Yeah, there's 8 dice on Tendrils, it's a category we have a high Bonus on, and several of the dice in that "pool" were 90+. I think we'll be okay.

We're hopefully not going to lack for funds for the next two turns, we're well on the way to the next fusion phase if we need more Energy than Crystal Beam can supply, Crystal Beam itself significantly overperformed which clears more room for scientific research and other undertakings in Heavy Industry.

I don't think Ranching Domes finished (unsurprisingly- 42% chance of completion), so we end up needing another die and three months on that.

Minimal progress on the granaries. We are now really behind schedule on that project.

Critical failure on Tendrils Phase 2, which is bad, but as much to the point, we rolled 402+312 = 724 points of Progress, which should complete the phase. So hopefully the crit-failure doesn't stop us from getting the phase completion.

Enterprise performed above expectations- significantly so.

PORTALS FINISHED! This is a huge deal and means a lot more money going into the piggy bank.

Nod research did not finish. Bogatyr research did. All the Military dice projects rolled poorly, so we now have relatively high requirements for completing those.

Oh. And we owe the Space Force about 12 dice of mandatory Plan target projects we haven't touched yet. No ASAT work done. No OSRCT work done since before Steel Vanguard.

The orbital power armored space pirate chickens are gonna come home to roost now.

I think I just watched my hopes of as Zone Armor rollout in 2061 die, though, looking at those Military dice rolls.
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Man, that 99 on Pinholes is just taunting us about missing out on the crit...
Ehh, we'll live.

And yeah, the nat 1 on tendrils will hurt, but hopefully the high rolls we got there will mitigate it enough.
So maybe stuff like needing to throw more dice at it/needing a turn or two to get the benefit.
Again, we'll live.
Especially with having a spare 100R to work with now that the pinholes are done early.
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I think Bogatyr finished, and Portals all but certainly finished.
Portals finished. That's the biggest stroke of good luck for this quarter.

The civilians don't look very satisfied.

Underling: "Sir, sir, the peasants are revolting!"
Seo: "I know that."
We aren't rolling for what public opinion is, we're rolling for how well we surveyed it. That's a 74+96 = 170 when the highest DC was 180, so I'm not too worried.

And yeah, the nat 1 on tendrils will hurt, but hopefully the high rolls we got there will mitigate it enough.
So maybe stuff like needing to throw more dice at it/needing a turn or two to get the benefit.
Again, we'll live.
Especially with having a spare 100R to work with now that the pinholes are done early.
Well, the unexpected most-of-100 R windfall from not having to do another portal die in Q3 means that even if we don't get the money from tendrils, we're in the same budget situation we'd hoped to be with tendrils.

The Nat 1 is likely (not completely certain yet) just the Brotherhood of Nod getting their hands on a set of samples.

To be fair, if we were gonna roll this out on a global scale, hiding the tech from Nod was always going to be impractical in the long run. The only reason we don't know how harvester claws work is because we didn't know how to make them since they involve Nod's xenotech bullshit material science (though no STUs, just them gitting gud with the regular periodic table)
The Nat 1 is likely (not completely certain yet) just the Brotherhood of Nod getting their hands on a set of samples.
I was gonna say that this doesn't seem like that much of a fail, but then one has to consider that Nod does have a fair few expensive toys that having better Tib harvesting would make a lot more common for our military to run into.
Then again, us having better Tib harvesting means we have more expensive toys to throw back at the noddies too.
So... Status Quo successfully maintained, I suppose.
To be fair, if we were gonna roll this out on a global scale, hiding the tech from Nod was always going to be impractical in the long run. The only reason we don't know how harvester claws work is because we didn't know how to make them since they involve Nod's xenotech bullshit material science (though no STUs, just them gitting gud with the regular periodic table
Just look at as more abatement in Nod territory. And with how the mutation rolled, that's probably a good thing overall.
Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 6+7) (Updated) 0+207+128=335/320
Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1) 156+34+32=222/200

Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 8) 243+136+58=437/300

Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 51+266+116=433/600
Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 258+83+29=370/320

Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) 276+89+24=389/300

Civilian Drone Factories 104+116+72=292/380

Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5) 75+35+48=158/280
Ranching Domes 0+156+72=228/250
Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 3) (Updated) 85+19+24=128/175

Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 2) (Updated) 74+402+312=787/750

GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 348+432+217=997/1535
Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 2) 11+19+26=56/115

Professional Sports Programs 102+94+54=250/250
Pinhole Portal Early Primitive Prototype Construction 56+99+32=187/180

NOD Research Initiatives 0+23+64=87/200

Zone Defender Revision 0+86+31=117/40
Bogatyr Research Projects (Updated) 0+87+31=118/110

Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3) 0+81+52=133/200
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Newark) 0+101+78=179/240
Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 113+5+26=144/225

Conduct Civil Satisfaction Surveys DC 90/120/150/180, DC 180 74+96=180+ (with omake)
+12 housing,
-2 logistics
+13 energy
+4 capital goods,
+6 consumer Goods
+4 food
+8 food in reserve
+100 income, efficiencies
-1 health,
-2 labor (+lots)
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Seriously with those military dice rolls?

Are we ever gonna finish the military goals for this plan?
I hope so, but we have no way of being sure at this point. The goal of getting any Zone Armor rolled out this year just got a lot harder to make happen.

Just look at as more abatement in Nod territory. And with how the mutation rolled, that's probably a good thing overall.
The problem is that tendril harvesters don't seem to abate very well... Wait. if they replace Nod harvesters with something that actually hoovers up all the surface tiberium instead of leaving some behind to reseed, then maybe that would help.

Silver linings.
Backup mathpost:
Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 6+7) (Updated) 335/160 Phase 6 175/160 Phase 7 Roll: 207
Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1) 222/200 Roll: 34
Bureau of Arcologies (Updated) auto
Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 8) 437/300 Roll: 136

Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 433/600 Roll: 266
Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 370/320 Roll: 83
Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) 389/300 Roll: 89

Civilian Drone Factories 292/380 Roll: 116
Department of Consumer Industrial Development (New) auto
Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4) 158/140 Roll: 35

Ranching Domes 228/250 Roll: 156
Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 3) (Updated) 128/175 Roll: 19

Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 Erewhon die auto
Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 2) (Updated) 788/750 Roll: 402 NAT1
GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 997/1535 Roll: 432
Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 2) 56/115 Roll: 19

Professional Sports Programs 250/250 Roll: 94
Pinhole Portal Early Primitive Prototype Construction 187/180 Roll: 99

NOD Research Initiatives 87/200 Roll: 23
Zone Defender Revision 117/40 Roll: 86
Bogatyr Research Projects (Updated) 118/110 Roll: 87

Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3) 133/200 Roll: 81
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Newark) 179/240 Roll: 101
Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 144/225 Roll: 5

Conduct Civil Satisfaction Surveys DC 90/120/150/180, 170+10=180/DC 180 Roll: 74

Freeze Dried Food Plants: autocomplete

Edit: fixed Infrastructure numbers due to BuArco changing our bonus. Still working on indicator changes...

+12 Housing (+13 total due to BuArco)
-2(-4+3-1) Logistics
(+1 Housing per turn, +1 Consumer Goods per turn)
(-50 progress needed on Arcologies)
-1 Infrastructure die
-2 to Infrastructure dice
-1 LCI die
+12 (+16-2-1-1) Energy
-3 (-1-1-1) Labor
+4 Capital Goods
+6 (+4+2) Consumer Goods (+9 total due to BuArco, Dept of ConGoods)
+0 (+4+6-16+6) Food
+70 (-15-15+100) Resources Per Turn
+8 Food In Reserve
-1 STU (+1 from increased income)
+Happy Buddhaheb
-1 Health
+10 PS
+1 teleported image of a grape
+Zone Defender 1.1
+? increase to Food Storage efficiency (existing and future projects)

Likely Q3-start indicators:
Resources:‌ ‌1200 + 0 in‌ ‌reserve‌ ‌(-15‌ ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Forgotten)‌ ‌(-35 ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌grants)‌(+25 from Taxes) (-5 from Resettlement) (-30 from Reconstruction commissions)(-30 Subdepartments)

Political‌ ‌Support:‌ 74
SCIENCE Meter: 4/4
Free‌ ‌Dice:‌ ‌7 ‌
Erewhon Dice: 1
Dice Capacity 55/60

Tiberium Spread
22.47 Blue Zone
0.01 Cyan Zone
1.44 Green Zone
22.57 Yellow Zone (93 points of mitigation)
53.51 Red Zone (65 points of mitigation)

Current Economic Issues:
Housing: +47? (20 population in low quality housing) (-10? per turn from refugees) (+1 high-quality housing per turn)
Energy: +17 (+4 in reserve)
Logistics: +22? (-6? from raiding) (-5? from military activity)
Food: +26 (+20? in reserve)
Health: +9? (-7? from Wartime Demand) (-10 from Refugees)
Capital Goods: +16 (+130 in reserve)
STUs: +11
Consumer Goods: +49? (-18? from demand spike) (+3 from Private Industry) (-4? from increased population) (+3 from Bureau of Arcologies and Dept of Consumer Industrial Development)
Labor: +49 (+4 per turn from medical care) (+2 per turn from Immigrant qualifications) (-1 per turn from private industry) (-1 per turn from other government) (Net +4)
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌(2115/2470)‌ ‌
Taxation Per Turn: +30
Space Mining Per Turn: +95
Green Zone Water: +6
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...this 99 in portals...
This is the second 99 in a really important project recently, and each time I see them I hope we pick up the 99 are crits employee next time around...
All in free dice to military plans next quarter. Sad about the Ranching Domes not finishing but it seems that only one dice next quarter is needed.

Also, since we have no further Infragoals and we have enough housing. Any chance we can go all in to either Chicago (for Cap and Con goods) or Shuttles?
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