I am slightly puzzled that we are still shouldering the full cost of whatever we spin off. (Shouldn't someone else be handling the Forgotten aid funding by now?)
To be fair, Treasury's budget has never dropped below about 30% of GDI's GDP for the entire game, and we are explicitly "the organization that handles the money." Making us responsible for the Forgotten aid subsidy program isn't actually unreasonable, and importantly, that is a
program, not a whole government department in its own right.
Meanwhile, most of our spinoff bureaus consist pretty much entirely of Treasury personnel, probably use a lot of Treasury administrative systems and procedures, and are relying on skillsets developed within the Treasury-controlled planned economy. It is entirely reasonable that we are still paying for, say, the Bureau of Arcologies. It would not be unreasonable for Parliament to
keep the Bureau of Arcologies as a component of the Treasury that has a mandatory minimum funding level within Treasury's budget... It's just that Treasury would prefer for it to be someone else's problem.
We naturally value the parts of the game that what we can directly see over the parts we can't. How do we evaluate Nuuk over, say, ??? in InOps, or ??? in the Welfare Department? We usually only know of these things indirectly. It's possible that a better-funded InOps would have warned us to not do the most recent phase of YZ mining, or a better funded Welfare would have reduced the impact of our wartime Health penalty. But we don't have that info, and given that Ithillid can only write so much, the other departments basically have to be vague, abstracted entities with a fixed line budget and not much else.
See, I'm aware of that, but at the same time, when we're explicitly told "the private sector is bottlenecked by a Capital Goods shortage," we should probably seriously consider whether it's actually important for us to produce Capital Goods. And producing Capital Goods costs money that comes out of our budget.
It's far easier to justify maximal investment back into the Treasury, especially since we can increase our budget to do even more Treasury things. To mangle a quote: "The Treasury is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding Treasury." But only the Treasury can do that. Everyone else gets stuck with a fixed budget for 4 years. And given our (unforseen) massively expanded population, if we keep too much budget in reallocation then the other departments are going to be less capable of doing their own Nuuk-equivalents for 4 years straight.
You're not wrong, but here's the thing.
The difference between 20% and 25% GDP starting budget
for us is about a 25% increase in that initial seed corn amount. Which is very impactful, especially if we're under pressure to actually do things other than obsessively mine a ton of tiberium in early 2062, as well we may be.
The difference between 80% and 75% GDP starting budget
for everyone else is about a 6% increase in everyone else's budget. That's not nothing, but it's unlikely to yield transformational results.
I'm not even suggesting maximal investment back into the Treasury.
What I'm suggesting is that we need to be mindful about what kind of
minimum budget we actually need in order to be able to do our job, our job
as defined by Parliament, reasonably effectively. And try not to fall too far below that.
Let's treat this as a thought experiment. How much money do we 'need' in 2062? Well, we're going to be starting a big tiberium mining kick, so as a starting point I would suggest we consider the cost of putting all our Tiberium and Free dice on vein mining. That's 280 R. If we
don't spend that money it just makes recovering the budget and expanding the tiberium economy
even harder down the road. Burning the seed corn is not a good move.
Now, Starbound is going to have expectations of us in Orbital, because that's the
quid pro quo of them letting us keep the moon mining income: they expect us to use that income to fund space operations. They may accept a bit of jugglery at the beginning of a plan, though, so let's post a 60 R budget for Orbital. Hopefully we'll be able to find a 10 R/die project there, or Starbound will forgive us for leaving a few dice fallow to concentrate on a 20 R/die project.
All other budget areas don't place us under
special obligations, in that it's unlikely that anyone is specifically going to have strong expectations on us, or that we will need to do a singular particular project, right then and there on the spot. Everyone will want us to do things but them not getting done right away usually won't be a problem, I think.
In most remaining areas there is
something useful we can do at 10 R/die. Apartments, electric vehicles, artificial wood but maybe not much else, caffeinated kudzu or aquaponics, railgun munitions. Not sure about Services but projects do tend to turn up there, and heaven knows there's going to be a need for expanded social service infrastructure (e.g. stadiums and such) with our population growing by 100-150 million people within a few years.
So for all dice in categories not already designated, allocate 10 R/die. There will probably be a few items that are important enough to be worth doing right away even at more than 10 R/die, such as "unfinished business" from nearly-completed 2061Q4 projects, but that averages out; we can make up for it by finding any 5 R/die projects available (there's at least one in Military), or by leaving at least
a few dice fallow in other areas where our Plan goals do not seem too burdensome.
(This actually means the Orbital stuff blurs into the background, but I want to make the point that leaving Orbital dice fallow after reapportionment is gonna be a bad look with Starbound if we do more than a very little of it.)
Now, even assuming we spin off every option we've seen and some we haven't, we go into 2062Q1 with 5 Infrastructure, 3 Heavy Industry, 3 Light Industry, 4 Agriculture, 5 Service, and 6-7 Military dice. Let's posit six. That's 27 dice that require funding. Posit that we do two security reviews, bringing us down to 25. I don't recommend going whole-hog and taking four security reviews, as the increased risk of failures spread across several departments seems nontrivial. Roll four times with a 90% chance of success and you have about a one in three chance of fucking up at least once. So, 250 R on top of the earlier budget categories.
So. 280 R for mining, 60 R for Orbital, 250 R for The Ministry Of Everything Else.
That is 590 R.
If we have less than 590 R to spend in 2062Q1, that is almost certainly going to come at the cost of opportunity costs on future projects that we could have worked on in 2062Q1, but chose not to. A little more than that might be nice, but 590 or so is close to our practical floor.
Which means that even if we have, say, 150 R in the piggy bank saved up (if we're doing the banking option,
and we should, it may be hard to have much more)... Well, we need something like 440 RpT income, and anything less than that increasingly "cut into the muscle," not "cut into the fat."
Now, 100 RpT of that comes from moon mining, more or less, so that leaves about 340... which means that yes, we
can get by on 20% of non-moon-mine GDP (about 420 RpT), as long as we divest most or all of our line items.
The problem, though, is that doing things this way means that we need that meme plan surge of tiberium mining income just to
stay afloat since we're burning up our piggy bank money in the first quarter of the first year of the plan. We then need a second full meme plan surge of income to start getting the plane up and off the runway and into the air, and it goes on from there.
So going down to 20% GDP means a rough start, even if we do manage to shake off all the line items. But with that caveat, it's at least tenable...
...Except that if we shake off all the line items (total cost, more than 5% of the overall GDI budget)... We're not really doing the rest of the government any favors. They're no better off with us having 500 RpT of disposable income and 150 RpT of income that goes line items than they are with us having 500 RpT of disposable income while a cluster of loose independent ex-Treasury bureaus eat up 150 RpT of the rest of the budget.
InOps and Welfare and so on don't get the money either way.
That's what bugs me. We're not making the rest of the government better off by shaking off our spinoff departments to get away with formally claiming that "Treasury takes only 20% of the budget, and pay no attention to all our subsidiaries we just spun off so they won't count anymore."