Quite, speccing for an endgame foe now isn't really going to kill it anytime soon. Looks like Telepath, Biomancer, Telekinetic here? No sign of Divination or Pyrokinesis(granted it didn't really care enough to)
Divination as well:
"Ah! What a surprise! I cannot remember if I predicted this or not! I do so get lost in the moment, a bit of a failing of mine you see," the chorus of ethereal voices states as one in a pleasant tinkling of shattering glass.
[X] Get the remainder of your troops to establish an immediate quarantine
-[X] Call in everybody and everything. The Authority has the best chance of getting here in time, so they come first, but you need help wherever you can get it. The 504 berserkers, random local raiders, any wildlife you can attract, Anna's slaver vassals, everybody and everything. If you need to promise aid to someone, make the promise and keep it. This is a Warp incursion and your political problems and distaste for other peoples' policies can get thrown straight in there.
So Shear or Las, it could probably handle that way.

Well maybe but its divination isn't always on and thus it can be surprised.

Its telekinetic powers however are automatic there is precedent for this in the DH system as well. You can maintain a power indefinitely at the cost of having to roll periodically to see if you can maintain it and it makes it more difficult to manifest other powers.

The plus side of this is that always on powers do not have any chance of incurring warp phenom or perils even if you fail to maintain the power.
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Warning: Warning
warning My god, are people going to kick up a shitstorm every single time Academia Nut throws a curveball? Seriously, this is getting ridiculous.

@SuperSonicSound and @Alratan, cool your fucking jets. However dumb you perceive someone to be, it is not ever justified tell them that to their face or to advocate shaming them for whatever mistakes they have made. Either debate the point or don't engage them, and if you believe they are deliberately disrupting the thread via willfully awful decisionmaking, then you make the report. Incompetence and Malice do not necessarily come in a set. For this whole fiasco, both of you are getting 3-day threadbans, because this is not the first I've seen of such behavior.

Keep classy, Questers.
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To be honest, the moment Dia made a miraculous showing against the proto-Dark Eldar, we more or less had little to no endgame against this particular Eldar. She has no sense of mercy, and once attention is attracted there's little hope of her getting bored and wandering off without us being squashed. (Dark) Eldar are dicks like that - they like to destroy toys once they're bored with them.

* She *might* be able to be chased off by the Exodites, but they're not particularly interested in doing so and she knows it.

* There's unlikely to be a 'bigger fish' to devour her short of an existing Greater Daemon getting free on Dandriss. Another Eldar out for something interesting might fight and kill her, but that's also unlikely. In her search for entertainment, she *might* manage to have an accident with either the Warp or some form of super-Dandriss wildlife that hard-counters Eldar. I'm not going to *quite* pray for an opportunistic Enslaver, but...

* As we just demonstrated, she seems to be quite capable of being independent of biology for survival. We can try tearing her apart with gravity or some kind of annihilation (anti-matter or the like) in hopes of giving her nothing to anchor her to the Materium, and perhaps there's some way to trip her into the Warp in some way (... yeah, no, not gonna happen).

* Her telepathic and divinatory abilities means that even having a method to successfully take her out is going to be very hit or miss.

* There's few other things that would attract her attention enough to ignore us. The Authority melting down spectacularly might do it, albeit leaving us with another problem. But there's unlikely to be anything else more interesting then Dia and her family on the radar.

* Waiting her out is hazardous, and leads to her deciding to wipe the family out before she goes off somewhere else nine times out of ten.

* Attempting to stay interesting for generations is... well, I don't like it, and that's a long time to play that game with little margin for error.

* We can attempt to buy time to diversify the family, so if she decides to destroy her toys and move on to some other planet the dynasty can continue.

* We can take the Necron Pylon approach and try and find a way to successfully take her psychic powers out of the equation in an encounter. Yeah... I didn't think so either.

* Eldar *do* have a finite life span, albeit one measured in millenia rather then decades. We could hope she's near the end of hers, but that doesn't really help much.

* The long life-span does mean that we might not need to face her games more then once or twice a generation? That's a horrible silver lining >_<

Bleh. AN really outdid himself in finding a persistent villain that we're unlikely to be able to dispose of for the entirety of the quest. I've been kind of aware of that ever since the Eldar were introduced, but have been trying to not think of it.
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Hm. I should probably mention that I like the story Academia Nut is making out of our terrible decision. If he wanted an excuse to make our life harder whenever he feels like it, he succeeded wonderfully with this situation, and I understand why he would want that.

My condolences to SuperSonicSquid and Alatran on getting banned. Are they allowed to PM people like me who are interested in what they have to say about the thread while they're banned?
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Of course, Commissar Kitty.


Right. Listen up! You rag-tag group of juvenile delinquents!

What's done is done. I didn't vote for it, but right now we have to make the best of the situation. Now let's do what we do best as Questers, bounce back hard enough to derail the schemes of the GM.
IIRC ban evasion is itself an offense.
Her telepathic and divinatory abilities means that even having a method to successfully take her out is going to be very hit or miss.
Makes me think that going warpfire might not be such a good thing. If she's seriously threatened rather than delightfully resisted she might stop fucking around. Better to make sure we can take the heat before we turn up the fire.
[X] Get the remainder of your troops to establish an immediate quarantine
-[X] Call in everybody and everything. The Authority has the best chance of getting here in time, so they come first, but you need help wherever you can get it. The 504 berserkers, random local raiders, any wildlife you can attract, Anna's slaver vassals, everybody andeverything. This is a Warp incursion and your political problems and distaste for other peoples' policies can get thrown straight in there.
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About time you admitted you were trying to get us into a situation where if the Authority drops a star bomb on us the correct response is "thank you sir may I have another."

That only applies if you had any indication whatsoever that it would happen. Also, in than analogy, the money doesn't even cover your hospital bills.

Then you shouldn't have sabotaged the quest and fucked us over.

Well, maybe we'll stand a chance next time then.

Well fuck you too
Just because you don't want your fuck up acknowledged or recognised doesn't mean it shouldn't be. You fucked up very badly and should be called out and shamed for it.

With the way the weighting is shown to work, it's the only way to avoid further disasters like this. There have to be consequences for deliberate or reckless sabotage of the kind you just indulged in.

And you can take a flying fuck to yourself as well.

This shit happens, and I am certainly glad we were able to be warned of it before a greater daemon stepped through the portal, which would have in fact been game over.

The Eldar for one, need to learn about what is going on, maybe they will deign to intervene for once. In addition we need to get Danzig in on this, and make sure the 504's dont pull shennanigans while we are away. I mean, it would really suck if it started eating our own settlements one after the other, later on, with no way to stop it.

Greater Daemons are world destroying horrors, we could have gone right away, or postponed our meeting, but either way it would have shown up sooner or later.

I have no regrets, and would vote to go again in a heartbeat.
Any way, this thing is a telekinetic monster so we need to re-route our weapons research to Las weapons asap.

Its automatic telekinetic shield won't be able to stop las weaponry in the way it does EM fire..

I'm not sure even laser weaponry (well highly energtic weaponry is different) would do much. At least fluffwise daemonhosts have been noted to be relatively immune to lower end weaponry of all sorts. And this eldar is basically a daemonhost or will be soonish (tm). This worlb basically needs anti-psyker weaponry/defenses. Good luck with that though because effectively everything related to that field of study is tainted by Eldar perspective. If Gravekeeper were still alive that would be different potentially. In some ways the best route for Dandriss long term is effectively to become basically a forgeworld type planet where it heavily depends on cybernetic/robotic forces to do much of its fighting.

And also that it wasn't weighted such that it was practically certain to fail after the multipliers. If the Eldar had left the warpspawned monster behind and departed while we called in air support, it would have been a safer bet.

Well thing is we'll never know ;) Good stories always have what if scenarios. In this case that Eldar could have left behind another daemonhost for all we know that will be worse than anything that might have come out of the portal. OR we could be facing a daemonhost AND whatever came out of the portal. Or we could have been facing a daemonhost, whatever comes out of the portal, and an eldar seer/warlock that is capable of mind controlling large numbers of people (and may have been able to control the authority pilots to some extent).

We just don't know, hell AN could have intended this be Dia's blaze of glory scene. I will point out regardless the situation is what it is and literally the only thing you could do to make things worse is to summon this guy. Though if you guys manage to do that I will be breaking out the popcorn.

Edit: Looks like I should make a few things also clear for those who might be wondering what we're facing right now:

1) Eldar Sage/Seer/Warlock- Not present; he went poofy through the warp; he is also a future daemonhost as indicated by AN
2) Stitched/melted together daemonhost - Not viable in its current state; we interfered with its creation/transfer process
3) Warp breach (greater) - appears to be a growing? warp breach; not good because 1) warp spawn or 2) enslavers. There's also option 3 which is warp taint but we wont know till the dice roll

Also this eldar seer apparently already knew about Dia's family and was getting bored so wanted to speed things along in regards to making things interesting. Apparently per AN's blurb it was always going to kill Mirande's military escort, but now we know in advance it will do so.
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Warning: Warning
Well fuck you too

And you can take a flying fuck to yourself as well.

This shit happens, and I am certainly glad we were able to be warned of it before a greater daemon stepped through the portal, which would have in fact been game over.

The Eldar for one, need to learn about what is going on, maybe they will deign to intervene for once. In addition we need to get Danzig in on this, and make sure the 504's dont pull shennanigans while we are away. I mean, it would really suck if it started eating our own settlements one after the other, later on, with no way to stop it.

Greater Daemons are world destroying horrors, we could have gone right away, or postponed our meeting, but either way it would have shown up sooner or later.

I have no regrets, and would vote to go again in a heartbeat.
warning You know how I threadbanned Alratan and SuperSonicSound already like, a few pages ago?

Because I do.

Do not continue this argument.
[X] Get the remainder of your troops to establish an immediate quarantine

Regardless of what option wins, AN always delivers with excellent writing.

So there's really no bad option is there?
[] Get the remainder of your troops to establish an immediate quarantine

Regardless of what option wins, AN always delivers with excellent writing.

So there's really no bad option is there?
I don't like tragedies, and foolish decisions like "give in to the mind control" are too likely to turn our story into one. Academia Nut would give us a good tragedy, but that's not the kind of story I want, and I consider anyone who does want one hostile.
Mmmm... well, thinking a bit, I suppose we could certainly *try* to develop anti-psyker tech, perhaps using Dandriss lifeforms or metals. It can't hurt, at least.

And the idea of doing a "cold iron burns the fae" thing is kind of attractive, isn't it? A kind of inversely-psychoactive iron ^____^
I don't like tragedies, and foolish decisions like "give in to the mind control" are too likely to turn our story into one. Academia Nut would give us a good tragedy, but that's not the kind of story I want, and I consider anyone who does want one hostile.

Consider the options presented and the lack of any modifier (though this more action oriented than anything else).

[] Get the remainder of your troops to establish an immediate quarantine
[] Run and hope the contamination can't spread if not held back

Stick around and Dia along with her remaining troops might be able to handle what comes through. Might.
Run away, and well you're hoping that it either closes up the breach without spreading warp taint, does not unleash some horribad spawns or worse, or decides to keep growing and engulf the entire planet or even the damn system (oh hey that last.....thats an entire possibility).
I personally believe there is nothing that we could have done to prepare for this scenario, let alone how to deal appropriately with a daemonhost or two without massive casualties that might not have been recoverable from.

This does not mean that the choice is a tragedy waiting to happen, but rather you ought to be prepped for character death.

Mmmm... well, thinking a bit, I suppose we could certainly *try* to develop anti-psyker tech, perhaps using Dandriss lifeforms or metals. It can't hurt, at least.

Well if this was original 40k verse then anti-psyker/psyker tech does exist (e.g the Cognosycants and their psi material for example, Omnocaepia(sp), etc). Should we have a complete STC we might have had access to some of this tech. Unfortunately we don't and like I mentioned earlier, everything Dia at least knows about Eldar psykers and how they use their powers is potentially tainted (hence the need to perform research)
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Consider the options presented and the lack of any modifier (though this more action oriented than anything else).

Stick around and Dia along with her remaining troops might be able to handle what comes through. Might.
Run away, and well you're hoping that it either closes up the breach without spreading warp taint, does not unleash some horribad spawns or worse, or decides to keep growing and engulf the entire planet or even the damn system (oh hey that last.....thats an entire possibility).
I personally believe there is nothing that we could have done to prepare for this scenario, let alone how to deal appropriately with a daemonhost or two without massive casualties that might not have been recoverable from.

This does not mean that the choice is a tragedy waiting to happen, but rather you ought to be prepped for character death.
... I think I am. Better that Dia die here than the warp destroy everything she's worked to rebuild and our hope of doing more, anyway.

Well if this was original 40k verse then anti-psyker/psyker tech does exist (e.g the Cognosycants and their psi material for example, Omnocaepia(sp), etc). Should we have a complete STC we might have had access to some of this tech. Unfortunately we don't and like I mentioned earlier, everything Dia at least knows about Eldar psykers and how they use their powers is potentially tainted (hence the need to perform research)
Isn't it one of the setting rules that nobody gets a complete STC ever? Anyway, yes, the only way we can get anti-psi weapons is to research psi stuff in general.
... I think I am. Better that Dia die here than the warp destroy everything she's worked to rebuild and our hope of doing more, anyway.

Isn't it one of the setting rules that nobody gets a complete STC ever? Anyway, yes, the only way we can get anti-psi weapons is to research psi stuff in general.

Well, anywhere with an STC at all seems to have been at the center of the destruction for us. May be the same elsewhere.
Seeing as this is the start of the Age of Strife it seems fairly likely that there are more of them around than by the end, where there remains only one confirmed intact STC.
That many? Huh.

But hey, maybe we'll get lucky and the Exodite put an STC printout for psychoactive materials in the paradox cube to remove our temptation to go to Eldar tech for it. That is basically the only thing we ever wanted Eldar tech for anyway - it's not like we had any use for bikes no human can steer.