Arch-Demon's Eternal Game: Aeon Edition, The Turtle Chronicles

I'm on Zaea because his interactions were odd and I can't figure out what to make of the Yun/Nictis argument. Neither seems particularly scummy though I do think there is a lot of talking past each other going on.
@Yun You say I am Fiendish or Possessed. You have so far given exactly zero reason for why, and every time I try to get you to explain it you say I'm basing my arguments on past games. Explain.
Alright, so. I'm decently townreading yun but I'm pretty sure they're just wrong, their points are not very convincing.
I have a bad feeling on Nictis but it's really just not good gameplay, or conducive to a good game environment, to lynch someone for always being scum, and not just because probability doesn't work that way; I'm also finding myself agreeing with quit a few of their points, such as re: town firestarter lighting asap.

I'd prefer Zaea to either but I don't really have anything to set them out of the crowd; it would be more of a "lynch them so I don't lynch the other two," which is bad reasoning and allowing it lets people skate (on both sides of the suspicion pointing).
??? Nictis never claimed to be an early pick? We have exactly one piece of information from him about his pick position - 2 FC were picked when/after he had the sack. Or he made that up. Either way I'm not seeing what you are trying to argue here.
Yes, but I'm replying to Zaea about the hypothetical scenario where Nictis grabbed the first FC whereas in thread he said there were two gone when he got it.
Perhaps, but that would mean he has a made a claim in thread that is false, and if he was town aligned shouldn't be doing so as it makes other towns distrust him, which barring him being aware of his having a late pick... is something you need to be aware about.
??? Nictis never claimed to be an early pick? We have exactly one piece of information from him about his pick position - 2 FC were picked when/after he had the sack. Or he made that up. Either way I'm not seeing what you are trying to argue here.
There is also the possibility of HFF. Knowing information about multiple places in the sack isn't necessarily scummy, just probably.

Honestly, I'm concerned about this new argument too. I don't see the value to claiming the ancient mirror, basically, or how this is meant to lead to an argument into why Nictus is scum instead of... I'm not sure what, really. It's very interesting information, but I don't think it leads anywhere in this argument.

I think I have to leave my vote where it is.
@Yun You say I am Fiendish or Possessed. You have so far given exactly zero reason for why, and every time I try to get you to explain it you say I'm basing my arguments on past games. Explain.
I said I was basing my argument upon a common saying, and that I suspected you of being it, like are we really doing this up until one minute before midnight?
Alright, so. I'm decently townreading yun but I'm pretty sure they're just wrong, their points are not very convincing.
I have a bad feeling on Nictis but it's really just not good gameplay, or conducive to a good game environment, to lynch someone for always being scum, and not just because probability doesn't work that way; I'm also finding myself agreeing with quit a few of their points, such as re: town firestarter lighting asap.

I'd prefer Zaea to either but I don't really have anything to set them out of the crowd; it would be more of a "lynch them so I don't lynch the other two," which is bad reasoning and allowing it lets people skate (on both sides of the suspicion pointing).
The issue with Zaea is the fact that nobody has really voted for him, and him being a new player makes me reluctant to do so ugh. I'm pretty much dead with a tie vote though...
Okay, so Yun's most recent accusation against me is that... I was right on what the Cage's shard is, and he thinks me listing the shard for the Human list but not the Demon/Fiend lists are weird, and has missed that I didn't list the shard color on the Defense Talisman of the human list. Correct?
I said I was basing my argument upon a common saying, and that I suspected you of being it, like are we really doing this up until one minute before midnight?
Mate, we are both up for the lynch. So far I don't understand what your points against me even are. Yes, I'm questioning you. Worst case is that you can answer it tomorrow.
Right, I promised I'd vote early.
[X] Lynch Yun

I'm going to come out and say I expect all three of them to be town. I can't sitch onto a new lynch in 2 minutes and I don't have a target, so I'm going to pick the townie I least mind losing as a sort of triage. Ugh.
Didn't realize things were tied and
Right, I promised I'd vote early.
[X] Lynch Yun

I'm going to come out and say I expect all three of them to be town. I can't sitch onto a new lynch in 2 minutes and I don't have a target, so I'm going to pick the townie I least mind losing as a sort of triage. Ugh.
argle bargle
[x] Vote Yun
It was the Debutante, Meso it turned out, was Scum, though we'd not know that until game end by mislynch and night-kills. There WAS a feud between him and Ondine, and I ended up sheep-voting for Meso thinking 'I don't really care but aiming for the arguement seemed like a good move'. Then suddenly the vote flipped to Happery. Who was the only Doctor. Which meant Nightkills could happen basically with imputiny.
Now later sure, it was examined and the game was said, especially for newbies, to be very slanted towards Scum via a period where votes could be changed privately, and something about the time intervals, vets on Scum side but not so much on Town...
Point is, Instead of hitting Scum, our D1 lynch got our Doctor, one of only two power-roles we had, and then it was just mislynches all the way down. Meso only did but so much to really mess with the Town narrative, but it's...
Basically, If I ever start designing games I'm not a fan of having vanilla Town, to say the least. I consider my judgement flawed until I really start wrapping my head around the Mafia mindset...Which has gone quite slowly.
Big problem is so far being Scum is fun, I get to mentally be the mustache-twirling villian. Being Town? Is kinda lame. Being VANILLA TOWN!? THAT FREAKING SUCKS!

This is a warning, for the game, avoid editing if I notice another edited post that player will receive a mod vote at minimum. Remember double post is your friend in this game. Thank you.
Journal Three: Feast or Famine // Day 2 Start
The transition of the insect orchestra fades into the raucous songs of the sea birds, stirs many to consciousness. Sleep was a luxury and none of the survivors could claim to have it, not yet, not this early, the game had only just truly begun.

As each made their way back towards the ruin's center, rubbing the little sleep they had obtained from their eyes, there was a moment to rejoice there was a long table set up in the clearing, a feast prepared for them: a few bottles of wine, a barrel of ale, another of cider, a roasted pig, various fish dishes, an assortment of fruit pies, and a number of hor d'oeuvres of various persuasion. How such a spread was prepared on this island, but the food was there, and it was even set for… 14 people?

As some gorged their grumbling gullets, other waited for the last to come, but they never appeared. The fallen had to be found… and the Arch-Turtle seemed to guide them subtly to their final resting site.

@QTesseract had their "Throat Ripped Out" they were a Human. A Ferryman's Coin was found on their body.

Day 2 had begun it will end at .
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*stares at the corpse* Strange to think there's only one dead today...
And poor QT at that?
...One person died last night. I don't think that was the only person targeted. I've got nothing this night though boys.
Well, fuck. Sorry for missing day-end and sorrier I was involved in the result we got - RL stuff came up & I couldn't get back in time. Given the relative quantities of protective and offensive items in the Sack I'm not completely shocked to find a relatively low-kill N1. Glad we didn't lose more Townies but with no Scum crossfire and relatively little hard info overall, I'm not entirely sure where to start looking today.