The spacecraft will undergo integration tests and full-scale environmental tests to ensure it can handle space conditions.

In the third phase, final preparations will include making adjustments based on tests, integrating the spacecraft with the launch vehicle, and completing a readiness review to ensure everything is set for launch.

Finally, during the launch and post-launch phase, the spacecraft will be launched and monitored to ensure it reaches its orbit. Initial checks and calibration will be done once in space, and mission operations will begin. A review will follow to assess the launch and performance, capturing lessons for future missions.
--[] Scope: Monumental
--[] Approach: Fragment destruction
--[] Mobility: Stationary - Ground based mass driver launch assist facility, Mobile - Orbital spacecraft.
--[] Location: On the island area administered by the brotherhood of Nod (A committee would determine where specifically the mass driver launch facility would be establish)
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
-[] Intent: To safeguard Humanity as a symbol of peace, to protect the planet in a post-Ulysses world and "bridge" a path into outer space. (And if for some reason it becomes a weapon of war…well)

[Last revision for tonight, rather than a railgun will instead opt for mass driver, thanks for the feedback! Also I'm still all in for having an arkbird as ideal solution for Ulysses and afterwards as a weapon of WAR…I mean PEACE hehe]

The third revision of Project ALBATROSS is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The simplification of the proposed space launch system is noted by the review board.

Plan: Sky Odyssey

-[X] Megastructure Design:
--[X] Name: Acanthoplex Project
--[X] Concept: Von Neumann missiles with chemical reagents that disintegrate inorganic matter and self-propagate without control on the materials that are in contact with the chemicals in environments without gravity and oxygen. (Think of the Nanite Warheads in G.I. Joe)
--[X] Range: Huge/Moderate {It is noted that due to the nature of the weapon and how it works, it is a waste to build smaller missiles than the current ones due to the current limitations of the 'Self-Replicating Chemicals' (Cornucopia) ability to expand 'Hydracoreum Acid' (Hydra) for long periods of time without large amounts of Cornucopia, Hydra acid also consumes the missile itself without high volumes of Liquid Nitrogen (LN²) to suppress the chemical reaction that would disintegrate the Missile itself. It has been noted that while Hydra Acid works in gravity environments, its rate and capacity for material consumption becomes weaker in proportion to the gravitational force it suffers due to the stabilization of the acid molecules; in Earth's gravity Hydra Acid loses the ability to consume other materials that are not extremely stable such as Metals.}
--[X] Focus: Fragment Destruction/Prefragment Reduction {The plan is to launch a set of Acanthoplex Missiles (Huge version) at the Asteroid Ulysses and eliminate 38% (40% if rounded up based on best theoretical results) of its total mass before it reaches Earth, causing a decrease in the threat posed to the entire Arctic by 87%, leaving only a 13% threat to Arctic coastal areas caused by smaller fragments falling to Earth (This can be reduced to 4% by firing Medium Acanthoplex Missiles at the fragments before they reach the Stratosphere, where Hydra Acid will lose its ability to affect Ulysses' fragments). While theoretically a set of 2 Monumental-sized Acanthoplex Missiles could destroy the Asteroid Ulysses, the exorbitant expense and construction time of both missiles make it unfeasible}
--[X] Mobility: Stationary {space launch platforms for Huge version of the Acanthoplex Missile} / Mobile {Large vehicles with rocket launch capacity such as Nuclear Submarines, Mobile Batteries of Strategic Missiles or Huge Bombers for the Medium Version of the Acanthoplex}
--[X] Location: The westernmost part of the islands under the jurisdiction of NOD and the easternmost part of the islands of his Majesty of the Arctic Throne {Huge version, space launch platforms} / in the most coastal areas in the Usean-Arctic Ocean, next to the Arctic Republic {Medium Version, Submarines}

Here I launch my project to end the threat of the Asteroid Ulysses, the Project Acanthoplex has its name derived from the play that tells of the death of Odysseus at the hands of his son with a poisoned spear, it seemed to me an appropriately thematic name and also gave me the idea of using a weapon that 'poisons' the Asteroid to death. I also took inspiration from the Nanite Warheads from the G.I. Joe movie destroying the Ifel tower as an appropriate weapon for Ace Combat (but using chemicals), I'm sure everyone sees the war potential of these weapons that were sadly designed with another more noble purpose, but they will be given a more... practical use.

I have more Projects for future Weapons, but for now they are not necessary.

Project ACANTHOPLEX is deemed NONVIABLE by the technical staff. The proposed acid is purely theoretical with no known examples, let alone large-scale production methods of the sort required to eat away at a significant mass fraction of an asteroid measuring one mile in diameter.
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Project DAWN SHEPHERD is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The review board takes special notice of the fact that unlike other airborne interception missions, the craft outlined in DAWN SHEPHERD would not require a launch or supply base closer to the probable impact sites due to their nuclear powered ramjets. However, it should be noted that GDI has no indigenous source of uranium at this time, making its acquisition key to the eventual construction of the craft.
Who has fissile material these days, and who has uranium mines these days?
Project DAWN SHEPHERD is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. The review board takes special notice of the fact that unlike other airborne interception missions, the craft outlined in DAWN SHEPHERD would not require a launch or supply base closer to the probable impact sites due to their nuclear powered ramjets. However, it should be noted that GDI has no indigenous source of uranium at this time, making its acquisition key to the eventual construction of the craft.
I'm leaning towards doing this personally. Although I would recommend increasing the number of jets. But that also depends on the size of the supply of uranium we are able to acquire.
Who has fissile material these days, and who has uranium mines these days?
The Belkans, presumably since they dropped 7 nukes on their own territory. We're friendly with them too, but people will probably eye us with worry if they hear we're getting fissile materials from a pariah state.

Also, there's a possibility that all their uranium mines were in South Belka which is now Osean territory I think.
Who has fissile material these days, and who has uranium mines these days?

Belka, Yuktobania, and Osea all definitely have mines. I'm going to say that the Belkan enrichment infrastructure was in South Belka (now North Osea) since that's where an outsized portion of their industrial capacity was, but you can still get raw ore from them and enriched fissile material from the superpowers.

I already said that Estovakia has a nuclear program, so I'm going to roll with that, but they don't like you very much.

The Usean states all have them too, but you decided to be hated by both Erusea and the FCU, so they're not a great bet either.

South Osea probably doesn't have any uranium mines because they went way wackier for their superweapons, even though that was probably out of universe decided to have totally not nuclear superweapons.

Your best bet if you don't want to call up the superpowers or Belka is one of the Verusan or East Osean minors, there's got to be at least one with mines even if they have no nuclear program.

Of course, developing a nuclear program will immediately get everyone's eyes on you.

Osea definitely does. The other superpower probably does too.

I wonder if there are any uranium deposits in Antarctica that we could mine?

Trying to find indigenous sources of uranium and mining it yourself is also an option yes.

I will also say now as a general note that spinning up a nuclear program is not going to be terribly difficult for you, it's a very mature field and you have scientists who worked for Belka on staff. Throw enough money and uranium at it and you're good, the problem is getting the uranium.
Domestic production of nuclear reactors using uranium ore mined and enriched within GDI will definitely make the Chaldeans happy.
Frankly, nuclear power plants are probably going to be a priority for a lot of things GDI might do, because a lot of our other ideas for protecting ourselves involve:

1) Really big vehicles, usually ships, often expected to be able to remain mobile for weeks or months with minimal or no shoreside support,
2) Really big underground facilities whose surface power infrastructure will probably be disrupted by natural disasters during the asteroid strikes, or
3) Really big power consumption, with rail launchers for spacecraft being pretty hungry and giant fuckoff lasers being hungry too in that regard.

For all these, "how are you going to power this stuff" becomes an important question. Given that we are small and not super industrialized nations at extremely remote southern latitudes, "nuclear reactors" are one of the obvious solutions. We sure as skippy can't rely on solar!

Though the image of Joyeuse's giant laser tower being largely powered by wind turbine farms running mega-battery banks is entertaining.
Well, it's a shame my plan isn't viable, but that sometimes happens when you create a weapon of mass destruction!
All kidding aside, I'm going to try to redo my Acanthoplex Project proposal with existing materials from Command and Conquer and Ace Combat, does anyone know which nations used chemical or Acid weapons in Ace Combat by any chance? (Aside from a strange comment about Project Pendragon's lasers being chemically powered in Acepedia where I could justify the Cornucopia, I really can't find anything for the replacement of Hydrocoerum Acid)
As an idea that I don't quite have the time to write up, what about a massive supercomputer complex that uses the antarctic ice to keep cold for high intensity calculations. The intent being to code and run an AI whose job it'd be to run simulations to predict the locations of falling ullyses shards and the movements of people and money before and after impact, known as FORECAST. Two additional possible AI are CABAL an economic/resource management AI and LEGION an AI designed to coordinate other response efforts.
As an idea that I don't quite have the time to write up, what about a massive supercomputer complex that uses the antarctic ice to keep cold for high intensity calculations. The intent being to code and run an AI whose job it'd be to run simulations to predict the locations of falling ullyses shards and the movements of people and money before and after impact, known as FORECAST. Two additional possible AI are CABAL an economic/resource management AI and LEGION an AI designed to coordinate other response efforts.
We do have AI tech in Ace Combat, and the level of AI you're describing is possible since NEMO was running a perfect simulation of the entire world, but NEMO is far, far into the future. We only have ZOE as a super fighter pilot.
We do have AI tech in Ace Combat, and the level of AI you're describing is possible since NEMO was running a perfect simulation of the entire world, but NEMO is far, far into the future. We only have ZOE as a super fighter pilot.
Yes, we also have massive amounts of funding and the world's biggest potential heat sink. We can probably brute force the issue. Big computers kept really cold using the cold environment. If nothing else a management or command AI sounds like a small bit achievable project that would be a nice augment to anything else we do.
ZOE just got started by the Belkans, another thing you missed out on by not helping some escape the country, but a targeting AI won't really help with Ulysses. The issue is not going to be finding where the fragments land, it's the sheer volume.
Yes, we also have massive amounts of funding and the world's biggest potential heat sink. We can probably brute force the issue. Big computers kept really cold using the cold environment. If nothing else a management or command AI sounds like a small bit achievable project that would be a nice augment to anything else we do.
The question is whether we can finish the AI in the right time to then calculate where the fragments will fall and destroy them ahead of time.
ZOE just got started by the Belkans, another thing you missed out on by not helping some escape the country, but a targeting AI won't really help with Ulysses. The issue is not going to be finding where the fragments land, it's the sheer volume.
Fair enough
I reiterate though that a management, logistics, or command AI would probably be nice to have, or heck just a big supercomputer complex to do science with and crunch numbers to help other projects.
Fair enough
I reiterate though that a management, logistics, or command AI would probably be nice to have, or heck just a big supercomputer complex to do science with and crunch numbers to help other projects.

Definitely, and considering you're working with limited resources and time any advantage might be what makes or breaks things.
Joyeuse v2 and Dawn Shepherd are definitely my favorite proposals so far, with Albatross v2/3 and Citadel being close runners up so far.

I can so easily see all four being apart of AC set piece missions and final bosses, Joyeuse in particular really digs into my brain with the multiple reflected laser beams turning the sky into a bullet hell similar to Project Wingman's final boss.
All kidding aside, I'm going to try to redo my Acanthoplex Project proposal with existing materials from Command and Conquer and Ace Combat, does anyone know which nations used chemical or Acid weapons in Ace Combat by any chance? (Aside from a strange comment about Project Pendragon's lasers being chemically powered in Acepedia where I could justify the Cornucopia, I really can't find anything for the replacement of Hydrocoerum Acid)
Since we're pretty much restricted only to Ace Combat technology, with the "Nod" stuff mostly being flavor and aesthetics... no.

Excalibur is supposed to use chemical lasers, but that isn't some kind of acid attack, that's just using a chemical substance as a medium to build up the laser's energy. Like, there's a big tank of liquid and you bounce light into it under the right conditions and it amplifies due to the atomic interactions of the material. It's not something you pick up and hit someone over the head with it. This is actually how the most successful real world airborne laser weapon prototypes work:

(The YAL-1 was retired and scrapped as impractical, but it's as close to real world giant laser cannons as one gets)

It's not really related to Ulysses so no, not a full plan. AI research was always going to be an option though.
Just to be clear, were you planning for the game to end after Ulysses falls?

Because this feels like it could be a lot of fun in the aftermath.
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Since we're pretty much restricted only to Ace Combat technology, with the "Nod" stuff mostly being flavor and aesthetics... no.

Excalibur is supposed to use chemical lasers, but that isn't some kind of acid attack, that's just using a chemical substance as a medium to build up the laser's energy. Like, there's a big tank of liquid and you bounce light into it under the right conditions and it amplifies due to the atomic interactions of the material. It's not something you pick up and hit someone over the head with it. This is actually how the most successful real world airborne laser weapon prototypes work:

(The YAL-1 was retired and scrapped as impractical, but it's as close to real world giant laser cannons as one gets)

Just to be clear, were you planning for the game to end after Ulysses falls?

Because this feels like it could be a lot of fun in the aftermath.
Thanks for the input my friend, I guess I'll save this weapon for the future of the quest (if there is a future after Ulysses) when the 'mad science' of Ace Combat allows me to create my precious Acanthoplex! (insert my 'precious G virus meme' here)
Project CITADEL is deemed VIABLE by the technical staff. More conservative members of the review board urge that that this be adopted at least in part as a mitigation measure in case other, more ambitious plans, fail to succeed as hoped. GDI is urged to divide construction effort as evenly as possible between Antarc and Chaldean territory.

Interesting to note, I think this is the first time we've seen mention of a form of definite approval for a project, rather than just as hypotheticals.

I mean, makes sense, the Project is just essentially big 'ol Bunker-Sea Walls. Would be useful to have regardless of what specific project gets the lion's share of resources and time.
Well, the conservative members of the review board are probably looking at all of this in terms of "what if this project fails, turns out to be infeasible for reasons we haven't foreseen, or is a technical success in that it WORKS but does not, in point of fact, prevent asteroid strikes splashing down in the ocean hundreds or thousands of kilometers offshore from causing tsunamis that fuck up the coastline?"

And 'CITADEL' is the case that has the best answer for this, while also being extremely technologically simple and the kind of thing we can start pouring concrete on almost immediately.