-[X] [Minor] Birthday party. You're turning 18 at the end of the year!
-[ ] [Minor] Ask Jack whether he would develop a
martial art for psykers.
-[X] [Invention] 5 Crystals/Runes
--[X] [Create] Range
--[X] [Create] Combination
--[X] [Create] Connection
--[X] [Create] Disbelief
--[X] [Create] Individuality
-[X] [Invention] Range extension for teleporter, Warp Buoy, Willpower Gauge x5
-[X] [Invention] Galactic communication transmitter x5
--[X] Base idea: Accuracy + Connection + Communication + Control + Range
--[X] Apply mental shielding arrangement to both your end and the channel
--[X] Luxury: triple specs
-[X] [Invention] Waagh field suppressor x5
--[X] Base idea: Range + Disbelief + Individuality + Order + Concealment
--[X] Disbelief and Individuality against collective belief
--[X] Concealment against perception, divination, and analysis (blackboxing)
-[ ] [Invention] Advance 5 Crystals/Runes
--[ ] [Advance] Fire
--[ ] [Advance] Water
--[ ] [Advance] Ice
--[ ] [Advance] Air
--[ ] [Advance] Earth
-[ ] [Invention] 5 Crystals/Runes (Project Omnissiah)
--[ ] [Advance] Metal
--[ ] [Create] Motion
--[ ] [Create] Machine
--[ ] [Create] Soul
--[ ] [Create] Life
-[ ] [Invention] Alcubierre Drive x5
--[ ] Base idea: Space + Gravity + Energy + Motion + ?
--[ ] Distort space via two zones of positive/negative energy and gravity
--[ ] Fifth slot: Warding to keep zones contained? Balance or Connection to ensure equilibrium between zones?
-[ ] [Invention] Soul Creation: Machine Spirits x20
--[ ] Base idea: Machine + Mind + Heart + Soul + Life
--[ ] Morality compass: Wisdom + Integrity + Morality + Compassion + Purity
--[ ] insights from soulstones and soul surgery