Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

The weirdest part about figuring out Ace Combat lore is that Christianity explicitly exists, people celebrate Christmas, and the months and planets are all what we call them which all implies a Rome and Roman paganism and Jesus Christ being born and crucified but where on this map is Rome.

It's probably Belka.
One idea that we might bear in mind regardless of who wins...

Sales pitch!

Virtually all the big anti-Ulysses superweapons (Stonehenge, Excalibur, Chandelier) have something in common- they're in the northern hemisphere. Ulysses fragments may or may not loop significantly south of the equator, but if they do, we may be able to get some support funding from southern hemisphere nations if we're building the only thing that can shoot those fragments down, or for that matter engage northern-hemisphere fragments if they're on a track that brings them down where we can see them at some point.

I actually find them to be cooler on an overall level.
Eh. They're very appealing in a way, but they're also very much the normal people faction.
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Vote Closed
Please stand by for Strangerealification.
Scheduled vote count started by grimely on Jul 14, 2024 at 3:46 PM, finished with 56 posts and 37 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!
    -[X] Name: Republic of Nod; colloquially, the Brotherhood of Nod
    -[X] Government Type: Social Democracy, with some elements of Totalitarian/Messianic Democracy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Origin: The disenfranchised and disaffected from all across the world, those who seek a work better than the current one that is bound by greed, the whims of a few hyper-rich, and the insanity of a handful of hyper-states.
    -[X] Flavor Text: It is uncertain how old the Prime Minister of the Republic, a man known only as Kane, is. What is known is that he has spent the last twenty years carefully cultivating a movement that is equal parts cult of personality, and a comprehensive vision for the reformation of society on Earth. While the trappings of the Republic, and the Brotherhood before the Republic was truly founded, are exceedingly religious, in its day to day operation it is generally secular and pluralist. The core beliefs of the actual Brotherhood (a name retained by the pseudo-religious collective that many, but not all, members of the nation belong to) are cross-religious, as they call upon shared principles from almost all belief systems, though especially those of the Abrahamic faiths. Kane has purposefully cultivated a culture that emphasizes open minds and open arms, while working to build a nation who, despite its small land claims, is thoroughly intended to one day stretch much farther. The Republic stands today as a testament to those who were disgusted with the petty bickering and infighting that even Usea, threatened as it was by the incoming asteroid, was experiencing. From the roots of their communal and collectivist leanings, the Republic of Nod has morphed into a mixed-economy nation that conducts democratic elections for all positions up to the Senior Council, though said Council's members are generally elected by the larger Parliament. The Primer Minister is selected by the Senior Council, though despite seeing a few seats change even in just the last few years, the Minister has been, and is, Kane himself. He has promised to not only see the Republic, Usea, and the world protected from the imminent threat of the asteroid, but, in time, protected from the predations of autocratic kings and ruthless robber-barons. The revolution is night, and the people will sing with joy as they embrace Peace, Unity, and Brotherhood!
    [X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan
    [X] Plan: Artic Pyramids
    -[X] Name: The Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne
    -[X] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Aboriginal
    -[X] Arrival: The Antarcs are an offshoot of Aurelian natives who arrived on what is now the Celestial Domain during the year 2,419 BC.
    [X] Plan: Iced-Over Exiles
    [X] Plan: Asteroid Approaching!
...Damn, ah well.

Can I ask what blursed idea you had if two plans tied?
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Please stand by for Strangerealification.
Scheduled vote count started by grimely on Jul 14, 2024 at 3:46 PM, finished with 56 posts and 37 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!
    -[X] Name: Republic of Nod; colloquially, the Brotherhood of Nod
    -[X] Government Type: Social Democracy, with some elements of Totalitarian/Messianic Democracy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Origin: The disenfranchised and disaffected from all across the world, those who seek a work better than the current one that is bound by greed, the whims of a few hyper-rich, and the insanity of a handful of hyper-states.
    -[X] Flavor Text: It is uncertain how old the Prime Minister of the Republic, a man known only as Kane, is. What is known is that he has spent the last twenty years carefully cultivating a movement that is equal parts cult of personality, and a comprehensive vision for the reformation of society on Earth. While the trappings of the Republic, and the Brotherhood before the Republic was truly founded, are exceedingly religious, in its day to day operation it is generally secular and pluralist. The core beliefs of the actual Brotherhood (a name retained by the pseudo-religious collective that many, but not all, members of the nation belong to) are cross-religious, as they call upon shared principles from almost all belief systems, though especially those of the Abrahamic faiths. Kane has purposefully cultivated a culture that emphasizes open minds and open arms, while working to build a nation who, despite its small land claims, is thoroughly intended to one day stretch much farther. The Republic stands today as a testament to those who were disgusted with the petty bickering and infighting that even Usea, threatened as it was by the incoming asteroid, was experiencing. From the roots of their communal and collectivist leanings, the Republic of Nod has morphed into a mixed-economy nation that conducts democratic elections for all positions up to the Senior Council, though said Council's members are generally elected by the larger Parliament. The Primer Minister is selected by the Senior Council, though despite seeing a few seats change even in just the last few years, the Minister has been, and is, Kane himself. He has promised to not only see the Republic, Usea, and the world protected from the imminent threat of the asteroid, but, in time, protected from the predations of autocratic kings and ruthless robber-barons. The revolution is night, and the people will sing with joy as they embrace Peace, Unity, and Brotherhood!
    [X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan
    [X] Plan: Artic Pyramids
    -[X] Name: The Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne
    -[X] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Aboriginal
    -[X] Arrival: The Antarcs are an offshoot of Aurelian natives who arrived on what is now the Celestial Domain during the year 2,419 BC.
    [X] Plan: Iced-Over Exiles
    [X] Plan: Asteroid Approaching!
Can you remake it so that it actually fits the world instead of a square peg, round hole situation?
Can you remake it so that it actually fits the world instead of a square peg, round hole situation?
I'm sorry that the modest-sized paragraph I wrote out, with at least some specific mentions and implications of Belka, as well as nations dragging their feet on the asteroid, and of it being multi-national, and of it having an explicit form of government and economics, and actual governmental titles, which I wrote after spending all afternoon sweating my fat ass off helping a friend of mine paint a couple of rooms in his recently-widowed mother's house, was not sufficiently "Ace Combat" for you. That somehow the zany antics of Nod don't fit in a world with a legion of hyper-sized flying aircraft carriers, or submersible railgun-armed aircraft carriers, or robot super-fighters with a Final Form. Hopefully you'll eventually be satisfied and find the peg fitting just right.
I doubt they'll be the exact same. Without Tiberium as an ultra focus and the fact that this is taking place in a completely different universe, and therefore, would not have the same founding in history, the Brotherhood of Nod don't have to necessarily be terrorists.