Arch-Demon's Eternal Game: Aeon Edition, The Turtle Chronicles

I think his arguments about why he's voting for @Reliable_2IC are scum indicative- he doesn't seem like he cares at all about whether or not @Reliable_2IC is scum.
I mean, I pretty explicitly said I didn't myself. I honestly can't really count against him for continuing to vote the person he was pressure voting when the guy has shown no sign of wanting to play the game.
While I agree that I don't like Zaealix's attitude towards the policy vote issue, I don't really find it scum-indicative in and of itself... but it does make me want to watch him more.

But on the other hand...

Honestly I'm not going to bother to defend myself since it's pretty clear I was up for the lynch anyways, so it's whatever.
Dude, this is like the worst position ever to take. This is especially the time to flail around and provoke responses so even if you die the rest of the town has a lot more data the next day to look at.

Let's say that I am claiming to be in possession of the Hell's Herald, or am in touch with someone who is. I want a pseudo vote going on of who everyone would want to be Herald'd. At the least it'll give an idea of who is not with who or who suspects who the most here.
Honestly? I'd put you up for a strong contender, but not this turn, in the next turn or so if you live, just because you are a very strong voice and having you turn out to be scum after getting into the late game would be painful. After that... maybe Hailcapital, though again not just turn, just because I have some left over guthmm on them, though I've also just noticed, as I looked at my notes to consider this question, I seem to have mixed my notes up between this game and the last one in this thread, so I'm a little 'wait which game was that' right now on my suss ahhh.

Any specific reason why or do you just feel next most 'hmm' about them?
In terms of herald? I feel cry because fron vague memory from what i saw elsewhere they where more active in other games and feel a bit to silent ?
I mean, I pretty explicitly said I didn't myself. I honestly can't really count against him for continuing to vote the person he was pressure voting when the guy has shown no sign of wanting to play the game.

Hmmm, his and @Tykan's tone had a different feel to me than yours or @Shalmoa's did. I'm going to reread the posts in question and see if I can qualify why that was.
Ngl the Herald offer , especially as he did not promise to take up the one that was most voted for feels also like scum trying to build towncreed.
Well, if there isn't actually a Herald used today or it is used on somebody other than who most people select, I think that would look super scummy.
Oh also before I go looking, I just wanted to say that a Two World Telehat has a failure rate at detecting scum of at least 66%, since there are at most 2 fiendish/possessed and at least 4 vanilla fiends/demons.
Hell's Herald Activation
The day's early conversation begins with talk of how much worse things could've gone, the strange dreams shared among the living of a bloodbath before the feast were just that, a dream, a fiction. Some solemn words were spoken for the fallen before the survivors began to partake the feast before them in earnest. Idle chatter being spread and many tried to reconstruct their memories of the day before to push them further towards surviving this trial.

But soon the conversation shifted towards an individual that seemed to only pick at the food and the past, this grew and grew and their appetite didn't seem to change. The group seemed to be pushing this individual towards the scorched dias, inching ever closer as the sky turned grey and swollen, the air seemed to still as if holding it breath for the inevitable bolt of violence it would let loose…

And then the world seemed to freeze, a harsh crimson light beamed through a tear in reality, coating everything in a visceral red, consuming all other colors seemingly in the world. A twisted figure, impish in shape but its details twisted like a wrung towel or iron cable. Its face almost perpendicular to what a normal being's would be, a grinning mouth of serrated shark teeth along the right side of its form, and its eyes burning bright with infernal flame, a horn of bone and brass was brought up towards its heavily chapped lips, and even those that wished to turn away from this corrupted visage could not control their bodies to hide from its call.

"Shalmoa, you've been invited to be known," it began its voice cutting and harsh, slobber flying out with each word it hissed out, "They must all know what you are, the world must know your greatness!"

Again everyone's bodied betrayed them forced to turn towards Shalmoa as the magic obscuring their form melted like a candle. Their form well-muscled and well-manicured, but their burning orange eyes betray everything. And soon the impish being dissolves into endless diatribes of Shalmoa's entire existence, burning both their greatest feats and most embarrassing blunders, like ink against your memories.

The Hell's Herald has revealed @Shalmoa as a Fiendish Orc.

Time has been extended 12 hours from this post.
Ngl the Herald offer , especially as he did not promise to take up the one that was most voted for feels also like scum trying to build towncreed.

Mostly I think the point is to provoke discussion - knowing Nictis I'd honestly be willing to bet that he doesn't even actually have the Herald, but it's informative what people would want it used on if they had the choice.
And, whoop, there we go. Guess I'm eating my words (though NGL it'd be hilarious if that was just someone unconnected firing it off with convenient timing).

[X] Vote Shalmoa

[X] Vote Shalmoa

@Reliable_2IC wanna take the chance to make any arguments about anything to show you actually want to play the game? Like, gimme... (insert eeny meeny miny here) your thoughts on Scia or Shadell please.
Shalmoa was the one I was planning to use it on from the start, I just wanted to get people's responses to see how people wanted it directed. I was open to changing my target if anyone had any actual informative choices of who to go for, any links or scumreads that weren't already up for a lynching.

Unfortunately, nobody seemed to.

For what it's worth, I am sorry about it @Shalmoa, but I figured that you were my most informative choice and if you were Town then I'd gotten a good enough feeling from your play that I'd want you alive.
Shalmoa was the one I was planning to use it on from the start, I just wanted to get people's responses to see how people wanted it directed. I was open to changing my target if anyone had any actual informative choices of who to go for, any links or scumreads that weren't already up for a lynching.

Unfortunately, nobody seemed to.

For what it's worth, I am sorry about it @Shalmoa, but I figured that you were my most informative choice and if you were Town then I'd gotten a good enough feeling from your play that I'd want you alive.
Heh. I'll take it as a bit of an honor then.

Honestly, it's extremely hard for me to do anything to save myself at this point. ComiTurtle knows whether or not we have the resources to save me, and even if we do, I'm sure if the demons don't get me, the town will tomorrow.

[x] Vote Shalmoa

@ComiTurtle Is the day extension still necessary in the light of this?