This is a good plan and I would totally vote for it next turn. Any chance you can change Hospitals for Hallucinogen Dev? Seems more efficient.
Hospitals are likely to become pretty important and a lack of them for a prolonged period of time is going to be a problem. I'd consider that "efficiency" to be a false economy and would rather pencil the development in for 2061Q4 or some time in mid- to late 2062 when we'll have money to activate Service dice on stuff that isn't super-cheap.
With a phase of E-CRP, we free up about 4-5 Free dice over the course of Q3 and Q4. What can we do with those? We could choose a number of options. We could do the Seattle yard, which the Navy very much wants. Or naval laser refits, which will benefit the Navy greatly and which would be very hard to afford and fund in 2062. Or we could use the dice for personal electric vehicles and rack up some Political Support, maybe even in time for reapportionment. Or we could do a phase or even two phases, potentially, of Vertical Farming and make real progress on the "insufficient yummies" crisis. Or we could do much if not all of the Leopard II yard. Or any of a number of things.
Nah, that doesn't add up.
I've got 6 free Free dice in Q4 that I used to build a second ZA Factory and finish Agri Mech 2, which are optional projects and in addition to your Plan (although certainly possible with your free Free dice in Q4).
If using E-CRP freed up 4-5 Free dice, you must have 11-12 free Free dice available in Q4, as you don't have any free Free dice in your Q3 plan. And that is obviously impossible.

Switching from my spending to your spending goes from 3 Free dice on Agriculture in Q3 to 1 AA dice in Q3. So, you are only saving 2.5 dice by taking E-CRP. Which is the AA die I'm not using, and the two Free dice I shifted to Agriculture in Q3.
Will you recoup 5 PS with that 2.5 dice? Possibly.
You could probably tempt me to do this, but I was penciling it in as more of a Q4 thing.

Also, getting most of the benefits out of Suzuka would probably require a secondary series of development and deployment actions which we're not going to have a lot of time to do soon.

Also, we can do microfusion with like one die, whereas Suzuka is going to take 2-3. I can fit microfusion in alongside Advanced Alloys; I can't fit Suzuka in likewise.

Insofar as I have an actual plan here, it's to try and grab as many as possible of the techs that improve fusion energy, becasue we're probably going to do the improved fusion research relatively early in the next Four Year Plan, if not in Q4 of this year. We want the next-generation fusion reactors to be good, and we're going to be on the clock because we'll need Energy to do stuff in the next Plan.

So things on my to-do list for this include:
Bergen Phase 3
Advanced Alloys
Particle Applicator
Microfusion Cell
Buckler Shield
Sparkle Shield

Any or all of these might significantly improve the outcomes we get from Improved Fusion as far as I can tell. I can't get all of them quickly, especially not the two that are Talons projects, but I want to try to get most. Suzuka is also high on my list of "I wannas."

Microfusion is a development though. It won't have any benefits without the secondary series of deployments just like hover factories plus the initial step that has to be done. The benefits of hover factories are also immediate, the +2 logistics isn't a lot but it means hover trucks are rolling off the lines on completion. That also leads to familiarity to the tech leading to more advanced hover. I think starting the timer for more advanced hover and secondary projects is beneficial for upcoming turns for the revolutionary reasons listed in my last post. If we can start a slow trickle of 1 or 2 dice we can have the plants done before Q4 without substantially affecting other plans.

As for microfusion helping with fusion, I have my doubts on how useful it will be. While related in the sense that both technologies are fusion, they are on vastly different size scales. If I remember correctly, microfusion will use STU initiated cold-fusion like the Scrin does but this reaction doesn't scale up. Whereas regular fusion appears to be larger scale conventional hot fusion. Vastly different size and methods. So while I don't doubt it will help, it seems like it would help substantially less.

From the posts I've read so far, what is far more influential to next-gen fusion is Bergen superconductors. Superconductor availability is gating the option to doing plants at all. The other technologies don't. I think if we add the extra developed technologies to the next-gen fusion plants, they'll be much more expensive without the factories to actually make the those technologies. That's dev and deploy for each. Getting all the techs might be a case of "perfect is the enemy of good".
You could probably tempt me to do this, but I was penciling it in as more of a Q4 thing.

Also, getting most of the benefits out of Suzuka would probably require a secondary series of development and deployment actions which we're not going to have a lot of time to do soon.

Also, we can do microfusion with like one die, whereas Suzuka is going to take 2-3. I can fit microfusion in alongside Advanced Alloys; I can't fit Suzuka in likewise.

Insofar as I have an actual plan here, it's to try and grab as many as possible of the techs that improve fusion energy, becasue we're probably going to do the improved fusion research relatively early in the next Four Year Plan, if not in Q4 of this year. We want the next-generation fusion reactors to be good, and we're going to be on the clock because we'll need Energy to do stuff in the next Plan.

So things on my to-do list for this include:
Bergen Phase 3
Advanced Alloys
Particle Applicator
Microfusion Cell
Buckler Shield
Sparkle Shield

Any or all of these might significantly improve the outcomes we get from Improved Fusion as far as I can tell. I can't get all of them quickly, especially not the two that are Talons projects, but I want to try to get most. Suzuka is also high on my list of "I wannas."
I very much would love to get these projects before Improved Fusion, since our current problem with fusion is limited understanding - something Microfusion Cell may well help with - and materials, and while Particle Applicator and Advanced Alloys will help with it directly, giving us ways to improve used alloys, shields might allow us to actually improve internal radiation shielding, removing the "internal wall materials transmuting into radioactive gold" problem.
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Infra 5
HI 5 -2 = 3/ Power and CPG
Agri 4
Tib 7
Orb 6
Services 5
Mil 8
Bureau 4
Total Dice for 4th plan 54/60

The number of dice above is most likely the one we will have for the Fourth Plan

Now, we have two options available to expand quantity and quality of dice
[ ] Long Term Systematic Planning Organization (New)


[ ] Predictive Modeling Management (New)

However, these are very expensive CG wise even with the automation.

If we want to achieve both in the next plan. We will need to be a HI focused plan next plan. For that, my recommendation is to refill the HI Dice and expand up to 6 or 7 Dice. If there is something like two dice to HI next turn. Lets take it.

Finish Nuuk, Boston and if it comes back, Tokyo. In addition. We use AEVA for more efficiencies in dice.

Then if possible. Expand agri to 5 Dice. Leave Infra as it is as it has enough bonus even with just the base dice and arcologies are cheap if Dice intensive.
According to your boffins current understanding of the theory, microfusion methodology does not scale well to the macroscale power plant level.
What the hell, I ask, is the plan for Q4 military in Simonworld? What possible eventualities require this *15 dice* military plan? Is this efficiency, is this really planning, or is this just reflex and personal taste taken to an absurd degree?

Because as far as I can see, you've let 'mustn't overinvest in Q4' directly lead you to overinvest dice in Q3. And then you are probably looking at at least one or two projects where you have to invest 1 die for a 75% chance or two for a 92% chance Q4.

Ten dice and ten dice would be more than enough IMO. Three for each of the projects we didn't squeeze out this turn, two for ASAT, five for OSRCT Q3, and five more for q4 as well as five 'at-will' dice to finish up any uncomplete projects or even do a tiny bit of ZA progress.
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What the hell, I ask, is the plan for Q4 military in Simonworld? What possible eventualities require this *15 dice* military plan? Is this efficiency, is this really planning, or is this just reflex and personal taste taken to an absurd degree?

Because as far as I can see, you've let 'mustn't overinvest in Q4' directly lead you to overinvest dice in Q3. And then you are probably looking at at least one or two projects where you have to invest 1 die for a 75% chance or two for a 92% chance Q4.

Ten dice and ten dice would be more than enough IMO. Three for each of the projects we didn't squeeze out this turn, two for ASAT, five for OSRCT Q3, and five more for q4 as well as five 'at-will' dice to finish up any uncomplete projects or even do a tiny bit of ZA progress.
The world where nat 1's exist.
To make absolutely sure not to fail any goals in Q4 we would need to invest enough dice to be above 99% in all required projects… And it may still not be enough, as we have seen that a nat 1 can wipe out all progress in a project, like happened with one carrier shipyard.

Ideally we should have invested enough dice to be able to reasonably finish all plan goals in Q3, to be able to address such unforeseen developments in Q4, or barring that doing "nice to have" projects, but current situation won't allow that.
Thus Simon still trying to frontload as much as possible in Q3 is mathematically and from a project management standpoint the correct approach.

Just to make it clear, a 92% chance to finish a plan goal project in Q4, like you suggest, leaves nearly 1 in 10 chance to outright fail a plan goal. I do not like these chances.
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The world where nat 1's exist.
To make absolutely sure not to fail any goals in Q4 we would need to invest enough dice to be above 99% in all required projects… And it may still not be enough, as we have seen that a nat 1 can wipe out all progress in a project, like happened with one carrier shipyard.

Ideally we should have invested enough dice to be able to reasonably finish all plan goals in Q3, to be able to address such unforeseen developments in Q4, or barring that doing "nice to have" projects, but current situation won't allow that.
Thus Simon still trying to frontload as much as possible in Q3 is mathematically and from a project manager standpoint the correct approach.

Just to make it clear, a 92% chance to finish a plan goal project in Q4, like you suggest, leaves nearly 1 in 10 chance to outright fail a plan goal. I do not like these chances.

Parliament is not stupid. Nor is it actively out to get us.

So long as the Treasury makes obvious good faith attempts to fulfill Plan Goals Parliament is unlikely to get particularly savage. More 'we see that this goal was not achieved, why?' than the 'we demand you resign for your obvious mismanagement of the Treasury' we would get for delaying a project to the last moment and then catastrophically failing to complete it.
This is a modified version of Simon's plan that reduces the commitment on housing and diverts attention to logistics in preparation to future Glacier expansion and more apartments in Q4.

We have a large slack in housing right now so we can hold off apartment construction and arcologies will absorb some of the refugees for now. In the narrative, it is mentioned that many of the new apartments are still empty so it would be best to work on logistics and fill them up.

[] Draft Plan Space Pirates and Space Truckers.

-[] Infrastructure (5 dice + 1E 110R )
--[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 2 + 3) 100% Phase 2, Phase 3 75%
--[] Emergency Caloric Reclamation Processor Installations 0/80 (1E die, 10 R) (68% chance)
-[] Heavy Industry (5 dice , 90R)
--[] Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 433/600 (3 dice, 60 R) (96% chance)
--[] Advanced Alloys Development 0/120 (2D, 30R) (72% chance)
-[] Light Industry (4 dice, 100 R)
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry Phase 3 0/380 (3 dice, 90 R) (3/5 median)
--[] Civilian Drone Factories 292/380 (1 die, 10 R) (52% chance)
-[] Agriculture (4 Dice + AA Die, 50 R)
--[] Ranching Domes 228/250 (1 die, 20 R) (100% chance)
--[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction Phase 3+4 128/375 (3+AA dice, 40 R) (Phase 3, 76% chance of Phase 4)
-[] Tiberium (7 dice, 120 in R)
--[] Tiberium Processing Plants Stage 2 20/200 (2 dice, 60 R) (63% chance)
--[] Tiberium Harvesting Claw Deployment 0/380 (3 dice, 60 R) (3% chance)
[ ] Improved Hewlett Gardener Process Development (Tech)
(Progress 0/160: 20 resources per die) (2D, 40R) 89%
-[] Orbital (6 dice + 1 Free die, 140 R)
--[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 2) 56/115 (1 die, 20 R) (83% chance)
--[] GDSS Enterprise Phase 5 997/1535 (6 dice, 120 R) (32% chance)
-[] Services (5 dice, 135 R)
--[] NOD Research Initiatives 87/200 (2 dice, 60 R)
--[] Regional Hospital Expansions Phase 1 (3 dice, 75 R) (16% chance)
-[] Military (8 dice + 6 Free dice, 275 R)
--[] Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3) 133/200 (1 die, 15 R) (75% chance)
--[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Newark) 179/240 (1 die, 20 R) (81% chance)
--[] Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 144/225 (1+AA dice, 20 R) (93% chance)
--[] ASAT Defense System Phase 4 36/220 (1 die, 20 R) (1/2 median)
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (New York) 0/??? (2 dice, 40 R) (??% chance)
--[] OSRCT Stations Phase 3 5/690 (8 dice, 160 R) (Phase 3, 24% chance of Phase 4, 42% with Seo bonus)
-Bureaucracy (4 dice)
--[] Administrative Assistance: Mastodons
--[] Administrative Assistance: Food Storage
--[] Erewhon: ECRP
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Parliament is not stupid. Nor is it actively out to get us.

So long as the Treasury makes obvious good faith attempts to fulfill Plan Goals Parliament is unlikely to get particularly savage. More 'we see that this goal was not achieved, why?' than the 'we demand you resign for your obvious mismanagement of the Treasury' we would get for delaying a project to the last moment and then catastrophically failing to complete it.
Parliament are political parties.
Some opposed to us.
And our opposition will use any chance to use our failure in their favor.

Besides, they only need to ask one simple question:
"We understand your recent difficulties. But it was a four year plan. Was it truly impossible for you to organize things well enough to finish your goals beforehand?"

…and they would be correct. Because then some of our opponents will point at the in universe equivalent of "Done by October" plan and say: "Yes, there was such possibility, but Treasury did not take it."
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Point 1: We need Zone Armor factories in 2061.


We cannot be reasonably assured of completing Zone Armor factories during 2061, except by either investing significantly in at least one in 2061Q3, or by heavily overinvesting dice in 2061Q4 and hoping for the best. It is therefore necessary to invest two Free dice, roughly speaking, into a Zone Armor factory. I chose New York because New York has a land connection to one of our prospective Red Zone Border Offensive candidates, and I am hoping that the power armor is immediately deployed to prepare new Ground Force units to secure that area so that the border offensive can begin soon.

Combining this with the need to wrap up ongoing projects while heavily investing in OSRCT to insulate ourselves against bad rolls in Q4 causing critical Plan-goal projects to fail badly, and you get my Military budget. One die on Newark and URLS, 1+AA dice on the Mastodon factories which are lagging particularly hard.* Eight dice on OSRCT, which is the minimum needed to give us a reasonable chance of success and hopefully put the project close enough to only need, say, two dice or less to be assured of completion in 2061Q4. One die on ASAT because it is the only Military target where it may- may- prove to our advantage to overspend dice beyond what is required to complete the Plan phase. Adding up the dice, we have two, plus three, plus eight, plus one.

Cutting below these levels means that we are likely to be forced into wasting dice in Q4 to defend ourselves agaainst the predictable "swinginess" of projects rushed to completion at the last minute. Wasted dice are bad, and we are trying to avoid them. For instance, if the Mastodon yard were ignored until 2061Q4, it would not be enough to spend one or 1+AA dice on it; we would need at least two full-bore Military dice to be safe and avoid alienating General Jackson by breaking our word. Which would be a shame, since that's an extra die that would be more productively used on Zone Armor factories or the naval laser refits. In conclusion, for the reasons discussed.

Actually, it is entirely too late for ZA factories to matter in the mad rush for RZ mining expansions in 2062. We can forget benefiting from them in time. If we want ZA, it is now better to slow roll them with 1 or 2 dice at a time at most, as military dice availability permits, and depend on BZ Vein Mining efforts to grow our finances in early Plan 4.

We can, at least, be fairly certain that Nod is unlikely to start shit for the next couple of years as it sorts out its losses, although of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a global low level skirmish happening either.

Parliament are political parties.
Some opposed to us.
And our opposition will use any chance to use it in their favor.

Besides, they only need to ask one simple question:
"We understand your recent difficulties. But it was a four year plan. Was it truly impossible for you to organize things well enough to finish your goals beforehand?"

…and they would be correct. Because then some of our opponents will point at the in universe equivalent of "Done by October" plan and say: "Yes, there was such possibility, but Treasury did not take it."

And it won't matter, at least to us, because while there are parties in Parliament that do not like Seo Thoki's handling of the Treasury, most of the parties do.

We should, of course, attempt to finish the Plan Goals. But the parties that like us will go 'yeah, it is not good, but there are all these good reasons for why it went this way, and sad as it is, we will just have to accept it'.
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And it won't matter, at least to us, because while there are parties in Parliament that do not like Seo Thoki's handling of the Treasury, most of the parties do.

We should, of course, attempt to finish the Plan Goals. But the parties that like us will go 'yeah, it is not good, but there are all these good reasons for why it went this way, and sad as it is, we will just have to accept it'.
…the point is, I actually do have real life experience with project management with significant teams and budgets.
And believe me, justifying delays and budget extensions even before a friendly and nominally benevolent committee does have long term consequences.
You may be passed over for a follow up project, have more difficulties with your project proposals being accepted, lose priority for acquisitions etc.

Regaining the trust lost is a long and arduous process.

The cavalier attitude regarding deadlines for plan goals being optional is not justified, at all.

And translating it in quest terms?
Well, not fulfilling plan goals would result in us spending political capital, the same capital you are relying on to carry us through. Besides, remember how much more difficult it was for Granger to get political support?
Well, let us fail a couple of times and I can easily see it being the same for Seo.
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I don't like the idea of turning the ship and station crews into guinea pigs for new technology just to get a progress discount on a temporary , experimental station. We've already had warnings about the living/working conditions in orbit.
Actually, it is entirely too late for ZA factories to matter in the mad rush for RZ mining expansions in 2062. We can forget benefiting from them in time. If we want ZA, it is now better to slow roll them with 1 or 2 dice at a time at most, as military dice availability permits, and depend on BZ Vein Mining efforts to grow our finances in early Plan 4.

We can, at least, be fairly certain that Nod is unlikely to start shit for the next couple of years as it sorts out its losses, although of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a global low level skirmish happening either.

Starting to produce zones of armour for the Regular Army may not do anything in the very short term, but it has several longer-term advantages.
For one thing, we have to keep in mind that the mining of tiberium in yellow and blue zones is relatively expensive compared to the yield.
Furthermore, when we go into the negotiations for the next 4-year plan, it will certainly help us to be able to show that we have already started to close the "arms gap" on our own initiative, so that perhaps the political demands in this direction can be weakened.
And lastly, even though a major conflict is unlikely at this time, so soon after the end of the last one, our troops that can operate in the Red Zones are stretched to the limit, so the possibility of replacing these specialists with units from the much larger regular army could allow us to use these specialists more effectively than as garrison troops.

And it won't matter, at least to us, because while there are parties in Parliament that do not like Seo Thoki's handling of the Treasury, most of the parties do.

We should, of course, attempt to finish the Plan Goals. But the parties that like us will go 'yeah, it is not good, but there are all these good reasons for why it went this way, and sad as it is, we will just have to accept it'.

And do you know how to lose party support?
By not being able to carry out the tasks set for you, especially when you consider that there was a plan and there is now a proposed plan that has a chance of success.
Especially if our ideological enemy, in order to weaken us, can pass on this information to our political opponents.
How do you think our political allies will feel if we do not achieve the goals set for us?
I doubt they will react too positively, especially when we have given free political ammunition to our, and by extension their, rivals in parliament.
At the end of the day, our political masters don't care how we achieve the goals we set, unless of course they get the impression that we are trying to creatively plan around their wishes.
As long as we can deliver, we will have allies to shield us from our enemies in the political arena, but when we can no longer deliver, we will probably find relatively quickly that "failures" in this area rarely have allies and the knives will be out.
…the point is, I actually do have real life experience with project management with significant teams and budgets.
And believe me, justifying delays and budget extensions even before a friendly and nominally benevolent committee does have long term consequences.
You may be passed over for a follow up project, have more difficulties with your project proposals being accepted, lose priority for acquisitions etc.

Regaining the trust lost is a long and arduous process.

The cavalier attitude regarding deadlines for plan goals being optional is not justified, at all.

And translating it in quest terms?
Well, not fulfilling plan goals would result in us spending political capital, the same capital you are relying on to carry us through. Besides, remember how much more difficult it was for Granger to get political support?
Well, let us fail a couple of times and I can easily see it being the same for Seo.
This is a game.

Parliament is not a boss you've had in real life. They are not real people you've had bad experiences with. Parliament is a simulation @Ithillid has kindly written for us to increase immersion in this setting. And Ithillid, as someone writting and running this game, is obviously on our side. And if Ithillid, as the GM, says that a good faith showing of finishing plan goals is good enough, then it is good enough. That's the long and the short of it.

Yes, there's times when politicians get on our case. Yes, some parties aren't on our side. That's part of simulation, part of the game. That's part of what makes this immersive. It shows good writing and makes it all the more exciting to play. It gets engagement going. It does not mean Ithillid is going to punish you for not being perfect.
My understanding is that the freeze-drying plants help in a very straightforward way: they change the conversion ratio of Food into Stored Food from 4:2 to 3:2. That doesn't change the number of Stockpile phases we need to complete; it just makes it easier or harder to fill those stockpiles.
Combining this with the need to wrap up ongoing projects while heavily investing in OSRCT to insulate ourselves against bad rolls in Q4 causing critical Plan-goal projects to fail badly, and you get my Military budget. One die on Newark and URLS, 1+AA dice on the Mastodon factories which are lagging particularly hard.* Eight dice on OSRCT, which is the minimum needed to give us a reasonable chance of success and hopefully put the project close enough to only need, say, two dice or less to be assured of completion in 2061Q4. One die on ASAT because it is the only Military target where it may- may- prove to our advantage to overspend dice beyond what is required to complete the Plan phase. Adding up the dice, we have two, plus three, plus eight, plus one.

Point 3: Now that we've done ranching domes, it is nigh-impossible to complete the Stored Food target without E-CRP and with only our normal Agriculture dice. Before, it was difficult. Now it is effectively impossible.
Responding to varying points from this post:
Changing the conversion ratio does seem to be how FDF plants will operate, but... we'll see. Planning as if it will not increase output (Stored Food rating) at all is worthwhile as worst-case planning, if nothing else.

As regards your analysis of military PlanGoal needs and spending, you did make one significant error: overspending on OSRCT is almost certainly not going to be a waste, as well as ASAT. (Phases 5+ are going to require more station construction to allow significant work on them, which is why they're not showing up now.)
This means that a more reasonable spending on OSRCT of ~5 dice is quite workable, and allows several free dice to go to other things, such as Agriculture.
…the point is, I actually do have real life experience with project management with significant teams and budgets.
And believe me, justifying delays and budget extensions even before a friendly and nominally benevolent committee does have long term consequences.
You may be passed over for a follow up project, have more difficulties with your project proposals being accepted, lose priority for acquisitions etc.

Regaining the trust lost is a long and arduous process.

The cavalier attitude regarding deadlines for plan goals being optional is not justified, at all.

And translating it in quest terms?
Well, not fulfilling plan goals would result in us spending political capital, the same capital you are relying on to carry us through. Besides, remember how much more difficult it was for Granger to get political support?
Well, let us fail a couple of times and I can easily see it being the same for Seo.
What we have been told by Ithillid is that if we allocate enough dice to a project that it *should* have completed, but did not because of horrible dice rolls, we'll take a minor hit politically. Now, is it something where the -5 PS hit from doing E-CRP would be better than that? Probably. But it won't be catastrophic.
The problem with doing Columbia before the station bays is that we lose a lot of cost reduction with how the system works. The reduction is always applied to the current phase and the progress cost doubles with every follow-up phase. This means a 10 point reduction in phase 1 translates to a total 10+20+40+80+160=310 point reduction, 10 points at stage 2 already are only 150, etc. If we want to get the most out of the cost reduction we need to complete the bay before starting any other station projects.
However we eventually decide on what bays to take, stations will probably make the cut. Personally I am more a fan of AdvancedMat, Gdrive-, Fusion-Yards, because I want a spaceship focus both with eyes on the looming Scrin issue and the eventual SequelQuest, but I dont have neither time or energy to make an extensive argumentpost. Still think we should definetely pick one of the Yards, some people will say definitely fusion but I'd argue Gdrive has some merit, namely in supporting our fledgling space economy with water and volatile elements. It has been so far not an issue, but even our magic fusion drives need a lot of hydrogen as reaction mass and with the moons relatively sparse water deposits we will need to offset a lot of that need as our operations expand with expensive launches from earth. So some belt mining efforts would make our lives easier once we hit the point where we can no longer ignore hydrogen fuel needs.

Or something, I dont know what I am talking about.
My biggest problem with the g-drive yard right now is we don't have any ability to project force outside of cis-Lunar space, and setting up mining outposts in the Belt or whatever is way WAY too risky for my tastes without a real navy to protect them. Otherwise we're one bad roll away from the Visitors passing their "should we go fuck with the humans today?" check and killing everyone on Vulcan Station with their bullshit 15g warships while we can do nothing except watch. I guess maybe we can try to suicide ram a 15g warship with a 0.5g freighter? But we're basically defenseless everywhere past the Moon until there's a full military shipyard pumping out dedicated warships that can be on station everywhere there's a human presence, until that exists I can't support colonization outside the Earth-Luna system.
The Visitors could also decide to fuck with us now and blow up our moon mines while we could do nothing but watch and maybe do worse. I am with you on the whole colonisation thing, but a small mining outpost in the belt is different from a whole ass Mars or Ceres colony.
It does not mean Ithillid is going to punish you for not being perfect.
Not reaching the plan goals is not "not being perfect", it is a failure in the main gameplay loop of the quest. It's like getting shot in FPS or losing an important resource node in RTS. If we didn't reach the plan goal, that means we didn't plan well enough, so I am 100% sure we are going to be penalized for that. Such penalties are not going to be gameending, sure, but unless we faced a truly atrocious luck, they are going to be fairly serious.