As Multiverses Colide (A Multiversal Crossover, Where Starting In the 90's Things Change)

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The American People:D100 => 21
Bioemergence Event:D100 => 29

Despite the close call in New York and the two Digimon temporarily merging onto the planet, most people have lost their minds, thinking it's going to be the end of the world.

It has only caused increased unrest in the United States, and more and more hobby computer hackers, programmers, and builders have begun flocking.
I guess there are different kinds of biomerge or something given the two examples we have is one that stuck around and those two. Also…
Given they rolled close to China, I wonder if there may have been something that happened behind the scenes.
And we got some corpo guy whom is collaborating with some mysterious individual on the other side with a promise of becoming very influential. Well…

At least they have little influence in USA with how things went, even if we need to help calm things down before an incident happens.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Jul 8, 2024 at 12:21 AM, finished with 16 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Code Clue
    -[X]The Digital Frontier: Now that the Americans have gotten involved, it is time to maybe bring them up to speed. DC: 25
    -[X]The Boss: You know nothing of Aramaki, nor what his service was prior to Section Nine DC: 30
    -[X]The Minister: The Minister of Intelligence is someone you are going to be working with very closely. So time to meet him. DC: 20
    -[X]And These Things Happen: You look at the news and wonder about coincidences. DC: ???
    -[X]The Wonders of Technology: You look at the news, and see that there is news. News of cybernetic enhancements, giant robots… and a new world slowly being created. The Worst part was, no one was paying attention. DC: ???
    -[X]Internal Security: Now you trust Aramaki, but the fact noted criminals could find and nearly kill you means that you require…other sources for HYPNOS's internal Security. DC: 40
    --[X] Assign Yamaki
Anyone wanna bet on how this goes?
I put down the last sickly goat in my failing dirt hovel of a farm in medieval Europe as my stake in this, I bet at least 3 actions succeed
Turn 7 Results
Turn 7 Results

-[X]The Digital Frontier: Now that the Americans have gotten involved, it is time to maybe bring them up to speed. DC: 25 Rolled:D100 + 9 => 70

To think that you were almost going to make things weird when they wanted you to come to America, a place that still considered you a Cyberterrorist. Thankfully, the people were nice enough to come to Japan.

The three men who were the heads of the Departments and organizations responsible for the American effort to research the digital world… were thankfully, friends.

Mccoy was thankfully back and at them, presumably for the benefit of his son's ongoing cancer treatment. He had gotten a nice cushy job in Palo Alto and then there was nothing else to be said. The Department of Defense, or NSA, you didn't know, was very happy to see that he was going to have a wonderful time.

The other two were men from Microsoft and Apple, though they did not nearly want to give their names, only the code names given, Tron and Apple.

Well, you were all hackers in the end. So maybe they were just being weird.

"Rob?" You shook hands as he entered your office. "Well, I thought you said you were staying out of this?"

He shook his head. "I think it's gotten to the point where staying out of it is going to be impossible."

Tron then sat down. He was a really young kid, dare you say he was barely older a teenager. "What? This place is awesome." He then saw some of the computer things and designs. "How are you planning to monitor the barrier? Using digital frequencies from the-"

He paused as you crossed your arms. "Go on?"

"The Digital frequencies that the card readers emit. When they pick up the Digimon and place them on the barrier. That's how we can track damage and repair them." He said.

Apple for his part was an old man, and much older than you and Roy. "we can't repair it from our end without a massive supercomputer. Capable of hundreds of terabytes of information processing."

"You are trying to repair the barrier?" You asked.

"More like sealing it to prevent incursions." Roy smiled. "You've been cooped up in the office too much Tao." He paused before he handed over notes. "The Barrier itself is a piece of coding no one understands, but parts of it can be. So we're going to try and seal it."

"But we should be studying it-" You said.

"I know. But with the threat of whatever the hell is beyond it… we can't take any chances. We have to shut down their only way in."

You did the math. The digital world was like the internet, only it was a living breathing entity, rather than the creation of data for mankind… your studies into the barrier made you believe that it was the Internet. "Rob. we are talking about possibly shutting down the greatest invention mankind has ever created, destroying the internet, everything we have built."

"I know." He said. "And it's all our fault."

Reward: You learned that to protect Mankind from the digital world, it would require it to destroy the Internet, setting back mankind decades.

-[X]The Boss: You know nothing of Aramaki, nor what his service was prior to Section Nine DC: 30 Rolled:D100 + 9 => 18
-[X]The Minister: The Minister of Intelligence is someone you are going to be working with very closely. So time to meet him. DC: 20 Rolled:D100 + 9 => 14

"Do you trust me, Dr. Wong?" Aramaki said as you both met.

"Not particularly, at least not because I do no know you. I want to though, for the sake of my family and the work we are doing."

"Then I am going to ask you to trust me. For now at least, before I can explain more."


-[X]And These Things Happen: You look at the news and wonder about coincidences. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 12 => 90

You now wholeheartedly believe that there were aliens attacking Earth and someone was covering it up.

It made too much sense.

April 14th, 1991, a farmer in Africa says that his barn was destroyed by heavy street fighting. Now that would be normal, but it was in South Africa, in one of the safest neighborhoods and sections of the country. He said he found burns that made no sense in his fields, and a strange aircraft go in and out of his area.

June 1st 1991, Somalian officials claimed that there was an unidentified object that flew over Mogodishu, before getting shoot down by another unidentified air craft. Then an unknown group of special operators came in, sealed off an area of 20 miles around that area, and detained anyone who came in that zone.

And finally… Big Boss, the legendary mercenary commander himself was at both those incidents.

You think that there was an alien invasion.

Reward: You now know that XCOM is actively fighting alien incursions on Earth. New actions will be available next year.

-[X]The Wonders of Technology: You look at the news, and see that there is news. News of cybernetic enhancements, giant robots… and a new world slowly being created. The Worst part was, no one was paying attention. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 12 => 78

You honestly think that Hugh Darrow was about to change the world. That was to say, change what it meant to be human.

His entire… focus you think, of human enhancement, of human restoration, was wonderful.

There was just one problem. It required computers… powerful computers that didn't even exist yet, and there was unknown what might happen if limbs were replaced.

You hoped that, if everything worked out in the digital world… you could maybe see what you could do to help him.

Reward: Darrow's work might be able to change the world if he is given the chance.

-[X]Internal Security: Now you trust Aramaki, but the fact noted criminals could find and nearly kill you means that you require…other sources for HYPNOS's internal Security. DC: 40
--[X] Assign Yamaki Rolled:D100 + 18 => 86

Yamaki for his part did his job wonderfully.

He smiled as he managed to compile and hire an incredible amount of people who had the noted security clearances and other things that were important for your work, like tech and engineering…

And honestly, it was needed.

Reward: -10 to disaster rolls.

New Heroes can now be recruited.
Disaster roll: D100 - 20 => 7

Well thankfully, nothing bad has happened in the short term.

Seems whoever was scared of you, was scared off in turn.

Economic disaster roll:D100 - 10 => 22

Seems you were continuing to justify your existence.

Or something else was going on.
To think that you were almost going to make things weird when they wanted you to come to America, a place that still considered you a Cyberterrorist. Thankfully, the people were nice enough to come to Japan.
…So. Did someone push through the morass to get him labled Cyberterrorist in the USA? Or is this a thing because of the sheer mess the USA is currently in relation to such matters?
"The Controversy behind Janyu Wong, and why his status as possibly a Cyber Terrorist is in Limbo in the USA."
Given this snippit I had in the first news omake, and I don't think the topic was mentioned since…
News snippets America July 1991
News snippets America July 1991

"Bandai Namco announces a first ever Digimon team world tournament in spite of overall concerns." -CNN

"Investigations in the New York attack stall as investigators find nothing." - New York Times

"Rumors suggest that Bandai Namco may be reaching out to retired Digimon Card Game players in order to assemble a team for the upcoming competition."

"Attempt to ban rocket launchers get laughed out of court, as questions over what weapons should be allowed for private citizens to own."

"Politician running on platform of banning video games gets accused of colluding with Bandai Namco."

"Department of Defence officially announces collaboration with Apple, Microsoft, and select community groups, as Congress is still paralyzed by partisan bickering."-MSNBC

"Questions rise over Crew served weapons as certain self-professed militias purchased some."

"Bandai Namco stocks start to recover after constant battering from PR failures."

"New mode confirms Bandai Namco is going all in on their Card Fighter Ex technology, to the disappointment of card only purists."

"New Bandai Namco card pack revolves around autonomous turrets, and other sci-fi style cards."

"Questions swirl as in spite of Xanatos's initial leading of efforts involving the digital world, his company seems conspicuously absent from the NSA announcement."

"Warrent issued to investigate Xanatos Enterprises ."

A/N:This is at least the start of a possible current turn omake. Also partly possibly setting in motion a bit of a side storyline, using the super roll by Bandai Namco to have them introduce a new mode and a new event for said mode to overall distract from the USA dumpster fire, while also, alongside quietly supporting anti-video game politicians trying to exploit the situation to muddy the issue, try and ensure the company can maintain a foothold in the USA, including courting elite players like the two involved in that incident.

Also. We never actually learned exactly what happens in the Digimon battle thing, like what happens to the loser in those and what the winner may get, given it seems at least one of the Sovereigns played a role in forming the system in the first place.

Also. Anyone possibly got some news snippits that could be added?
Edit: Fixed misspellings.
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"Investigations in the New York attack stalls as investigators find nothing." - New York Times

"Rumors suggest that Bandai Namco may be reaching out to retired Digimon Card Game players in order to assemble a team for the upcoming competition"
Punctuation is missing.

"Politician running on platform of banning video games gets accused of colluding with Bandai Namco"
Punctuation is missing.

"Questions rise over Crew served weapons as certain self-professed militias purchased some."
Come again?

"Questions swirl as in spite of Xantos's initial leading of efforts involving the digital world, his company seems conspicuously absent from the NSA announcement."
I don't watch his show, so I might be wrong on this, but shouldn't this be "Xanatos's"?

"Warrent issued to investigate Xantos Industries."
Again, shouldn't this be "Xanatos"?
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