Arch-Demon's Eternal Game: Aeon Edition, The Turtle Chronicles

Journal Six: Escape Improbable // Night 3 Start
Discussion began in earnest, to have a pair of Elves meant something it indicated a narrative one collaborated with the Fiendish Orc from the day before, maybe this could be solved maybe you'd be able to get off this island. But a gruesome truth still remained, more were sure to die and none wished for the next to be them.

With the story becoming more clear each of the characters began to reveal and discuss details about themselves and these discussions turned to arguments, which began to ebb and flow like the waves. In one lull the group looked around for one of their own, one that had been quiet, one that had narrowly escaped death the day before, none were sure what they were up to, and currently absent they went searching for them.

The waves today were so calm, it was no wonder why Reliable had selected this day to try and sail on their own, in their time in solitude they had been working on the construction of a raft, it was makeshift but intelligently built, perhaps they were a shipwright before the wreck? Everyone rushed towards the beach as they completed their push off, they looked back towards the group, whatever feelings they felt towards the group lost to the magics that obscured everyone's forms. Turning back they began to man their sail quickly getting further than any were willing to swim, and it would've been devastating if anyone had. The waves that were silent turned quickly choppy and harsh, thrashing and vicious, the raft stood no chance and like a wake of vultures picking at its prey Reliable is consumed by the waters.

Disheartened everyone began to return towards the island's center, towards the dias, the sky dark and growling like a predator. There were a few that seemed reasonable offerings to the starving heavens, and words and votes were traded and flung like collectible cards. A turbulent mass began to struggle and push against each other as the dias became ever nearer. The majority had decided and one fell upon the dias. Light cascaded from the heavens barrelling towards the sacrifice burning the vision of all that watched… but then it turned and descended into an exquisitely built blade that had been shoved into the dais's center, previously unseen by the group. This lightning lasted longer than any other as if the blade was completely draining the sky of its violence. The storm faltered and the sword shattered and exploded.

The Blade of Demon's Bane has been used to cancel today's lynch.

The calming of the waters brought the body of Reliable back to the shore and his body was identified.

@Reliable_2IC has "DROWNED" they were a Human. A Twin World Telehat was found on their body.

Night 3 has begun, it will end
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Since I know it would be asked, and has been.

Blade of Demon's Bane's use DOES NOT end the day upon use, it is only revealed at day's end.
Journal Seven: From Ashes // Day 4 Start
When the sun rose… and everyone stirred there was the odor of smoke that permeated everything. This island was covered in black scars. As small groups gathered towards the center it was evident that fires still flared throughout the island, seemingly contained but not dying... but then the rain came, and the island seemed to hiss a rumble but the fires were out. In small groups they ventured unsure of how many corpses they would find at each of these fires, but all that was found was one, the remains of a well loved member of the community, one that many followed… would they be lost?

@Nictis was "Incinerated" they were a Human. A Hell's Herald was found near their ashes.

Day has begun, it will end
*frowns* In as far as I am aware, I was not coined...
*whistles* I guess we're hammering Tykan today then?
[X]vote tykan
[X] Vote Tykan

Saved by blade, and since he claimed another item he cannot have been a human who picked the blade to deny it to scum.

Wow that was an unimpressive firestarter usage.
If someone switched Zaealix, and that person was fiend, and they didn't switch a teammate, but the person they switched with Zaealix wouldn't know they were switched.

My point is I have information that is somewhat uncertain due to the possibility of coins floating around. But this information is useful to whoever used the coin, regardless of their alignment.

Shame nictis is dead so we can't confirm how many coins are in play.
Shame nictis is dead so we can't confirm how many coins are in play.

Thankfully Nictis dropped us some notes in case of his untimely demise:
There are two coins left

Re: Tykan, well... @Tykan do you have anything to say in your defense? 'cause if not then yeah, this seems pretty obvious.

[X] Vote Tykan

Re: Coin reveal, @Byzantine are you sure that's a good idea? If a Town Coin-user claims, then they're exposed to Scum, and if a Scum Coin-user claims then your "useful info" will be working to Scum's benefit.