An Extra Primarch

Should the Quest switch to a Narrative Base?

  • Yes, it will streamline things.

    Votes: 345 40.6%
  • No, I prefer the current system.

    Votes: 127 14.9%
  • Yes, but not until the Crusade begins/Prologue ends.

    Votes: 378 44.5%

  • Total voters
Quick question, where did Servant Caster Serras get a starship,or munitions of that caliber in this scenario?

Edit: and for that matter who is supplying her the prana?

She's drawing from the residual energy every idiot who happens to have a soul produces. The way the Warp works is that thought, emotion, and belief are reflected, with every soul producing energy with each of those it possesses. While most people don't have enough to do anything with, thousands of people will produce quite a bit.
Primate Murder

Hm, if allowed to fully mature without gaining perspective about humans, Primate Murder is stated to have the "absolute right of killing over man", defined as a "super advantage" over primates. It is stated that Angra Mainyu, who is supposed to be the best at killing humans, is still surpassed by Primate Murder and Type Mercury, the Ultimate One of Mercury, regarding the speed and efficiency with which they can kill humans. As expected of a Beast, Primate Murder is in his own tier, above even Servants and Dead Apostle Ancestors.

Without having seen Primate Murder at his full power in battle, though, and without a character sheet to quantify his abilities, it is difficult to speculate.
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, she'd just nab some nearby asteroids(they aren't locked inside the asteroid belt you know) and forge a ship from that.

In which Serras accidentally pre-empts the entire plot of Shinjuku.

Moriarty, standing on the completed Gun Barrel Tower: Now, the asteroid shall slam into the earth's core, utterly destroying the planet! Fire!


Serras: Ah, about that...
wasn't the definition of a mary sue as someone who does not earn or have a valid reason for anything they have? like instantly know skills or having super rare items because of 'luck'? While in 40K serras would have the valid reason of being a gene enhanced super human designed by a DAOT level scientist immortal and given psychic powers that literally warps reality and contains the souls of the dead which she could ask for knowledge?

There's a limit to what even Primarchs can do. They also aren't all good with just about everything (combat is not our specialty, but it doesn't need to be). For example, Lorgar was a highly skilled diplomat, whereas Vulkan, Ferrus, and Perturabo were good at making awesome technology, while Guilliman was the empire builder. We may not be as good as them in their specialty, but the fact that we even come as close as we do is enough to make Serras a Mary Sue for me. If the grind for perks and skills was longer and harder, I wouldn't think that, but we're basically blitzing those trees.
There's a limit to what even Primarchs can do. They also aren't all good with just about everything (combat is not our specialty, but it doesn't need to be). For example, Lorgar was a highly skilled diplomat, whereas Vulkan, Ferrus, and Perturabo were good at making awesome technology, while Guilliman was the empire builder. We may not be as good as them in their specialty, but the fact that we even come as close as we do is enough to make Serras a Mary Sue for me. If the grind for perks and skills was longer and harder, I wouldn't think that, but we're basically blitzing those trees.

Each Skill that goes above the Advanced level hits all other Skill training with a -5. So, eventually, you won't be able to train anything without Tags hitting things when you Level up, and it'll take multi-Tagging. Education and Psyker make for -10. Being a Primarch adds 5 and Mentor bonuses from SLs add 5 as well, so a non-Tagged Skill gains 10 per Minor AP without Tags. So, two more Skills maxed out, and you'll need Tags for training a Skill to be possible. Hence Leman not being all maxed out after his time in the Warp. Emps got around this via massive Mentor bonuses from nearly every human who ever lived in his gestalt providing ridiculous Mentor Bonuses, and having about a hundred levels on every active Primarch combined right now.
She's not any dumber than canon Serras is she? This is operating under 'Ten year to prepare.' as a scenario, since Serras would figure out something was going to happen involving the supernatural via just asking Chaldea or futuresight pretty quick, and just compare Turn 1 Serras and Turn 10 Serras. Given imminent nonsense-based war, she'd probably focus heavily on warfare, with just enough logistics to allow the locals to become tool users and maintain stuff. Sort of like the Mechanicus not actually knowing how things work but making them via rote memorization of how you assemble things. Once the conflict was over she'd actually explain how these things worked.

Of course, this all assumes she can't figure out a means to jump backwards in time via the Fifth Magic, since a psychic Primarch is basically immortal, she could game the Mystery system by popping up in 100000 BC and just waiting around for the current time period. Basically, much like in 40K, older means stronger. This is part of why Gilgamesh is so hax in most incarnations.

Well, there's no brainwashing effect, so she'd probably just dump him on the moon or something. No humans there.
Ten Thousand Forms of Avarice (万浴応体?)Since originally, Kama/Mara responded to the lust (carnal desires) of the many humans residing in this world, she was equipped with a high order of variety in form and abilities. By adding the infinite nature known as the Universe, that diversity turned into and sublimated as a form like a Noble Phantasm.It's an Authority to get close to, coddle, and corrupt the lust (carnal desires) of the people living in the Universe. A theorem of "all-reacting-type selves" that can be freely customized and exist in a countless number like stardust.In other words, the Beast Kama/Mara exists infinitely as a universe called herself.

Nega-Desire (ネガ・デザイア?)The ultimate and definitive infatuation skill that the Beast that embodies carnal desire has. No matter what being, those with desire will be literally corrupted to the limits of their love. If all the desires and passions existing in the Universe could be taken and granted with infinite love, that would be the same as dispelling the concept of desire from the Universe.

Did you really think there would be no conceptual shenanigans? Beasts are designed to be group battles for Servants and Fate likes to have the right people at the right place at the right time to solve a problem.
Ten Thousand Forms of Avarice (万浴応体?)Since originally, Kama/Mara responded to the lust (carnal desires) of the many humans residing in this world, she was equipped with a high order of variety in form and abilities. By adding the infinite nature known as the Universe, that diversity turned into and sublimated as a form like a Noble Phantasm.It's an Authority to get close to, coddle, and corrupt the lust (carnal desires) of the people living in the Universe. A theorem of "all-reacting-type selves" that can be freely customized and exist in a countless number like stardust.In other words, the Beast Kama/Mara exists infinitely as a universe called herself.

Nega-Desire (ネガ・デザイア?)The ultimate and definitive infatuation skill that the Beast that embodies carnal desire has. No matter what being, those with desire will be literally corrupted to the limits of their love. If all the desires and passions existing in the Universe could be taken and granted with infinite love, that would be the same as dispelling the concept of desire from the Universe.

Did you really think there would be no conceptual shenanigans? Beasts are designed to be group battles for Servants and Fate likes to have the right people at the right place at the right time to solve a problem.

I suppose there's no hope then. Serras loses. End of story.
I suppose there's no hope then. Serras loses. End of story.
No, they won in canon. An additional servant can only increase the chances of success.
That was my entire point, while Serras won't be able to solo them, she'll help tremendously. After all, if you combine geniuses like Serras and Da Vinci, terrifying things will happen...

Pioneer of the Stars (星の開拓者, Hoshi no Kaitaku-sha?, localized as "Settler of the Stars") is the unique Skill given to heroes that became turning points in human history. All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" turn into "events that can be realized".[5]

Natural Born Genius (天賦の叡智, Tenpu no Eichi?, localized as "Inherent Wisdom") is a Skill that shows one who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most Skills, excluding those inherent to the body (such as Divinity) or ones unique to particular heroes, at proficiency of A~B Rank.[49]

EXLeonardo da Vinci
Although he/she does not use this Skill very often as a Servant, regarding his/her Item Creation and Territory Creation Skills, their ranks are increased to Rank Abecause of this Skill.[50]

SCIENCE will happen.
That was my entire point, while Serras won't be able to solo them, she'll help tremendously. After all, if you combine geniuses like Serras and Da Vinci, terrifying things will happen...

Pioneer of the Stars (星の開拓者, Hoshi no Kaitaku-sha?, localized as "Settler of the Stars") is the unique Skill given to heroes that became turning points in human history. All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" turn into "events that can be realized".[5]

Natural Born Genius (天賦の叡智, Tenpu no Eichi?, localized as "Inherent Wisdom") is a Skill that shows one who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most Skills, excluding those inherent to the body (such as Divinity) or ones unique to particular heroes, at proficiency of A~B Rank.[49]

EXLeonardo da Vinci
Although he/she does not use this Skill very often as a Servant, regarding his/her Item Creation and Territory Creation Skills, their ranks are increased to Rank Abecause of this Skill.[50]

SCIENCE will happen.

But I tried the science route. It pretty explicitly failed miserably.
But I tried the science route. It pretty explicitly failed miserably.
Against Kiara/Mara, the science route fails. Against other threats, it succeeds spectacularly.

Alo just thinking about it, but doesn't Serras' 'Ors Ein Soof' Noble Phantasm in her Fate stat sheet lend itself well to saving Olga from her infinitely, eternal death cycle?

Just wondering.
Time for an analysis of Imperial Armor.
Space Marine Power Armor Component List:
  • Helmet- The armoured reinforced headgear that protects an Astartes head.
    • Auto-senses - A Space Marine's helmet contains most of his armour's combat systems, all of which are referred to by one title -- Auto-senses. These include thought-activated comm-augers and audio-filters, targeting reticules and range finders, tactical displays and Auspex-links, and a host of other features that further enhance the Space Marine's already superhuman senses.
    • Photolenses - The photolenses are the reinforced eye guards in the helmet that protect the Space Marine from dazzling light bursts. They also allow him to see into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, as well as enabling vision in low-light conditions.
    • Respirator Vox Grill - The Vox grill can amplify a Space Marine's battle cries to deafening volumes. It also contains a respirator to filter out toxins and can be shut off with a thought, drawing instead upon an internal oxygen supply.
  • Gorget - Part of the armour that protects the throat.
  • Pauldron - The auto-reactive shoulder guards are shaped to deflect as well as absorb incoming blows, these shoulder plates typically display Adeptus Astartes identification markings, including Chapter symbols, company and squad markings, as well as many other honour badges.
  • Gauntlet - The armoured glove that protects both the hand and the wrist.
  • Cuisses - The part of the armour that protects the thigh.
  • Plastron - The armoured chestplate that is designed to protect the suit's armoured power cables, and more importantly, the Astartes vital organs. It is typically adorned with the Imperial Aquila or the Imperialis honour for more veteran Space Marines.
  • Couter - Part of the armour that protects the elbow.
  • Vambrace - Part of the armour that protects the forearm.
  • Poleyn - Part of the armour that protects the knee.
  • Greaves - Part of the armour that protects the lower leg. The greaves incorporate gyroscopic stabilisers and power units that can magnetise the soles of the armour's boots for combat in zero-gravity or other unstable conditions.
  • Sabaton - The armoured boot that protects the foot.
  • Backpack Power Unit- This backpack houses the primary power core for Space Marine armour, as well as reserve cells and an emergency solar collector.
  • Life Signs Monitor - Adeptus Astartes Power Armour contains a suite of life-support functions, including an auto-medicae equipped with various painkillers, combat stimulants and anti-venoms.
  • Temperature Regulator - Astartes Power Armour automatically maintains the Space Marine's temperature. Heat is provided by the power core and thermal build-up can be vented via the backpack's distinctive nozzles. As a result, a Space Marine can fight anywhere, in the cold vacuum of space or the raging heart of a volcano, without even noticing the change of temperature.
  • Nutrient Reservoir - Astartes Power Armour contains a self-replenishing, high-energy liquid food store that can sustain a Space Marine's metabolism without need for further nourishment. During battle, there is no need for a Space Marine to stop to eat or drink.
Non Powered Armor:
Flak Armor: Cheap and easy to make. Will stop a direct Autogun hit and sometimes a lasbolt. Some militia have half flak.
Carapace Armor: Heavier and can actually tank some shots, but a bit expensive and heavy. Variants include Tempestus Scions standard armor, Kasrkin armor for Cadian Shock Troopers (and adapted for at least as far as Calixis Sector by the Munitorum) and Hospitaller Armor for Sisters Hospitaller when off the battlefield.
Solar Pattern Void Armor: Strictly better than carapace armor and vacuum sealed. Used by Solar Auxilia in Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Very effective but not in same class as Power Armor.
List of Marks:
Mark I Thunder Armor: Really basic, as in it can't even support its own weight and only grants protection and upper body strength. Not vacuum sealed due to not being used out of atmosphere. Only used by Thunder Warriors before they outlived their usefulness and were taken out back and gloriously killed in battle at Ararat and the first few thousand Astartes who were clearing out the last few techno barbarian holdouts and one Man of Iron AI core. The Deathwatch apparently keep a few around for formal events.
Mark II Crusade Armor: Facegrill v1. Completely superior and designed by the Mechnacius after Big E essentially declared his godhood to them by waving his hand fixing a Knight. Carried the Great Crusade.
Mark III Iron Armor: Facegrill v2. Deisgned to provide greater protection at the front for speartips and close combat after lessons learned in the Squat campaigns and after retcon early boarding actions. Essentially, this was the Terminator before it was a thing. Still popular among traitors and the helmet or at least faceplate are used by loyalists as well.
Mark IV Maximus Armor: Facegrill v3. Only insignificantly less protected than Mark II while being superior in every other way, especially agility and repair speed due to no interlocking plates. Horus manipulating the supply lines meant this was only widely available to traitors but it didn't stop the Ultramarines having their own Praetor pattern, while the Thousand Sons had the Achean pattern.
Mk V Heresy Armor: The studs and cables. Due to the Horus Heresy being the biggest clusterfuck since the War in Heaven supply lines were kinda screwed. The Marines improvised with using studs designed to patch up busted Tank Armor to repair their suits. The Mechanicus made it an official variant and kept production until the Heresy related damage was unfucked. Some underequipped chapters and warbands keep them.
Mk VI Corvus Armor: The beloved Beakie suit. Initially used by Iron Warriors. Perturabo didn't like the reduced production and threw a hissy fit until the Raven Guard got it. Corax promptly showed why he exactly he wanted it. Second most common loyalist suit.
Mk VII Aquila Armor: Was being designed to hit the correct balance between MK III, Mk VI and Mk IV when the data had to be moved to Terra from Mars to keep it from the traitors. The fact that it is the most common Astartes armor ten thousand years later should give the answer as to whether this attempt was successfull.
Mk VIII Errant Armor: Strictly superior to Aquila in Armor while not giving up anything. More expensive and only equipped by Deathwatch and Minotaurs, the former due to being special forces and the latter due to being the Anti-Astartes police of the High Lords/Custodes. Regular chapters tend to use individual parts as upgrades and anyone with a full suit is a serious badass expecting promotion. Protects neck with collar, which explains why officers go without helmets. Still the most annoying Astartes habit.
Mk IX: Skipped due to inferior Latin numeral to:
MK X: Primaris Armor. Has the following variants (also shares the collar to protect neck):

Tacticus: Vanilla suit. Strictly better than all of the above. Used by Intercessors, Hellblasters and Officers.​
Gravis: Thicc. Seriously stronger than everything else mentioned by now, but pays for it in speed. Used by Agressors and Inceptors as well those officers who like to Rip and Tear.​
Phobos: Stealthy. Used by Reivers, Incursors, Eliminators, other Vanguard Marines and Vanguard Officers.​
Omnis: Specialized combo of Gravis and Tacticus used by Omnis Suppressors, who need it due to insanely oversized Accelerator Autocannon and jetpack combo.​

Artificer Armor: Pimped out for use by officers and Techmarines. Strictly superior but hella expensive and usually take decades of modding to count as one. Offers some of the durability advantages and none of the mobility drawbacks of the Terminator Armor. If an Astartes Officer who has had enough time in rank to earn Mk VII and further for modding and is using a Jump or Jet Pack they will probably have this. Same goes for Bike riders and those who simply don't want (or don't have available) Terminator Armor.
Aegis Armor: Grey Knights super special anti daemon armor. Better because Grey Knights. And the little detail of a Psyker being sacrificed for each individual suit. That may have been retconned though.
Centurion Armor: Armor for armor. Turns Marine from walking Tank to walking Artillery.
Human Power Armor: Used by Inquisitors, rich people and lucky officers. Expensive as fuck.
Sisters of Battle Armor: Strictly better than regular human power armor due to better power source, appropriate for the best non posthuman fighters in the Imperium.
Vratine Armor: Sisters of Silence armor. Not vacuum sealed, but not giving on protection for its agility benefits either.
Dragon Scale Armor: For the Magos who is more comfortable at war. Myrmidon Secutors and Destructors always have them.
Auramite Armor: Custodes armor. Better than all of the above combined. Has Auramite instead of Ceramite, which is strictly superior to the latter.
Terminator Armor: Superheavy assault armor. Has its patterns:
Cataphractii Pattern: The biggest pauldrons yet, which hold supercharged shield generators and remove any sort of speed.
Indomitus Pattern: Upon realizing not being able to move fast wasn't wanted by all, the Indomitus was made to find the sweet spot of speed and armor. Weaker but more mobile than the Cataphractii.
Tartaros Pattern: Strictly better than Indomitus as it is as mobile as regular power armor without giving up protection. Stupidly expensive even compared to other Terminator patterns.
Saturnine Pattern: The lore is very barebones. Was similar to Cataphractii and Tartaros in funciton if not design.
Gorgon Pattern: Special pattern made by Ferrus Manus for his legion. Strictly superior in exchange for never being able to take it off. Not a problem for the body dysphoria of the Iron Hands but it was painful. Had a special auto flashbang ability whenever it was struck. Not see after the Heresy as Manus didn't live long enough to see. May have been developed into the Indomitus pattern after the heresy as they look similar.
Arconak Pattern: No info other than that the Minotaurs have access to it.
Aegis Pattern: Grey Knight version. Again, better.
Human usable variant: Almost exclusive to Ordo Malleus and very rarely to other Inquisitors.
Unidentified variant: Custom job by Vulkan to provide fire support by back mounted heavy weapon.
Aquilon Pattern: Custodes variant. As durable as Cataphractii while not giving up speed.
Allarus Pattern: 10k years of R&D gives a suit more expensive than some worlds while matching Aquilon protection and as agile and mobile as regular power armor. The best by far. Only given to best of the best of the best.
Rock Hard Abs: Used by Catachan Jungle Fighters, varies in effectiveness from Flak to Carapace.
For images: 1d4chan power armor page and 1d4chan Terminator page.
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But I tried the science route. It pretty explicitly failed miserably.
She can, she just need to do what BB did, or overpower her. Then again, i'm not sure how much pressure Kiara's Conceptual Weight has, since she esentially became SERAPH, while Serras as a mere Servant has but a fraction of power (at least without munchkin tactics like Pseudo Heaven's Feel being used).
Or... just simply cast a simple Warp based illusion that fools all the Five Senses and makes Kiara think she has won... i mean, really, sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.
I mean, she could maybe turn humanity into their endstate like in Note? Like, The Six Sisters were able to go toe-to-toe with an Ultimate one.

Notes.. It's even more ridiculous than Primarchs or Custodes. It is literally almost the ultimate evolution of Humanity.

Hahahaha, um, no. Liners are trash compared to Astartes, let alone Primarchs, an Alpha Psyker can enslave an entire planet, and rest assured they can destroy it as well. Let alone a powerful Psyker like Magnus who is above that.
Edit: Never mind the fact that Mankind in Notes is still stuck on Earth, and not a Space Faring Race.
Edit2: At best, Liners are Abhumans, at worst, filthy Xenos that the Imperium scrapes it's boots on a daily basis.
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I mean, she could maybe turn humanity into their endstate like in Note? Like, The Six Sisters were able to go toe-to-toe with an Ultimate one.
Notes.. It's even more ridiculous than Primarchs or Custodes. It is literally almost the ultimate evolution of Humanity.
Hahahaha, um, no. Liners are trash compared to Astartes, let alone Primarchs, an Alpha Psyker can enslave an entire planet, and rest assured they can destroy it as well. Let alone a powerful Psyker like Magnus who is above that.
Edit: Never mind the fact that Mankind in Notes is still stuck on Earth, and not a Space Faring Race.
Edit2: At best, Liners are Abhumans, at worst, filthy Xenos that the Imperium scrapes it's boots on a daily basis.
Literally Post-Human.

Sure, except that if they tried they would die drowning on their own liquefying lungs.
The further into the future you get? The more trash humans get, unless they cease to be "human".
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Hahahaha, um, no. Liners are trash compared to Astartes, let alone Primarchs, an Alpha Psyker can enslave an entire planet, and rest assured they can destroy it as well. Let alone a powerful Psyker like Magnus who is above that.
Edit: Never mind the fact that Mankind in Notes is still stuck on Earth, and not a Space Faring Race.
Edit2: At best, Liners are Abhumans, at worst, filthy Xenos that the Imperium scrapes it's boots on a daily basis.
No, they are capable of battling Ultimate Ones, something that normal Psykers/Astartes would simply die to due to their lungs being literally killed by the Grain. Not to mention that Ether Liners/Liners and A-Rays aren't 24/7 at the risk of going insane/falling to Chaos.

She can, she just need to do what BB did, or overpower her. Then again, i'm not sure how much pressure Kiara's Conceptual Weight has, since she esentially became SERAPH, while Serras as a mere Servant has but a fraction of power (at least without munchkin tactics like Pseudo Heaven's Feel being used).
Or... just simply cast a simple Warp based illusion that fools all the Five Senses and makes Kiara think she has won... i mean, really, sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.
They were literally made using the authority that BB had over the Moon Cell, so they are closer to True Magic really. Normally you wouldn't be able to accomplish something like that.

Also, do you really think an Illusion would be enough on a Beast? I mean, it could maybe fool her temporarily, but Serra's still getting shanked the moment that Kiara lays her eyes on her without those Punishers.
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No, they are capable of battling Ultimate Ones, something that normal Psykers/Astartes would simply die to due to their lungs being literally killed by the Grain. Not to mention that Ether Liners/Liners and A-Rays aren't 24/7 at the risk of going insane/falling to Chaos.

They were literally made using the authority that BB had over the Moon Cell, so they are closer to True Magic really. Normally you wouldn't be able to accomplish something like that.

Also, do you really think an Illusion would be enough on a Beast? I mean, it could maybe fool her temporarily, but she's still getting shanked the moment that Kiara lays her eyes on her without those Punishers.
Grain are nothing more than toxic particles that can be easily negated by wearing a suit or, if you really want a human to fight butt fuck naked then by capturing a Liner and experimenting upon them to get the Gene Seed necesarry to create a Gene Mod. At least try to think through logically before you start to fanwank hard. Again, at worst the Land of Steel!Terra is just a measly Death World with Toxic Air, big deal...

As for the Beast, yes i do. Do remember that Gilgamesh himself was defeated by Shirou, and even Sakura, not because they were powerful, but simply because he underestimated them.
In fact, i believe Serras could take a step further, and mask herself at the same time and drain Kiara dry, taking her place as SERAPH.
And again, the thing that separates Serras from most other people is her outside the box thinking.
As for the Beast, yes i do. Do remember that Gilgamesh himself was defeated by Shirou, and even Sakura, not because they were powerful, but simply because he underestimated them.
In fact, i believe Serras could take a step further, and mask herself at the same time and drain Kiara dry, taking her place as SERAPH.
And again, the thing that separates Serras from most other people is her outside the box thinking.
Do remember that Serras won't be summoned at her full power that she had in life, but massively nerfed. Otherwise we'd be in a whole other dimension in Fate.

And do remember that the character sheet that @ExNihilo made was for Grand Caster, not for regular Servant Serras. As a regular Caster she would have her Psyker rank at A/A+ depending on how much Mana she gets.

Also, Liners and Ether Liners were just an example.
Do remember that Serras won't be summoned at her full power that she had in life, but massively nerfed. Otherwise we'd be in a whole other dimension in Fate.

And do remember that the character sheet that @ExNihilo made was for Grand Caster, not for regular Servant Serras. As a regular Caster she would have her Psyker rank at A/A+ depending on how much Mana she gets.

Also, Liners and Ether Liners were just an example.
You know, it almost make me wonder if you even bothered to read what i posted a while ago, or just ignore it.

Unless Serras gets summoned right during the Kiara fight while the team is about to be NP'ed by Kiara (and even then she could retreat by teleporting or fake her death and cloak herself in the concept of Nothingness) then she won't be killed.

Again, i'm not sure you truly understand how different Serras is from others, including Servants.
Yes, Servant Parameters matter, to most Servants - whom are recreations of historical figures, most often warriors or/and rulers, and rarely creators/inovators/experimenters, however every once in a while there's a Servant that doesn't fit the mould of your 'typical' Servant.

Take for example Gilgamesh, who barring few exceptions such as his overconfidence making him reckless and hold back greatly, is still the [King of Heroes].
Not just because he's mankind's oldest hero, but also because when he decides to stop holding back, is deadly serious and starts using his Sha Naqba Imuru fully together with Gate of Babylon and is willing to use any item from his Treasury, including spam nuking EA, then it is at that point that you realize that he's a servant capable of taking on a literal army of Heroic Spirits, and winning flawlessly.
In fact, were it not for his Treasury being limited by items crafted just by those of the [Human] Race, but also by [Post-Human] or [Xenos] then Gilgamesh would be capable of curb stomping even Beasts and Gods.

Though honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he did, in fact have the means to do just that, if his Treasury synchronizes to his alternative selves from other timeline, be it human/servant in real time, which would allow him to draw upon weapons/items reappropriated from his fallen foes as spoils of victory, in which case, his effective battle potential is limitless.

One such example is Gilgamesh literally giving the metaphorical middle finger to SERAPH at the end of his Route in Fate Extra/CCC if the Player choose him as a Servant, where he breaks the rules, sacrifices 80-90% of his Treasury (do keep in mind that even a measly rock dagger has more worth in his eyes than most of modern mankind) and rescues Hakuno, the Player Character who is actually just an AI recreated by it's overlord, SERAPH, and pulls the both of them far away from the reaches of the Moon Cell.

Again, to make things clear, despite him just being a digital servant, an echo of the original Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh that currently resides in the Throne of Heroes, the Digital Servant of the Moon Cell designated as Gilgamesh is just a copy. A Spiritron Construct - blank Soul, like Hakuno crafted by the Moon Cell using some of it's own Ether reserves to create and grafted the memories, personality and skills that the true Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh had by using the Grand Ritual that was copied straight from the Holy Grail War to achieve such a thing in the first place.

Thus, it matters not if Serras is the original or not. Even if she's a copy, she's still a copy of the real Primarch Serras Salnus, and that, is more than enough.
What truly separates the great from the chaff, is not the power and influence they have been endowed with from birth, but the will that drives them to ever greater heights. That is why, even a mere echo has the potential to reach the same heights as the original, or even the beyond itself. Great men are made, not born.
It is for this very reason why Servant!Serras is very much capable of accomplishing whatever she sets out to do. It's not a matter of power, as much as pure determination.

Of course, the fact that Servants still retain the full memories of their original selves, even those summoned as their younger counterpart, while bearing only a spark of the flame, is also a great boon.
Just imagine if Serras was summoned as her Lilly counterpart, probably 3 years old, while bearing the memories of the End Game Serras with maxed out Disciplines/Stats. It wouldn't matter however infinitely weaker she is compared to her older counterpart when she can just use her knowledge to turn herself into a pseudo Third Magician by building a negentrophy station, probably in the subspace, and use that together with her knowledge about her Soul Surgery to create an AI endowed with a piece of her Soul to commit 'Soul Alteration' to buff herself to her original counterpart.
Serras is OP, that's all there really is to it. I know it seems unfair, but that's just how it is.
So, more on topic, since Emps knows that you're outfitting your Legion with proper Astartes armor, he's dumped Battle Barge and Gloriana schematics on you, which means you'll be able to build those and similarly sized ships(15 and 25 kilometers long, respectively) which drastically reduces the difficulty of figuring out larger ships of the Iapetus class(Emps didn't bother giving it to you because there's no way you'll be able to build it in time with about 1200 Minor AP if you convert all of your Major AP and 3-4 years without maxing Forging and Electronics, and that's if you don't make any of the Battle Barges, which only hold 3000 Astartes even with Runes raising the 300 bar, or Glorianas. Seriously, he's going to need to dump about 80 Major Actions into that, and, again, he's got literally every Skill maxed out and he was there for Dark Age humanity's building of theirs. Not to mention a lot more power than you.) or repairing them. Since it's 50 Battleships per Major, 10/5 Battle Barges per Major/Minor and 2/1 Glorianas per Major/Minor will be how that works. Anything bigger, which is likely to be limited to Iapetus, will take too long.
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That won't be all that effective against a battle planetoid. The sheer mass difference is too much . We need to launch decapitation strikes.
Given suitable armament, it could be enough. I can only think of something à la Doomsday Device from Eve Online. Depending on which type you use, it could be enough to leave a planetoid devastated. Like, an Antimatter Beam or something like that.

I mean, we could also go with Antimatter Cyclonic Torpedoes instead of the regular ones for that extra "fuck off". And fire them in barrages, shouldn't be much of a problem after all.
Given suitable armament, it could be enough. I can only think of something à la Doomsday Device from Eve Online. Depending on which type you use, it could be enough to leave a planetoid devastated. Like, an Antimatter Beam or something like that.

I mean, we could also go with Antimatter Cyclonic Torpedoes instead of the regular ones for that extra "fuck off". And fire them in barrages, shouldn't be much of a problem after all.
Yeah but that assumes the planetoid is not decked with shields and weapons that can do the same. Like it has all the space to have what you have and more.