Arch-Demon's Eternal Game: Aeon Edition, The Turtle Chronicles

Anyhoo, I imagine neither hail nor Tykan is the primary threat from their team. hail has probably burned up their strongman attack and Tykan has lost their Firestarter.
I'd like to know who everybody is because at this point, I feel like we're almost certainly at a significant disadvantage. I hate to say it, but Tykan's offer could actually work. Scum+Byzantine outnumber us. If we know exactly who is who, we can isolate the scum and we can keep ourselves alive overnight. Scum have so many more tools than any townie does. I have no doubt they have a clearer idea that any of us do. Pooling our information and acting like a team is the only way we can be sure we're keeping our voters safe.

Like imagine I am entirely wrong, you're the last Knight and Scia is on Tykan or hail's team. That means that you are probably not going to get protected, your visits are more likely to be mistaken for attacks, and if we were choosing between you and Scia right now, I'd be voting for you. Any of those mistakes could cost us the game. If Scia is scum, she already knoiws it and whichever of her team mates already knows it. They have also probably been watching, or item copping, or just observing who they attacked. I have no doubt they've figured out who is who. But town is still in the dark. I'd hate to come this close and lose because we won't share information going into the home stretch.

But I accept that everyone else disagrees with me. Frankly that makes me more sure I am right about the scum's knowledge. If they were ignorant, I'd expect them to all be finding justifications to agree with me. I'm pretty sure nobody is going to change their mind at this point anyway.

Y'know, if I didn't know you were Scum because of the whole "outright lying" thing earlier, this pitch would almost be enough to persuade me you were just a Townie with a strong difference of opinion. As is, nice try.

Anyway, planning out our nights in advance in a game with two Coins is suicidal, and I frankly don't believe you that Scum already has everyone ID'd. Knight visits accompany item visits, so if Happerry is the Knight then Scum would have no way of knowing even if Watching/Tracking revealed a visit, unless they specifically got a lucky N2 Watch and saw Happerry visiting someone Shadell also visited. Meanwhile AFAIK Scia and I have yet to claim items so seeing one of us visit wouldn't tell either team if it was item-based or role-based. Plus for one Scum team, since none of us three are on said team, they wouldn't be able to pin down whether a role-based visit was from enemy Scum or a Knight. So at most whichever Scum team Scia or Happerry is on already knows who the Knight is, and more likely it's a 50/50 even for them, particularly with Coins in play.
Anyhoo, I imagine neither hail nor Tykan is the primary threat from their team. hail has probably burned up their strongman attack and Tykan has lost their Firestarter.

This part seems unfortunately likely to be true, but on the other hand it barely matters who has the unused Firestarter, since it'll just get passed along regardless. Hitting the person who has it would mean one less other item gets passed, which is nice, but I don't think that's worth risking the chaos of a last-minute vote switch that not everyone might agree on. Like, I don't know if everyone will even show up by EoD at this point.
I'll take the continued silence as refusal.

So my partner and I talked about it and we decided that we favour a town victory over a demon victory. So here is what we know, call it a little parting gift from me.
Hail is definite scum. He lied about his heal targeting Nictis. He either self-healed or healed his partner.
Since we have an almost complete pick list with positions, we can say that the demons definitely have a Staff, a Coin (swapped from Byz with the Token) and the Cage. Their last item is either the third Staff, the last Coin or the second Mask.
Town or Fiends have the remaining items in play.
Sadly I can't tell you the identity of the last demon, I can only make guesses. Right now my best guess is Happerry before Wiadi but there is a very thin margin. Could probably be better with another night of info.

I'm open to any questions but will be gone 2 hours before EoD at latest.
It's a vote for the scum that isn't actively helping us hunt down the other team.

C I mean, I've made it pretty clear I think Tykan and you are a team. If I am scum then that is all the scum I would find. If I am town then I
also thought Zaealix fakeclaimed earlier, and was trying to hunt scum amongst Byzantine/Zaealix.

Also, given what your stated beliefs, if I was scum I would be the worst scum to vote. If you were town then you could be prioritizing either eliminating scum nightkill power or hunting a possible deepwolf. Since IIRC you said that you thought I was probably the demon with the expended strongman, and even if I were scum I would not be on the team that has a firestarter, you could not be prioritizing me over nightkill power concern. Since after Tykan and you I am probably the next lynch, it cannot be concern over finding a possible deepwolf. Prioritizing me only makes sense in the context of scum seeing me as the most possible target to deflect the lynch away from your partner.

I think I figured out which of my assumptions was wrong with the theory that Zaealix was faking being attacked. If a towny with a Coin flipped Tykan and Zaealix, or you and Zaealix, they probably would not have actually claimed, because it would only catch scum who were already caught, so it wouldn't be worth revealing your item. Since Zaealix and Happerry can't be town and have a Coin- @Scia, @Wiadi, if you have the Coin and switched Zaealix and Tykan, don't reveal obviously but I hope you now understand why I was as confused an tinfoily earlier today as I was.
C I mean, I've made it pretty clear I think Tykan and you are a team. If I am scum then that is all the scum I would find. If I am town then I
also thought Zaealix fakeclaimed earlier, and was trying to hunt scum amongst Byzantine/Zaealix.

Also, given what your stated beliefs, if I was scum I would be the worst scum to vote. If you were town then you could be prioritizing either eliminating scum nightkill power or hunting a possible deepwolf. Since IIRC you said that you thought I was probably the demon with the expended strongman, and even if I were scum I would not be on the team that has a firestarter, you could not be prioritizing me over nightkill power concern. Since after Tykan and you I am probably the next lynch, it cannot be concern over finding a possible deepwolf. Prioritizing me only makes sense in the context of scum seeing me as the most possible target to deflect the lynch away from your partner.

I think I figured out which of my assumptions was wrong with the theory that Zaealix was faking being attacked. If a towny with a Coin flipped Tykan and Zaealix, or you and Zaealix, they probably would not have actually claimed, because it would only catch scum who were already caught, so it wouldn't be worth revealing your item. Since Zaealix and Happerry can't be town and have a Coin- @Scia, @Wiadi, if you have the Coin and switched Zaealix and Tykan, don't reveal obviously but I hope you now understand why I was as confused an tinfoily earlier today as I was.
You're quite right. I'm Tykan's partner. We were Fiends and we've pretty clearly lost. We offered your team a better chance than you currently have, in exchange for your help against town. You turned it down, so the most fun option left is punishing your team for that decision. And that means helping town.

Last night I doused Nictis and Tykan ignited his Firestarter. So a redirect last night would have redirected the douse, so you're claim you healed Nictis is very obviously a lie.

I have a Firestarter, a Talisman, and an Eagle Mask. Shalmoa had a Talisman with the Blue Shard and a Rope of Darkness (which we used on Wiadi Night 2, Shadell Night 1, and Happerry Night 3.) Tykan had an item inspector, a staff of life, and the other firestarter (now replaced by the Token of Exchange.) We stole the Blade of Demon's Bane when we killed Cyricubed. I'm listing all this out so the claim performed some trickery with the coins is ruled out.

By the way @Wiadi sorry for lying about seeing you steal Byzantine's coin. I know you have a Ferryman's Coin and it was a guess. I still think you're quite likely hail's partner, but if not, I'm doubly sorry.
Kinda frustrated that your "punishment" for town turning your deal down was to reward them with the information anyway, but your punishment for me turning you down was to give more information to town.

But alright. I wanted you to admit it because I want to make sure that if you survive the night tonight, that you're the lynch for tomorrow rather than me. Sorry for that.

We turned you down because I don't think @Byzantine flips today, and if he doesn't then even if we tied it @Tykan loses the tiebreaker. As a result we are not willing to try to change the result of todays vote. We are however willing to try to coordinate night actions with you for the next night, although since we lack a forum to do so without town seeing we would have to wine some things. The used firestarter can still douse, IIRC, so if you get that back from Byzantine you might even have the nightkill power to take us out after we take out town.
We are however willing to try to coordinate night actions with you for the next night, although since we lack a forum to do so without town seeing we would have to wine some things. The used firestarter can still douse, IIRC, so if you get that back from Byzantine you might even have the nightkill power to take us out after we take out town.

@Tykan @mesonoxian

This offer is open until EoD, btw, although obviously if you accept sooner we have more time you would have to discuss and negotiate on what the specifics of the cooperation could be.
But alright. I wanted you to admit it because I want to make sure that if you survive the night tonight, that you're the lynch for tomorrow rather than me. Sorry for that.
No problem, that's the nature of the game. If there were no double dealing, backstabbing, and malevolent plotting, it wouldn't be much fun. :)

Honestly, I think your chances are probably better than ours if we team up against town. But our chances are nil if we don't, so we have every reason to abide by our agreement.

With regards to @Byzantine we can always promise to prioritise his destruction overnight if his vote doesn't change now. It's one of the up sides to being evil.
I was honestly thinking of including a potential kill on @Byzantine as part of an agreement anyway, both because it's hard to wine it with two knights and only one remaining non-knight human, and because them treating survivor as de facto a town PR kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

If @Byzantine is willing to switch, however, I'd prefer we target @Zaealix, since either our strongman or your firestarter (over 2 nights) can take out a knight without a talisman, but @Zaealix's talisman means that only my team's last strongman can be used against him, which would put my team in a sticky spot if Byzantine does turn out to be dwarf.

@Byzantine, what do you say?
I'd really love to survive today but even if not, town can't interfere meaningfully with anything we can do tonight.

@ComiTurtle, no need to be shy anymore. So as I see it, a firestarter kill counts as a normal kill, so it counts for the two extra lifes a Knight has, correct?

We take the offer to cooperate.
For starters:

[X] vote Zaealix

We don't really have to wine much, we can be pretty blatant.
My proposal for plans:
In case Byz doesn't switch: The moment you tell us who your teammate is, we can rope the most troublesome town item (we know who has what), you cage the one Knight, we kill the townie (or Byz) and you strongman the other Knight. The next day has us with three scum and either two townies or a townie and a 3p.
In case he switches: Zaealix gets voted today, the Knight gets caged, trouble-townie gets roped, either both townies die or we leave the last one for the next day.
I mean, if you guys can pull this off I'll join. Town can't exactly stop me from changing the equation and I don't care as long as I win.

Though I will be very cross if someone tries to kill me out of pure spite tomorrow night since I am forced to choose one particular scum faction by the setup. (Blame Comi.)
[X] vote Zaealix

Sorry, town, they scare me more. No matter what I am there is a strongman kill in play and they know I don't have a talisman of defense.
@Byzantine, what do you say?
"They finally got their act together. I was wondering if they were going to notice I've been signaling I have no qualms betraying town if it isn't suicidal." I'm in.

@Tykan, @hailcapital: My only price is the obvious. Don't try to kill me out of spite N5.

Also, the knight that took Shadell's hit was not Zaealix, and did not have a talisman of defense if I counted them properly. That puts them at at most 2 lives left. I suspect they might be on their final one, depending where the missing factional NKs from the demons ended up.
We haven't had any NK blocked by hitting a knight, unfortunately.

@Tykan and @mesonoxian - also @Byzantine I guess- my scummate okayed cooperation on tonight but they didn't on today's lynch, they didn't want to claim. They didn't not okay it either, it's just that it's not what we discussed, and I don't have confirmation from them that they will reveal themselves.

From our perspective a lynch on Tykan followed by cooperation on nightkills is probably preferable, as it gives us an edge against you once town is dead, although with @Byzantine willing to cooperate, we no longer have the excuse I wanted on that front.

Whatever the outcome is though @Byzantine, sorry for misreading you here, lol.
Whatever the outcome is though @Byzantine, sorry for misreading you here, lol.
Oh, no biggie. I was trying very hard to leave myself enough room to claim I was always on town's side if they decided to try taking me down with the ship.

Anyway your partner does need to at least abstain the vote with 8 of us left, sine there aren't any orcs or amulets of command. Which outs them anyway, so...
"They finally got their act together. I was wondering if they were going to notice I've been signaling I have no qualms betraying town if it isn't suicidal." I'm in.

@Tykan, @hailcapital: My only price is the obvious. Don't try to kill me out of spite N5.

Also, the knight that took Shadell's hit was not Zaealix, and did not have a talisman of defense if I counted them properly. That puts them at at most 2 lives left. I suspect they might be on their final one, depending where the missing factional NKs from the demons ended up.
As Meso already said, we have the third talisman. And welcome onboard Byz. I can assure you that we won't try to kill you out of spite.
Anyway your partner does need to at least abstain the vote with 8 of us left, sine there aren't any orcs or amulets of command. Which outs them anyway, so...

You misunderstand. From our perspective I think Tykan lynch + cooperation on nightpower > Zaealix lynch, while still giving fiends SOME path to victory so hopefully they'll take it.

If Fiends want Zaealix lynch or nothing, I have to diet my partner's approval and I'm not sure I do.