Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

Huh, it seems like we aren't playing as Kane since we need his political support in the Current Status Threadmark. Instead, we'll be the Director of the GDI, so look forward to some possible character creation!

I wonder if we can coup the Messiah...
That sounds like it would take failing a loyalty test, so we chose basically the worst build For it.
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Kane is the Secretary General of GDI.
Kane is the Secretary General, but the Director is a vacant spot. Coupled with the fact that there's a stat called "Kane Political Support (KPS): Satisfied" beneath the Antarc and Chaldean Political Support stats, and it gave me the impression that we'll be playing as the Director since if we were Kane, KPS wouldn't be a stat.
Kane is the Secretary General, but the Director is a vacant spot. Coupled with the fact that there's a stat called "Kane Political Support (KPS): Satisfied" beneath the Antarc and Chaldean Political Support stats, and it gave me the impression that we'll be playing as the Director since if we were Kane, KPS wouldn't be a stat.
Mm, fair dinkums.

I would say you're welcome to test the assumption of the ease of couping Kane at your convenience.
Hm. What else is Kane supervising apart from the stuff we do? I ask because it's good to have a sense of where our responsibilities begin and end.

Mm, fair dinkums.

I would say you're welcome to test the assumption of the ease of couping Kane at your convenience.
While he is susceptible to failing to foresee attacks by his own forces, he also has a nasty habit of not dying when he is killed. I, for one, would prefer to find a safer hobby.
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Well, I'm not so much wondering "what does Kane do all day" as "what branches of the Initiative exist and are doing things that are not us?"
When it comes to projects, I would lean towards big fuckoff ground based laser systems as a first line, and if we have the time and resources, Ion Cannons in orbit. Because we are GDI, and death rays from god is just part of what GDI does.

(also, feel free to loot GDIquest for names, I will certainly have a giggle if I see a Harrison Carter, Sarang Mikoyan, or Emiliana Litvinov running around)

Edit: When it comes to ground based laser systems, I have a soft spot for Archimedes as a name.
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Well, I'm not so much wondering "what does Kane do all day" as "what branches of the Initiative exist and are doing things that are not us?"

Right now it's basically just you, because everyone is making this up as they go along. There will be projects in Admin to spin off actual bureaucratic orgs but right now the people tasked with stopping the giant asteroid are the ones given all of the money and staff.

When it comes to projects, I would lean towards big fuckoff ground based laser systems as a first line, and if we have the time and resources, Ion Cannons in orbit. Because we are GDI, and death rays from god is just part of what GDI does.

(also, feel free to loot GDIquest for names, I will certainly have a giggle if I see a Harrison Carter, Sarang Mikoyan, or Emiliana Litvinov running around)

I will absolutely have a young Dr. Carter wistfully say that he's thinking about naming his son Harrison :V
Right now it's basically just you, because everyone is making this up as they go along. There will be projects in Admin to spin off actual bureaucratic orgs but right now the people tasked with stopping the giant asteroid are the ones given all of the money and staff.
Ah. I was wondering because we seem to have, like, troop contingents under us in some capacity, and that's unusual for a planquest.
"Our mission goal is the elimination of the asteroid coming to kill us all."
"Then why do you have many AWACS aircrafts and one guy in an F-22?"
"Because we couldn't afford a better fighter for him yet. Next question."
Personally I wish we had grabbed the nukes. But we can probably get those later anyways.

It would be cool to create some "escort the bomber" missions for when we destroy enemy super weapons.
Organization Creation 3: Planning
[X] Plan: Soft Power
-[X] Traits:
--[X] Nod Researchers (-3 Points)
--[X] Subterranean Construction (-3 Points)
--[X] Eyes Everywhere (-1 Point)
--[X] Equal Opportunity Employer (-1 Point)
--[X] Voice of the Forgotten (-1 Point)
--[X] High Expectations (+3 Points)
--[X] Cult Scare (+3 Points)
--[X] Commander Deployed (+1 Point)
--[X] Peacekeeping Obligations (+1 Point)
--[X] Brotherhood Study Sessions (0 Points)
-[X] Relations:
--[X] Osean Federation (Superpower) (Neutral) (0 points)
--[X] Union of Yuktobanian Republics (Superpower) (Neutral) (0 points)
--[X] Republic of Emmeria (Great Power) (Disliked) (+2 points)
--[X] Federal Republic of Estovakia (Great Power) (Disliked) (+2 points)
--[X] Federal Republic of Erusea (Great Power) (Hated) (+4 points)
--[X] Federation of Central Usea (Great Power) (Hated) (+4 points)
--[X] Kingdom of Erusea (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
--[X] Republic of Antarctica (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
--[X] Federal Republic of Aurelia (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
--[X] Democratic Republic of Leasath (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
--[X] Principality of Belka (Pariah State) (Loved) (+4 points)

Global Defense Initiative

Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction

Ulysses 1994XF04 Emergency Response Plan​

June 7th, 1996.

There are thirty-seven months before the fragments of Ulysses rain down to earth. Under the guiding hand of Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod, the newly formed Global Defense Initiative has organized and staffed the Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction with the goal of planetary defense and damage mitigation, principally for Antarctica but ideally for the entire world. Chief engineers and principal investigators from across the world have been drawn to the frozen office park in the middle of nowhere where the fate of billions will be decided.

Designs must be drawn up, argued over, and approved, for the good of all mankind. Mandates from host governments must be addressed and adhered to. Mad scientists and ambitious architects are ready to make outlandish dreams reality, the funding that can only be unlocked by the threat of annihilation making the most absurd dreams seem plausible.

Good luck, and plan well.

Megastructure Design

Create a plan, or plans, for proposed megastructure, writing in as many explanatory details as you see fit. You may create as many designs as you want. High Expectations forbids you from taking minimal design goals. You may, however, create two independent projects that are each Minimal. It is not recommended to go beyond a total scope of Monumental.

A design has the following elements. Please feel free to write-in for any of them, this system is intended to enable you to think of ideas, rather than a hard and fast set of rules that must be followed.

Every proper megastructure has a name. Go for something memorable.

A quick statement of intent, in case what you want to do is something that this system just cannot model and to clarify intent.

The rough size of the structure.
  • Minimal - the smallest structure capable of creating noticeable mitigation of Ulysses and its damage; approximately 1,000 points of progress required for the entire design, High Expectations prevents you from taking only one design at this scale
  • Small - sufficient to cover multiple cities or key infrastructure, a single structure of this scale would entail large numbers of write-off zones or compromises; approximately 2,500 points of progress required for the entire design
  • Moderate - a regional scale structure that would be considered exceptional in ordinary circumstances, but required to protect an entire nation under the threat of Ulysses; approximately 5,000 points of progress required for the entire design
  • Huge - capable of defending an entire continent, the superpowers would find themselves notably strained by something of this scale;
  • approximately 7,500 points of progress required for the entire design
  • Monumental - a world-defining creation, capable of blunting almost all damage caused by Ulysses in its area of effect with positive impact upon the entire globe; approximately 10,000 points of progress required for the entire design, with GDI's current resources it is not certain that such a structure could be completed in the time remaining without a degree of sound planning and good luck
How the megastructure will defend against Ulysses.
  • Fragment destruction - a weapon designed to destroy fragments of Ulysses as they rain down upon the Earth, but before they make landfall. Direct reduction of damage with minimal side effects, focusing on rapid fire capabilities. Lasers, railguns, airburst nuclear weapons.
  • Pre-fragment reduction - a weapon designed to reduce the effective mass of Ulysses while it is still in space. A far more complex approach, not only would this be an effective ground-to-orbit weapon, the specifics of action may cause unintended side effects to planetfall if not planned carefully. Bigger lasers and railguns, space-delivered nuclear weapons, a crew of oil rig workers in spacesuits.
  • Mitigation - for the host countries of GDI, the principal threat of Ulysses is the resultant tsunamis and sea swells rather than direct impacts. These secondary effects can be mitigated against with floodwalls, seabreaks, and perhaps more esoteric ideas.
  • Evacuation - instead of directly dealing with Ulysses, or its aftereffects, the nations of GDI are distant enough to simply wait the disaster out. Shelters, underground cities on the continental interior, submarine and air carriers.
Whether or not the design is for a stationary structure, or a mobile installation of some kind.
  • Stationary
  • Mobile
    • Write-in desired method
Where, generally speaking, the design will be constructed. In the case of mobile designs, this must indicate the location of final assembly. This needs to specific enough that I can make it a dot on the map.

Host Mandates

In addition to the megastructure, you will also select your mandates for the first three years of play. You must select one Antarc and one Chaldea mandate, as well as one other mandate from any list, for a total of three. A Joint mandate may count for either host nation, but only counts as one. You may, if desired, take more than three. It is possible, and intended, to tailor the mandates taken to synergize with the megastructures.

  • Extend Ulysses mitigation efforts to Aurelia - the Antarc Throne has privately made it known that it would be greatly appreciated if whatever mitigation measures taken against Ulysses are also effective at safeguarding their cousins across the straits in Aurelia
  • Perform exploratory drilling - it has long been suspected that there is oil within Antarc waters, but the stoic conservatism (and conservationism) of generations of rulers have continually forestalled attempts to confirm this, with the current situation however any resource that the Celestial Dominion may be able to bring to bear is valuable
  • Protect ancestral fisheries and hunting grounds - the ancestral practices of the Antarc people have continued without interruption for over four thousand years, and they are intimately tied to the islands and shores that are most threated by planetfall, leading figures in government and among popular movements have agitated for something be done to protect them
  • End population flight - Chaldeans are fleeing in droves to the safety of Anea, where many still hold citizenship and have family, poor relations between Chaldea and its mother countries has only exacerbated these tensions, and leading figures among the Bureaus are concerned of a brain drain orchestrated by Estovakia and request that it be stopped by any means
  • Establish world-class research institutions - with little in the way of natural resources, luminaries within Chaldea have approached GDI with the proposal that Brotherhood researchers assist in creating universities and laboratories that will draw scientists from around the world in an attempt for them to make their mark upon the world stage
  • Improve interior logistics - one of the largest industries of note for Chaldea is deep Antarctic research, both their own as well as providing supplies for other nations' research stations, any action taken that would ease these operations would be looked upon favorably by the Directory
  • Create a meaningful military - the Global Defense Initiative Council, a body which at the moment consists of Kane, the Antarc ambassador, and the Chaldean ambassador, have noted that between the host nations and the irregular forces in the Brotherhood of Nod, any major power could likely invade them in the aftermath of all but the most optimistic Ulysses scenarios and bid that it be mitigated by building up GDI's military strength
  • Expand GDI - alternatively, the Council has proposed that GDI deal with its military weakness and relatively paltry funding by simply bringing more nations into the fold
  • Secure international trade - acting independently of the Council, both the Antarc and Chaldean governments have made it clear that they hoarding and financial meltdowns which have already begun in the wake of the announcement of Ulysses are expected to only get worse, and are concerned that vital imports may simply stop unless action is taken


Finally, provide a summary of intent as you would like Kane to understand it. For example, "to unite the world", "to defend Antarctica", "to construct a death laser that we'll turn against those fools who laughed at us all", things of that nature. Have fun with it.

Moratorium to permit plan drafting.​
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Project Able/Archer
Concept :

- Project Archer is a massive laser array, capable of repeated and rapid fire. It is designed to be created of modular units, allowing it be expanded or decreased in scope as resources allow. While each laser unit can fire individually to deal with small targets, intended operation is that they concentrate their fire on the asteroid.

- Project Able is a spacemining mission, a collection of nuclear equipped Tick tanks who will explore Ulysses. Individually, these thick tanks will be able to map the asteroid to figure out precise fault lines, and preplace nuclear charges to destroy dangerous fragmnets.

In ideal operation, both projects will combine their resources. Able will use local resources and nuclear excavation to craft a reaction chamber, while Archer will direct fire lases into this chamber to create a primitive, yet massive scale rocket engine. This engine will be used to deflect Ulysses into a planetary orbit.

Fragment destruction/Fragment destruction => Pre-fragment reduction


Location :
Southern Hemisphere/ Artic
Project SCREEN / Stasis Chambers (...sounds familiar, ain't it? :V)

Erect a stasis shield to mitigate incoming fragments of Ulysses over wide areas around each Stasis Chambers.

Moderate/Small - Each Region will have Stasis Chambers. Totally will not be small scaled to fit for military use, no Sir!~ :V

Mitigation... :) (not!Force Shield Ripper from StarCraft Heart of the Swarm)

Stationary/Mobile - They're huge Megastructures, duh! It's.not like we'll make moving siege tanks with shields or something in the future right? :V (not!Striker Shoot Em Up Bosses)

Aurelia. :D

Not sure on on Mandates...

To protect the world from devastation, to unite all people within our nation!~ :V
[] Plan: Stone Splitter
-[] Megastructure Design:
--[] Name: Durandal
--[] Concept: Excalibur 2.0, even bigger laser edition
--[] Scope: Monumental
--[] Approach: Pre-fragment Reduction
--[] Mobility: Stationary
--[] Location: The highest point in the GDI's Administrative Zone.
-[] Host Mandates:
--[] [Antarc] Extend Ulysses mitigation efforts to Aurelia
--[] [Chaldea] Establish world-class research institutions
--[] [Joint] Expand GDI
--[] [Joint] Secure International Trade
-[] Intent: For the world to bask in the light of the Brotherhood, both literally and figuratively.

I wanted to be conservative and stay at Huge scope, but we called ourselves the GDI. Ain't no use running away from the "Global" part of the brand! Monumental Excalibur it is! Durandal the stone splitting sword will save the world!

To that end, I've chosen Mandates that I think we want to accomplish along the way anyways. Diplomatic ones such as expanding the GDI's membership, with a particular focus on Aurelia, and securing international trade. I've also avoided mandates that will take away from our construction dice. We can stop the Chaldean emigration wave by showing progress in our construction project.

This 10K point construction project is beyond the scope of even the superpowers, but through belief in the Brotherhood, anything is possible!

As for concrete plans to actually accomplish this, I believe our diplomatic situation is actually good for attracting foreign members to help fund our project. There's Aurelia and Leasath who both love us, and we're positioned well to stop the war to our east which would score us a lot of points internationally. There's also the fact that both superpowers are neutral, and us being a responsible international actor by stopping the war could be an in for friendlier relations and eventually support, from both. It's going to cost us some concessions I imagine, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
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