An Extra Primarch

Should the Quest switch to a Narrative Base?

  • Yes, it will streamline things.

    Votes: 346 40.6%
  • No, I prefer the current system.

    Votes: 127 14.9%
  • Yes, but not until the Crusade begins/Prologue ends.

    Votes: 379 44.5%

  • Total voters
If a Lord of Change was asked 'What's in the air?!' when some kind of poison gas was released, they might answer 'The atmosphere contains water.' This is true, but is profoundly unhelpful. A Truth/Honesty Rune is not as helpful as you might expect.

What about my suggestions?

No, no, you need to add Static and Form to Lords of Change as well, Health and Cleanliness to Great Unclean Ones, Chastity and Abstinence to Keepers of Secrets, with Peace, Pacifism and Kindness going to Khorne's lot.
If a Lord of Change was asked 'What's in the air?!' when some kind of poison gas was released, they might answer 'The atmosphere contains water.' This is true, but is profoundly unhelpful. A Truth/Honesty Rune is not as helpful as you might expect.
That would be being facetious though, which is itself a form of deception and dishonesty. Surely an Honesty Rune would prevent attempts to deceive by only telling part of the truth?
So we should place things like honour runes on Khorns folks?
I'm of the opinion that we can't rehabilitate the chaos gods. We would just take them from a 1 dimensional thing obsessed with blookd and skulls, into a 1 dimensional thing obsessed with honor.

All those "good khorne" things are just jokes. If we need a god of honor and martial strength, we can make our own.
That would be being facetious though, which is itself a form of deception and dishonesty. Surely an Honesty Rune would prevent attempts to deceive by only telling part of the truth?

Telling the whole truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth is what an Honesty Rune attempts to have happen. Only 8-10 are strong enough to force people who aren't weak-willed. Tzeentchian Daemons have the 'advantage' of being composed of an opposing concept. While the Greaters have enough extra weight to them to avoid simply exploding like a computer overheating from trying to do too much work, the average Daemon of Tzeentch might explode from being forced not to deceive. It's just so utterly against their nature that it's like forcing the Joker to be orderly. Even the odd good version is a chaotic madman, just less psychotic about it.
If Warhammer daemons are prevented from acting upon their emotional instincts (usually as punishment by the gods), they slowly and painfully wither away to nothingness.
Ironically Skarbrand is the only one immune to this beyond being forced by someone else, as he constantly slaughters without any chance of gaining Khorne's favor. Thus, he is the ultimate servant of Khorne, mindless slaughter for the sake of mindless bloodshed.
If Warhammer daemons are prevented from acting upon their emotional instincts (usually as punishment by the gods), they slowly and painfully wither away to nothingness.
Ironically Skarbrand is the only one immune to this beyond being forced by someone else, as he constantly slaughters without any chance of gaining Khorne's favor. Thus, he is the ultimate servant of Khorne, mindless slaughter for the sake of mindless bloodshed.

This. Exactly this. The weaker ones die quick.
X] Plan: Shaking off the Dust
-[X] [Minor] Set Torus Ring being constructed around Thernus to Minstrel
-[X] [Minor] Auto tag all 3 Education Skills with highest stored tags (3 45 stored tags)
-[X] [Minor] Tag remaining Invention Skills (2 45 stored tags)
-[X] [Minor] Tag all Psyker Skills
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Martial x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Combat x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Administration x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Intrigue x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Diplomacy x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Control x2
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Set 2 Free Crystals to Control
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Learning x9
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Education General Exotic x18
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Education Culture Exotic x18
-[X] [Minor] [Training] Education Esoteric Exotic x18
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Emperor of Man
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Rogal Dorn
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Magnus the Red
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Jack the Grey
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Horus Lupercal
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Samantha
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Mehtrya
-[X] [Minor] [SL] Hydaelyn
-[X] [Invention] Improve Reactors x4
-[X] [Invention] Improve Replicators x4
-[X] [Invention] Investigate Sub-space and any method(s) of traversing it x10
-[X] [Invention] Investigate the gravity technology of the (K)Orks and develope countermeasures x10
-[X] [Invention] Investigate and implement methods to 'Black-box our Technology, both Mundane and Psy-Tech x5
-[X] [Invention] Improve Combat Simulators x2
-[X] [Invention] Improve Combat Simulations x3
-[X] [Invention] Improve Astartes Package x5
-[X] [Invention] Improve Power Armour x5
-[X] [Invention] Improve Ships Engines x5
-[X] [Invention] Improve Arcology Design x2
-[X] [Invention] Spend R&D Coordination on selected techs with closest check until empty
-[X] [Integration] Improve Policy x50
-[X] [Integration] Improve Inter-species relations x50
-[X] [Integration] Tour the Bastion Sector and smooth over any hostility from new and current worlds (although do be sure to relax and see the sights, attractions and people the worlds have to offer) x50
-[X] [Integration] Continue improving the Guard Command and Fleet Command x50
-[X] [Integration] Continue improving the Scientific Enterprise x20
-[X] [Integration] Continue improving the Internal Security and Intelligence to counteract sabotage/traitors/spies/criminals x20
-[X] [Integration] Continue improving Terraforming for both Humanity and your Allies x20
-[X] [Integration] Work on further improving relations with the Mechanicus x20
-[X] [Integration] Work on further improving The Android Situation x20
-[X] [Integration] Continue improving your education, mundane and Psyker x20
-[X] [Integration] Confer with Rogal about defences, tactics and contingencies for the (K)Orks x30
-[X] [Integration] Improve planetary defences x36
-[X] [Integration] Improve orbital defences x70
Number of voters: 17
TempestK, ExNihilo, ReaderOfFate, Thule, Astral, todbo, Zavvnao, Ancient One, jgalue1,Ptolemy, mickeysofine, Inferno23, mmgaballah, swift1212, zephraim, wildman902,thefoolswriter

Insert tally is very useful.
checked out the last few...were going to be the toughest nut ever to be not cracked aren't we? I mean by the time the crusade comes a calling or by the time the horus heresy comes around we should have created a system for the imperium...just without the stuipid bullshit and to be able to work without the need for the primarchs and the emperor...
Rune enhanced weapons, with a 4 setting selector, one for each type of demon., Should be developed. Fuck Chaos.
I don't think we are going to have to deal with traitor primarchs.

The theme of 40k is a criticism of the idea that humans are sheep, and need to follow a god King. The imperium believes that human nature is vile and disgusting, and outside the light of the emperor, people are disgusting. chaos is evil, and only the emperor can save us. The authors criticize that idea, by having the imperium creating problems for itself, magnifying non-issue into sector spanning conflicts.

Our quest is based in the idea that humans are basically good, looking to the future. Sure chaos is evil, and we have a few ideas on how to stop it, short of galactic omnicide, or creating a "god of unbelief".

Fighting the rangdan, awakned necrons, tyranids, and whatever corrupted species are out there, while we attempt to defend our people from chaos is the theme here. We already know that traitor primarchs are in the cards, so we need something surprising to hit us. Something more dangerous than rebellion. My bet is on something from the deep warp.
It's only a matter of crit fails.

The point is that the cannon Horus heresy isn't happening, because we are not replying on disbelief or ignorance. We know chaos exists, and we have an organization devoted to fighting it.

Our priority is
  1. Fight chaos
  2. Protect and improve our worlds
  3. Expand to other worlds.
At the minimum, the eldar are going to be hammering on every diplomatic, social, or personal lever they can reach to get us to devote more resources against chaos. They know how bad it can get and through them, we do too.

Expecting the Horus heresy right now would be like expecting nato to turn on the world. Possible? Sure. But we have taken steps to ensure that that couldn't happen.
How long will we be under the Emperor's direct tutelage? He took time with Horus personally. Presumably, he will teach Leman, Horus, Rogal, Magnus, Jack and Serras together this time around as we will probably reach them before Sol. He will probably tutor everyone on their weaker sides and work on Russ tolerating Psykers.
I just realized, we may be able to make our non active psyker brothers full psykers. Maybe some chosen Custodians as well.
We may also make Horus's psychic lady friend and Khayon's sister an Astartes. A lot of awesome canon women can be Astartes courtesy of us.
Oh god what about angron's possible waifu's who was the greatest captain aboard the conquerer?

The emperor might be getting grandchildren sometime...
Lotara Sarin is awesome.

That lady somewhat scares me if we end up having her as a daughter...but then again she is a badass normie that got angrins attention...

Hopefully we can prevent the fucking nail situation as we take over parts of the webway enough to start using warp travel less and less...maybe one day create a drive that doesn't use the fucking warp!!! (And can go as far as regular warp travel without the bullshit inconsistencies!)
The point is that the cannon Horus heresy isn't happening, because we are not replying on disbelief or ignorance. We know chaos exists, and we have an organization devoted to fighting it.

We are replying on meta-knowledge. Which, if QM deems it interesting, will be turned into incorrect facts, making us ignorant fools who act on wrong assumptions.
A lot of awesome canon women can be Astartes courtesy of us.
Why just cannon women? Make female versions of every geneseed, and every legion gets FSM.
Not only. The eldar know alot more about chaos, and they are sharing. We wrote the book on disrupting cultist rituals, so we are doing independent in universe investigation. We have crystal and new runes, stuff that the cannon imperim never had, so we are better equipped.
Yeah, with shit speed, that has been QM hard capped at 20ly per day. We want something with the strategic speed of a warp drive, capible of traveling across the Galaxy in a year, as opposed to the Voyager, which took 75 years, after 100 years of tech investment.
Yeah, with shit speed, that has been QM hard capped at 20ly per day. We want something with the strategic speed of a warp drive, capible of traveling across the Galaxy in a year, as opposed to the Voyager, which took 75 years, after 100 years of tech investment.

That's about 7300c in speed, or, by the original series speeds, about Warp 19.4 (using the original series' cube root rule)
Crossing the galaxy in a year requires about 150K to 200K c, or about 21-27 times as fast.
So that hard cap is probably considerably better than the Warp for any jumps within a couple sectors, for reliability if nothing else.

So I recommend wormholes, or Mass Relay equivalents, then getting the other tech too.