It would give us a way to nuke NOD in response. Maybe NOD will be a bit less nuke happy after we give them a taste of their own medicine. No more fighting against these terrorist scum with one hand behind our back.
Not going to lie, I ended up just skimming a lot of this update. It just seems like a whole lot of downer shit and "everything goes wrong, here is the PAIN!" I don't know WHY everything is fucked besides just "bad rolls", but this looks a lot like an utter mess I don't want to deal with. Maybe it would be easier to deal with if it was shorter chapter. A 10K long list of fail is a lot to deal with in one sitting.
I want you to remember, if you will, the end of the regency war. Where, you know, GDI
Styled All over Nod except in a handful of places. but pushed back Nod, all over the world. Removed multiple warlords. And, overwhelmingly, won the war so hard that it came to an end when the remaining nod warlords threatened mututally assured destruction if GDI pushed further.
And the idea that GDi is fighting with one hand behind its back. I want to stress this. The caravanserai? Came to us, cap in hand, telling us that we were killing unarmed convoys of refugees and pilgrims and to please stop. Precisely because, GDI was busy ion cannoning any nod vehicles that stepped out from under an Ion shield.
So the war was ended, the remaining warlords were left in place, and a ceasefire of sorts was formed. At least with most nod. But, the nuclear shah decided to keep making threats. GDI wanted/wants karachi still. So they went to some major warlords to get 'permission' for the karachi corridor.
But like. As the update notes. Not every warlord agreed to just hang Al-Isfahani out to dry.
The truce was broadly speaking. "Don't attack us and we won't nuke you." GDI attacked Nod, nod nuked GDI. And not even as hard as they could have. This was a reminder, so that GDI doesn't take the karachi corridor and start thinking they can 'just' clean up other warlords too one by one.
Beyond that? In the update itself. it's more than just bad stuff happening. We have GDI infiltrators taking down a nod sub. GDI is pushing into and is expected to win in karachi. And the Forgotten explicitly note that the Red Zone belongs to them, not nod.
Let's put this thing into context. GDI has absolutely dominated Nod, they won the third tib war, they won the peace after the third tib war, they've further weakened and tore into nod in multiple conflicts since. GDI is even trading with warlords who can't or won't attack GDI and has diplomatic relations with nod trying to be peaceful. But the point is that GDI is crushing it. So Nod stands down asks for their current territory to be respected. GDI agrees. GDI then goes back on its word and takes down another warlord.
And, these nuclear strikes, they're not intended to be the start of a major war with GDI, otherwise we'd see a lot more. They're not even trying to 'save' Al isfahani otherwise the nukes would have gone harder.
All it is. Is Nod giving the reminder that they still have those nukes. And so, we should leave them alone.