Arch-Demon's Eternal Game: Aeon Edition, The Turtle Chronicles

Shoot. That's not something that my teammate revealing could fix, if they are willing- Zaealix (or Scia) will always be able to guard the remaining VT.
If we vote Z and the Demons strongman Scia, and I douse the last VT, that should take care of things.
Sorry, was on my phone and didn't see your proposed modification. My issue was that whichever of Zaealix and Scia we didn't cage would be able to guard the last VT.

The modified plan works, I think.
If your team mate shifts their vote, we can eliminate all of town before tomorrow. That leaves no uncaged Knight.

My teammate isn't on right now though, so I can't resolve it that way, even if they are willing. I'm going to be offline for a bit. I'll trust whatever decision they make on this. Ignore they decide not to claim, I'll let you guys know.

@Tykan @Zaealix, whichever of you dies tonight it was fun playing with you.
Alright. Looks like we're losing Tykan and going into night with two Knights.

I'm going to douse Happerry and not kill anybody, sound right?
Journal Eight: Infernal Alliance // Night 4 Start
The rain sinks deep into the clothing of each remaining survivor, hair plastered flat against the skin. Smoke sticks to the wet air. Throughout the day lightning dances in the distance following a discordant drumbeat of thunder. This music was nothing but a war chant for the survivors, their minds set on the one that had survived the sacrifice the day before. They pleaded long and hard but none would stir... but then they growled and began to cackle openly naming themselves a villain and trying to force others to their whims with force alone. Their threats were viewed with little merit but soon many started to follow their tune, a call for a coalition and as it began to assemble the thunder stopped, electricity pulsated within the gravestone that was the sky above them all, and two seemed ever so close to being forced onto the dais, but the strength of one side overcame the other and light consumed one the second falling upon their ash.

The Arch-Turtle's body rumbled in sick enjoyment as the survivors scattered unsure of what threats truly existed now.

@Tykan has been "Zapped" they were a Fiend. A Staff of Life was found near their scorch.

Night 4 has begun, night ends
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*crosses arms*
I'm not surprised...
Good game, and well fought, irregardless of how this shakes out.
[X] Vote hailcapital
*crosses arms*
I'm not surprised...
Good game, and well fought, irregardless of how this shakes out.

You'll need to update your vote, currently you're just voting to follow hail's vote.
They do still have me over a barrel here, ya know.

Not precisely. If we take out hail today, then we have two Knights plus a possible Staff to try and keep you alive. Since neither Scum team can win with you at that point, you'll effectively be Town, so it'll be worthwhile for Town to work to ensure your survival.
Not precisely. If we take out hail today, then we have two Knights plus a possible Staff to try and keep you alive.
They got a coin and a Demon with a strongman attack, unfortunately. Though I suppose you just clarified who that is, given there's no reason for Hail's partner to be hiding at this point.
They got a coin and a Demon with a strongman attack, unfortunately. Though I suppose you just clarified who that is, given there's no reason for Hail's partner to be hiding at this point.

It would be suicidal for them to invest both of those resources in your death, under the circumstances.