Q1 2011
Q1 2011

Supernatural Tracking Bureau: Report

STB has continued to observe areas with heightened supernatural sightings. While confirmed attacks by monsters are low, the bureau has observed other trends in these areas. One of these is a small, but notable, increase in rates of suicides and mental health problems reported from these regions. More concerning is a series of disappearances and deadly attacks in eastern europe, the victims brutalized in horrific ways, with the only clue towards the attacker being the residue of plant matter inside the wounds.

Canada: Neutral
USA: Moderate Opposition
Mexico: Neutral
Brazil: Mild Support
Argentina: Mild Support
UK: Neutral
France: Mild Opposition
Germany: Neutral
Russia: Strong Support
Nigeria: Mild Support
South Africa: Mild Support
Israel: Strong Support
Saudi Arabia: Moderate Support
India: Neutral
China: Neutral
Japan: Neutral
Australia: Neutral
Director Nobuo: Neutral

Resources: 2000 Resources left from yearly budget
Council Support: 52

Logistics: ----- --- -
Fuel: ----- ---
Ammo: ------ -
Maintenance : ----- -
Medical Capacity: -----

Dice Capacity: 19.5

Infrastructure (5 Dice, 3 Org Dice): +10
[ ]Headquarters Construction (Stage 3)
With underground construction finished, the last stage is the completion of the UNDC tower. Around 350 meters of basic structure are still to be built. Once finished, it's presence alone will remind people of the importance of the UNDC for the future to come. 500 meters of glass and steel, with the UNDC eagle plastered on the front, with over 175 levels, enough space for the thousands of administrators needed to run the administration.
(294/300 15 Resources per Die)(+1 Dice Capacity, +1 CS)

[]Suez Channel Repair
With the Channel having fallen into disrepair over the years, there are a number of issues, including excavating out the channel to its original depth and removing the wrecks of cargo ships attacked in the early stages of the Egyptian escalation of the Near East Wars, before it can be opened up again. While this alone will buy the UNDC a lot of good will with the Security Council, security will need to be increased along the channel before it can be opened up fully.
(192/200 15 Resources per Die)(Logistics +++, +5 CS)

[]Rail and Road Connection Refurbishment
Many of the bases given to the UNDC as part of their formation have substandard or damaged connection to the local road and rail networks, limiting their access to the logistical network. Doing some basic refurbishment, construction will get them up to the basic standard required.
(0/200 10 Resources per Die) (Logistics +++ +)

[]Logistical Airport Construction
While every UNDC airport will be able to both host and service combat aircraft the primary use of these sites will be the transport and transfer of cargo and personnel.
-[]Hong Kong (0/100 20 Resources per Die))(Logistics +, Maintenance +)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)
-[]Tokyo (0/100 20 Resources per Die))(Logistics +, Maintenance +)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)
-[]Boston (0/100 20 Resources per Die))(Logistics +, Maintenance +)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)
-[]Duisburg (0/100 20 Resources per Die))(Logistics +, Maintenance +)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)
-[]Tel Aviv (0/100 20 Resources per Die))(Logistics +, Maintenance +)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)

[]Naval Base Refurbishment
As the most clear result of two financial crises occurring back to back, many of the docks provided are in disrepair and barely usable. Both faulty machinery and damaged concrete have to be replaced and repaired before the majority of their logistical capacity can be opened up again.
(0/300 15 Resources per Die) (Logistics ++++ ++, Maintenance ++ +)

Industry (5 Dice, 2 Org Dice): +5
[]Restock the Maintenance Facilities
Almost a decade of cost cutting measures have left the maintenance facilities for equipment and vehicles under-equipped and -staffed, getting them up to intended capacity will require a large investment for both machinery and personnel.
(116/200 15 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +++ +)

[]Replacement Part Factories (Stage 1)
With all the licenses acquired, nothing stands in the way of mass producing all the necessary replacement parts, especially the ones needed for the aging mechanized and naval forces, with many of the designs no longer in active production, however these centralised facilities will increase the strain on the logistical system.
(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +++, Logistics --)

[]Auxiliary Shipyards
Part of the license acquisition program was also the purchase for several commonly used auxiliary ships, both for containers and liquid goods. With the UNDCs funding, nothing stands in the way of constructing their own yards, and while their primary use will be maintenance, they will be fitted for construction as well.
-[]Osaka (23/200 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++ +, Logistics --)(Increases RpD of UNDC Auxiliary Fleet, but reduced Progress cost)
-[]Busan (0/200 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++ +, Logistics --)(Increases RpD of UNDC Auxiliary Fleet, but reduced Progress cost)
-[]Seattle (0/200 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++ +, Logistics --)(Increases RpD of UNDC Auxiliary Fleet, but reduced Progress cost)

[]Increase UNDC Auxiliary Fleet (Phase 1)
Transport via sea remains the most efficient and cost efficient, but also the slowest, way of bulk shipping. To transport tanks, troops and supplies across the globe in strategically relevant amounts, the UNDC will need to increase their ship fleet.
(53/300 45 Resources per Die)(Logistics ++++ ++, Maintenance -- -, Fuel ---)

[]Utility Vehicle Production Complexes (Can use Military Dice)
Apart from ships there is also the need for land and aircraft to supply the growing needs of the global army. Multi Use production complexes, more similar to small industrial cities, have been proposed to support the construction and maintenance of further expansion of the UNDC utility car and plane pool.
-[]Abu Dhabi (0/300 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics ---, Maintenance +)(Increases RpD of Utility Vehicle Projects, but reduced Progress cost)
-[]Kure (0/300 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics ---, Maintenance +)(Increases RpD of Utility Vehicle Projects, but reduced Progress cost)
-[]Buenos Aires (0/300 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics ---, Maintenance +)(Increases RpD of Utility Vehicle Projects, but reduced Progress cost)

[]Increase UNDC Auxiliary Plane Fleet (Phase 1)
Air shipping has become more and more important in the last few decades. While expensive compared to other options, it is also the fastest, able to transport cargo and passengers across the whole world in mere hours.
(98/200 60 Resources per Die)(Logistics +++ +, Maintenance -- -, Fuel ----)

[]ABC Deconstruction Operations (Phase 2)
With the all remaining stocks of chemical and biological weapons destroyed all that remains are the regions contaminated by those agents. Under highest security the top soil has to be excavated and moved to the plants for destruction, hopefully keeping the agents from reaching the ground water supplies.
(117/200 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)

[]Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 1)
With Mandates for the local oil fields, the UNDC can finally start operations to achieve fuel independence from the sponsor nations and, more importantly, the global economic situation. To achieve the quality needed for the various vehicles used by the Defence Command, the facilities will need to be fairly expensive and extensive, but should produce a large amount of usable product in return.
(0/300 20 Resources per Die)(Fuel ++++ ++, Logistics ---)

Service (5 Die): +0
[]Set up Disaster Fond Management
With the UNDC now allowed to use a certain percentage of its funds for relief efforts one possibility is to give management of this portion over to an independent organisation to use it for a variety of humanitarian needs.
(0/100 5 Resources per Die)(-30 Yearly Budget)

[]Recruitment Centres (Stage 1)
Current recruitment efforts are largely assisted by the member nations, but if the UNDC wants to get at the recruitment process out of the Security Council's direct influence the first step is the establishment of official recruitment centres in a few of the member states.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)

[]Restock the Medical Facilities
Like maintenance, staff and equipment in many medical centres and infirmaries has been cut especially if they were not expected to be in much use. This however has reduced the total amount of trauma and intensive care units available. Getting enough new equipment, medications, doctors and assistants will be expensive.
(121/200 20 Resources per Die)(Medical Capacity +++ +)

[]Establish RnD Division
Currently the UNDC is dependent on third parties for their technical and scientific expertise, which can be a security risk for certain projects. Establishing an in-house Research and Development Division will enable the Organisation to design their own equipment and conduct their own research, should they wish so.
(95/200 20 Resources per Die)

[]Establish Technical Schools
One solution to ease the strain on the Maintenance is to educate as much of the personnel on the repairs simple enough to not require too much expertise. By giving soldiers the knowledge to perform basic maintenance themselves, engineer and technician work time will be freed for more delicate repairs.
(0/300 10 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +++ ++)

[]Set Up Supernatural Investigation Bureau
Step two to the UNDCs supernatural response strategy will be the local investigation of potential supernatural, with a mixture of local, national and international teams.
The plan is to have a network that can be activated upon a supernatural event and quickly be on site to begin the process of investigation. As an added measure, local law enforcement can request the intervention of a UNDC unit by contacting a National Response Team member directly or through the supernatural tracking hotline.
(67/200 15 Resources per Die)(Logistics -- -)

Military (10 Dice, 4 Org Dice): +10
[]Military Headquarters Construction (Stage 2)
With groundside facilities complete, the first stage of bunker construction for the HQ can begin, mostly meant to just be armor, spare storage facilities and parking lots.
(86/200 25 Resources per Die)(Requires at least 1 Infrastructure Die)

[]Suez Base Expansion (Stage 2)
With the patrol bases finished, the next step will be to construct a number of strategically placed air bases along the route to provide air cover and long range reconnaissance. The air bases, consisting of two or three runways with a support area of about 1-2.5 kilometers in diameter, can be built quickly and are designed to be serviced by a C-130 based cargo aircraft.
(190/200 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)

Ground Forces
[]Utility Vehicle Procurement Program
Utility covers vehicles not meant for direct combat operations, that being transportation and logistics, usually in the form of armored cars and trucks. While the Ground Force has enough to cover their needs, they have mostly old, outdated and too many models to effectively manage.
(0/50 20 Resources per Die)

[]Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 1 Fighting Forces)
With most of the rifles in use by the UNDC already chambered for NATO calibres, deploying the Galil out across the whole force won't change the supply situation much and is more for appearance and publicites sake.
(26/800 20 Resources per Die)(Ammo +)
(Stage 2 Reserve Forces 0/4000)(Maintenance ++ +, Ammo ++ +)
(Stage 2 Reserve Stock 0/1600)

[]Rifle Factory
With the number of contractors capable of manufacturing the Gali Ace more limited compared to the other contractors, increasing the UNDCs own production capacity will be important for a quick rollout of the assault rifle.
-[]Tel Aviv (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Haifa (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Ashdod (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Netanya (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Infantry Gear Procurement Program
Supporting the main combat rifle of every military is an array of support weapons and equipment, ranging from machine guns and heat seeking missiles to body armor and water bottles. Equipment that sometimes became sparse in the last weeks of 2009. As the forces outside the former Middle Eastern Task Force have barely any support weapons, a completely new procurement is needed either way.
(51/75 20 Resources per Die)

[]Main Battle Tank Procurement Program
The Tanks of the UNDC are the remaining tanks of the task force, a mixture of Leopard 2s, Abrams and T-90s. Merin seeks to at least triple the current number of tanks and replace them with a more modern design.
(0/50 25 Resources per Die)

[]Patria APC Deployment (Stage 1 Fighting Forces)
The first stage of deploying the new APC seeks to replace the ones currently in use among the forces deployed in the middle east. By switching to a unified design, strain on the logistical system should be reduced somewhat.
(44/600 45 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++, Ammo +)
(Stage 2 Force Expansion 0/3000)(Logistics +++ ++, Maintenance --- --, Fuel --- --, Ammo --)
(Stage 2 Reserve 0/1200)

[]APC Factory
Part of the procurement deal was giving the UNDC the license to produce the Patria APC in-house. Constructing our own factories not only enables us to roll out what is arguably one of the largest mechanisation projects in modern history, but also will serve us well for producing and rolling our future upgrades for the platform.
-[]Helsinki (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-, Maintenance +)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Oslo (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-, Maintenance +)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Manchester (0/100 25 Resources per Die)((Logistics-, Maintenance +)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Rotterdam (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-, Maintenance +)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Frankfurt (0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Logistics-, Maintenance +)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Infantry Fighting Vehicle Procurement Program
In opposition to APCs, IFVs are more heavily armed and meant to serve a direct combat role, supporting infantry and other armored formations. With a split of 4 to 1 for APCs against IVFs, the General seeks to massively increase the firepower of the infantry forces. A plan that will still require a few thousand units to be built and shipped.
(0/40 20 Resources per Die)

[]Reactive Armor Development Program
Reactive Armor are externally attached panels containing a light explosive. When hit with enough force, they explode outwards, causing mild to no damage to the vehicle underneath, but massive damage to the projectile. They have shown to be very useful in the Near East Wars by increasing the survivability of vehicles against flanking attacks and in urban environments. Several companies have already made offers to develop an improved version that is less volatile and offers even better defense.
(0/60 50 Resources per Die)

[]Strategic Air Defense System Experiment Program
Before the Near East Wars, several countries were in the process of developing a short range anti rocket and artillery system. As unguided dumbfire missiles remain in use by various groups in the middle east Merin deems it worth reexamining this technology for defense of stationary targets.
(0/50 50 Resources per Die)

Air Force
[]Ordnance Compatibility Refit
With many kinds of ordnance in use by the various types of aircraft in use by the UNDCs air force, a relatively simple upgrade of the targeting systems and hardpoints should allow for some amount of compatibility between the planes, allowing for redistribution of various munitions to where they are needed.
(105/250 25 Resources per Die)(Ammo ++++)

[]Bunker Buster Procurement Program
Natural Caves remain one of the enemy militias greatest asset both for stealth, logistics and mobility. As attacking these caves is too dangerous, General Wu has suggested the use of heavy ordnance penetrator munitions to clear out the caves from relative safety.
(0/30 30 Resources per Die)

[]Drone Craft Procurement Program
First used in the war on terror, drones have seen great use in supporting troops in low intensity environments. Lighter and less complex they can stand in the air for hours at high altitude, both providing easy reconnaissance and ground support with their on board weapons.
(0/30 25 Resources per Die)

[]Munitions Compatibility Refit
Similar to the airforce a great deal of the munitions used across the UNDC navy is incompatible, while dock time is a requirement for refitting weapon systems, computers and sensor hardware it should ease ammunition strain on logistics until the entire Navy can be equipped with new ships.
(0/250 25 Resources per Die)(Ammo ++++)

[]Dissolve Submarine Force
Submarines are an inherently aggressive weapon. As the UNDCs primary mission is peacekeeping, there is currently no good reason for the Defence Command to have submarines and that opinion is mirrored among many of the council.
(Requires one Die)(+5 CS)(Ammo ++, Maintenance +, Fuel ++)

[]Dissolve Carrier Force
Similarly to the submarines, aircraft carriers are mobile airbases moved to locations where more standard landing strips might not be available. Similarly to submarines their character is certainly offensive and the process of handing them over to the UNDC was certainly not easy. Their original owners should be happy to see the expensive ships return into their hands.
(Requires one Die)(+10 CS)(Ammo +++, Maintenance +++, Fuel +++)

Security Forces
[]Security Review(Write-in Category)
While currently not clear who would want to infiltrate the UNDC it is clear that doing so is certainly a prospect to some actors to gain insight into the day to day operations of the organisation. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort.
(DC 60, Dice used here do not count towards the dice capacity)

[]Cyber Attack Investigation (Stage 1)
While not proficient, C- and ISec are capable of trying to find out how the cyberattack occurred and who did it. The first stage will be finding out where and how the hackers could have gotten ahold of the director's assistant's login credentials.
(DC ??, Dice used here do not count towards the dice capacity, good results can skip phases)

[]Armed Supernatural Response Teams
With the need for an armed supernatural response force, to assist any investigation work being done, becoming more apparent, establishing it before things get ugly should be a high priority. However, putting UNDC security concerns under military matters has enabled additional options for equipping the forces, such as giving the teams access to APCs and military support weapons, or even equipping them like actual military units with a focus on mobility.
-[]Civilian (0/200 20 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -, Ammo -, Health Capacity-)
-[]Paramilitary (0/300 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance --, Ammo --, Health Capacity-)
-[]Military (0/400 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ---, Ammo ---, Health Capacity-)

[]Civilian HQ Defense Hardening
With the 9.11 attacks still on everyone's mind plans have been made to increase UNDCs tower against such attacks, but were not put into the final design, with the basic supporting infrastructure still in place. The Hardening project seeks to install a number of surface-air missile and point defense batteries at various heights onto the tower against air attacks and increase the static defenses of the ground site perimeter.
(0/40 40 Resources per Die)

[]Basic Prison Facilities
In the case that the UNDC should arrest people breaking international law during their operations, they cannot expect to lock them up in national prisons except for emergencies. As such a number of basic facilities will be constructed in neutral and politically stable countries to hold prisoners until they can be tried at the international court of law.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)

[]Form Military Police Units
With the additional training of the security guards already in progress, that still leaves the creation of military police units, both for handling criminal activity within areas of UNDC jurisdiction and interacting with civilians. Military police should be assisting both internal and external security, should sponsor states ask for assistance.
(0/200 25 Resources per Die)

Administration (4 Dice): +0
[]Organisational Cooperation Initiatives
While the capabilities and expertise of the UNDC are already impressive there are still many areas both are missing, by seeking cooperation with third parties these weaknesses can be eliminated and capabilities improved.
(DC 90)

[]Recruitment Drives
Aside from cooperating with organisations there is also the possibility of seeking out individuals or small organisations with unique expertise and trying to directly integrate them into the UNDC administration.
(DC 30/60/90)

[]Lobby for International Intelligence Support
With any traces of the cyberattack still fresh, trying to get the assistance of the sponsor nations intelligence services could be helpful, or not, should one of them be the culprit.
(DC 20)

[]Intelligence Mandate (-10 CS)
The less popular, and time limited option, would be to lobby for a mandate that would allow the UNDC to establish its own intelligence division for military and civilian matters, making the UNDC partially or fully independent from the intelligence support of the sponsor nations.
(DC 70, 90, 110)
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[X] Plan Maintenance, Logistics and Investigating
Infrastructure (3/5 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 75R)
-[X] Headquarters Construction (Stage 3), 1 Die (15R & 100.00%)
-[X] Suez Canal Repair, 1 Org Die (20R & 100.00%)
-[X] Rail and Road Connection Refurbishment, 1 Die, 2 Org Dice (40R & 36.69%)
Industry (3/5 Dice, 2/2 Org Dice, 110R)
-[X] Restock the Maintenance Facilities, 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (35R & 73.72%)
-[X] Auxiliary Shipyards (Osaka), 1 Die, (25R & 0.00%)
-[X] Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 1), 1 Die, (20R & 0.00%)
-[X] ABC Deconstruction Operations (Phase 2), 1 Org Die (30R & 89.00%)
Service (5/5 Dice, 85R)
-[X] Restock the Medical Facilities, 2 Dice (40R & 69.97%)
-[X] Set Up Supernatural Investigation Bureau, 3 Dice, (45R & 64.02%)
Military (10/10 Dice, 4/4 Org Dice, 190)-[X] Suez Base Expansion (Phase 2), 1 Org Die (25R & 100.00%)
-[X] Military Headquarters Construction (Stage 2), 1 Military Die, 1 Infrastructure Die, (50R & 57.22%)
-[X] Patria APC Deployment (Stage 1 Fighting Forces, 1 Org Die, (45R & 0.00%)
-[X] Infantry Gear Procurement Program, 1 Org Die (20R & 87.00%)
-[X] Ordnance Compatibility Refit, 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (50R & 0.00%)
-[X] Security Review (Industry), 2 Dice (0R & 92.59%)
-[X] Cyber Attack Investigation (Stage 1), 6 Dice, (0R & ???%)
Administration (1/4 Dice, 0R)
-[X] Lobby for International Intelligence Support, 1 Die, (0R& 81.00 %)
Total: 19.5/19.5 Dice, 460R,

Okay, my main goals are continuing our old projects, improving our stats and investigating that cyber-attack. First of all, Services. With Medical Facilities, Supernatural Investigating and R&D, we can only do two with reasonable chance of success or one with an all, but guaranteed chance of success. I have chosen to do the former with Medical Facilities and Supernatural Investigating as I want to improve our medical capacity and I feel investigating the supernatural is more important right now than getting some research labs up and running.

Next is Industry. Continuing the ABC Deconstruction Operations of course, but also putting a couple dice on Restock the Maintenance Facilities for a decent chance of completing it for more Maintenance. Putting the Auxiliary Fleets on hold for now while continuing the shipyards because we to want to finish it and it helps with ship Auxiliary Fleet. Also starting on getting some more fuel because we are going to need that.

Infrastructure is a couple of dice on our HQ and repairing the Suez Canal because both only need a single dice to complete. Meanwhile I am dropping three dice on Rail and Road because it is the next best way to get some logistics quickly and we have an unlikely chance of completing this turn.

Military is continuing the Suez Base Expansion with one more dice to get the next phase while a couple of dice on our Military HQ for little better than fifty-fifty odds of completing the next phase. Continuing the Infantry Gear Procurement Program for the third turn running and getting started on the APC rollout because the rifles aren't as important. I don't want to do the factories first because the APC deployment is already expensive and we are hitting the point we need to worry more about spending resources than spending dice. In addition, each factory costs more progress and resources on top of the APC rollout so I'm not sure if doing them is more efficient than just starting the rollout. We might want to do factories for the Force Expansion, but not the initial rollout.

Finally, security stuff. A couple of dice on the review we didn't do last turn for a high chance of success and an Admin dice on getting some international intelligence support. This is because it would be useful and we have too much on our plate to reasonable establish a competent intelligence agency of our own right now. As for investigating the cyber-attack, it doesn't cost Dice Capacity or Resources so all of the remaining Military Dice go on it.

This plan is a little price at 460 Resources, but we got a lot of expensive things that need doing. At some point, we will need to get a bigger budget or cut back on our commitments, but right now, we can afford to spend a little extra. Also getting things done sooner is better than getting them done later as we can start reaping the benefits sooner rather than later.
Question BOTcommander, are we supposed to have Utility Vehicle Production Complexes before we've done Utility Vehicle Procurement Program?
Question BOTcommander, are we supposed to have Utility Vehicle Production Complexes before we've done Utility Vehicle Procurement Program?
Yes, I did not want to let me and you suffer by having
[]Utility Truck Factory
[]Utility Plane Factory
[]Utility Chopper Factory
[]Utility Car Factory
There will be a refit option when you choose new models.
[X] Plan: The Way the Wind is Blowing

Infrastructure (5 Dice, 3 Org Dice): +10 (5 Used of which 3 are Org))
-[X]Headquarters Construction (Stage 3) 1 Die 15R (294/300 15 Resources per Die)(+1 Dice Capacity, +1 CS)
-[X]Suez Channel Repair 1 Die 15R (1 Org) (192/200 15 Resources per Die)(Logistics +++, +5 CS)
-[X]Naval Base Refurbishment 3 Dice 45R (2 Org) (0/300 15 Resources per Die) (Logistics ++++ ++, Maintenance ++ +)
Industry (5 Dice, 2 Org Dice): +5 (6 used of which 2 are Org)
-[X]Restock the Maintenance Facilities 1 Die 30R (116/200 15 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +++ +)
-[X]Auxiliary Shipyards 1 Die 25R (1 Org) (Osaka) (23/200 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++ +, Logistics --)
-[X]Increase UNDC Auxiliary Plane Fleet (Phase 1) 1 Die 60R (1 Org) (98/200 60 Resources per Die)(Logistics +++ +, Maintenance -- -, Fuel ----)
-[X]ABC Deconstruction Operations (Phase 2) 1 Die 25R (117/200 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)
-[X]Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 1) 2 Dice 40R (0/300 20 Resources per Die)(Fuel ++++ ++, Logistics ---)
Service (5 Die): +0 (3 used)
-[X]Restock the Medical Facilities 1 Die 20R (121/200 20 Resources per Die)(Medical Capacity +++ +)
-[X]Set Up Supernatural Investigation Bureau 2 Dice 30R (67/200 15 Resources per Die)(Logistics -- -)
Military (10 Dice, 4 Org Dice): +10 (14 used of which 4 are Org)
-[X]Military Headquarters Construction (Stage 2) 2 Dice 50R (1 Infra) (86/200 25 Resources per Die)(Requires at least 1 Infrastructure Die)
-[X]Suez Base Expansion (Stage 2) 1 Die 25R (1 Org) (190/200 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)
Ground Forces
-[X]Infantry Gear Procurement Program 1 Die 20R (51/75 20 Resources per Die)
-[X]Strategic Air Defense System Experiment Program 1 Die 50R (1 Org) (0/50 50 Resources per Die)
Air Force
-[X]Ordnance Compatibility Refit 2 Dice 50R (2 Org) (105/250 25 Resources per Die)(Ammo ++++)
Security Forces
-[X]Cyber Attack Investigation (Stage 1) 7 Dice (DC ??, Dice used here do not count towards the dice capacity, good results can skip phases)
Administration (4 Dice): +0 (1 used)
-[X]Lobby for International Intelligence Support 2 Dice (DC 20)

19.5 Using 9 Org dice = +25R
Total Cost = 555 Resources

At 2000 a year we should be spending ~500 a quarter which this plan does (we're a government agency guys we exist to burn money and it's better to overspend now and then pull up in the last quarter than risk underspending to look like we don't need it). This should finish most standing projects (though again Q1 so no review or crunch time coming) and addressing the Strategic Air Defense System that our Military command was ringing bells about last turn.
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-[X]Headquarters Construction (Stage 3) 1 Die 15R (1 Org) (294/300 15 Resources per Die)(+1 Dice Capacity, +1 CS)

-[X]Military Headquarters Construction (Stage 2) 2 Dice 50R (1 Infra, 1 Org) (86/200 25 Resources per Die)(Requires at least 1 Infrastructure Die)
Using Org Dice on our headquarters and other sensitive projects is a terrible idea. It gives external organisations access to our secrets and compromises them. To use the example that the QM gave when I first ask about it, using an Org Dice on our Headquarters is the difference between the Chinese knowing that our headquarters have secret rooms and tunnels and knowing the exact locations and details of those secret rooms and tunnels.

-[X]Auxiliary Shipyards 1 Die 25R
-[X]Osaka (23/200 25 Resources per Die)(Maintenance ++ +, Logistics --)(Increases RpD of UNDC Auxiliary Fleet, but reduced Progress cost)
Formatting here seems to be borked.

19.5 Using 9 Org dice = +45R
Total Cost = 575 Resources
Cost is wrong. Our Military Org Dice don't have an extra cost to using them.
-The Org Die extra cost for the Dice provided by the ASD is waived until the end of the budget cycle
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Question, wouldn't be a good idea to get our own intelligence agency? It would keep us from being too reliant on national agencies with their own agendas.
Question, wouldn't be a good idea to get our own intelligence agency? It would keep us from being too reliant on national agencies with their own agendas.

Maybe, but it'll also be pissing in the cornflakes of our sponsor nations who we do not currently have the unanimous support of and frankly I'd reather use our limited dice elsewhere.
Question, wouldn't be a good idea to get our own intelligence agency? It would keep us from being too reliant on national agencies with their own agendas.
Too many things currently on our plate. We are in no position right now to start our own intelligence agency and build it up to a suitable degree, not when we have so much else to do. Just look at how all of our stats are in the double digit negatives and how we have only just begun to roll out new equipment to our forces.
[X] Plan: The Way the Wind is Blowing
I prefer that we would be able to spend all our yearly busget because a surplus does no favors.
@Khop Any chance you could swap one of your dice in Cyber Attack Investigation to Dissolve Carrier Force? It would gain us additional Council Support, which would be especially useful if we decide to petition for things like our own intelligence agency later on, but getting rid of the carriers will also improve our situation regarding Ammo, Maintenance and Fuel.
@Khop Any chance you could swap one of your dice in Cyber Attack Investigation to Dissolve Carrier Force? It would gain us additional Council Support, which would be especially useful if we decide to petition for things like our own intelligence agency later on, but getting rid of the carriers will also improve our situation regarding Ammo, Maintenance and Fuel.

Frankly I'd love to but I'm already at dice cap and the ones put into the investigation are free. We'd need to cut something else for that option.