Red Zones are high, so high is obviously bad.
Not necessarily.

Imagine that these figures are about how much of the Earth can be classified as a Blue, Yellow or Red zone. If you put all of them together, then they add up to 100%, so this interpretation makes sense.

In that case, having 50% of the Earth be Red Zone is terrible, but having 50% of the Earth be blue would be great. High is bad for red, good for blue.
General status screen would not be bad to.
Maybe even a bio that tells us what bonus we get or not too make thing eazyer with planning.
Next turn we should double down on our improvements to the Blue Zones and reclamation looking at the old options also look at setting up more fungal farms for one as well.

Improving the Blue Zones is something we can get a fairly good handle on - Blue Zone Reconstruction is at 145 / 400, so we need 255 pts to complete it. 4 dice is the maximum we can invest in Infrastructure without using free dice, and if we sock it all into Blue Zone Reconstruction that costs us 40 Resources but gives us a fairly good chance of completing it in the same turn. (40 Resources)

Fission Turbines are at 38 / 100 so 2 dice should have pretty good odds of completion, so that would cost us 10 Resources. Heavy Industry can handle up to 3 dice so we could sink an extra dice into Fission Turbines to really improve the odds of it being completed, or a dice into Blue Zone Power Grid Reconstruction, each of which would cost another 5 Resources, or we could invest a dice into Aggregate Plants for 10 Resources to reduce the cost of Infrastructure options once it's completed. (15-20 Resources)

Moving away from the Blue Zones another way to reduce the Housing shortfall is to focus on the Yellow Zone Refugee Camps, which are at 139 / 300 so we will need 161 points for completion. 3 dice in this option would cost 15 Resources, gives us a good chance of success and maxes out the dice for the Services sector. Finally Prefabricated Shelter Plants are at 86 /100, so a single dice costing 10 Resources should complete it. (25 Resources).

So that's Housing done. if we want to improve the Blue Zones even more we can start on Blue Zone Tiberium Abatement which requires 200 pts. We can invest 60 pts to get 3 dice or 80 Resources to get 4 dice for this option.
We should prioritize tiberium abetament above all other improvements. It kills a lot of people, fast, you know?
I used all the dice in the tiberium category and 1 free dice on this the past turn and plan on using multiple dice on blue this turn since yellow and red phase 1 are finished (idea is to keep bouncing between the 3).

@Chaeronea keep in mind we have very little in the ways of bonuses, +10 to services and +5 to tiberium so 4 dice on infra averages to 202. We also are going to be at lower resources next turn since we could not tap into the reserves.

Right now tentative:
155+5 = 160
2 dice Blue Zone Power Phase 1 10 R (0/200 +++ Energy)
1 dice Fission Turbine 5 R (38/100 + Energy, improve Blue Zone Power)
1 dice Prefab 10 R (86/100 + Health and Housing)
1 dice Solar Tarp 10 R (91/150 + Energy)
2 dice Fungal Farms 20 R (75/150 ++ Food)
4 dice Blue Zone Abatment Phase 1 80 R +20 (0/200 +5-10 R income, works towards plan)
3 dice Yellow Zone Refugee Phase 1 15 R +30 (139/300 +++ Housing + Health)
2 dice+ 1 light/chem security review
2 dice (1 free) + 1 agri security review

150/160 so 10 R to be used elsewhere

Fungal Farms mainly takes care of our food issues while the rest are chipping away at energy and housing problems though only prefab and Refugee are likely to finish. Lastly Blue Zone Abatement is continuing our drive against Tiberium and to raise income (155 currently and no where near enough)

I prefer Yellow Zone Refugee over Blue Zone recon since Refugee is cheaper, requires less progress and also gets +10 per dice so finishes faster.
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Current Status
Status of The Treasury

Resources:‌ ‌510 ‌+‌ 5 ‌in‌ ‌reserve‌ ‌(15‌ ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Forgotten)‌ ‌(35 ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌grants)‌(+5 from Taxes

Political‌ ‌Support:‌ ‌70
SCIENCE Meter: 3/4
Free‌ ‌Dice:‌ ‌6‌ ‌
Fusion‌ ‌Dice:‌ ‌12(+1‌ ‌per‌ ‌turn)‌ ‌ ‌
Tiberium Spread
17.36 Blue Zone
4.00 Green Zone
22.26 Yellow Zone (88 points of abatement)
56.38 Red Zone (65 points of abatement)

Current‌ ‌Economic‌ ‌Issues:‌ ‌
Housing:‌ Limited ‌Surplus‌ ‌(+4)‌ ‌ (36 population in low quality housing) (2 points of refugees)
Energy:‌ Major ‌Surpluses‌ ‌(+15)‌ ‌(+2 in reserve)
Logistics:‌ Limited ‌Surpluses‌ ‌(+4)‌ ‌
Food:‌ Major ‌Surpluses‌ ‌(+21)‌ ‌(+8 in reserve)‌ ‌
Health:‌ Steadily Improved ‌(+9)‌ (4 consumed by emergency refugee healthcare) ‌
Capital‌ ‌Goods:‌ Gargantuan ‌Surplus‌es ‌(+9)‌ ‌
Consumer‌ ‌Goods:‌ Significant Surpluses ‌(+25)‌ ‌(+5 from private industry)
Labor:‌ Significant ‌Surpluses‌ ‌(+24)‌ (+2 per turn) ‌
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌(1450/1720)‌ ‌
Yellow‌ ‌Zone‌ ‌
Water:‌ Notable ‌Surpluses‌ ‌(+6)‌ ‌

Status‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Parties‌ ‌
(strong‌ ‌support,‌ ‌weak‌ ‌support,‌ ‌weak‌ ‌opposition,‌ ‌strong‌ ‌opposition)‌ ‌

Free‌ ‌Market‌ ‌Party:‌ ‌125‌ ‌seats‌ ‌(0;‌ ‌10;‌ ‌20;‌ ‌95)‌ ‌
Market‌ ‌Socialist‌ ‌Party:‌ ‌331 ‌seats‌ ‌(161;‌ ‌122;‌ ‌30;‌ ‌15)‌ ‌ ‌
Militarist:‌ ‌237‌ ‌seats‌ ‌(53;‌ ‌150;‌ ‌20;‌ ‌14)‌ ‌
Initiative‌ ‌First:‌ ‌178‌ ‌seats‌ ‌(0;‌ ‌0;‌ ‌48; ‌130)‌ ‌
United‌ ‌Yellow‌ ‌List:‌ ‌73 ‌seats‌ ‌(65;‌ ‌8;‌ ‌0;‌ ‌0)‌ ‌
Starbound‌ ‌Party:‌ ‌155 ‌seats‌ ‌(85; 70;‌ ‌0;‌ ‌0)‌ ‌
Socialist‌ ‌Party:‌ ‌50 ‌seats‌ ‌(34;‌ ‌16;‌ ‌0;‌ ‌0)‌ ‌
Developmentalists:‌ ‌640 ‌seats‌ ‌(360;‌ ‌210;‌ ‌70;‌ ‌0)‌ ‌
Independents‌ ‌11 ‌seats‌ ‌
-Biodiversity‌ ‌Party‌ ‌(2 ‌seats:‌ ‌Weak‌ ‌Support)‌ ‌ ‌
-Dominion‌ ‌Party‌ ‌(1‌ ‌seat:‌ ‌Strong‌ ‌Opposition)‌ ‌ ‌
-Reclamation‌ ‌Party‌ ‌(5‌ ‌seats:‌ ‌Weak‌ ‌Support)‌ ‌ ‌
-Homeland‌ ‌Party‌ ‌(3‌ ‌seats:‌ ‌Weak‌ ‌Support)‌ ‌

Military‌ ‌Confidence‌ ‌
Ground‌ ‌Forces‌ ‌:‌ ‌Decent‌ ‌ ‌
Air‌ ‌Force‌ ‌:‌ ‌Decent‌ ‌
Space‌ ‌Force‌ ‌:‌ ‌Decent‌ ‌
Steel‌ ‌Talons:‌ ‌Low
Navy:‌ Decent ‌
ZOCOM:‌ ‌Decent ‌

Plan Goals
Capital Goods: 50 Points
Consumer Goods: 115 (40) Points
Food: 20 points in reserve
Income: 550 Points
Stations: 4000 Points
Abatement: 32 Points
Processing: 1080 points
Complete ASAT Phase 4
Complete OSRCT Phase 4
Prototype Plasma Weapons Development
Shimmer Shield Development
Orbital Defense Laser Development
Tube Artillery Development
Railgun Munitions Development
Tactical Plasma Weapons Development
Complete the Hydrofoil Project
Complete the Point Defense Refits
Complete at least three more phases of Shell Plants
Complete at least two more phase of Ablative Armor
Complete at least two more phases of URLS production
Complete at least two phases of Wadamalaw Kudzu Plantations
Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Arcologies
Complete GDSS Enterprise
Complete GDSS Philadelphia II
Complete at least six phases of Lunar Mines
Complete Perennials Phase 3
Complete at least four phases of Karachi Planned City
Develop Tactical Ion Cannons
Develop and Deploy Mastodon
Develop and Deploy Havoc

Completed MARV Hubs
RZ-1 North
RZ-6 North
RZ-6 South
RZ-7 North

Current bonuses
Seo Thoki
A relatively young candidate, Seo Thoki is someone whose career has been tremendously accelerated by Secretary Granger's Tiberium policies. While it had languished under Boyle's administration, he became the administrator for the first of the Tiberium Glacier mines, and from there has been repeatedly promoted as the program expanded, each time growing to meet the growing challenges. A leftist, he is likely to continue many of Granger's policies regarding civil engineering and workers rights.
While likely to have problems in the political sphere, he is also one of the best candidates to lead from the perspective of their talent as an administrator, and as someone who can quickly step into the very large shoes that Dr. Granger will leave behind.
  • Politically unknown
  • Promoting within the department
  • Talented Administrator (+6 To All Dice)
  • Fast Learner (Reaches +8 Settling in Bonus in 2 years)
  • Supports Tiberium experimentation
  • Station Focus (+5 to constructing stations)
  • Forward Thinking (+5 to Technology rolls)

Doctor James Granger
Doctor Granger, no relation to the General, has primarily found his life's work in GDI laboratories across the world. A political outsider, and dark horse candidate, Dr. Granger was tapped primarily as he is one of the best surviving scientists that has studied Tiberium. With the expansion of the Red Zones, Dr. Granger's work needs to be applied, now more than ever.

  • Tiberium Researcher (+5 to Tiberium dice)
  • Civilian Minded (+10 to Services dice, -5 to Military dice)
  • Political Outsider (lesser political support gains)
Yellow Zone Volunteers
The Yellow Zone Refugee camps have plenty of hands to offer. While few of those hands are skilled, and fewer trained in modern construction techniques, there are enough of them that if spread between existing construction teams, they can allow a few more to be organized. While they will expect their efforts to help the Yellow Zones, or at least allow them and their families into Blue Zones, they will expand the infrastructural capacity of the Initiative at this critical moment.
  • +2 Infra dice

Qatar Loyalists
During the Third Tiberium War, Killian Qatar was one of Kane's highest commanders, and a part of his inner circle. However, with the fortunes of the conflict turning against the Brotherhood, her faith in him was shaken, and she allied with GDI. The Return of Kane, and the use of nuclear weapons against GDI forces in Sydney, broke that alliance, and Qatar's power. While many of her loyalists were killed off in a series of purges, some have survived, and are seeking succor with the Global Defense Initiative.

  • +3 Free dice
  • +15 to Tiberium Dice

Edinburgh Virtual Intelligence Research Centre
The Electronic Video Agent system has been a common element in GDI Military efforts since the First Tiberium War. However, it has remained a military innovation. By investing into a wider deployment of these systems, the logistics networks of the Initiative should be substantially streamlined.
  • +5 to Services
Advanced Technical Laboratories
While GDI has not always been at the forefront of materials science, the mass production of it has always been a strength. Investing towards a series of new labs for the purpose will improve our ability to cover heavy industrial goals through working smarter, rather than harder.
  • +5 to Heavy Industry dice

Dr. Joseph Takeda
Responsible for one of GDI's more successful (although sabotaged by the Brotherhood of NOD) attempts at developing infantry scale energy weapons. Dr. Takeda is a talented scientist and researcher, who has focused his career towards military development. While already a part of the Treasury system, rapidly promoting him should allow him to begin filling out his subordinates within the military system

  • +3 to Military dice
  • +1 Military die

Major Maria Stavrakas
Major Stavrakas was a critical component of the Super MARV project, and one of its greatest proponents. While she is willing to jump ship for the Treasury, it will be on the condition that it create more MARV programs for her to administer.
  • +2 to Military dice
  • +1 Military die
  • -20 Progress required for MARV programs
  • Build at least five MARV fleets by the end of this plan.
Arya Gulati
The daughter of Indian refugees who made it into then-GDI controlled Nepal after the First Tiberian War, Arya is a well regarded civil engineer who has made a name for herself for saving failing projects and for clashing with the politicians and bureaucrats sponsoring them, some of whom are quite influential. Putting her firm of largely Himalayan residents on retainer as Treasury consultants will produce significant results in short order, but will come with significant contractual obligations. (Very Skilled: +10 to Infrastructure Dice)

Brigadier General Tali Jackson
The hero of the battle of Cheyenne Mountain, Jackson will be somewhat difficult to poach from the Steel Talons. However, if it means giving them funding, she would be happy to move into the Treasury to direct military development operations.
(+2 Military Dice)

[ ] Enhanced Security Services
With the threat of assassination more present than ever, hiring former commandos, and veterans will provide the security forces for the Treasury a significant boost, one that will likely help to save lives. While it may seem paranoid to go to such efforts, it is not without precedent.
(+5 to defense rolls for assassinations)

Settled In: As the new boss settles into the role that he has been assigned, systems of prioritization, lines of communication, and workflow have all improved. (+1 bonus to all dice, maximum of +8)

Infra +20
Heavy Ind +15
L&C +10
Tiberium +25
Orbit +10
Services +15
Military +12
Bureau +10

A note on designations. Plusses and Minuses are designated out as 2^(N-1) so :
+ = 1
++ = 2
+++ = 4
++++ = 8
etc. etc.
And it is, of course, the inverse for the minuses.
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We should prioritize tiberium abetament above all other improvements. It kills a lot of people, fast, you know?

So does lack of housing and basic utilities. The results post for this quarter listed Housing as a critical shortage, the most urgent one we have to deal with. We have to prioritise - we can't fix everything at once.

@Void Stalker I'd suggest ditching the Fungal Farms and using the 10 resources to add to something else - the main problem with food is listed as distribution rather than production, and with the sabotage with the Tiberium poisoning a lot of people are going to be very reluctant to risk their lives eating fungal food.

One dice allocated to the Fission Turbines means you need to roll a 62+ to complete it, so it probably won't be completed unless you give it an extra dice.
Our food production and distribution aren't really up to standard but we can really do need to get people rehoused and our power generation back up to spec.
So does lack of housing and basic utilities. The results post for this quarter listed Housing as a critical shortage, the most urgent one we have to deal with. We have to prioritise - we can't fix everything at once.

@Void Stalker I'd suggest ditching the Fungal Farms and using the 10 resources to add to something else - the main problem with food is listed as distribution rather than production, and with the sabotage with the Tiberium poisoning a lot of people are going to be very reluctant to risk their lives eating fungal food.

One dice allocated to the Fission Turbines means you need to roll a 62+ to complete it, so it probably won't be completed unless you give it an extra dice.
Fission Turbines however barely scratches energy (note that the +/- is not that 2 + options equal a ++ option, the ++ option is providing more) so I would rather use the other 2 dice in that category to start work on blue zone restoration (+++) while still chipping away with 1 dice a turn on fission and solar tarps, more so since overkill is not going to help us and with our limited resource pool not something we should be aiming for. As far as fungal it costs us more, progress needed went from 100 to 1500 but it does zero out the food shortage for the time being.

On Tiberium, abatement is currently the only way we have to increase our per turn income and given how we cannot activate all of our dice due to lack of resources and that fixing that is our 5 year plan goal it is not something we should be halting.
1 dice Solar Tarp 20 R (91/150 + Energy)
Solar Tarp is 10R per dice.
Blue Zone Abatment might need a 5th dice as 4 gives a 55% chance of success and any overflow will go to the second phase and stop the existing blue zones from shrinking any further.
If not there i spend would spend a free dice on the refugee camps, as going to continue with the second phase there as soon as the first is done.
Solar Tarp is 10R per dice.
Blue Zone Abatment might need a 5th dice as 4 gives a 55% chance of success and any overflow will go to the second phase and stop the existing blue zones from shrinking any further.
If not there i spend would spend a free dice on the refugee camps, as going to continue with the second phase there as soon as the first is done.
Was supposed to be fungal farms, which I initially had at 1 but bumped up to 2. The problem with adding a 5th dice to blue zone though is the 20 R per dice cost, would have to cut something to do that, which is possible and Solar Tarp is likely the first on the cutting block.
So I was going to propose a plan for the next quarter but then I noticed that the Q2 2050 results post didn't feature every single item that we can allocate resources to because Void Stalker's making propositions like:
Right now tentative:
155+5 = 160
2 dice Blue Zone Power Phase 1 10 R (0/200 +++ Energy)
1 dice Fission Turbine 5 R (38/100 + Energy, improve Blue Zone Power)
1 dice Prefab 10 R (86/100 + Health and Housing)
1 dice Solar Tarp 10 R (91/150 + Energy)
2 dice Fungal Farms 20 R (75/150 ++ Food)
4 dice Blue Zone Abatment Phase 1 80 R +20 (0/200 +5-10 R income, works towards plan)
3 dice Yellow Zone Refugee Phase 1 15 R +30 (139/300 +++ Housing + Health)
2 dice+ 1 light/chem security review
2 dice (1 free) + 1 agri security review

150/160 so 10 R to be used elsewhere

And I'm getting confused here. Did I miss something? Is there a full list of all the items on the "to do" list somewhere?
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Just going to say that if people have proposals that they want to see show up, rather than being relegated to unsucessful OKB/Research and Development Corporation bids, the fields to look at are Infrastructure, Heavy Industry, and LCI.
@Void Stalker I suggest dropping Blue Zone Power dice to double down on Fission Turbine and Solar Tarps.
Only 1 dice on each makes them unlikely to complete, and it looks like the lack of power is affecting the Logistical Shipyards.
Tiberium Economics and You
Tiberium Economics and You: A primer on economic issues in the mid 21st century.

Quite simply put, it seems to be adapting the Earth's terrain, foliage and environment to suit its own alien nature. If this is the case, ladies and gentlemen, we are facing a killer beyond that of our most turbulent nightmares. It is not an exaggeration to state that the future of the entire planet may be in jeopardy. May God have mercy on our souls. - Dr. Ignatio Mobius

Tiberium, for all that it is an all consuming malignant xenoforming device, is, genuinely, a wonder material. When properly treated, it, in and of itself, crashes every mineral commodity market with no survivors. In its current form, it can effectively be anything. A dynamic proton lattice, the internal structure can be resolved to form nearly any material. That material in turn can be formed, stamped, milled, or otherwise processed using convential industrial tooling.
What that means is that for the purposes of this quest, global economies, essentially work by inputting Tiberium and outputting goods, up to the limits of the capacity of two critical areas. First are Tiberium Processing plants. A Processing Plant takes the stabilized and refined Tiberium from your activities, and turns it into whatever raw materials are needed. Second are the actual end stage factories that you have been constructing. At this point, there is a massive amount of slack Tiberium Processing capability. So, for right now, expanding Tiberium mining will pretty simply translate to more resources. Just don't expect that to last forever. Once you reach the limits of the rebuilding efforts, growth will slow dramatically, as you simply can't process more Tiberium, or you run out of industrial capacity to feed raw materials into.
Economically, one of the most critical and chronic issues is capital goods. Every element of GDI society is incredibly capital goods intensive, replacing meat with metal, often to an extreme degree. In the post war world, this has meant that actually running into employment issues is more a sympotom of specialized skill requirements than lacking in warm bodies to apply to a problem, despite the global population last being at this level during the 19th century.

GDI, at the beginning of the quest, harvested about 500 resources worth of Tiberium overall, and by the end of the first quarter of 2052 was harvesting 700 resources per quarter.

I will be coming back to this to expand on some of the ideas here, but wanted to get something written down first, and then come back to it.
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Tiberium Economics and You: A primer on economic issues in the mid 21st century.

Quite simply put, it seems to be adapting the Earth's terrain, foliage and environment to suit its own alien nature. If this is the case, ladies and gentlemen, we are facing a killer beyond that of our most turbulent nightmares. It is not an exaggeration to state that the future of the entire planet may be in jeopardy. May God have mercy on our souls. - Dr. Ignatio Mobius

Tiberium, for all that it is an all consuming malignant xenoforming device, is, genuinely, a wonder material. When properly treated, it, in and of itself, crashes every mineral commodity market with no survivors. In its current form, it can effectively be anything. A dynamic proton lattice, the internal structure can be resolved to form nearly any material. That material in turn can be formed, stamped, milled, or otherwise processed using convential industrial tooling.
What that means is that for the purposes of this quest, global economies, essentially work by inputting Tiberium and outputting goods, up to the limits of the capacity of two critical areas. First are Tiberium Processing plants. A Processing Plant takes the stabilized and refined Tiberium from your activities, and turns it into whatever raw materials are needed. Second are the actual end stage factories that you have been constructing. At this point, there is a massive amount of slack Tiberium Processing capability. So, for right now, expanding Tiberium mining will pretty simply translate to more resources. Just don't expect that to last forever. Once you reach the limits of the rebuilding efforts, growth will slow dramatically, as you simply can't process more Tiberium, or you run out of industrial capacity to feed raw materials into.

I will be coming back to this to expand on some of the ideas here, but wanted to get something written down first, and then come back to it.

unironically,mindless consumism might work as a measure to cull tiberium growth

''just keep increasing production and buying shit,that makes us spend more tiberium!!''
How close to game production times are we talking here? I noticed that each yellow zone base has a war factory- which implies making vehicles is fast enough to do in the field or at the very least that Tiberium allows for sophisticated production without the incredibly costly and specific factory tooling that normally entails.

I doubt we'll see the mammoth in minutes thing I think the game confirms but I am curious.
How close to game production times are we talking here? I noticed that each yellow zone base has a war factory- which implies making vehicles is fast enough to do in the field or at the very least that Tiberium allows for sophisticated production without the incredibly costly and specific factory tooling that normally entails.
Pretty far away. A War Factory in this case is mostly maintenance and final assembly rather than fabricate a tank from raw Tiberium. It has the capacity to fabricate most of the parts that go into an armored vehicle, but it would take a war factory weeks or months to go from a pile of raw materials to a working tank. On the other hand, making a few new track links, or a new capacitor pack or whatever other relatively small part is needed is a lot more doable. The Yellow Zone Base is intended to be an upgunned version of the one that you find in the Croatia base (IIRC anyway).

Edit: One of the issues is that the maps are not really at any consistent scale. Some, like White House, are little more than a square kilometer or two. (Basically bracketed by 15th and 17th streets, and running down towards the National Mall area. On the other end of the spectrum, Alexandria for example is almost certainly much larger, while the production numbers remain the same. What that means is that there is almost certainly some amount of time compression going on in the game, but it is hard to really calculate, and I have not made up my mind as to the ratio. I am leaning towards something like 1 minute = 1 hour, due to the time that it takes the Dig In ability to function, but, well, that is only one ability.
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as you simply can't process more Tiberium, or you run out of industrial capacity to feed raw materials into.

Then we must use this resources to constantly increase industrial capacity and funnel their output into a massive number of large weapons aimed at the general area of the threshhold-19 tower.

One the topic of in field construction, I always interpreted that as gameplay and canon clasheing and that the vehicle factory does not literally produce a massive tank on site, especially since the files mention the Mammoth Mk. III was produced in Iceland.
unironically,mindless consumism might work as a measure to cull tiberium growth

''just keep increasing production and buying shit,that makes us spend more tiberium!!''
TBF, you could just stockpile the processed tiberium products.
A War Factory in this case is mostly maintenance and final assembly rather than fabricate a tank from raw Tiberium.
My view on this is that the War factory could manufacture a tank from pure tiberium slowly or they can just form the tank by taking pre built components(eg fire control, specialized armor inserts, or the sonic systems of a Shatterer) and "filling in the gaps" like the hull using tiberium. That method is much faster due to the limited processing that is needed.
The components however, have to be made in a specialized and larger factory if you wanted a massive amount of them. At the same time, they have to be transported to the area. Other forces have access to similar on site fabrication technology(eg. War Factory) so if they do manage to steal the higher end components, they can get a jump in capability.