The Japan Trinity's Response
Post Crisis
In an out of the way shrine, three highly influential people of Japan's Magical Society meet to discuss the recent crisis, and the now ever shifting status quo.
Samurai:" We have a situation on our hands. A local mundane doom cult had gotten their hands on SOMETHING and used it and their controlled 'Digimon' to rampage across the Globe"
Ninja:" While the matter has yet to involve any magic, it is worrying the sheer scale of the attack, and the unknown backers. If they manage to acquire some form of blessing from one of the hostile factions on the other side of the fade, it could be catastrophic."
Miko:" There isn't much we can do about that, but do what we will need to do already, given the situation. I have already arranged for an emergency portkey to be sent to the gun mikos over in America. I heard the whole of American Magical society is spooked by this whole incident."
Ninja:" They are questioning even the fundamental laws of magic as European magic society understands it, behind closed doors. Never mind the increased attention towards muggle topics everywhere, including schools. Though Gravity Falls and Mooperville might have had something to do with it, even with people mostly staying out of those areas."
Samurai:*Chuckles*"Going by the family stories, Mooperville was a hell of a place to be. Not many places can claim their
local newspaper can be called a tabloid simply because of what happens at a regular basis. My family moved there during the Imperial period after all."
Ninja:*Sigh*"The stories in my family is more than enough to to not want a second Imperial era, but not everyone believes that."
Samurai:" Our numbers haven't even recovered and there is a movement to try and restore the madness among the Samurai"
Miko:" Focus, we aren't here to talk about the past. Turbulent times are ahead."
Samurai:" And few are more experienced than the Miko association. Got any ideas to distract the International Confederation of Wizards? We know how European-centric they are and their ideas. MACUSA done us a great service during that mess Commodore Perry heralded. Especially given they are probably going to try and grill your group AGAIN."
Miko:" Were we supposed to let hooligans wreck our shrines by doing nothing? Besides, all records will indicate no magic used, like always."
Ninja:" The Fade as always, is ridiculous. How it affects even memories held in a Pensive I will probably never figure out."
A/N:A had been bouncing the general idea for something like this for a while, kinda building up a loose possible thing in my mind, and well...
I got a somewhat confusing idea to kinda have stuff from
El Goonish Shive, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter stuff around at the same time. Because well, all three has masquerades sustained by different means, like Percy Jackson has the Fade, a force that exists that obscures the mystical world from those unseen, and with how a big thing about dealing with monsters is to use tools/magic from the faith the monster is from to deal with, it could easily be separate from the HP world due to them being equally befuddled by the veil, aside from special cases like the Miko's whom kind of have a foot in both worlds thanks to their ties to the Kami and traditional role of maintaining the shrines to said gods, or the American school of wizardry's deep ties with local magic tradition likely lead to some of their members having a foot in the more godly/divine world, with the Vatican basically holding the biggest power and regulator of such matters, whom as a result of the nature of the setting, incorporates many traditions and tools in order to fight whatever they may encounter. Though, one question mark is the Templar Order, which could very well have split between the AC group that disguised themselves as a church group, much to their fury, and the actual religious order that went to the Americas, possibly present in Ilvermorny school of magic. The 13th could have been a real messy conflict complete with a hidden civil war.
While EGS is self-regulating in the sense any breach quickly ends with an effective magic reset. Which could also explain how the EGS magic and HP magic gets decoupled in a sense, where as EGS magic occasionally worms it's way in, and even was almost certainly more prominent before/during early wands, every so often, a breach happens, and suddenly the users of human magic are back to square one, while the wand users are untouched due to their different basis, such as when the Mongols used magic to aid in their grand conquest only for the 'reset button' to be hit, forcing all EGS brand users to relearn from scratch. Leading to EGS branch having the smallest overall presence, even with their unparalleled accessibility. Which, is even backed with how chronically understaffed the one known gov organization that regulates magic there is staffed, given a single person retiring is a not insignificant blow. Also, there are who knows how many 'useless artifacts' that might suddenly become useful again due to the
Regulating Force giving up on keeping magic a secret.
So, I guess this is both a theory post and an omake covering a more local group. Or as lore wise I kinda envisioned, more like three different groups connected by being the backbone of magical society. With the long running feud formed by a failure to force the mikos to decouple from their mundane presence thanks to the Kami, while the Ninja does Ninja things and the Samurai generally being the face, and most compliant, at least officially.