AN: Seeing as there hasn't been a while lot of voting, I'm gonna call it now.
[X] 15 Dreadnought Hulls.
[X] 25 Cruiser Hulls.
[X] 50 Escort Hulls.
As you have the hulls towed to their respective shipyards, you're almost tempted to thank the Orks. This would make expansion much, much, easier. You could actually put a significant chunk of your Escort-class ships on exploration duty while you waited for your holdings to catch up with your territory. Meanwhile, 1 of your Dreadnoughts, 5 Cruisers, and 30 Escorts were moved into Quenya's area, to guard it from attack. More would arrive once the current batch was done.
Gained 500 Escort-class Ships.
Turn 13 Options.
You have 14 Major Actions available.
[ ] Ship Building. Even with the Waagh destroyed and your recent influx of resources, you could always use more ships. Of course, you have an entire rogue planet to rip material out of, though there's a limit to how much material is there, there's enough for a huge fleet. Chance of Success: 100%. This action may be taken up to 115 times. Will build one Battleship, or 5 Cruisers almost fully, or 10 Escorts fully. The former takes 2 years to complete after the action is taken. Currently 6/115 have been used. One will be taken for free due to Mining Ships. All Dreadnought berths currently full. Cruiser berths currently full. Escort berths empty, but can be constructed by you wholesale. Due to allied berths, 7 sets of berths are now available for each category.
[ ] Diplomacy. While you've added a number of new systems to The Bastion, there are still a number of polities within the sector that you can reach out to. While you have less information about them than those within your sub-sector, you were going to have to take that plunge some time. 20 systems available for diplomacy. Reward: Depends on Checks passed.
[ ] Survey. As the nearby Warp has been forcibly calmed by you, a number of systems have been made available. As there were a number of systems which had either remained free of human touch for some reason, or had simply not been explored, you have quite a few options. 50 systems available for survey. 60% chance of discovering something interesting. (Base 10+20 from Warp Lighthouse+ 20 from Level Perks+ 10 from FBTW). Reward: Varies between colony sites, asteroid belts for mining, xenos or human polities, etc.
[ ] Build Shipyards. It occurs to you that the number of berths around the planets in your polity are the major bottleneck on ship production when you can do the hard work of extracting the metal and making the hull. While Escort-class berths for each planet should be doable, the Cruiser and larger shipyards should be reserved for planets such as Thernus, Pyris, and Aris, as they're the ones with the expertise to actually build larger ships. Not to mention the Forge-Worlds might take offence to Ored, for example, having more/better shipyards than them. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Additional berths. Limit of 15 total per system. Time: 1 Year. AN: Will count against your Ship-Building total unless building Small Shipyard for Escorts. If you do an action for better ships/shipyards, I'll consider it to have happened before any instances of this action taken.
[ ] Investigate Glands/Organs. With more in-depth knowledge of your various glands and organs not found in humans, you'd like to work on making versions which can be implanted in people. While they're unlikely to work as well without your incredibly advanced physiology and what you suspect is subconscious biomancy, they should be able to get something out of it. Medicine Surgery and Narcotics Combined with Education: General. Reward: Various bonuses, from PDF to background project rolls.
[ ] Investigate Cogitator. While the Cogitator looks like a normal computer, nothing from your pod was normal, so you doubted this would be either. Electronics: Wiring, Forging: Gear, Education: General. Reward: Cogitator design.
[ ] Investigate Psychic Battery. The message from your father involved a projected psychic barrier, via use of a battery of psychic energy. Seeing as a working model of such was currently being researched, slowly, you ought to work on fixing the problem. Psyker: Manipulation, Forging: Gear, Education: Esoteric. Reward: Psychic Batteries.
[ ] Setting Up Psychic Choirs. You've seen people pair up with people they trust to draw more energy from the Warp without being overwhelmed, but the Eldar have something better. A group of psykers linked together. Before the Fall, it was used when they wanted to influence entire solar systems, a group of lesser psykers supporting one of their strongest so they wouldn't get themselves killed with the energies involved. Now they do it to draw any significant amount of Warp energy in a timely fashion. They shouldn't have any trouble teaching it to human psykers. Chance of Success: 60%(90 after Perks). Reward: +100 to allied psyker Checks when in choir. Bonuses to some actions.
[ ] Looking For Your Brothers. As your father suggested, you should work to find your brothers. While they don't seem to be the beacons in the Warp you are, you believe you could find them if you really tried. Of course, having some backup would be helpful. Chance of Success: 5%(35 after bonuses, 55 after +20 from liujuin). Reward: Contact with fellow Primarchs.
[ ] Looking For Space Hulks. During the recent battle with the Orks, 6 Space Hulks were brought to bear. While only 1 was the full size of a Dreadnought, it really brought home how much of a problem they could be to polities less well-equipped to deal with them than yours. Seeing as they often bore Orks or lost xenos, and sometimes pieces of ancient technology, attempting to find and clear them out would behoove you. Partially to help avoid Ork 'colonization' and partially because they might have useful things onboard. The problem was that space was big. Like, really, enormously, stupidly big. There was no guarantee you'd find one. Chance of Success: 10%(60 after Perks/Warp Lighthouse). Reward: Exp, Loot Roll, Resource Points. Upon crits, gain second roll, and so on.
[ ] Cleansing Thernus of Orks. You could cleanse Thernus of Orks entirely if you wished, though they aren't really a major threat at this point. They serve more as live-fire exercises than anything else right now. Psyker: Manipulation, Education: General, Medicine: Narcotics. Reward: Orks removed from Thernus. Can do something similar for every world with Orks once they're beaten down to steam-power or lower.
You have 21 Minor Actions available.
7 Free Integration actions.
2 Free Survey actions. (+25 from excess of Escorts for this Turn).
You have 50 Free Invention Actions available.
AN: Well, isn't that a lot of ships. This vote closes at 8.