Next turn you will have 3 fusion dice, the turn after you will have 4, and then 5, and then 6, until you have (unless you get more dice) 17. (Military plus Orbital plus Free)
Shouldn't that be 13, not 17? 5 + 3 + 5? Maybe 2 more if you count the potential 2 dice from Wartime Factory Refits.
Little late, but calling CQ vote.

[X]Plan Carter's Terrible Comms Focus
-[X][Carter]Automated Assembly Line (Phase 4/7) 96/200 (1 AP or 5C/Die) 3 dice 15C 96.40%
-[X][Carter]Satellite Factory Assembly: Satellites bought this way can be launched the same turn, max 3 per turn, requires no Dice)
--[X][Carter]Hermes Orbiter Probe 10C Cost 2 probes 20C
-[X][Carter]Communication Satellite 0/35 0/1AP 0/1C (+1 CSAT) 2 dice 2AP 2C 87.25% of 2 C-SATs
-[X][Carter]Opportunity Rover 0/100 0/1AP 0/2C 2 dice 1 AP 2C 67.6%
-[X]Reinforce Herschel-Luna
--[X]2 Hermes Probes 6C
--[X][Carter]Launch Pardus(manned moon landing) 7C
-[X][Carter]LRC-Development 0/1AP 0/1C 0/75 (5C/Die) 1 die 1 AP 6C 46%
-[X][Carter]Radio-Thermal-Generator Module Development 0/2AP 0/3C 0/50 (5C/Die) 1 die 2 AP 8C 71%
-[X][Carter]Ion Drive Module Development AP 4/4 84/125 (5C/Die) 1 die 5C 80%
-[X][Carter]Reactionless Drive Joint Research Experiments 0/5AP 0/??? 3C/turn 1 AP 43C
-[X]Plasma Torch Drive Experiments 5/5 AP 20/20C 222/340 5C/turn ACTIVE
-[X]Fusion Drive Experiments 5/5 AP 20/20C 167/340 5C/turn ACTIVE
-[X][Carter]Relocate Administration 126/150 1 die 83%
-[X][Carter]Prepare for Budget Infusion 146/150 1 die 100%
-[X][Carter]Expand RnD Staff 0/5C 0/150 3 dice 5C 64.73%

And I'll announce it here. After writing the results for this turn, I and CQ will take a 1-2 week break and resume after that with a time skip, with slightly different mechanics. In spirits the adventures of SCED will continue. :p
BOTcommander threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Automated Assembly Line Total: 174
60 60 55 55 59 59
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Communication Satellite Total: 58
13 13 45 45
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Opportunity Rover Total: 54
30 30 24 24
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Reinforce Herschel-Luna Total: 72
72 72
BOTcommander threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Launch Pardus Total: 204
91 91 14 14 60 60 39 39
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: LRC-Development Total: 70
70 70
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Radio-Thermal-Generator Dev Total: 43
43 43
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Ion Drive Module Dev Total: 33
33 33
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Reactionless Drive Exp Total: 19
19 19
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Plasma Torch Drive Exp Total: 48
48 48
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fusion Drive Exp Total: 72
72 72
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Relocate Admin Total: 92
92 92
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Prepare for Budget Infusion Total: 69
69 69
BOTcommander threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Expand RnD Staff Total: 97
69 69 25 25 3 3
Last edited:
Progress report:
Automated Assembly Line (Phase 4/7) 312/200
Satellite Factory Assembly: 2 Hermes probes (Launched, Luna)
Communication Satellite 76/35 2CSATs

Opportunity Rover 72/100 1/1AP 2/2C

Reinforce Herschel-Luna -2 Hermes Probes 72: no boom!
Launch Pardus(manned moon landing) (91, 14, 60, 39) no boom?

LRC-Development 90/75
Radio-Thermal-Generator Module Development 63/50
Ion Drive Module Development 137/125

Reactionless Drive Joint Research Experiments 5/5AP 39/???
Plasma Torch Drive Experiments 5/5 AP 20/20C 290/340
Fusion Drive Experiments 5/5 AP 20/20C 259/340

Relocate Administration 224/150
Prepare for Budget Infusion 221/150

Expand RnD Staff 5/5C 115/150

Argh, Ion Drives did not complete. Would have been nice to have the rover complete, too.
Edit: Math failed. Ion drives are finished, CSAT network is good to begin work.
Last edited:
To the Moon!

That will leave all our mandates completed or in the process of being completed. A great win for space command.
Now to see if we can get another infusion of funds from the main quest so we can keep exploring. Next we should aim to get the first person on Mars!
Last edited:
I'd really like a post involving the first GDI crewed landings on the Moon (and so on) to get specially threadmarked as something other than "205x Qy" or whatever.

Maybe that's just me though?
Maybe get the Rdrive before we try going to Mars? Seems like it would take a while.
We have no idea how long it will take to work out the secrets of the reactionless drive, and I'm pretty sure we don't know what the power requirements are. Aspects of the space program that might have strategic implications in the short term like "when can we start asteroid mining" should probably not be postponed to wait on reactionless drive.

Though I'm not sure a crewed Mars landing falls under that umbrella.
I would think yellow zoners would be better equipped for living in a hostile environment.
True, but on the other hand a lot of the technical experts and generally super-healthy people we want as astronauts working on the earliest city-stations will be Blue Zoners. You don't want people with chronic health conditions that need to be managed. You want people who have experience working with very specific and complex kinds of technology. Because of the fear of Nod saboteurs you want people whose background can be vetted closely, with detailed, accurate records accounting for their history and security background.

So we end up with the first half million or so people we send into space being overwhelmingly Blue Zoners... which in turn means a period of years where that's all we've got.
[ ] Fiber-Optic Expansion
Fiber-Optic cables combine extremely high speed, and substantial bandwidth. While many lines were damaged or destroyed during the Third Tiberium War, redevelopment has brought a number of major new projects on previously undeveloped lands, leaving large numbers with more limited access to vital services. Expanding access to fiber optic lines, and laying a number of new trunk and branch cables down nearly every street in the initiative, and along every rail line, will substantially increase overall connectivity, and reduce demand on existing human logistical lines.
(Progress 105/240: 20 resources per die) (+ Labor, +++ Consumer Goods, ++ Logistics)

This quarter, the construction of the fiber optic lines has barely occurred, between needing chronic repair work and substantial reworking of existing lines due to mistakes made in initial construction. While there has been no clear disaster, or anyone to blame, much of the initial work has had to be redone, mainly at the splicing points. With the number of other projects demanding trained manpower, the few left assigned to the task have done everything in their power to stay on top of the problem, but have in turn made little progress in their assigned task of expanding the network.
uuuugh I felt this whole update in my soul :tongue:

When I was reading this quest the other week, I had a thought about consumer goods: How would GDI go about producing... Makeup?

And what even would be the styles people in the future would go with? Maybe some crazy kids who think the Forgotten are cool put on some shocking green fake-tib makeup?
Q3 2055 Results
GDIOnline Q3 2055

The Hawks Splitting

Dr. Henry Olvier
Well, I had known that the Hawks were having some troubles, but I never actually expected this. Ozawa had never been my pick for leadership, but at least he understood the need for a strong military and protecting the Blue Zones. But with Al-Jilani and the militarists I have a group that I can happily vote for without holding my nose.

Good to see the hawks are not all comically evil towards the yellow zones for no reason. I support the split, it's been a long time coming. Hopefully this will push other parties to split so we can have more parties that represent varied interests instead of just monolithic blocks of OBEY THIS NARROW PARTY LINE CITIZEN.

Oh good, so them having a reason makes it all fine to shoot on sight got it. Go fuck yourself.

#YellowZon3r, I'm not sure where you are getting that from.
Also, I'm glad to see the crazies are getting split from the actually sane ones. I just hope we don't see a repeat of historical events where the crazies getting sectioned out makes them both crazier and more violent. Hope InOps is on the ball there and not crazy themselves.

#FloatingWood, did you miss the last I dunno fifty or so years of history? GDI might be helping *now* but that's only a recent change and as the 'split' abundantly shows. There's still plenty with that kind of thinking. But fine, congratulations here you go, you win the "Not as comically evil as you could have been." Award.

#YellowZon3r, I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm asking you why them having a reason would make it alright for them to shoot on sight.
#KropotkinsGhost, strictly speaking all other parties are already pretty wide ranging politically, parties splitting up would actually force the various parties into less flexible approaches.

Well, I think that, as a historian, this is officially going to be Interesting Times. GDI has an unfortunate history of neglecting the populace of the Yellow Zones, and there have
always been groups that condemn populations for the action of groups that live among them. So, the more xenophobic Initiative First party may well have a fair amount of supporters, despite the unfortunate connotations of the name seeming to borne out by Ozawa's rhetoric. However, the explicit focus of the Militarists on their namesake will likely draw quite a bit of support, even from those who also support the platforms of other parties. Only the most naive will deny the need for a strong military to fight NOD, and protect our Tiberium abatement projects, after all.

#FloatingWood I will admit my disdain for big tent parties may color my view a bit, but having a Space party split off from the Developmentalists would be interesting wouldn't you say?

#FloatingWood, it's not okay for them to shoot on sight. I was being sarcastic.

#KropotkinsGhost, there's already a space party. The name escapes me right now, but there's a couple of members of parliament that are part of it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Developmentalists basically draw them into the fold to make the numbers go upperer.
#YellowZon3r, it's really hard to read sarcasm in a text medium.

#FloatingWood Starbound party represent! SPAAAACE!

#FloatingWood I would have thought the sarcasm was obvious.

I've met entirely too many crazies who would make that argument sincerely.

Proof, as if it were needed. That some of Y'all Bluezoners are dangerous.

Sad to say, I've seen this split coming for a while based on some conversations at work and with people I liaison with. Ozawa precipitated this by flexing his muscle and expecting everyone to toe the line-he didn't understand just how ambitious and serious Al-Jilani was about the impending challenge for the leadership. Now they're splitting the base, and right in the teeth of an election-which means they're gonna lose a lot of leverage in the post-election season.

This split is truly fascinating to watch. For those who have been tracking vote records (publicly available under the Historical Records section of the GDI Civilian Administration site, for those curious), it's become increasingly obvious that Al-Jilani was leading a growing movement within the Hawks party. I would say that her new party's name is perhaps not the most encouraging one. "Militarism" is an idea rife with historical baggage. But then again, in terms of politics, so is the word "Hawks". I'll be curious to see if they try to re-brand in the near future.
What's even more interesting, to me, is the growing set of rumors of potential splits in the Free Market and Development parties. Again, not necessarily unexpected, but still fascinating. My guess is that these movements are ultimately driven by the radically-increased size of the Parliament, which we heard about a few weeks ago.

Well, it's about time. As someone who watches the hawk party closely, I think the split is inevitable thanks to Dr. Granger's policies of focusing on Yellow and Red Zones, resulting in the military being stretched hard without much development on their end.

Case in point, the rollout of new tech feels slow despite being at war with those Noddites, we don't see too much of a difference. Perhaps only Rapier-class hydrofoils, Apollo Fighters and Super-MARVs being the new additions after God knows how long.

Things might get tumultounous in the short run, but longterm I am optimistic that this spliut will only result in better representation of voter interests. Doctor Granger tries his best, God bless his heart, but no one can deny that he has certian blind spots. The military is the obvoius one, but we also all know how long it took the ports to be cleaned up after the war. Blue Zoners have a right to look to their own intirests, just like everyone else.

Philadelphia II has begun operations

Timothy Whichard
As the first post from the Philadelphia II station in an official capacity, I am happy to say that the artificial gravity is working, the recycling systems are online, and GDI is once more able to govern from orbit.

Ah GDIs top brass fleeing back into space. I hope continued investment happens to reduce the cost of sending people up there. I would love to have that safety and not constantly have tiberium gnawing at the back of my mind.

It'd be a really bad look if GDI actually does all its governing from orbit. There's a reason people believe GDI abandoned them on Earth. Much as it's an amazing prestige project, I think we'd be better served with a parliament on Earth.

Just saying, when you're over a Red Zone going Faster Than Sane, it's really nice to know that there's a backup comms officer Up There, in case an Ion Storm or other Tiberium Gribbly cuts off contact with Earthbound command. There's a lot more being installed than office space.

A couple days ago, one of Dad's friends had his telescope out, and we got to see it! It looks really cool! He didn't even have to have it on a moving platform like last time, because apparently the station is going almost as fast as the Earth rotates!
Bonesy wasn't all that interested, but that's okay.

Technically I don't think it's moved at all. Just the planet is rotating. Though wasn't the previous one kept in geo-synchrynous orbit?

Philly 2 is supposedly kept close to geo-synchronous but not at geosynchronous. Not sure why. But yes, the Philadelphia was kept in Geosynchronous orbit. Good way to remind people you are constantly over that you are there, bad way to stay in touch with people.

Does anyone else have a tracker on updates from SCED? I'm looking forward to seeing the new data from Mars, when the gang of probes gets there.

<message deleted by moderator>
User was banned: NOD Sockpuppet

I think the probes get there late November/early December and will be occupied with testing first. First results should start rolling in sometime in January, with the hope of the probes surviving for years to come with fresh new data every couple of weeks through the network.

The return of a Space Station Philadelphia to the skies is a hearty reminder of the determination of everyone within the Global Defense Initiative. My congratulations to the hard-working men and women who have assembled the new station. It never ceases to bring a bit of wonder to my heart when I consider the sheer rapid pace of mankind's reach to the heavens. It's been less than a full century since mankind first sent people into space!

Akira Oda (Tiberium Coordination Committee) (Treasury Delegation)
So this is gonna get awkward and while I won't really say anything classified being stuck in the Philadelphia II when the Hawks split has played merry hell to the parliamentary delegation sent to us. So we were talking about the scripted speech each of the delegation would say to the press and that went on well until the question and answer portion came up. You see, this was supposed to be a photo-ops for everyone involved. This included all minor parties with more than one member so standard GDI PR stuff. The problem came when a reporter asked the Hawk delegation on who they would support Al-Jilani or Ozawa of course the speaker said Ozawa and said a lot of talking points I'm really uncomfortable with then another Hawks delegate got pissed when he said he supports Al-Jilani while insulting Ozawa and the speaker. They were in a screaming match during the livestream for Tiberium abatement policies going forward. The reporters were fascinated while everyone else on the station were internally screaming at how this all came crashing down. Then some cheeky reporter mentioned a party-split and that silenced everybody. I am not joking, ten minutes of an isekai protagonist looking at a truck's headlights was what it felt like. Then I went to the podium salvaging the conference by giving progress reports on Chicago, MARVs, and our commitment to provide support for the next round of military procurement and development. Both Hawks delegates are in the brig right now until we can get out of here.

But enough of that looking outside of space is beautiful and I'm happy to be one of the officials able to say that our future is in the final frontier. I even got in a spacesuit to do a space walk. I'm quite happy what my former office has done with that.

Brewery Boasting

So, since the Treasury looked into the coffers of last summer and saw there was a ton of barley going spare and they had a bunch of large vats, drums and kettles left over, the old alcohol industry has seen a ton of investment. This means that the breweries are starting back up again, beyond the small batches that could be produced previously, anyway.
Now, we right thinking Europeans shall of course forever pity the poor buggers in BZ 2 with their yellow 'I am not actually allowed to call it what I would call it because the automoderators would hit me with a newspaper' stuff, but that doesn't mean we can't complain about the comparative quality (and the lack thereof) between various breweries.
So, to start, the old brewery of Groenlo's finest brewers has started back up (in Enschede, don't ask), and from what I hear they've lost a bit of their touch. The poor buggers out in the west however are once more forced to make do with ditchwater, which is probably better than it has ever been due to a lack of ingredients to screw up with.
Anybody else have observations?

I for one will be glad if I can crack open a cool one with my friends. Authorities cracked down pretty hard on the self brewed stuff and drinking water and fruit juice just aint the same, but I'll drink those two over whatever the Americans call beer. Looking forward to my full inbox once they wake up over there.

While it's good to see some breweries working again, I have to say I'll hold off on tasting of the current offerings. I much prefer wine, whiskey, or mead, which are in horrifically short supply in the last couple of decades. I've had a couple of chances to taste more esoteric drinks with a sweeter bent (chocolate and non-grape fruit flavors). Here's hoping we get the fruit of the vine flowing again soon!

#CrystalWizard iirc, a large chunk of North America is now a red zone though, can't fault them if they can't make decent spirits to cheer them up. If anything, the fact they can still make some alcohol is still something worth celebrating over for them.
I hope we're going to get large-scale hops plantation soon, after all what's beer without some proper hops? And yes, I prefer my beer in lager-style put down your pitchforks, taste better than ales

I can't wait until moscato is available again. I guess a beer is okay just for the sake of something extra to buy, god knows I don't have enough things to buy.

Drinking on and off the job in both the red zone and yellow zone is actually against my contract so I save up to buy and drink the ambrosia known as alcohol after weeks of being run ragged when I go on leave. Well, another is we are getting some shipments of beer for the new refugee camps to give them that old spiel of their rights and citizenship when moving to the GDI.

I'm just waiting until I can get some mead. I really like the more experimental and adventurous flavors, even when they turn out to be a flop.

Q3 2055 Results

Resources: 530 + 0 in reserve (15 allocated to the Forgotten) (20 allocated to grants)
Political Support: 45
Free Dice: 5
Tiberium Spread
14.45 Blue Zone
27.77 Yellow Zone (77 Points of Mitigation)
57.68 Red Zone (50 Points of Mitigation)

Current Economic Issues:
Housing: Significant Surplus (+10)
Energy: Massive Surpluses (+21)
Logistics: Marginal Surpluses (+5)
Food: Significant Surpluses (+8) (+4 stored)
Health: Substantially improved (+5)
Capital Goods: Meeting Demand (+2)
Consumer Goods: Titanic Shortages (-15)
Labor: Gargantuan Surpluses (67)
Tiberium Processing Capacity (1180/1250)
Yellow Zone
Water: Limited Surpluses (+3)

Status of the Parties
(strong support, weak support, weak opposition, strong opposition)
Free Market Party: 19 Seats (1; 2; 10; 6)
Militarist: 14 Seats (2; 10; 2; 0)
Initiative First: 17 Seats (0; 2; 8; 7)
United Yellow List: 10 Seats (2; 7; 1; 0)
Independents: 7 Seats (0; 4; 2; 1)
Developmentalists: 53 Seats (35; 15; 3; 0)

Military Confidence
Ground Forces : Decent
Air Force : Decent
Space Force : Decent
Steel Talons: None
Navy: Low
ZOCOM: Decent

Plan Goals
Capital Goods: 16 points remaining
Consumer Goods: 35 points remaining
Food: 23 points remaining
MARV Fleets: 2 remaining
Deployment Programs: 5 remaining
Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
Abatement: 9 points remaining
GDI Income: 100 remaining
Space Stations: 1 phases remaining
Arcology Programs: 1 remaining.

With the continuing spread of the Red and Yellow Zones, paired with the continued levels of investment, the military is prepared to spend lives to continue expanding the defense of the Blue Zones. While not particularly happy with the state of affairs, they are ready to do what they are able, and damn the costs. Functionally, the Military would prefer if MARVs became a smaller portion of military investment, compared to the actual development and deployment of hardware, but in light of the need for more abatement efforts understand the focus. If desired, the Treasury could orient entirely towards MARV deployment for a quarter or two, so long as other major commitments were not expanded.

"When this Initiative was founded three score years ago, it was called the Global Defense Initiative. Not an initiative to protect the rich, or to define itself by the amount of protection it already provided for the people, but a global one, for all the people. We cannot be a wall telling all beyond it to turn back, but an outreached hand. We cannot consign people to death for the accident of their birth, or the failings of the Initiative of the past. We must fight, for all mankind, and for one globe." - Mohammed Al Jilani (Speech Extract: Founding Day Ceremonies)
What had been a relatively active simmer between the two branches of the Hawk party exploded as the Founding Day ceremonies occurred around the world, marking the 60th anniversary of the Global Defense Initiative. Following Ozawa's time being used to launch a tirade against the Yellow Zones, and praising the "True Sons of the Initiative," Al Jilani used his time at the Washington event to, in effect, declare war on Ozawa's faction. The two parties, now being described as the Militarist, and Initiative First parties have split, and are no longer running on the same tickets, or caucusing together in Parliament. Additionally, this has served as another shock to the crumbling Free Market Party. Already reduced by the Treasury's relentless waterfall of consumer goods production, the collapse of their closest ally has left them somewhat adrift.

NOD Leadership: Joaquim Stahl
The current head of the South American branch of the Brotherhood, Stahl is a rarity within Brotherhood ranks. Having risen from being a street confessor in the 2030s to the head of a regional branch, Stahl has more regard for the lives and capabilities of the Militant than most of his compatriots. Instead of trying to replace them with more regular forces, Stahl has tended to emphasize giving them the best equipment and training possible, paired with distinctly fabian tactics. Rather than the headlong assault, Stahl prefers to harass and harry GDI. A key part of his tactics is the geography. NOD is generally constrained to the area east of the Andes, meaning that GDI has a relatively short front, and oftentimes a significant geographical advantage.
In terms of technology, Stahl has pushed for equalizers and force multipliers, deploying not only laser weapons, but a number of radiation weapons and Tiberium based devices in his war on GDI. These are his preferred force multipliers as they can be given to militants with relatively minimal training, although they are certainly more effective with well trained troops.
However, Stahl has significant opposition within the Brotherhood itself, and while he has refined the South American branch to a fine blade, it is one that he is unlikely to wield. Primarily this is due to his refusal to directly attack GDI, either in the north or south, without some form of substantial tactical advantage and limited goals.

The Green Zones
As the Initiative has spread its influence into the Yellow Zones, a new, informal classification has emerged, the green zones. One foot in the blue zones and one in the yellow, they are primarily a military area, with the population centered on either side. Typically, even if the line is drawn on one side, it is treated as a yellow zone, as at any moment, a crawling surge of green crystals can create a breakthrough that needs to be stemmed off, or an area can get mined out, leading to positions getting moved forward. These areas move somewhat back and forth constantly, with technical definitions not really matching the situation on the ground.

Yellow Zone Integration
The Yellow Zones, while still substantially geographically segregated (despite Initiative efforts to offer more integrated residential environments) is actually becoming increasingly integrated with broader Initiative culture and politics, and has been having their own influence. Yellow Zone Chic has become a minor but growing fashion trend, with environmental suits going from necessity to fashion statement, something that administrators have tended to look on with somewhat bemused approval and generally more lessons on how to properly wear the suits. At the same time however, smaller groups of Blue Zoners have continued staging protests against what they see as the Treasury, and the Initiative more broadly, favoritism towards the Yellow Zones, demanding an end to zone specific planning, and population based resource allocations, both of which would result in the effective collapse of spending on Yellow Zone interests.
More politically, the Yellow Zone security services, while still not entirely locally sourced, have seen a significant transition where they have become half or more locally recruited officers. While the goal is to move almost entirely to local officers, there are simply no Yellow Zoners with appropriate seniority to fill the upper ranks.

[ ] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 1)
With the oceans contaminated by Tiberium, tidal power has rarely been an effective means of power generation, especially with the limitations on actual power generation. However, with GDI's heavy industrial resources tied up attempting to bring fusion and more fission plants online, Tidal power has become a far more feasible design problem.
(progress 200/200: 10 resources per die) (+++ Energy) (Nat 1)

The first wave of major tidal power plants has completed, but not without a significant hitch. With the installation nearly completed, it was discovered that Tiberium had nested in the turbine blades, meaning that they had to be torn out, and a redesigned model installed, better suited to dealing with Tiberium fragments that were washed up with the tide. Each fragment was microscopic, and unless it was caught in the joins of the turbine, effectively invisible, at least until it began eating into the turbine itself. However, rather than becoming a problem, decisive action from attentive engineers found the problem, and then a solution, before it reached higher than their supervisors, working through the nights to fabricate the new systems. While this work meant that surveys of the Penzhin Tidal Works have not yet begun, it has saved the Treasury from some amount of embarrassment.

[ ] Blue Zone Arcologies (Phase 1)
An Arcology is an all in one solution, combining comfortable living spaces with high levels of density, and providing all that one could want within a single building. While inherently complex as a structure, and not a requirement for Blue Zone life, they were a highlight of prewar GDI urban planning, and rebuilding damaged and destroyed buildings will begin providing for both more housing, and the basics of consumer goods production.
(Progress 453/450: 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Housing, +++ Consumer Goods, -- Energy)

A massive wave of high quality housing has hit the Initiative, leading to many apartment blocks being drawn down for renovations, and to be repurposed as temporary accommodations for refugees. With the people moving in, it has been an eclectic mix of Yellow Zone families, Blue Zone professionals, and various degrees of security clearance, leading to some minor strains as people get used to being in the same environment. The return of many of the arcologies has provided a minor improvement in inner city traffic, as thousands of people no longer commute in or out of the city for work. While not particularly noticeable on the statistical scale that the Initiative operates at, on a human scale it has been a point of some minor celebration.
As a result of the emergent major surplus of housing the Navy has begun mooting the idea of rescue raids. Instead of waiting for refugees to come to the Initiative, hitting coastal areas, laying down temporary infrastructure for an evacuation, and then holding the area while sending out emissaries to nearby settlements to see if they would be willing to evacuate to the Blue Zones. While a complicated operation, more so than most potential options, it also does not require the Initiative to take and hold hostile ground on a permanent basis. However, this would also be a long term effort, one based inherently on naval funding, especially for new waves of cruisers, bombardment monitors, and amphibious assault ships.

[ ] Fiber-Optic Expansion
Fiber-Optic cables combine extremely high speed, and substantial bandwidth. While many lines were damaged or destroyed during the Third Tiberium War, redevelopment has brought a number of major new projects on previously undeveloped lands, leaving large numbers with more limited access to vital services. Expanding access to fiber optic lines, and laying a number of new trunk and branch cables down nearly every street in the initiative, and along every rail line, will substantially increase overall connectivity, and reduce demand on existing human logistical lines.
(Progress 240/240: 20 resources per die) (+ Labor, +++ Consumer Goods, ++ Logistics)

The fiber optic system has finally completed just days before the end of the quarter. While working from home has been a relief for some, the most important change has been a substantially greater accessibility of GDI's enormous libraries of TV and movies. In the early 21st century, one of the highest priorities for the Initiative, aside from fighting Tiberium, was ensuring the survival of human culture. Part of this included a number of copyright measures, which gutted the ways that large companies such as Disney, Universal, and others had used to ensure that their material never reached the Public Domain. As a result, there is a free repository of nearly every piece of media published in the last century and a half. With the fiber optic lines installed, a larger percentage of people can access them than ever before, reaching the vast majority of the population. Similarly, games with near zero latency are now possible, leading to spikes in population across nearly every server currently being operated, from the dozens of Warcraft derivatives, to fanforks of hundreds of other MMOs and multiplayer games that have not been left to languish as their parent companies died in the Tiberium Wars.

[ ] Chicago Planned City (Phase 1)
Originally rising to prominence as the endpoint of the eastern rail system, connecting the industrial products of the east to the natural resources of the west, Chicago was abandoned shortly after the second Tiberium War as GDI fell back towards the coasts. Today the windy city is a skeletal ruin, marked by decades of war, and infested with Tiberium. However, GDI planners see a new future for the city, one dominated by its proximity to the North American Red Zone and connection to the Great Lakes.
(Progress 123/80: 20 resources per die) (--- Labor) (Can spend mixed Tiberium and Infrastructure dice, at least 1 die must be Tiberium)

The first wave of settlement has completed. However, most of the settlement is not actually in Chicago. Instead, much of the labor consumption has been in the boats and ships that will be carrying cargo, and in the port facilities in the Blue Zones ready to handle all of the logistical commitment that is about to be poured into Chicago. At the same time, port facilities, including a number of cranes and permanent docks, have been constructed around the mulberries, ready to begin receiving and sending cargo by the kiloton.
The only people actually in Chicago proper are a few hundred engineers, and the soldiers, living in barracks and readying the area for actual work towards abatement. At the same time a much more solid defensive line, with actual artillery emplacements, and a ring of sonic projectors and Battlebases, has been erected, behind a 600 meter beaten zone, where demolitions have leveled the area. While still substantially short of the effective combat ranges of modern tanks and artillery, it is enough to fend off most NOD infantry.

"Dear Alice
Well, they've gone and done it, I've been transferred to Chicago. I'm lying in barracks writing you this letter (pen and paper, only the best for you my dear-also the 'Net connections here are abysmal due to an ion storm at the moment.) as the weather outside pounds us like a jackhammer. This is the closest to a red zone I've ever been, but no zone armor for me. Been hearing rumblings about it, but then we have been hearing rumblings for a year now. The procedure here is full suits outside-and even inside there's enough sonics on us that I know I'm gonna have trouble sleeping. The humming is constant, rattling my fillings, and grating on the brain. Still, better safe than sorry-we're in a set of eight standard MCV fabbed barracks, and I don't have to tell you again how much I trust the environmental sealing on this thing. I can't wait for the more permanent structures to get put up-rumor has it that they're gonna install a whole MARV hub, which will mean hot showers, hot meals and maybe enough space from the outside to turn down the sonics. Dunno if the censors will delete that last line though-they get tetchy about when you speculate on the brass' plans.
Look, after a six month stint here, I'll have plenty of pay saved up and so will you from your B-4 job. Maybe we can afford to start thinking about the future for us, somewhere we can both live together. Maybe I can be down-rated from active duty to guarding your clearly very important shipyard. We'll figure something out, I promise you girl.
-your beloved sweetheart, Brittany

[ ] Blue Zone Power Production Campaigns (Phase 2)
The Initiative has spent the resources of the last power production campaign almost as quickly as it has built them. With the next phase nearly halfway complete, bringing the array to full readiness is a requirement for further military and civilian development.
(Progress 570/550: 10 Resources per die) (- Labor, +++++ Energy)

At this point, the Initiative has conducted the largest single wave of power production in GDI's history. With major factory construction sucking up energy almost as quickly as it can be built, the nuclear plants have been pushed out one after another, with major plants coming online in the weeks before the end of the quarter. The pace of construction has been exhausting, with work crews hitting their regulatory limits. While there are always more work crews, GDI needs to find some means to increase its power output per unit of work, as the current pace of construction is simply not sustainable. While there are substantial numbers of developments currently in the pipeline to do so, none are ready yet.

[ ] Fusion Power Prototype
With Fusion reactions in use in the space program, there are intentions to attempt to use fusion as a baseline for power-plants. While the initial proof of concept designs will not produce a substantial amount of power, they are a herald of a new age, one not reliant on relatively expensive fissionables.
(Progress 218/200: 20 Resources per Die) (+ Energy)

With the finalization of the prototype fusion power plant, GDI had something that it has long desired. A functional high energy net gain fusion power system. However, it has substantial problems, most notably that it is unable to hold and maintain the reaction for more than a few hours at a time. What this means is that instead of being able to use fusion power to replace fission based systems outright, a more detailed system needs to be implemented, one that is only operational for a few hours out of the day. These peaker plants are however useful. One of the major downfalls of fission power plants is that they do not change yields particularly well. The next major phase of development will be the mass deployment of fusion peaker plants, intended to operate only during the hours of highest power demand.

[ ] Union Class Construction Yard
Most spacecraft rely heavily on various construction methods to lose weight, mainly in the selection of materials, but also by cutting safety margins to the absolute limit. For a fusion drive vehicle however, the opposite is true. With plenty of extra thrust from a dial a yield column of plasma, the prime limiting factor is more volume. These loosened tolerances turn rocketry from a boutique and artisanal program into a problem of proper serial production. With significant investment, the long term savings are likely to be quite substantial
(Progress 224/180: 20 resources per die) (+1 Fusion Lift Die)

The construction yard for the first production model Union class ships has now completed. With it, the Initiative has begun moving towards retiring the stockpiles of conventional rockets nearly entirely. After 98 years, GDI has finally ended the dominance of chemical rockets of orbital spaceflight. While it will take another two years to fully replace the stocks, the Union and Leopard yards combined can serve GDI's current lift needs effectively. However, it is far from enough to serve as the baseline for any substantial evacuation. To evacuate the people of the Blue Zones alone, taking a decade of work, would require some six to eight thousand such craft. To build habitation for them would require at least twice as many. While this type of production is currently beyond a reasonable scale, especially without actual sites and plans for mass settlement, it is potentially possible, unlike conducting an evacuation using chemical rockets.
The Unions themselves are actually remarkably small. While still nearly a thousand tons fully fueled, they are a vertical ovoid sat on four smaller vertical ovoids, which contain the primary vectoring thrust pods, and the landing gear. On the nose of the craft is the command pod. A trio of seats, backs to the floor, with their heads pointed inward, are reserved for the commander, copilot, and communications officer. While capable of being operated by up to ten, the typical load is four crew, with the copilot doubling as the communications slot, and two engineers to keep the all important fusion engine running.

[ ] Bulk Plastics Facilities
Polymers and plastics have become an ever increasing part of GDI's overall development programs. Developing more bulk production facilities will provide for a greater overall availability of vital materials.
(Progress 245/200: 10 resources per die) (+ Capital Goods, ++ Consumer Goods)

The bulk plastics factories are finally online and producing. Although simple plastics are a fairly small part of GDI's total needs, they are an important one, especially for consumer goods. While things like gas seals require some very specific tolerances, things like miniatures for wargaming are much more forgiving of imperfections or other errors, even though that area has mostly reverted to various metals due to it being actually cheaper. Primarily, plastics in consumer goods are used at this point not as a cost saving measure, but actually a weight saving one, or as a means of increasing safety, as something like a dart gun can be accidentally bashed into another kid, or dolls or similar.
As a capital good, these plastics are primarily used for grip areas, because they take less obtrusive and potentially damaging texturing, They are also used in crush areas or failsafes, where a simple disposable length of plastic can engage breaks if overstressed. While this is a limited set of use cases, it does provide for a substantial amount of safety.

[ ] Yellow Zone Light Industrial Sectors
With Yellow Zone cities now in full development, and the capital goods crisis almost in hand, GDI can now begin looking towards developing a full suite of light industrial developments in the Terminus Cities. While this will cost substantial amounts of capital goods as GDI builds all new factory complexes, for everything from toys and toothbrushes to perfume, it will substantially increase employment in the Yellow Zones, making the yellow zones more obviously mutually beneficial with the blue zones.
(Progress 327/400: 10 Resources per die) (++++ Consumer Goods, -- Energy, -- Capital Goods, --- Labor)

Substantial progress has been made on the Light Industrial Sectors. With the factories complete or nearly so, there are few major problems remaining, primarily in the development of the workforce. The final stage of orders for components have been completed, and all that remains is effectively a long series of installations. While it is not yet complete, a similar investment next quarter shows a substantial chance of finishing. Politically, the increased investment has seen a quieting of complaints, and a return to general normalcy.

[ ] State Operated Breweries
With the initiative running substantial surpluses of vital food supplies, some portion of them can be siphoned off towards the production of one of the world's oldest luxury goods, alcohol. While alcohol production has never actually stopped, GDI can step into the market with relatively cheap, high quality and reliable products that can be ordered conveniently. While most products will be low alcohol by volume in comparison to some of the rocket fuel that other producers tend to make, the focus will be on taste.
(progress 69/125: 10 resources per die) (+++ Consumer goods, --- Food)

Beer in all of its various forms is the oldest of the alcoholic beverages, and in fact predates history itself. With the earliest archeological finds dating back some seven thousand years or more, beer has been a near universal companion to human history. Early beers were effectively liquid breads, made by combining flour, water, and natural yeasts, and then drinking the results, something more akin to a thin gruel than what we would consider a drink. Modern beer is a substantially different creature, produced in large batches using engineered yeasts that are radically more active than their natural brethren, eating themselves to death effectively. Beyond that, between one and two thousand years ago, the first of the mainline beer flavorings, hops, began to be included, primarily as a preservative for long transport. While there had been many inclusions beforehand, typically various mixtures of herbs, those had little effect on the shelf life of the beer. By the 1200s, something recognizable to the modern drinker had begun to be brewed across Europe.
GDI's breweries are set up to produce a fairly weak but flavorful beer, generally dialed mainly to local tastes (for example the German Blue Zones have a tendency towards darker lager type beers made with nothing more than malted grain (mostly barley), water, and hops). Comparatively in the South American Blue Zone, a few types of pale beer are favored. Around the world, similar test batches are being worked with, finding the right beer for popular demand with minimal shipping requirements. While the breweries proper have not readied for mass production, they have already turned out to be a source of major anticipation.

[ ] Perennial Aquaponics Bays
While most aquaponics relies on relatively fast growing crops, the method can also be used with more long term crops, such as berries, beans, and perennialized versions of other grains, oilseeds, and legumes. These require a fundamentally different structure than the linear bays of single growth crops. Instead of a long single run, with sheets of plants rafting down as they grow, perennial aquaponics bays are typically taller, with spirals of plants being fed by tanks placed on ground level. While the crops only typically produce a harvest once a year, they can be staggered by artificially manipulating the growing environment.
(Progress 177/350: 10 resources per die) (++++ Food over 8 turns, +++ Consumer Goods over 8 turns) (5 Political Support)

With the bays themselves effectively completed, substantially more work has to be done on the other sides. Unlike other aquaponics bays, many of the plants being grown have substantial root systems, which continue growing with the plant. Under some circumstances these root systems have to be constantly trimmed back and carefully managed to ensure that all plants have enough nutrition and that the water flow continues. There is also the other half, the fish. Much like other aquaponics bays, the system relies on fish consuming waste products to convert it into plant nutrients. There is however a complication. With the precise amount of water flowing not being constant (due to the expanding root systems) a second phase of purification is required before it can be fed back to the fish tank. In the current system that is being handled by bivalves, typically freshwater mussels that themselves can take a substantial amount of time to grow on ropes that have been seeded with eggs and purified sand.

[ ] Tiberium Prospecting Expeditions (Phase 1)
With the immediate threat to the Blue Zones solved, GDI can begin looking at some of the more long term dangers. Underground, there are veins and clusters of Tiberium, lurking sometimes as close as meters beneath the surface. Deploying expeditions to locate these lurkers will provide for a small amount of additional funding, and not particularly strain other resources.
(Progress 399/75: 5 resources per die) (3 phases complete) (99/150) (Small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (+15 resources per turn)

A massive new project has spread across the Blue Zones. With the military otherwise occupied, the Tiberium department has engaged in a more exploratory measure. While it was always known that Tiberium had existed underground in one form or another. However the sheer scale of underground deposits was not known. With ground penetrating radar, GDI's Tiberium specialists have found not the handful of deposits expected, but hundreds within twenty meters of the surface, and thousands more marginally deeper underground. With the first wave already in place, the second funded for implementation, and even more planned, the end result has been a significant increase in the total funding for GDI, and a mark of a new threat already being engaged. While a result of military limitations, it has been a serendipitous result, with a new threat already being combated. At the same time, large scale mining efforts are not yet required, some in the department are already proposing ideas for mining the deeper deposits.

[ ] GDSS Philadelphia II (Phase 2)
With the command deck nearly halfway complete, the Philadelphia is well on its way towards bringing another major phase online, ready to be filled with bureaucrats and officers, not just a caretaker crew.
(Progress 409/180: 30 resources per die) (+1 to all dice) (5 PS for completion)

Instead of merely completing the command deck, the Treasury has chosen a major upgrade package. Nearly completing the block after block of office space that will be required for the Initiative to bring not only a command staff, but large sections of the administrative and general staffs of the Initiative. While the risks of the affair are substantial, as shown by the destruction of the original Philadelphia, the advantages are equally so, with the ability to colocate the staffs, and far fewer concerns about security, many of the standard precautions that limit coordination can be disregarded. While it will be a semipermanent population in space, Philadelphia, even at its fullest extent will still be reliant on other stations or the surface for food, and cannot sustain a truly permanent population.
The massive effort has meant that the vast majority of the Orbital department's assets have been entirely focused on the one project, including a substantial number of additional launches using chemical rockets. However, it has not been nearly as problematic as the previous major effort, as the launch facilities are substantially better maintained, and have been in nearly constant use. Politically, it has offset some of Granger's recent moves towards applying his political energy.

[ ] Ethnic Restaurant Program
With GDI's food situation no longer critical, a dedicated program to revitalize the globe's ethnic foods can be initiated. While none of them will be entirely accurate to pretiberium cuisine, shaped by the shift to aquaponic farming, it should be possible to at very least approximate their tastes and textures.
(Progress 97/150: 10 Resources per die) (- Food, +++ Consumer Goods)

Within the Ethnic Restaurant Program there are two broad sections. Archival, and Operational. Archival are, as much as possible, windows into the past. Using historic cookbooks and cooking methods, they offer a window into particular years in particular places. These are directly operated by the Initiative as educational and inspirational sites. The other are in effect a small scale grant program, intended to serve a modern living cuisine in a regional style. These range from the hundreds of barbecue styles that emerged in the United States and the Carribean, to British and French cuisine from several eras, ranging from exhibitions of 18th and 19th century formal dining, to the recipes of Escoffier, to more modern interpretations. Similarly, each of the Chinese provinces has their own particular style and approach to food, and so qualifies for the program. However, some cuisines are hard if not impossible to replicate. For example, Ethiopian food relies heavily on Injera, a type of sourdough flatbread made from teff flour. Teff is actually one of the oldest cultivated grains, however it has not been selected for cultivation due to its low yields and small grain sizes. On the other side of the continent, the program has turned a local debate over jollof rice into a global phenomenon.
One of the biggest debates in the development of the program is what counts as ethnic. For example, chinese immigrants to the United States developed a cuisine that is substantially distinct, both from "real" Chinese food as made in China, and from the common strain of American food, but drawing from both. Similarly, there are a number of versions of kebab that share little in common with its middle eastern ancestor, but instead emerged in Europe and North America. While there are examples around the world, especially as Tiberium displaced billions, there are too many to mention here. The Initiative has decided to go with a fairly expansive definition, describing any cuisine with specific and distinct cultural, historic, or geographic origin, allowing for nearly all of the applications to go through.The debate has, however, meant that many of the restaurants envisioned by the program have not yet been able to open and need a further infusion of funds.

[ ] Durable Goods Libraries and Central Repositories
Most people do not have constant need for many of the durable goods that they own. While every home having a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, dryer, specialized cookware and the like is a common ambition, current production is far insufficient. For the portable goods a library system, with a central community level stockpile allowing people to check out the goods that they will use with the expectation of them being returned will be relatively simple, while having laundromat type arrangement for the less portable options, should allow the total consumer goods supply to be substantially stretched, at least for some goods.
(Progress 50/200: 15 Resources per die) (++++ Consumer Goods, -- Energy, - Labor)

The first step in developing usable durable goods libraries has been location, location, location. Some of these sites are obvious, such as taking some of the newly repaired rooms in the Blue Zone arcology complexes, and using them. For others taking over a building over a main water line has been the clear answer. This has taken much of the quarter, and the resources, as a number of facilities have had to be moved, or new buildings built in order to accommodate the new library points. While the libraries themselves sit effectively empty, they are staffed, primarily with maintenance people and administrators. The remaining work is primarily to fill them with goods. While many are produced, it will take some time and effort to sufficiently fill the stockpile.

[ ] Reclamator Hubs
While Massive Armored Reclamation Vehicles proved themselves on the field of battle in the Third Tiberium War, they are difficult to construct and maintain in the field in significant numbers. By establishing regional hubs, MARV units can harvest and process more Tiberium, allowing for more units to be supported. (Blue Zone 1-19, Yellow Zone 1-6 ABC, Red Zone 1-5, 7, 8, North South) (Progress 0/105: 20 resources per die) (Contributes to plan goal)
-[ ] Reclamator Hub Yellow Zone 5a (Progress 126/105)

The biggest challenge in the Yellow Zone hub has not been Tiberium, but in fact humanitarian. While the local population is mistrustful of GDI, and of the new fortress being erected on the coast, it has not stopped or meaningfully slowed their approaches, with some few hundred accepting offers to move to blue zones, primarily in North America, Africa, and Europe. Others have begun congregating near the hub as it provides protection from local warlords. While not precisely safe, especially without the presence of its MARV fleet, (despite some being assembled from the overflow out of the Red Zone fleet being assembled this quarter) it is safer than most other regions, especially with the inflow of basic comforts, suchs as portable water filters, and solar tarps, along with prefabricated shelters. While before Tiberium the population clinging to the walls (and occasionally spilling onto the MARV tracks before being asked to move by GDI officers) would have been called a favela, but in all practicality, it also represents a significant improvement in living conditions.
The hub itself is placed on the coast, and will effectively cut off connection or uncontrolled migration from South America north, or south from mesoamerica. In coordination with the other fleets in the region, it will create opportunities for large sections of the yellow zone to be controlled and made generally safe for the population, despite the efforts of the Brotherhood of NOD.

[ ] Reclamator Fleet RZ-6 South
Wth the hub completed, there are two good options for the fleet.
-[ ] Super MARVs
An improved model, conceptualized after examining the destruction of MARVS before and during the Third Tiberium War, the Super MARV is substantially more expensive, but offers equally improved rewards
(progress 245/210: 20 resources per die) (3 Points Red Zone Mitigation, 25 RpT)

RZ-6's MARV fleets are fully deployed, and removing them will require massive effort from the Brotherhood of NOD. The first red zone to have a fully deployed MARV presence, and the final part of the Treasury's commitment to parliament. While Major Stavrakas has still demanded another two fleets in return for her assistance, that one is a much less politically vital project than the three already completed. Unlike the northern base, the most significant issue is the mountains and mountain passes. While the MARV has more than enough power to scale even the steepest passes, many are too narrow or treacherous for an escort group. In terms of NOD contact there has been remarkably little, with the Brotherhood seemingly scattering well before the lumbering behemoths get into range. Ships have begun carrying the Tiberium to the south, unloading at the port of Valparaiso, where much of it is fed almost directly towards Apollo production and other needs. While there are not currently covering forces available aside from an air patrol, they have, so far, been mostly left alone. However, this is not expected to last, as the entire route is well within range of coastal raiding operations.

[ ] Ablat Plating Deployment (phase 1)
Ablat pucks are something that is relatively easy to deploy and distinctly useful in many circumstances, to the point where getting some into the field immediately is far better than getting enough to everyone later. While initial production will only be enough to equip a relative handful of units with full coverage, or a double handful with partial, it should directly increase the survivability of critical assets.
(Progress 150/200: 10 resources per die)

The deployment of the first wave of ablat plating has been going well. Mass production has started significantly, and with few real problems. However none of it has yet been sent on to GDI forces. Instead, it is being stockpiled in warehouses, as current production is too irregular to be a reliable source of protection, especially with the ablative nature of the armor. This is slowly being fixed, and current production will serve as a first major wave of armor. One major part of the problem is the nature of the materials. Fragments of carbon nanotube can act similarly to asbestos. While not generally a problem in the field, especially in comparison to laser fire, it has meant that during production extra steps had to be taken in order to ensure that both the factory workers and surrounding civilians are safe from the risk. Safe disposal is possible, and not particularly difficult, but does incur some extra costs.

[ ] Wolverine Mark 3 Deployment
The Wolverine Mark 3 as designed is a relatively simple refit job. Existing factories, with limited modification can switch over to producing the new platform, although they admittedly do require substantial allocations of new equipment, primarily for the railguns.
(Progress 58/150: 10 resources per die) (-- - Energy)

The first step for the major deployment has been to increase production of effective battery and capacitor packs. This has gone about as expected. Additionally, assemblies have begun to be made for the rapid fire railguns. The next major step is going to be to actually stop production and refit the assembly lines for production of the new units. However, this will have to be done quickly, no more than 6 months, and preferably no more than 3, as stopping the lines will inherently mean that stockpiles of spare parts will begin to be depleted, fairly quickly. With the Talons spread in penny packets protecting high value research installations, significant delays will mean lost research, and potentially lost researchers, neither of which is particularly acceptable to the administration.
The Talons have also begun sending proposals for new research to be done with the new project. Some of the more interesting versions include a laser bundle system, where the system is adapted to an upscaled version of the post first Tiberium War rotary lasers tested by the Black Hand. While the Talons intend it as an anti infantry specification, its uses as an anti swarm missile system are relatively obvious. However this will require the laser to be brought to an acceptable design state before it can be tested. Another proposal is for a version using a foamed metal structure, cutting the weight of the internals substantially. However, the highest priority is to make the current system widely available, before testing on upgrade packages can begin.

[ ] Technology Codevelopment Programs
While none of GDI's other departments are particularly well funded, it should be possible to shake some resources out for the development and deployment of new technologies. While this is likely to be politically expensive, it is also a key tool, especially with the studies of NOD and Scrin technology currently being undertaken.
(DC 60) (-10 PS per die) (Speeds Technology Rollout) (107)

The Initiative has tended to keep all of its scientists very busy, so the Treasury pushing for scientists to be allocated to its projects, no matter how important or paradigm changing they might be, has certainly ruffled some feathers in the other departments. However, many of the technologies are paradigm changing. Lasers, reactionless drives, energy shields, and the like will fundamentally change the face of war and life for the Initiative, and so everyone possible has been assigned to these major projects. While there is still development time ahead, many of these projects have seen major breakthroughs and will be coming soon, with reports scheduled to be made in the next two years.

[ ] Light and Chemical Industry Recruitment Drive
With GDI's current need for mass deployment of novel technologies, the Treasury is in a position to call in some favors and make another recruitment drive with an aim towards more new recruits in the Light and Chemical industries.
(DC 50) (-5 PS per die) (+1d2 LCI dice) (176) (+1 LCI die)

GDI has searched high and low for good candidates to staff an ever expanding Light and Chemical Industry sector. However, it has, for the most part, searched in vain. With the current situation there are simply few graduates who have both the skills to be good administrators, managers, and have the technical skills to actually engage with the people they are going to be managing. While to some extent this can be mitigated with a management team, it is fundamentally not an immediately fixable problem, or one that can be solved by the expedient of applying more money. However, it has produced a small number of highly qualified candidates and ones that have begun expanding the department, ready to finish out the already halfway completed consumer goods demand, before reorienting towards technological, medical, and other programs.
Okay, I am swapping my view point on cruiser to put that into dev Q4 and dropping MARV dice to 2 for RZ 7 North for Chicago support. Also that Hawk split. New options will be interesting to see such as the followup for tiberium mining. Also we dropped by 5 points in consumer good shortage! We are finally turning the corner. I am thinking 7-8 dice in mil (5 base and 2-3 free) which means 5 or 6 on projects (ablat, wolverine, cruiser, laser and orca refits are my current thoughts).
Well, they've gone and done it, I've been transferred to Chicago.

Well, this unintentionally made me remember a really old, non-standard Sierra adventure series called Manhunter about "collaborating" with alien overlords, tracking down criminals and "criminals" while looking for ways to fight back.

In there, getting transferred to Chicago is an euphemism for "You know too much/our patience has ran out, prepare to be disposed".
Okay, I am swapping my view point on cruiser to put that into dev Q4 and dropping MARV dice to 2 for RZ 7 North for Chicago support. Also that Hawk split. New options will be interesting to see such as the followup for tiberium mining. Also we dropped by 5 points in consumer good shortage! We are finally turning the corner. I am thinking 7-8 dice in mil (5 base and 2-3 free) which means 5 or 6 on projects (ablat, wolverine, cruiser, laser and orca refits are my current thoughts).
I'd like to get started on the MARV fleet for the YZ Hub, to safeguard it, and the refugees there. Because keeping our rep for actually working to protect them will help a lot.
Wait, I just noticed we have one strong FP supporter? What's their resason, as far as things go FP is pretty much anti-us party.
I think they either like the restaurant grants we've done, or have noticed how happy the voters are with the wave of Consumer Goods (-15 now!) we've rolled out, and are shifting with the actual electorate.
Slow-rolling a MARV fleet for the Yellow Zone might not be a bad idea to protect the refugees. I'd say Standard MARVs, since the main thing we want for the 5a Fleet is protection of refugees, not outright Abatement, and the Super-MARV doesn't give that much additional combat power (and it means the refugee protection is rolled out faster.)

But if we do that, yeah, it needs an extra Free Die so we're not cutting into our other Military Projects.
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Slow-rolling a MARV fleet for the Yellow Zone might not be a bad idea to protect the refugees. I'd say Standard MARVs, since the main thing we want for the 5a Fleet is protection of refugees, not outright Abatement, and the Super-MARV doesn't give that much additional combat power (and it means the refugee protection is rolled out faster.)

But if we do that, yeah, it needs an extra Free Die so we're not cutting into our other Military Projects.
I'd prefer to do SMARVs to see what the numbers are for a YZ fleet, but would not be too opposed to a standard fleet.