Diplomacy desire is medium,That why election have some merit in this case,and don't told me that election will give you honest guy.
Election will give you the most cut throat guy in the group,The ability to convince the people that you can do that job,The Job that appearance more important than actual ability.

Why everyone think we will have honest guy if we use election system?.
Diplomacy desire is medium,That why election have some merit in this case,and don't told me that election will give you honest guy.
Election will give you the most cut throat guy in the group,The ability to convince the people that you can do that job,The Job that appearance more important than actual ability.

Why everyone think we will have honest guy if we use election system?.
It's really not so much that it'll get us an honest guy as that it will get us someone who is interested in portraying themselves as having a particular agenda popular with the folks at home. A diplomat, as opposed to a head of state, really has to be able to work under any agenda that the Administrator sets forth for them. Peace, appeasement, trade, provocation, etc.

Consider the issues if we have a 'diplomat' who campaigns under the issue of restricting imports in order to bring jobs and money to the people of the country. This is potentially a very popular platform to run under even if WE prefer free trade in order to facilitate peace with other countries and focus our own economy on particular areas. -Now our elected diplomat comes in. He's not really in a place to make those decisions as our chief diplomat, but what he CAN do is sabotage any trade deals we send him out to negotiate. And if he doesn't do that, he's likely not going to be re-elected after showing his 'hypocrisy' by following our orders.

It doesn't really matter if he's dishonest or honest. The issue is that he'd have his own agenda as an elected official, and while we can probably afford that in areas like Stewardship where we can react to our advisor's actions in time, diplomacy is a game where things that have been said cannot be unsaid.
You can take Israel/Palestine's situation for an example of an elected diplomatic advisor. They'd be rapidly removed from their post if they actually sought to end the conflict through humane means, public opinion being what they are.

Bureaucracy also satisfies democratic urges, and provides more consistently skilled operatives.

That applies to Stewardship as well, since elected city planners tend to go for big expensive projects with poor return on investment, because it gets them attention, and attention keeps them elected.
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You can take Israel/Palestine's situation for an example of an elected diplomatic advisor. They'd be rapidly removed from their post if they actually sought to end the conflict through humane means, public opinion being what they are.

Bureaucracy also satisfies democratic urges, and provides more consistently skilled operatives.

That applies to Stewardship as well, since elected city planners tend to go for big expensive projects with poor return on investment, because it gets them attention, and attention keeps them elected.

Could you, please, elaborate? I've checked their power structures, and both of them follow the classical pattern of elected head of government appoining ministers. So, in our terms that would be elected administrator and appointed diplomacy. Not elected diplomacy.
I mean, IF they had an elected diplomat. The situation would be even worse, even if the head of state decides to improve the diplomatic situation, the elected diplomatic advisor would be highly resistant as it would doom his career.

Popularity is a really poor metric for anything aside from overall direction(aka head of state) of things.
[X] Administrator - Hereditary
[X] Diplomacy - Bureaucracy
[X] Martial - Appointment
[X] Stewardship - Election
[X] Intrigue - Appointment
[X] Learning - Appointment
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[x] Administrator - Hereditary
No. of votes: 32
1234q1234q, Hannz, remulian, Vizzi, mc2rpg, al103, Happerry, veekie, sebsmith, hunter09, wingstrike96, Odysseus2099, Derek58, khoa36, Arbit, Wirdo, Delwgun, Kelenas, Lailoken, Atri, Fumbles, trewsad55, Chaeronea, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, Kornet, Beyogi, NegativeHorizon, Qazplm, drake_azathoth, Yun
-[X] Open Tannistry
No. of votes: 22
1234q1234q, al103, Happerry, veekie, sebsmith, hunter09, wingstrike96, Odysseus2099, Derek58, Arbit, Kelenas, Lailoken, Atri, Fumbles, trewsad55, Chaeronea, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, Beyogi, NegativeHorizon, drake_azathoth
[X] Diplomacy - Bureaucracy
No. of votes: 23
1234q1234q, fitzgerald, Night_stalker, Hannz, CircleTheSkies, remulian, Vizzi, butchock, mc2rpg, Happerry, Doomsough, veekie, Odysseus2099, Arbit, Wirdo, Kelenas, Atri, Chaeronea, XkaliburRage, Kornet, Qazplm, drake_azathoth, Yun
[X] Martial - Appointment
No. of votes: 18
1234q1234q, fitzgerald, Night_stalker, CircleTheSkies, butchock, Happerry, Doomsough, veekie, sebsmith, wingstrike96, Odysseus2099, Derek58, Arbit, Wirdo, Kelenas, Beyogi, drake_azathoth, Yun
[X] Stewardship - Election
No. of votes: 26
1234q1234q, fitzgerald, Night_stalker, Hannz, CircleTheSkies, remulian, Vizzi, mc2rpg, al103, Vlad, Happerry, Doomsough, sebsmith, hunter09, Derek58, khoa36, Delwgun, Kelenas, Lailoken, Atri, Fumbles, trewsad55, Chaeronea, Beyogi, drake_azathoth, Yun
[X] Intrigue - Appointment
No. of votes: 37
1234q1234q, fitzgerald, Night_stalker, Hannz, CircleTheSkies, remulian, Vizzi, butchock, mc2rpg, al103, Vlad, Happerry, Doomsough, veekie, sebsmith, hunter09, wingstrike96, Odysseus2099, Derek58, khoa36, Arbit, Wirdo, Delwgun, Kelenas, Lailoken, Atri, Fumbles, trewsad55, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, Kornet, Beyogi, NegativeHorizon, Qazplm, drake_azathoth, Yun
[X] Learning - Appointment
No. of votes: 23
1234q1234q, fitzgerald, Night_stalker, Hannz, remulian, Vizzi, butchock, mc2rpg, al103, sebsmith, hunter09, Odysseus2099, Arbit, Wirdo, Atri, Fumbles, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, NegativeHorizon, Qazplm, drake_azathoth, Yun
[X] Administrator - Noble Elections
No. of votes: 2
fitzgerald, Night_stalker
[X] Martial - Achievement
No. of votes: 20
Hannz, remulian, Vizzi, mc2rpg, al103, Vlad, hunter09, khoa36, Delwgun, Lailoken, Atri, Fumbles, trewsad55, Chaeronea, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, Kornet, NegativeHorizon, Qazplm
[X] Administrator - Council Elections
No. of votes: 1
[X] Learning - Bureaucracy
No. of votes: 14
CircleTheSkies, Vlad, Happerry, Doomsough, veekie, wingstrike96, Derek58, khoa36, Delwgun, Kelenas, Lailoken, trewsad55, Kornet, Beyogi
[X] Administrator - Elections
No. of votes: 1
[X] Stewardship - Elections
No. of votes: 1
[X] Diplomacy - Appointment
No. of votes: 3
al103, trewsad55, jamie96969
[X] Administrator - Election
No. of votes: 1
[X] Diplomacy - Election
No. of votes: 11
Vlad, sebsmith, hunter09, wingstrike96, Derek58, khoa36, Delwgun, Lailoken, Chief18753, Beyogi, NegativeHorizon
[x] Administrator - Hereditary (tanistry)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Stewardship - Bureaucracy
No. of votes: 11
veekie, wingstrike96, Odysseus2099, Arbit, Wirdo, XkaliburRage, jamie96969, Chief18753, Kornet, NegativeHorizon, Qazplm
[X] Intrigue - Appointed
No. of votes: 1
[X] Learning - Appointed
No. of votes: 1

[X] Administrator - Hereditary
- [X] Open Tannistry
[X] Diplomacy - Bureaucracy
[X] Martial - Achievement
[X] Stewardship - Election
[X] Intrigue - Appointment
[X] Learning - Appointment

Administrator position has been renamed to Baroness (title will change with gender and can be upgraded with increased territorial control)
Chief of Communication has been renamed to Foreign Affairs Bureau Chief
Second in Command has been renamed to Legate
Chief of Operations has been renamed to Prime Minister

Chief of Security and Provost remain unchanged

Constitutional Conference II

There were some pretty ferocious arguments about how to do things, with a number of representatives putting their feet down about having some sort of democracy while you point out that the Dragonflies basically made their peace treaty and eventual peaceful surrender and integration contingent on the idea that you would adopt a hereditary system. A few members of the conference suggest perhaps a noble republic, which then leads to more arguments before you suggest perhaps having a general election where the candidates can only be drawn from your family.

The lawyers sort through the data files and eventually find out that there is historical precedent, and although rare there is even a Terran-origin name for the term: tannistry. Well, technically it's not quite as open with the voting as you propose, but it gets the job done.

While he's not exactly pleased, Maxwell is actually somewhat amused by the fact that you managed to find a solution that would placate your own internal democrats and would simultaneously piss off both the Dragonflies and the 504s while also not giving them to be able to loudly complain about. He does admit that your idea does help side step the most dangerous part of hereditary rule - getting a really bad heir who you can't get rid of. He does suggest that the two of you make sure that there are "more candidates" available soon.

The last issue in terms of how succession goes down is the gender laws. With tannistry that is simplified somewhat, but the nobility can be particularly inane about this sort of thing, since some of them even claim to trace their nobility all the way back to Terra and despite modern gene checking techniques they often prefer ancient "tradition" in securing descent. You roll your eyes at that, but apparently this is something you have to make explicit in law. Apparently the Dragonflies are agnatic-cognatic primogeniture, the law having been altered to avoid a particularly bad female heir a few generations back and never changed, which could complicate things.

Gender laws
[] Agnatic - Only males are eligible for election to the position
[] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[] Enatic - Only females are eligible for election to the position

About the biggest other issue is what to call your second in command. While "Baroness" and "Grand Captain" are pretentious enough, you're not sure you want to dump "Marshall" on poor Jules. Eventually, after combing the historical files you have on hand, you settle for "Legate". It's pretty damn pretentious all things considered, but way fewer people would have the knowledge of what it means to really figure it out.

You are now however presented with the division of responsibilities, which due to the way you have assigned things is actually pretty easy. Apparently people like their elected positions to have some teeth. With a Prime Minister, you have to specify whether or not they are in an advisory position or a governmental position. This primarily comes down to the making of laws and the spending of money.

On the writing of laws
[] Legal advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred options on changes to laws
[] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change

On the spending of money
[] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[] Power of the purse - The Prime Minister controls the ability to fund the activities of the state. Effect: May not directly choose governmental economic actions, but can use personal diplomacy to influence decision or veto a disliked usage, +1 personal action

Finally, on the Prime Minister front there is the question of how the elections should proceed. While your population is currently small enough that direct democracy is still viable, you will want representatives eventually so its a good idea to set up the system to accommodate eventual growth.

Prime Minister Elections
[] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens
[] Parliamentary - The Prime Minister is the leader of a ruling faction in a deliberative body

Finally there is the question of how long the Prime Minister can serve.

Term Limits
[] Unlimited - As long as the Prime Minister keeps getting selected, they can maintain their office
[] Non-consecutive limit - The Prime Minister may have an unlimited number of terms, but they cannot serve more than two consecutive terms without having to step down and then run again later
[] Limited - There is a strict number of terms the Prime Minister can serve

And that's about it for now, as far as you can tell.
Gender laws
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing

About the biggest other issue is what to call your second in command. While "Baroness" and "Grand Captain" are pretentious enough, you're not sure you want to dump "Marshall" on poor Jules. Eventually, after combing the historical files you have on hand, you settle for "Legate". It's pretty damn pretentious all things considered, but way fewer people would have the knowledge of what it means to really figure it out.

You are now however presented with the division of responsibilities, which due to the way you have assigned things is actually pretty easy. Apparently people like their elected positions to have some teeth. With a Prime Minister, you have to specify whether or not they are in anadvisory position or a governmental position. This primarily comes down to the making of laws and the spending of money.

On the writing of laws
[X] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change

On the spending of money
[X] Power of the purse - The Prime Minister controls the ability to fund the activities of the state. Effect: May not directly choose governmental economic actions, but can use personal diplomacy to influence decision or veto a disliked usage, +1 personal action

Finally, on the Prime Minister front there is the question of how the elections should proceed. While your population is currently small enough that direct democracy is still viable, you will want representatives eventually so its a good idea to set up the system to accommodate eventual growth.

Prime Minister Elections
[X] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens

Finally there is the question of how long the Prime Minister can serve.

Term Limits
[X] Limited - There is a strict number of terms the Prime Minister can serve
I know you joke, but actually yes. Cut off the middle four lobes, flip the bottom two so that they are pointing in the same general direction sort of similar to the quillions of claymore and straighten out the stem and that's pretty damn close to the profile I had originally envisioned.
Question: what sort of impact has on our ability to chose actions it if the two positions mentioned are non-advisory, but have actual power? For example, if the Prime Minister has the power to finance project, does it mean that we'd no longer select which economic actions to take, for example if we want to build a school?
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing

The benefits are pretty obvious.

[X] Head of government

I'm cool with the PM handling the law writing so long as we can still have an effect and veto the stuff we really dislike.

[X] Financial advisor

I want to keep control over how our money's spent.

[X] Direct

Letting the people decide sounds fine to me.

[X] Non-consecutive limit

This should keep PMs from getting complacent in keeping their position.
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Legal advisor
[X] Financial advisor
[X] Direct
[X] Non-consecutive limit
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This is how the last vote would have looked like:

Your new economic situation has some benefits. Unfortunately with your current space restrictions there is something of a drawback since you can't directly mobilize the same resources you could before. You can however specify construction in Glenshade Manor now that they are a part of your territory.

Select up to 1 option. 2 more options will be selected, but may not be from this list
[] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion PM OPTION
[] Construct farm at Glenshade Manor - Sending over equipment, expand their hydroponic farm so it is sufficient to feed 1500 people
[] Install building in Glenshade Manor - With unoccupied buildings Glenshade Manor has room to expand and all it would require would be the installation of new fixtures. 1 turn builds: Research and Teaching Centre, Machine Shop 2 turn builds: Sawmill, Hospital. Cost: 200C/turn
[] More vehicles - You have a half dozen vans that can make the trips between Greengraft, Shattersaw, and Glenshade Manor in a reasonable amount of time, but if you had more you could potentially move more. Cost: 300C

You would then vote as normal, with the additional subvote available of - [X] Veto Decommission solar plant. If a choice other than the PM's option is selected then you will make a diplomacy check with a difficulty dependent on just how badly public opinion wants the choice. If you win, you have talked the PM around to your point of view. If you lose, then if there are sufficient Veto votes then you cancel the action. The political deadlock means that action is lost for the turn, so don't veto things lightly.

The same system would be used if there were calls for reforms to the laws.
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Legal advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred options on changes to laws
[X] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[X] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens
[X] Limited - There is a strict number of terms the Prime Minister can serve

So you have the Prime Minister as effectively the "people's voice". A tradition of generally taking the preferred options should keep people at least reasonably happy on the democracy front, while allowing us to depart if we need to.
This is how the last vote would have looked like:

You would then vote as normal, with the additional subvote available of - [X] Veto Decommission solar plant. If a choice other than the PM's option is selected then you will make a diplomacy check with a difficulty dependent on just how badly public opinion wants the choice. If you win, you have talked the PM around to your point of view. If you lose, then if there are sufficient Veto votes then you cancel the action. The political deadlock means that action is lost for the turn, so don't veto things lightly.

The same system would be used if there were calls for reforms to the laws.
Alright, thanks.

Do our selections here have an impact on how "democratic" we're seen? Ie, if the PM has more power, does that make our democratic citizens happier?
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Legal Advisor
[X] Financial advisor
[X] Direct
[X] Non-consecutive limit
[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Legal advisor
[X] Financial advisor
[X] Direct
[X] Non-consecutive limit
[x] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[x] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change
[x] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[X] Parliamentary - The Prime Minister is the leader of a ruling faction in a deliberative body
[x] Non-consecutive limit - The Prime Minister may have an unlimited number of terms, but they cannot serve more than two consecutive terms without having to step down and then run again later

Not entirely happy, but I figure this should strike a reasonable balance between democracy, and letting us retain control over some of the more important aspects of our state.
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[x] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change
[X] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[X] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens
[X] Limited - There is a strict number of terms the Prime Minister can serve

My concern with the non-consecutive limit is that there's a big risk nobody can accomplish anything worth doing as the bureaucracy has to adjust to a new boss and their preferred ways of doing things frequently.
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[X] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[X] Legal advisor
[X] Financial advisor
[X] Direct
[X] Non-consecutive limit

Just to be sure, we can change from direct elections in the future right?
[x] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[x] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change
[x] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[x] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens
[x] Non-consecutive limit - The Prime Minister may have an unlimited number of terms, but they cannot serve more than two consecutive terms without having to step down and then run again later
[x] Cognatic - Males and females are on equal footing
[x] Head of government - The Prime Minister may write laws, although the Baroness retains a veto. Effect: May not change laws directly, but can use personal diplomacy to influence direction of vote or veto a disliked change
[x] Financial advisor - The Prime Minister may only advise the Baroness on the wishes of the people. Effect: Highlights publicly preferred economic actions
[x] Direct - The Prime Minister is elected by direct vote of all citizens
[x] Non-consecutive limit - The Prime Minister may have an unlimited number of terms, but they cannot serve more than two consecutive terms without having to step down and then run again later

I would like to unload at least part of our job onto someone else.

The PM can take care of the legislation. He should be more involved with what the people want and we can veto any bills that are clearly proposed by corporations or nobles that have no redeeming value.