Q1 2052
Resources: 310 + 0 in reserve
Political Support: 20
Free Dice: 5
Tiberium Spread
14.13 Blue Zone
33.31 Yellow Zone
52.56 Red Zone
Current Economic Issues:
Housing: Sufficient but low quality (=) (+++++ in refugee camps)
Energy: Massive Surpluses (++++ +++)
Logistics: Significant Surpluses (+++)
Food: Sufficient production, inefficiencies in distribution (+)
Health: Substantially improved (++++)
Capital Goods: Massive Shortfalls (-----)
Consumer Goods: Titanic Shortages (------)
Labor: Practically unlimited
Settled in bonus increments to +6 out of +8
Infrastructure (6 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Reconstruction Phase 2
While much of the work has been spun off into its own projects, there are still many sites with battle damage. Ranging from ports in the north of France, to the surviving cities of the Australian and New Zealand Blue Zones, there are still tens of thousands of sites with remaining battle damage, from ships in need of refloating or on site salvage, to docks that need shell holes filled in, to trainyards that are currently manhandling freight.
(Progress 33/500: 10 Resources per die) (+ Logistics, + Health)
[ ] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2)
The most important feature of continuing yellow zone reconstruction is the provision of massive new housing projects. While building the infrastructure to support them must come alongside construction of housing, the development of work can come later, a compromise to get people out of the overcrowded and degrading refugee camp system. (Progress 0/200: 15 Resources per die) (+++ Housing)
[ ] Rail Link Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Heavy combat & reconcentration of resources and manpower away from the rail linkages that connected Blue Zones to each other saw these facilities heavily damaged through destruction or simple neglect during the Third Tiberium War. Reconnection of these facilities to each other will be a significant step in the process of reconstruction. (Progress 100/300: 20 Resources per die) (+++ Logistics)
[ ] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2)
With much of the infrastructure for new housing construction already in place, even more substantial housing development can be created. Much like the previous series, these are standardized apartment blocks, built to be cheap and cramped, but sustainable. While few would call them comfortable, they are far better than any existing yellow zone accommodations.
(Progress 31/200: 10 resources per die) (- Labor, ++++ Housing)
[ ] Urban Metros (Phase 3)
With much of the immediate transport deficit cleared away, the next phase of urban metros is to fill out existing routes, increasing the number of cars in library lots, increasing the number of units on tram, subway, and train lines, and putting more busses on existing routes. While this will not free up much capacity for use elsewhere immediately, they will future proof development in the face of planned densification measures and the construction of new residential, industrial, and commercial areas.
(Progress 39/150: 15 resources per die)
[ ] Run of River Campaigns
While subject to seasonal flooding and droughts, Run of River dams and hydro plants can serve as a safe means of producing power, without the security concerns of high dams. Even though they are not as substantial a power source as additional nuclear reactors, they are a substantially easier system to create, and require far less maintenance.
(Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die) (- Labor +++ Energy)
[ ] Monument Restoration Program
While many monuments around the world from the Pyramids to the White House have suffered damages or been destroyed in the decades that Tiberium has been ravaging the world, the restoration of surviving monuments will serve well to memorialize why we fight. Not just for the sake of destroying Tiberium, or the Brotherhood of NOD, but also for preserving a history and a way of life. While not the most functional of projects, it is likely to be popular, and one that will not require much investment, especially in comparison to the mass building programs (Progress 75/100: 10 resources per die) (+5 Political Support)
[ ] Housing Enterprise Investment Grants
Housing is something that is often best handled under state direction, both to ensure that sufficient housing is built, and to prevent the growth of a "homeowner" class that is willing to create social harm in order to grow the value of their homes. However, with the Initiative's efforts proving insufficient to provide enough housing, one potential option is to open a series of investment grants into private construction cooperatives. While they will be more expensive than doing it ourselves, they are also substantially easier to administer. (15 resources per turn) (+ Housing per turn)
Heavy Industry (3 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Power Grid Reconstruction (Phase 3)
As immediate power needs are currently distinctly overserviced, the next wave of power systems are distinctly more speculative in nature. Primarily oriented towards nuclear systems, the next wave envisions power demands in line with the period before the Third Tiberium War, and the need for substantial redundant capacity in the case of future wartime necessity.
(Progress 25/500: 10 Resources per die) (- Labor, +++++ Energy)
[ ] Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 1)
With existing power needs met, there are many teams of engineers not being used. While microgeneration is inefficient from a power grid standpoint, and the program is unlikely to ever amount to substantial power from the perspective of the grid as a whole, it can be extremely meaningful from a personal standpoint. When the grid breaks down, as happened in the Third Tiberium War, widespread microgeneration, such as rooftop photovoltaic arrays or wind turbines, can substantially harden the grid, allowing for power to be routed to important facilities, such as Tiberium Processing centres and factories.
(Progress 0/75: 5 resources per die)
[ ] Yellow Zone Power Grid Extension (Phase 1)
While expanding power production in the yellow zones is unlikely at this time, as it is too vulnerable to Tiberium encroachment and exposed to NOD attack, running dedicated DC lines to the Terminus cities will open up options for expanding jobs and emplacing industries nearer to the Tiberium fields. (Progress 0/80: 5 resources per die)
[ ] Manchester Silicon Chip Fabrication
A silicon chip is one of the most critical pieces of technology across GDI's entire system. Computer systems reliant on these appear in everything from recreation, to heavy manufacturing, to nearly every piece of military equipment more advanced than the GD2, and even the GD2 requires a small number of these for its peripherals. The war sharply constricted chip fabrication, with most extant systems either falling to NOD control or being destroyed. By setting up new facilities in secure blue zones, GDI can begin filling vital supply chains again. (Progress 122/150: 15 resources per die) (- Labor, + Capital Goods, +++ Consumer Goods, ++ Logistics, + Health)
[ ] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1)
While the Manchester chip fabrication plant has not yet broken ground, a series of destroyed blocks in North Boston provide a substantial area to set up a serious fabrication capacity. Far larger and with much more room to grow than the Manchester facility, it will also need a far more substantial investment into its infrastructure. The first steps will be to clear away destroyed buildings, and to establish a single unified system, with power, water, and logistics linkages for importing raw materials and exporting finished goods. (Progress 0/150: 15 resources per die) (- Labor)
[ ] Helsinki C-35 Factories
A Civil Aviation version of the V-35 Ox, the C-35 lacks the Vertical Takeoff and Landing capacity of its military cousin. Instead, it trades that weight required for swinging engines for an expanded cargo bay, and increased stability. While there are only a few surviving airports that can tend to these aircraft, the number of surviving C-35s is insufficient to service them regularly. Much like the military version, the C-35 comes with a modular carry bay, although it is not easily converted on the civilian model. Capable of both hauling people and supplies, these are intended to be primarily used for the rapid transport of high value perishables, including vaccines. (Progress 0/150: 15 resources per die) (-- Energy, ++ Logistics) (5 Political Support)
[ ] Christchurch Tool Plant
With the current capital goods crisis, the construction of new tooling plants, designed to work with extremely hard steels, is one part in making good the current shortages. Machine tools, like drill bits, press forms, and other cutting implements get worn down, and eventually break, even with the best of care. With five years of deferred maintenance and the increased demands of wartime necessity, there are many bits and other elements that need immediate replacement.
(Progress 0/300: 15 resources per die) (+++ Capital Goods)
[ ] New Moscow Robotics Works
While chips are one of the most pressing crises, one of the other significant hurdles is the provision of robotic assemblies, ranging from waldoes and robotic arms, to Crab, Bee, and Elephant class construction drones. While construction gangs have become a common sight across the initiative, in more normal times, most of the work is handled by drones, assembling buildings under the direction of human foremen. While it will not reach full capacity without the output of chip fabricators, replacing humans in construction will speed along many projects. (Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die)
[ ] Heavy Industrial Enterprise Grants
As the Initiative rebuilds from the war, one question that has increasingly been raised is one of offering new opportunities for private enterprise to begin filling some of the need for heavy industrial and consumer goods. In the eyes of the proponents of this policy, private enterprise is better positioned to both find new products, and more efficient ways of producing existing products. While somewhat fragile in the face of the demands of total planetary warfare, there are advantages to not having a global bureaucracy to deal with. (15 resources per turn) (+ Consumer Goods)
[ ] Union Class Construction Yard
Most space craft rely heavily on various construction methods to lose weight, mainly in the selection of materials, but also by cutting safety margins to the absolute limit. For a fusion drive vehicle however, the opposite is true. With plenty of extra thrust from a dial a yield column of plasma, the prime limiting factor is more volume. These loosened tolerances turn rocketry from a boutique and artisanal program into a problem of proper serial production. With significant investment, the long term savings are likely to be quite substantial
(Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die) (+1 Fusion Lift Die)
[ ] Leopard Class Construction Yard
The Leopard is essentially an overgrown and overbuilt aircraft, necessary compromises when it comes to attempting to ride a column of plasma into orbit. However, this does mean that orbital engineering teams are not well prepared to handle this kind of construction on a large scale. However, the heavy industrial teams are. Building a construction yard for serial production will be both expensive in the immediate term, and a significant savings in the longer term. (Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die) (+1 Fusion Lift Die)
Light and Chemical Industry (3 dice)
[ ] Chemical Precursor Plants
While Tiberium and greenhouses can provide many of the chemicals needed for both day to day living and industrial needs, there are many chemicals, such as ethylene, propylene, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and a wide selection of others that are important in everything from body armor to storage vessels, to medication. By building large chemical plants around the world, many of these can be produced and shipped more cheaply than doing small scale production on site.
(Progress 0/200: 15 resources per die) (++ Capital Goods, --- Energy)
[ ] Personal Water Purification Units
While large scale water purification is far more efficient, many people are currently too dispersed or isolated to bring water to in a reasonable manner. By building small scale hybrid sonic/graphene purification units, people can be guaranteed a steady supply of fresh water. While distribution will take further efforts, there is sufficient warehouse space to begin producing these now. (Progress 0/150: 10 resources per die) (++ Health)
[ ] Personal Electric Appliances Factories
While there are nowhere near enough chips to supply the demand for electronic devices, there are many units, including microwaves, kettles, lamps, washing machines, driers and the like that can be produced without more than the most basic of components, easily manufactured on site. While they are a mere portion of the total demand, providing them will serve to dampen the near insatiable appetite for goods, and provide a better standard of living for people around the world.
(Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die) (+++ Consumer Goods, --- Electricity)
[ ] Lithium Battery Plants
One of the key elements that allows for railguns, Lithium Ion batteries provide a stable source of charge for the capacitors to a railgun. While first practically built shortly after Tiberium fell to earth, the Lithium Ion battery has seen sequential upgrades, most notably a switch to using a saline solution for the electrolyte. This has significantly reduced the risk of fires, making it practical as a hybrid electric drive train solution in many military and transport roles. By increasing production of these batteries, it will both make many military developments cheaper, and increase logistical capability (Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die)(+ Logistics) (makes military developments cheaper)
[ ] Toy Plants
While electronic devices have been the preferred means of recreation for children the world over for decades, ongoing shortages have caused proposals for a new wave of toy plants to be constructed. Ranging from dolls to dart guns, toys can be produced simply and cheaply, a supply of entertainment for children the world over. (Progress 0/100: 5 resources per die) (++ Consumer Goods)
[ ] Light Industrial Enterprise Grants
As the Initiative rebuilds from the war, one question that has increasingly been raised is one of offering new opportunities for private enterprise to begin filling some of the need for heavy industrial and consumer goods. In the eyes of the proponents of this policy, private enterprise is better positioned to both find new products, and more efficient ways of producing existing products. While somewhat fragile in the face of the demands of total planetary warfare, there are advantages to not having a global bureaucracy to deal with. (15 resources per turn) (+ Consumer goods per turn)
Agriculture (3 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays
With most of the lush farmlands that were once able to feed the world's population comfortably overrun by Tiberium, governments were forced to resort to as many methods of feeding its population as it could. One of the more successful ways found to work were hybrid fish and vegetable farms, that were able to provide balanced diets, even if they are not quite as calorie dense as traditional farming. It's time to restore those farms that were damaged in the fighting, and restock those that ran short.(Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per die) (-- Labor ++ Food)
[ ] Integrated Biodome Experiments
While there are few immediate needs for greater biodiversity given the widespread Tiberium contamination on earth, if we are to live on this planet long term, there are thousands of animal and plant species that will need to be reintroduced. By building self contained biodomes, test strains can be built up to encourage genetic diversity and expand our collections of source material. This will also be a good starting point for expansions offworld if our experiments bear fruit (Progress 0/150: 10 resources per die) (-- Labor, +Food)
[ ] Luxury Aquaponic Bays
Ranging from strawberries to peppers, there are many foods that don't have the caloric or nutritional density to make them viable as a productive backbone. However, with the worst of the food crisis behind us, a series of aquaponic bays dedicated to these products as consumer goods can be constructed. While consumer goods are not a necessity they are politically useful, and even small luxuries can be substantial improvements in quality of life.
(Progress 0/100: 10 Resources per die) (++ Consumer Goods)
[ ] Novel Crops Experimental Laboratories
While production methods have changed drastically in the last fifty years, the vast majority of the crops consumed by the Global Defense Initiative have been domesticated for millenia, and most of the rest have been domesticated for centuries. With the natural reservoirs that have provided most of the domesticated plant species destroyed by human exploitation or Tiberium, an ambitious genetic engineering program has been proposed to begin construction of a new generation of crops, ones that are cheaper and easier to grow, and more productive. While the program is likely to be expensive, and with uncertain results, growing for the future is likely to require truly novel crops, especially with the ongoing spread of Tiberium.
(Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die)
Tiberium (6 dice)
[ ]Blue Zone Perimeter Fencing (Phase 1)
Around the limits of the Blue Zones there are now thousands of redoubts, and tens of thousands of outposts. However, these are not enough. Even with all of the effort of harvesting operations, Tiberium can still encroach on the limits of the Blue Zones. By deploying long lines of sonic fencing, backed by Shatterer QRFs, Blue Zones around the world can be further secured by a thin backing line. While it will not be enough to stop substantial incursions, the small leaks left by redoubts and outposts can be more easily handled, and deposits that are too large can be subsumed rather than having to be harvested first. (Progress 369/400: 15 resources per die) (Contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Blue Zone Perimeter Redoubts (Phase 2)
With the first wave of redoubts constructed, and Tiberium beginning to be pushed back, there are now two paths forward. First is repositioning the redoubts forwards, as the ones in the back of the formation get left behind, and second is constructing a thicker band of redoubts. While the first wave were intended to be mutually supporting, it was more technical than practical. Adding more redoubts, and creating an interlinking support network will allow far more to be done to beat back Tiberium,
(Progress 2/200: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 2)
With the first wave of outposts completed, further work needs to be done. There are two key parts to this. First is moving forward, a creeping line of outposts moving deeper into yellow zones, especially aiming to link up to Harvesting operations deeper into the yellow zones. Both will require a further wave of new construction, and reinforcements, especially as many of the easily secured areas are behind the lines by this point.
(Progress 72/150: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4)
While existing harvesting operations are at their limit, a new wave of harvesting bases, deep in the yellow zones, can continue expanding our influx of Tiberium. While the deeper yellow zone operations require much more substantial resource commitments to harvest, especially with the Brotherhood ramping up operations once more, the new operations can be expanded, much as the previous wave has been.
(Progress 0/300: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5-10 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 1)
With the construction of new fortified towns and their connections to Blue Zone infrastructure, an even more intensive extraction industry can be constructed. Relying on the towns for labor, more fields can be exploited and already exploited fields can have harvesting operations expanded. While this is unlikely to significantly slow Tiberium growth, it is substantially more cost effective in terms of expanding the quantities of resources available. (Progress 0/100: 15 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5-10 Resources]) (slightly contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2)
The most contaminated of areas, the Red Zones also offer bounties of Tiberium. While it will be expensive to set up, and offer limited progress towards stopping the spread of Tiberium, basic harvesting measures should turn significant profits. Rather than being a substantially different approach, simply expanding the number of harvesting facilities is enough to continue to bring in yet more resources and continue to fight Tiberium growth. (Progress 2/150: 25 resources per die) (additional income trickle [10-20 Resources]) (Slightly contributes to plan goal)
[-] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3)
At this time, no further Tiberium Glacier mines can be effectively placed, at least without severely compromising the security of the site.
(Progress 136/200: 30 resources per die) (-- Logistics) (additional income trickle [40-60 Resources])
[ ] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs
The first stage in making use of new methods of Tiberium exposure treatment is the establishment of a series of new labs to handle the material safely. The key element is a series of negative pressure rooms, designed to contain any potential outbreak. Additionally, all staff are required to wear positive pressure suits, and all outgoing materials must be thoroughly sterilized and decontaminated before exiting. There are also a series of sonic fences between labs, another attempt to control any potential outbreak. While this may seem paranoid, Tiberium is one of the most dangerous substances known to man, and bioactivated Tiberium is the most dangerous form of that.
(Progress 0/100: 20 resources per die)
Orbital Industry (3 dice)
[ ] GDSS Philadelphia II (Phase 1)
Destroyed in the opening stages of the Third Tiberium War, Colombia Station must be rebuilt to show that we are capable of regaining what we once had, and serve as an administration center for the Initiative. While at this point we would only lay the framework, even marginal progress will serve as a powerful symbol of GDI's continued resilience. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die) (5 PS for completion)
[ ] GDSS Colombia (Phase 1)
The development of a first stage of orbital habitats offers a prototype for further evacuations of the most devastated areas. While expensive, stations like this one could be the future of human habitation. These prototypes will not be fit for human habitation, however any issues that emerge here are ones that can be solved before trying to live in space. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die)
[ ] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 1)
An orbital industrial hub is a requirement to begin reaching out into the broader solar system. While surface launched probes and land rovers can offer scans of planetary objects and potential habitation sites, our existing facilities are too limited for any kind of development of the inner system. While at this point the structure will serve as little more than a base for GDI astronauts, great things can come from small beginnings. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die)
[ ] GDSS Shala (Phase 1)
While agriculture on the ground is still capable of sustaining life on earth, Shala, named after the Sumerian goddess of grain and compassion, is aimed at taking this to the skies. While at this point plans are for an entirely experimental station, capable of doing little more than feeding its inhabitants, work done here will be invaluable as the orbits, and eventually other worlds, are colonized. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die) (5 PS for completion)
[ ] Expand Orbital Communications Network (Phase 1)
The communications potential of satellites has been known for nearly a century. While GDI has often invested in such satellites, the current network has begun to show its age, between holes punched by the war, power failures, and the Kessler effect caused by NODs nuclear strike, many of GDI's orbital satellites need prompt replacement. While other fires have left this one on the backburner, it has come time to begin working to make good the damages above, as well as below. (Progress 0/150: 15 resources per die)
Services (3 dice)
[ ] Yellow Zone Refugee Camps (Phase 3)
While camps around the world are already beginning to degrade, and the Brotherhood of NOD has been increasingly restive, a further series of camps can be constructed to house the rest of the needy population. While this would likely not be the most politically popular, especially in lieu of expanding housing programs, it would be able to at least temporarily solve the ongoing housing crisis.
(Progress 142/600: 5 Resources per die) (++++ Housing,)
[ ] Primary Schooling
The war created a significant hole in standard educational practices. While not the highest priority, returning kids to school frees up parents to work, and is an ongoing investment in our future. Schooling will also increase security against the Brotherhood of Nod in the long term, as more children will be raised under standard GDI curricula and away from terrorist indoctrination. (Progress 25/300: 5 Resources per die) (---- Labor) (5 Political Support)
[ ] Craft Shops and Maker facilities
Constructing a series of Craft Shops and Maker Facilities will both consume a negligible amount of resources, and allow people to begin custom making the items that GDI is currently not providing. Additionally, while not precisely a step towards a reduction in central planning, it is a movement towards a returned sense of normality and liberty. (Progress 0/200: 5 resources per die) (+ Consumer Goods) (5 Political Support)
[ ] Reopen the Publishing Houses
During the war, many publishing houses were forced to close their doors. While some, like scientific journals were forced to remain open as a means of communication and recordkeeping, it is high time for somewhat more entertaining publications to return to markets the world over. These publishing houses will require an infusion of personnel and a substantial investment in new printing facilities, but are also a significant increase in the ability of people to make public and widely distributed statements that are harder to bury than posts on GDI social media.
(Progress 0/150: 10 resources per die) (-Labor ++ Consumer Goods) (5 Political Support)
Military (3 dice)
[ ] ASAT Defense System (Phase 1)
The ASAT Defense systems were bypassed in the early days of the Third Tiberium War. While the Brotherhood of Nod does not currently appear to have a nuclear weapons stockpile, the reconstruction of the ASAT network will re-establish GDI orbital dominance. (Progress 5/50: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Reclaimator Hubs
While Massive Armored Reclamation Vehicles proved themselves on the field of battle in the Third Tiberium War, they are difficult to construct and maintain in the field in significant numbers. By establishing regional hubs, MARV units can harvest and process more Tiberium, allowing for more units to be supported. (Blue Zone 1-19, Yellow Zone 1-6 ABC, Red Zone 1-8, North South) (Progress 0/125: 25 resources per die) (Contributes to plan goal)
-[ ] Reclaimator Hub Blue Zone 1 (Progress 39/125)
Zone Operations Command
[ ] Sonic Mobile Artillery Vehicle Development
While the Shatterer has shown its effectiveness, it remains held back by its origin as a mining tool. ZOCOM has requested a next generation weapon system capable of offering indirect fire support at extreme ranges to the soldiers of the Zone Operations Command. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Zone Suit Factories
With a new generation of Zone Suit armors designed, a series of new factories around the world need to be constructed. While existing armors can be refitted using on base manufacturing capabilities, in order to provide anywhere near the number of suits required to completely replace ZOCOM's infantry complement mass centralized factories need to be constructed. With six planned sites, in Newark, Glasgow, New Moscow, Christchurch, Oslo, and Helsinki, the project will be anything but small, a testament to just how many suits are needed.
-[ ] Newark (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, -- Energy)
-[ ] Glasgow (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, -- Energy)
-[ ] New Moscow (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, -- Energy)
-[ ] Christchurch (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, -- Energy)
-[ ] Oslo (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, -- Energy)
Air Force
[ ] Apollo Fighter Factories
While the Apollo was developed before the Third Tiberium War, and was in testing at Valparaiso Spaceport, much of the initial run was destroyed in a Black Hand raid that also seized Dr. Alphonse Giraud, the project lead of Apollo. The remaining units were, for the most part, destroyed over the course of the Third Tiberium War. Resume construction of Apollo Factories.
-[ ] Toronto (Progress 0/70: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, --- Energy)
[ ] Harbinger Gunship Development
In 1964, the US Air Force mounted three General Electric miniguns onto a C-47 for use in air support over Vietnam. Usually operating under the call sign of Puff, the first of these proved its worth breaking a Viet Kong attack on US forces in the Mekong Delta. The VC-35 Ox is the fourth of its kind to be pressed into service in this role. While vertical takeoff and landing capabilities change how it will conduct operations, the results tend to be little different than those of nearly a century ago. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
Space Force
[ ] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Development
Derived off of ZOCOM, the Orbital Strike regiment is intended to give Space Command a significant striking capability. Rather than relying exclusively on surface garrisons, Orbital Strike RCT will be able to deliver overwhelming force to any location on the planet in a matter of hours, depending on the relation between the target area and a stationed unit. (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die)
[ ] Orbital Strike Combat Teams
While figuring out how to deliver a sizable force to the battlefield from orbit is an expensive proposition, and one that will require extensive testing, a much more simple option is already developed. Zone Troopers are already mounted up with orbital drop pods. While in either case it takes 10-20 minutes for the troops to be delivered, that is massively faster than any other option. By copying those over to the Space Force, they can have a dedicated operational branch without significant new developments. (Progress 0/125: 20 resources per die) (-- Labor)
[ ] High Orbit Ion Cannons
While Space Command's standard array of mostly low orbit Ion Cannons are well positioned to defend against Brotherhood nuclear devices, they are far less well positioned to stop an incoming fleet. By building and repositioning ion cannons in far higher orbits, along with adding a number of Lunar and Lagrange Clusters, the Space Force wants to intercept an incoming fleet long before it has a chance to begin landings on earth. (Progress 0/75: 30 resources per die)
Ground Forces
[ ] Remote Weapons System Development Predator
The MBT-6 Predator served well in the Third Tiberium War. A heavy gun and heavier armor gave GDI armored forces a significant edge over NOD scorpion tanks, and an even more significant edge when fighting lighter buggies and attack bikes. However, it faced difficulties against the RPG-43, and fanatic assaults due to its lack of anti personnel weapons. Building a variant of the Guardian APC's Vigilante remote weapons system for use on the Predator should be easy to roll out, but will take some refit work to develop.
(Progress 0/40: 10 Resources Per die)
[ ] Railgun Refits
The first GDI asset to use a combat specified railgun was the Mark II Mammoth assault walker. Equipped with two heavy hypervelocity railguns, it was a terrifying foe for the Brotherhood in the Second Tiberium War. By the Third Tiberium War, the walker had been retired, but descendents of its railguns had lived on, being fitted to about a quarter of GDI's mechanized forces. During the war, the railgun proved itself time and time again, having better penetration, and allowing the tank to carry more ammunition than the 152mm smoothbore that had been the original weapon. However, railguns are also substantially more expensive, and need an entire separate equipment line to manufacture.
(Progress 0/150: 15 Resources per die)
[ ] Governor Class Cruiser Development
Intended to make good losses among GDI's battle line, the prospective Governor class is intended to be half the displacement, and better protected against air attack, compared to previous GDI battleships. These smaller cruisers are intended to be far more economical to construct than previous battleship designs. (Progress 0/40: 15 resources per die)
[ ] Point Defense Battery Development
Defending against a missile has been a point of development since the late 20th century. This is fundamentally a difficult affair. Hitting a small, often maneuvering target that is accelerating towards the gun platform has always been an issue. With the ever shrinking size of munitions payload in the last half century, the problem has only gotten worse. Modern munitions can put nearly as much payload on target on a warhead half the size. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Light Combat Hydrofoil development
The Global Defense Initiative has thousands of kilometers of coast to patrol. While the larger scale Battleships and Carriers can certainly project force, and existing hovercraft are quite capable of doing inshore patrols, there is a substantial gap in more long range patrol exercises and aircraft interdiction. A small 50 meter hydrofoil design, carrying both missiles and autocannon, can cheaply provide high speed coastal patrol and interdiction duties.
(Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
Steel Talons
[ ] Titan Mark 3 Development
The Titan Mark II in the eyes of the Steel Talons, is getting long in the tooth, and requires a number of substantial upgrades. Ranging from arming itself with an anti personnel mount, and anti missile laser system, to refitted armor and improved sensors, the Mark 3 is intended to be a platform for the next generation of the Steel Talons' weapons development.
(Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Wolverine Mark 3 Deployment
The Wolverine Mark 3 as designed is a relatively simple refit job. Existing factories, with limited modification can switch over to producing the new platform, although they admittedly do require substantial allocations of new equipment, primarily for the railguns.
(Progress 0/150: 15 resources per die) (--- Energy)
[ ] Advanced Myomer Works
Myomer is a next generation material. Essentially an artificial muscle, Myomers can be used to substantially increase the strength and responsiveness of artificial limbs, ranging from prosthetics to assembly arms, to combat mechs. Able to, much like organic muscles, contract at an electrical signal, they will be a substantial help in developing new walkers and offer opportunities across many military and economic spheres. (Progress 0/125: 10 Resources per die) (Reduces cost of Walker development and progress required)
[ ] Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Development
The Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker is intended to be a smaller, and substantially cheaper, replacement for the Mammoth Mk 2. Armed as a breakthrough asset, with anti aircraft missile launchers and rapid fire chin mounted artillery, the Mastodon is as much a weapon of terror as a weapon of war.
(Progress 0/40 : 10 resources per die)
[ ] Havoc Scout Mech Development
The final new asset is the Havoc scout mech. Intended as a supporting asset for Zone Troopers and Raiders, the Havoc as planned has a single standout feature. The Jump Jet. Able to bring more firepower than a Zone Trooper, a higher overground speed, and keep up with them on a series of controlled jets. Armed with a multiple grenade launcher and rotary railgun, it combines the best of both the Trooper and Raider armament systems.
(Progress 0/40: 10 Resources per die)
[ ] Demobilize the Steel Talons
The Steel Talons have not served their military role. While many of their ideas have merit, they would be better used as a dedicated Research and Development Bureau, rather than as a mobilized military force. While this will be difficult due to their political support, it is within your remit as Director of the Treasury (-5 PS) (DC 100)
Bureaucracy (3 dice)
[ ] Security Reviews
GDI has often faced problems with infiltration by the Brotherhood of Nod. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort. (DC 60 + 1 operations die)
[ ] Close Military Procurement Holes
While it is currently impossible to effectively ensure elimination of NOD's surveillance of GDI military procurement, by instituting more thorough double checking of orders and deliveries against whitelists of destinations, the worst of the product loss can be mitigated. While it will not prevent NOD from knowing what and how much is being produced, we can avoid allowing them to get their hands on any more military property, and marginally decrease running costs. (DC unknown, results increased income)
[ ] Reallocate Resources to other departments
One of the limiting factors on GDI's reconstruction has become the limited amount of resources allocated at the beginning of the plan. By moving resources earned from expanding Tiberium exploitation into broader pools, and voluntarily giving up claim to them, the Treasury can earn political support, and bolster other GDI programs beyond its mandate. (Reduces resources per turn by 15 per die allocated) (+10 political support per die)
[ ] Forgotten Band Outreach
As Tiberium harvesting operations look to expand operations in the deep Yellow and Red Zones, one group that is likely to become important is the Forgotten. While they have become less of a unified nation and more of a collection of scattered tribes and bands after the Second Tiberium War. However, many of them are still capable of offering significant resistance, or substantial aid in our harvesting operations. By reaching out and offering aid, and support, the worst of any potential conflict can hopefully be avoided. (DC unknown, results unknown)
** 2 Hour Moratorium on Voting **
So two notes.
1. Election this turn, which I will be revealing with the update, so if there are any of the politically motivated programs you want to do, now is your time to do it.
2. I will be having something of a busy week this week, doing some travel for thesis research, so don't expect an update before Sunday or Monday.