"Launching into the first steps of a proper, planetary scale reforestation effort has been a massive project. In many places the soil has degraded so severely that even key minerals had to be reintroduced to the lithosphere before lichen and mosses could be established. But much progress has been made in a single year, wetlands stabilizing, vast fields of grass and reeds wave across what used to be sun blasted and wind blown wastes, shrubberies finding purchase and shelter in these pleasantly verdant seas, plants herbaceous and not have offered a wide selection of smells to those that live close enough.
"But now comes the work that was all a precursor for. Tree nurseries across GDI territory have been growing native trees for the past year and a half, ready to be planted. It is a small number, relative to the size of the task at hand, but even at its most ambitious this project was never intended to fully reclaim the Earth on its own, a mere precursor for what was meant to come. Politics has cut the legs off from what was meant to follow, an ever growing dread is strangling it in the crib as report after report comes in explaining just how extensive the Tiberium contamination is below ground. But GDI will not yield.
"When the Third Tiberium War ended, the Granger administration made a promise that humanity would reclaim its beautiful marble of blue from the crystal. GDI will not yield. First we secured what lands we had, and GDI will not yield. Then we reclaimed what the crystal had stolen in the war, and GDI will not yield. Now we drive our offensives into places lost to Tiberium in our parents' and grandparents' time, and GDI will not yield. It rests beneath our feet, we have known this for a long time, but now we know where to find it, we will shout and cry and the very earth shall tremble and shake as the crystal shatters at the sound of our voice, GDI will not yield.
On the surface we will plant our yearling trees, their roots will dig deep, their crowns will cast a shade and we will rest our backs against the trunks. We will return life to murdered places, reclaim what was lost as we drive out the crystal.
"Humanity shall not yield."
-Seob Youngjae, Reclamation Party