Turn 3 (March 1991)
You awoke and realized the summons that were on. The UN was calling you to New York.
And nothing would ever be the same.
Special Action: You have been summoned by the United Nations to give a briefing on the Digital world and its inhabitants within it, as well as the potential danger if the Barrier separating the Digital world and our own.
You have a choice to tell. (This Action is Free)
What do you tell them?:
[]Write in
You only have 4 Action points and are unable to recruit any additional members or gain actions at this time due to the decentralized nature of this organization.
[]Talk to the Monster Makers (Part 2): The Wild Bunch, the Monster Makers, are your old friends from college who created the Digimon, and maybe you can see what their insights are. DC: 20
[]The Legal Way of Finding Information: You are going to talk to Bandi, and see if they will willingly give information to you. DC: ???
[]Someone, Anyone Listen to Me: You are supposed to be an expert in the field, and you are, but the problem is, you need allies somewhere to actually listen to you, before a disaster strikes. DC: 60
[]Huntches and Policing: You are going to try and get a contact within the Tokyo Police force, maybe you can get something to help you. DC: 45
[]Training: you have been laxing on your Tai Chi since your kids were born. Maybe it's time to take it up again. DC: 50
[]Protecting the Lab: Your Lab, is pretty much the only place where this research is beginning, and you need to compile all the information here. You need to protect it from other… people. And maybe you. DC: 20
[]A Children's Card Game: Digimon and Duel Monsters are the hottest games on the market, so might as well get the kids a gift and learn how to play. It might be fun. DC: 30
[]Computers, computers… the Digital World for a Computer!: Your computers are old, inadequate, and frankly, insulting. You need better material, better everything. DC: 60
[]A Salary Akin to your Sacrifices: You are not being paid for any of this, despite it being an incredibly urgent inevitability that needs to happen. You do not want to have your home repossessed because you were not paid, or working a second job when your entire focus needs to be on this. DC: 50
[]Wants and Needs: You need to figure out what the kids want or need for school. DC: 20
[]The Wonders of Technology: You look at the news, and see that there is news. News of cybernetic enhancements, giant robots… and a new world slowly being created. The Worst part was, no one was paying attention. DC: ???
[]The Illegal Way of Getting Information: You are going to hack into Bandi's computers, and see what it can tell you. DC: ???
[]The World is Turning: You need to keep up with the hustle and bustle of the international community. Maybe it can help you get trends or something. DC: 50 (Unlocks the Rumor Mill)
[]The Other Nations Programs: Maybe it's just you, but you don't think that the rest of the world is solely in Japan, and they have a business you can see. Hopefully without anything stupid coming your way you have to clean up. DC: 70
[]Who Watches the Digital… Watchmen?: You think that someone is watching you. And honestly, that is worrying, you haven't done anything that would warrant it yet. DC: 30
[]I Spy: You want to spy on someone, maybe you can. DC:???
-[]Write in below, the DC will correspond with that.
[]A Digital History Lesson: Shibumi has sent you some intelligence about Digimon's history and culture… and their Creation myth. DC: 30
[]The Digital Barrier (Part 1): You need to know what exactly that barrier is. So best to start looking at it from the outside, looking in, and discovering… anything. DC: 150
[]The Monsters (Part 2): If you can find out what the new monsters are coming out this year, maybe you can find a way to make them more… docile. DC: 50
[]The Computers of the Past: You have to get one of the old computers that was used, maybe it can help you discover just how the Monsters got onto the internet. DC: 60
[]Reach Out to the Sky: You had a troubling idea that came to your head. What if the Digimon could get into secure systems, telephones, traffic systems, and military satellites… what could you even do to detect them? DC: 100
[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 1 Action point. Reward: a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.
[]Spend time with your Family: You need to balance your work and your personal life and make sure things don't get strange. Or strained. DC: 0
[]The Cards and Blue Cards: You look at the old code and realize something… The Cards that Namco was creating were using… old code that you created, the basis of the Monsters to evolve. Meaning if you modified it, you could… make a super Card that could force digivolution. It was a gamble, and you didn't know if the code was even stable enough. But you had to try, for old-time sake. DC: ???
AN: Plan format, please.