Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

Hermes and Nymphs are technically Ion cannon satellite, which to be fair seem reasonable.
If only we can develop A-Sat Satellite (GDI, definition of A-Sat is a bit mess up though) to protect them from ground based nuke launch and aircraft later on.
Project Normandy​

Concept: If the fragments of Ulysses, let alone chunks, land in close proximity to the nations of the GDI, then the coastlines of the Confederation and the Dominion would be under threat from tsunami waves measuring tens of metres tall, with direct impacts registering in the megatons. As such, the construction of water-based mega-vessels, designed to accomodate the population of the GDI while providing protection, food production and industrial use for colonisation after the impact. Measuring in the hundreds of metres each, the vessels would provide shelter for vast swathes of the population during and after the impact, then the foundation for reclamation. Weaponry will of-course be attached to each vessel, to fend-off attempts from other nations to halt our efforts.

Scope: Minimal

Approach: Evacuation

Mobility: Mobile - water-based system

Location: Construction yards in Major Ports, then oceanic.

Mandate: Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds, Establish world-class research institutions, Create a meaningful military

Intent: Basically, big fuck-off battle-carriers. Designed to house a decent amount of population ala 2012 for upwards of several years. Of course, the fact that they can be used to aggressively expand Kane's direct reach, through providing perfect vehicles for amphibious invasion of the Global South, is completely coincidental.
How do we make this compatible with "protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds?" This is a question that any strategy revolving around evacuation to built environments (bunkers, ships, et cetera) should probably be answering.

The obvious ways to protect the ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds are to build physical tsunami barriers or to intercept fragments before they even make planetfall. Hiding the people in a bunker doesn't help.

Unless, of course, the "protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds" mandate is interpreted to mean "don't damage those places while you're building, and whatever the asteroid does, well, whatever."

I'm honestly fond of this one. Straightforward, capable, scalable, fit to be blown up in the next instalment of Ace Combat. Actually due to multiple satellites, it can keep showing up in games repeatedly.
Joyeuse has similar virtues, being fairly directly inspired by an existing canonical superweapon. But I can respect going for something else.

Hermes and Nymphs are technically Ion cannon satellite, which to be fair seem reasonable.
If only we can develop A-Sat Satellite (GDI, definition of A-Sat is a bit mess up though) to protect them from ground based nuke launch and aircraft later on.
The eventual goal of the Joyeuse support satellites, once APS technology is invented, is to equip the satellites with APS, which would make them pretty hard to destroy, but that's not feasible for the current generation of design, as was explained to the relevant mad scientist in the parking lot.
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So what are other people's ideas for stuff to do post impact?
Besides mine essentially a second Arkbird during clean up operations from any remaining asteroid fragments, Mass driver launch facility could be used to launch other projects that we might want to pursue. But I feel like our Arkbird might end up been shot down by a lone pilot
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So what are other people's ideas for stuff to do post impact?
Invent the orbital force field reflector satellites that let us turn Joyeuse into a global doom laser network with GDI ion cannon vibes, then launch them under the pretext that we are just innocently replacing the first-generation more boring "big sheet of super-Mylar" satellites that by then will be in bad shape because we have them orbiting around in circles through the Van Allen belts.

Then reveal that we now have a hemispheric/orbital doom laser network and dominate assorted chunks of the world WITH THE AID OF MY SECRET WEAPON!
Besides mine essentially a second Arkbird during clean up operations from any remaining asteroid fragments, Mass driver launch facility could be used to launch other projects that we might want to pursue. But I feel like our Arkbird might end up been shot down by a lone pilot
Preferably after it got hijacked by some terrorists.
If we want to avoid supervillainy for its own sake, many of these projects will leave a lot of astroid debris in a wide variety of orbits where they might be a threat to future space missions or satellites, so we can busy ourselves with cleanup and refining whatever space planes or kill sats we develop that way.
If we want to avoid supervillainy for its own sake, many of these projects will leave a lot of astroid debris in a wide variety of orbits where they might be a threat to future space missions or satellites, so we can busy ourselves with cleanup and refining whatever space planes or kill sats we develop that way.
Thank you!

Finally more than one person suggests something besides absolutely pointless villainy.
If we want to avoid supervillainy for its own sake, many of these projects will leave a lot of astroid debris in a wide variety of orbits where they might be a threat to future space missions or satellites, so we can busy ourselves with cleanup and refining whatever space planes or kill sats we develop that way.
To be fair, Joyeuse, with or without the force field reflector satellites, is very very suitable for doing this.

The relevant technology is the "laser broom," though Joyeuse isn't so much a laser broom as a laser electric floor buffer.
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Plan: Sky Odyssey

-[X] Megastructure Design:
--[X] Name: Acanthoplex Project
--[X] Concept: Von Neumann missiles with chemical reagents that disintegrate inorganic matter and self-propagate without control on the materials that are in contact with the chemicals in environments without gravity and oxygen. (Think of the Nanite Warheads in G.I. Joe)
--[X] Range: Huge/Moderate {It is noted that due to the nature of the weapon and how it works, it is a waste to build smaller missiles than the current ones due to the current limitations of the 'Self-Replicating Chemicals' (Cornucopia) ability to expand 'Hydracoreum Acid' (Hydra) for long periods of time without large amounts of Cornucopia, Hydra acid also consumes the missile itself without high volumes of Liquid Nitrogen (LN²) to suppress the chemical reaction that would disintegrate the Missile itself. It has been noted that while Hydra Acid works in gravity environments, its rate and capacity for material consumption becomes weaker in proportion to the gravitational force it suffers due to the stabilization of the acid molecules; in Earth's gravity Hydra Acid loses the ability to consume other materials that are not extremely stable such as Metals.}
--[X] Focus: Fragment Destruction/Prefragment Reduction {The plan is to launch a set of Acanthoplex Missiles (Huge version) at the Asteroid Ulysses and eliminate 38% (40% if rounded up based on best theoretical results) of its total mass before it reaches Earth, causing a decrease in the threat posed to the entire Arctic by 87%, leaving only a 13% threat to Arctic coastal areas caused by smaller fragments falling to Earth (This can be reduced to 4% by firing Medium Acanthoplex Missiles at the fragments before they reach the Stratosphere, where Hydra Acid will lose its ability to affect Ulysses' fragments). While theoretically a set of 2 Monumental-sized Acanthoplex Missiles could destroy the Asteroid Ulysses, the exorbitant expense and construction time of both missiles make it unfeasible}
--[X] Mobility: Stationary {space launch platforms for Huge version of the Acanthoplex Missile} / Mobile {Large vehicles with rocket launch capacity such as Nuclear Submarines, Mobile Batteries of Strategic Missiles or Huge Bombers for the Medium Version of the Acanthoplex}
--[X] Location: The westernmost part of the islands under the jurisdiction of NOD and the easternmost part of the islands of his Majesty of the Arctic Throne {Huge version, space launch platforms} / in the most coastal areas in the Usean-Arctic Ocean, next to the Arctic Republic {Medium Version, Submarines}

Here I launch my project to end the threat of the Asteroid Ulysses, the Project Acanthoplex has its name derived from the play that tells of the death of Odysseus at the hands of his son with a poisoned spear, it seemed to me an appropriately thematic name and also gave me the idea of using a weapon that 'poisons' the Asteroid to death. I also took inspiration from the Nanite Warheads from the G.I. Joe movie destroying the Ifel tower as an appropriate weapon for Ace Combat (but using chemicals), I'm sure everyone sees the war potential of these weapons that were sadly designed with another more noble purpose, but they will be given a more... practical use.

I have more Projects for future Weapons, but for now they are not necessary.
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Something I thought of is that with the interceptors. Our coverage would actually be dependent on how many of them we can build.

So how many resources we have, and how many other factions we can pull into it.
I'll try and get another review round out tonight since submissions seem to have stopped again.

This entire phase of the quest may have been inspired by my current stint playing design doc pingpong at work.