It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tibmas
Well, I've my own entry to toss into the ring. I might come back later and polish this up a bit, but it should do for now.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tibmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Tibmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once again
With Laser guns and fighter jets aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Tibmas,
Nod in ev'ry zone,
But the prettiest sight to see is the Noddie that will be
In your firing cone.

A pair of orbital drops and a cruiser that flies
Is the wish of Navy and Ground;
Tanks that can walk and might get the dosh
Are the hope of Talons and friends;
And Kane and Co can hardly wait for war to start again.

It's beginning to look a lot like Tibmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
There's a Spike by the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the blows.

It's beginning to look a lot like Tibmas;
Soon the shells will start,
And the thing that will make them sound is the 'oord'nates that you shout.
Right within your heart.​
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While clearly without Tiberium's voraciousness, it has produced significant gravitational distortions when exposed to an electromagnetic field.
Additionally, it has been subjected to biological toxicity testing, and is quite reactive when introduced to cell cultures, making them break out with cancers. This is problematic for future martian settlement, especially if it is widespread there, or elsewhere. However, it does not seem particularly more dangerous than the induction of other radioactives into an organism.
Current theories point to it being a holding mechanism for some form of baryonic/non-baryonic interface to manipulate dark matter, in turn producing gravitic effects.
A Mass Effect crossover. Let's see where it goes...
I'm inclined to agree with Cryo, it's likely to be sent against Archangelsk or another fortified location planetside to see just how effective such a ship would be.
Erewhon probably got a talking to in private for that, but yeah, that was in response to another threatening Erewhon so... child, mimicking bad behaviour, parents/authority figure says do not do that.
Well, you could also say that it's problematic that a potentially very dangerous AI is "allowed" to be a child, since that also bring things like temper tantrums with it.
I consider it more as from a profile page you can see posts. She's the kind of person to talk a lot about local issues and her children.
Which is the same. It's fucking stupid. You shouldn't talk about your children online, because those are their own lives, not yours. And going so far as to mention how hold they are and their names? Yeah no shot, this one deserves a Darwin.

And really, posting online where you go to the hair stylist and then be upset when people know that you're there and can use it as an avenue to threaten you. That's Darwin number 2.
Well, you could also say that it's problematic that a potentially very dangerous AI is "allowed" to be a child, since that also bring things like temper tantrums with it.
How is Erewhon "potentially very dangerous"? It doesn't have the tools or knowledge for hacking, it was designed as a literary/creative/artistic AI.
And it probably requires regular deep code scans to ensure that it doesn't go into a deep recursive loop and die.
I asked that in the discord along with roughly how big it is. The only answer given was "Call it 30-40 thousand tons" followed by "You don't know" if it has one. So all we know is that it's a big flying ship that may or may not be large enough for a disruptor.
Let's go with "yes", then. Out of an excess of caution if nothing else.

#InTheZONE A Me not limited to data would be wonderful.
Am I hearing a request for a telepresence rig based on the medical assistants?

Litvinov and others have already proposed carving out not just expanded yellow zones, but also Green and even Blue Zones based on the existing areas of abatement in the deep red zones. While many of these will have to be based on the Chicago model, they can provide highly secure basing for GDI's fleet, and be highly effective safe zones, sheltered by hundreds of kilometers of Tiberium infested Red Zone from Brotherhood attack.
Uh...huh. So like a series of mini-Planned Cities to anchor our Containment Lines?
If he builds a spaceship he is going to get nuked and iron Cannond repeatedly by our guys they have no patience for a second incident.
GDI vowed never to use nuclear weapons, though InOps of TW1 was unscrupulous enough to use them to threaten small countries in West Africa they have never been deployed anger by GDI. GDIs stockpiles have either been raided by Nod or sat unused for decades. GDI has made no moves to use them and I'm pretty sure basically renews the vow not to use them every election unless you're Initiative First. It's why we have the option to shift those storage caches into orbit.

If, and that's a big if, it is spaceworthy he has probably already thought of loading it with a disruptor making hitting it with an ion cannon all but impossible.
How is Erewhon "potentially very dangerous"? It doesn't have the tools or knowledge for hacking, it was designed as a literary/creative/artistic AI.
And it probably requires regular deep code scans to ensure that it doesn't go into a deep recursive loop and die.
It's an AI. Meaning it should be able to get that very quickly through downloading data and the like.

And even if Erewhon isn't potentially dangerous (doubtful), it's the technology behind AI's that absolutely can't get into NOD's hands. There's a reason we got -PS for choosing that. A single man can only do as much damage as they are given people that work under them. A single AI can do it all by itself. So I think they'll say that to the public side and put shackles and failsafes behind closed doors. Everything else would be pretty naive.
Erewhon is not being "allowed" to be a child, Erewhon is a child. And if people are worried about AIs causing lots of damage, then maybe raise them to be law-abiding types? Lots of positive social interaction and attachment to society.
GDI vowed never to use nuclear weapons, though InOps of TW1 was unscrupulous enough to use them to threaten small countries in West Africa they have never been deployed anger by GDI. GDIs stockpiles have either been raided by Nod or sat unused for decades. GDI has made no moves to use them and I'm pretty sure basically renews the vow not to use them every election unless you're Initiative First. It's why we have the option to shift those storage caches into orbit.

If, and that's a big if, it is spaceworthy he has probably already thought of loading it with a disruptor making hitting it with an ion cannon all but impossible.
That is the most stupid thing if you not going to use them and the only way they will be used is by the enemy why have any at all....... Like that just makes gdi look like they are actively sabotageing itself and that doesn't fit this gdi at all.
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That is the most stupid thing if you not going to use them and the only way they will be used is by the enemy why have any at all.......
Legacy weapons kept in case someone changes their mind. It was a joint agreement from the member nations not to use them. Helped by the creation of the ion cannon some time after the founding if GDI. It's a moral point and a lot of people would prefer that the nukes stay where they are. Now it's more of a case of "why make things worse".
That is the most stupid thing if you not going to use them and the only way they will be used is by the enemy why have any at all.......

Research, space based anti-scrin measures. A Just in case deterrent. Historical and scientific context, training aids.

Beyond that, the promise not to use nukes (on earth) is, by some considered meaningless since GDI has not only the ion cannon network, but kinetic rod systems and is building laser based space weaponry. There's also potentially liquid Tiberium bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, at least on Nods side. Not to mention Nods developing anti-ion field technology.

GDI's promise to not use nukes is an ethical choice, made by their own politicians and leadership, and, being unbound by any higher power or authority, in an emergency GDI could authorise itself to use it's Nuclear stockpile as a weapon of last resort.

Beyond that, Ion cannons have good optics in that they're 'clean' and leave little to no radiation after the fact. Now, theoretically a concern in the post tib war 1 era, nowadays, nuking a yellow zone nod base that's already lousy with tiberium and all the attendant radiation, well. It makes little difference in the grand scheme of things to the overall ecology of the planet. Also, unlike the ion Network, a nuclear bomb or missile has no convenient "Superweapon off" devices. If and when GDI choose to nuke something, it's getting nuked.

In sum, it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
It is unrealistic as hell that the first time they were stolen they weren't all disassembled because nukes can be hard to maintain and the would kill any politicians career if they were in office when some got stolen.
Philly is covered in lasers and probably the single most heavily defended point anywhere in the GDI. Enterprise is much more vulnerable to a frontal attack, and a more valuable target to boot if Project Varyag is a spaceship intended to go... viking with.
Philly also has a shimmer shield from one of the updates. Though progressing enterprise might add a shimmer shield and additional laser defenses. But yeah we really should look into ways to ensure NOD stays out of orbit. Though I imagine a lot of Apollos and Auroras could help with the right upgrades.
Man, that poor bot. Those AI researchers though, need a serious smack upside the head. Letting a kid out onto the internet like that? Geez.

Hope Violet survives long enough to talk to it.
Don't we have Nod Laser tech? Just build some massive Obelisk Laser Satellites in orbit to cover LEO and the moment Varyag tries to go up to fuck up Enterprise, we will be sending it fucking down, Anakin Skywalker Invisible Hand Crash Landing Style, with a or without an Ion Disruptor on it.
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Don't we have Nod Laser tech? Just build some massive Obelisk Laser Satellites in orbit to cover LEO and the moment Varyag tries to go up to fuck up Enterprise, we will be sending it fucking down, Anakin Skywalker Invisible Hand Crash Landing Style, with a or without an Ion Disruptor on it.
Modern Nod weapons are still to be developed, we have Crystal Beam Lasers though.

Low-Earth Orbit requires orbital cleanup. ASAT 5 gives us laser satellites and other fun toys to expand the network.
We have the option to build some crystal laser orbital defense satellites right now, no need to wait for ASAT 5 if we're worried. Whether it's worth spending a bunch of money and dice on a crystal laser constellation when we're going to have modern laser systems soon is up in the air, but the option exists.
Modern Nod weapons are still to be developed, we have Crystal Beam Lasers though.

Low-Earth Orbit requires orbital cleanup. ASAT 5 gives us laser satellites and other fun toys to expand the network.
Let's do it and basically fuck Krukov's dreams in the arse before he even gets them off the ground. Negate all his expenditure that way.
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