I might do something if Psi is chosen, but no disaster.

And the EM STC is a database with construction information. The issue is the C in STC can stand for Construct - the products - or Constructor - the facility that puts it all together.
Let me just list a couple of the ways this game could go:

1.) Tomb Cyber Kings - Preserved at the edge of death as brains in jars kept in cybernetic stasis until needed, the undying ancestral members of Stone dynasty can be roused to war when needed, implanted in robotic war machines to rain death and destruction upon their enemies

2.) Techno-Nomads - Moving through the forests on the backs of their roachrhinos/mechs, the tribe moves from ruined city to ruined city, finding little bits of the old world in the rubble while still maintaining a surprising degree of sophistication with their mobile UAMs despite their nomadic lifestyle

3.) Psychic Philosophers - finding and discovering psykers early and establishing methods of control to keep them from losing it and inviting disaster, Dandriss becomes a place of enlightenment and home to a variety of psychic monastic orders

These are, of course, just a few of the directions things could go from the conditions right now, and doesn't touch upon the myriad of other possibilities, but you can see how things may evolve.

Does it say something when I want to combined all of the above into our sole direction as a cyber/monster tamer/philosophic WH40k Bretonnia?

Because I want to do that.
[X] Attempt to amend the Shattersaw Consitution
[X] Send out diplomatic feelers with more distant communities

[X] Reassign Command Centre Design to Willpower Training
[X] Shattersaw Loop Expedition
[X] Owl's Nest Expedition
[x] Upgrade Military (Light Autocannons)
-[x] Enough fast track/AA autocannons to give our settlements, and Shattersaw basic perimeter coverage. Max of 4000C worth of autocannons. Priority to Greengraft, then Shattersaw, then the others.
-[X] 72 AAA LAC at 55C each
[X] Train 270 Authority Troops

[X] Build Zoological centre in Glenshade Manor
[X] Build MPRTC in Glenshade Manor

[X] Multi-Purpose Teaching and Research Complex (504s would like you to build this)

[X] Investigate the new Lord Mayor
[x] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them

[X] Research Networking II

Cost: 1200C + 3960C + 1000C + 200C + 200C + 230 Troops not trained this turn
Benefits: 5400C paid + 6210 savings from soldiers not trained this turn

The negotiations with the Dragonflies and the 504s over what direction to take your research in is interesting, to say the least, since both of them are quite interested in pursuing a materials science project, which is unusual since usually they have been more interested in weaponry. However, when Sammael points out that the pistol discovered in the Admin building is technically shared by all of you and thus it is in their interests that its use be figured out, and since there are apparently some very peculiar materials in it you need to improve your materials analysis capacity before that can happen. He also points out that it would likely allow the 504s to pursue development of personal body armour on their own, assuming that they could find samples of it... which given that some of their population is running mercenary contracts, or the salvage from the Admin Building, is entirely possible.

Available Mutual Research Projects
[] Plasma Physics II 4/1000
[] Laser Physics I 176/400
[] Field Physics I
[] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)
[] Aeronautics II 0/500
[] Howitzer 51/300
[] Rotary Autocannon 3/300
[] University 0/1000
[] Rooftop Solar 75/300

Teaching and Research
You also have enough spare academics to be able to switch one of your teaching centres over to a research centre, potentially greatly accelerating the completion of one of your projects.

Switch a teaching centre over?
[] Leave as is
[] Assign to Artificial Intelligence I
[] EM Field Gun
[] Networking II
[] Joint Research Project (to be decided)

Personal Actions
This year is going to be a busy one, but even then you can still squeeze in some personal time. As always there is too much to do and not enough time to do it all in, although at least you're not in the miserable funk you were last year. You've even heard some people whispering that you should seek out a new marriage for political reasons, but a lack of candidates and still not feeling up to that means that you don't think you really want to yet.

Select up to 2 options (Working with Mirande soft locked)
[] Make a pilgrimage to a temple
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[] Try to work with Victoria specifically
[] Spend some extra time with Anna
[] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [] Specify which
[] Study Grave Keeper's Memoirs
[] Meditate on the alien knowledge
[] Try to train a dragonfly

Mirande's Personal Action

As she is now almost 17, Mirande also gets her own personal actions. You can either try to control this for her, or let her figure it out for herself. You can also give her leave to repeat her actions from last year and to even keep some of her spoils this time.
[] Give her the free time to pursue her own interests
[] Focus on a stat
- [] Specify which
[] Have her assist one of her sisters (not Anna)
- [] Specify which
[] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
[] Allow her to play the market and keep some of the money

AN: I know it's a bit short, but still not feeling 100%. I should be better for tomorrow though.
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[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

This is better for us given our synergies, and the others want it too.

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

[X] Give her the free time to pursue her own interests

Mirande did well the last time we gave her free time! Let's give her her head and hopefully let her continue sharpening her skills.
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

[X] Assign to Artificial Intelligence I

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
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[X] Rooftop Solar 75/300

Select up to 2 options (Working with Mirande soft locked)

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)

[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

Mirande's Personal Action
[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs

Switch a teaching centre over?
[X] Assign to Artificial Intelligence I
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I might do something if Psi is chosen, but no disaster.

And the EM STC is a database with construction information. The issue is the C in STC can stand for Construct - the products - or Constructor - the facility that puts it all together.
Ahh thank you! I knew there was something I was missing.

Now the vote seems pretty clear.
Available Mutual Research Projects
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

Personal Actions
[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

Mirande's Personal Action
[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
I want to see what a psyker of Mirande's ability can peruse from the memoirs.
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

Not sure on Mirande's personal action.
Is Anna still resentful about Mirande's favoritism? Out of curiosity, why didn't we ever explain to Anna our reasons for doing so?
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

This is better for us given our synergies, and the others want it too.

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

[X] Give her the free time to pursue her own interests

Weren't we given a warning about not letting people who didn't see the star fall read the memoirs?
[X] Materials Science I

[X] Try to work with Victoria specifically
[X] Spend some extra time with Anna

[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs

As important as training Miranda is, there are other Stone daughters, and they deserve a chance to earn traits too. The more well qualified heirs, the better. Having Miranda study the memoirs is almost like giving her a research assignment before resuming regular classes.
Available Mutual Research Projects
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

Personal Actions
[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

Mirande's Personal Action
[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
Is Anna still resentful about Mirande's favoritism? Out of curiosity, why didn't we ever explain to Anna our reasons for doing so?
...that might actually be very important since she is now the ruler of her own faction. If she starts seeing Psykers in her territory, she NEEDS to know what to do. We may want to give her a read-through of the Codex Aetherium.
Also, it occurs to me- with Maxwell dead, who's watching the youngest two while Dia is out campaigning? I apologize if this was answered upthread, but I skipped a lot of stuff between updates to catch up.
[X] Try to work with Victoria specifically
[X] Spend some extra time with Anna

As important as training Miranda is, there are other Stone daughters, and they deserve a chance to earn traits too. The more well qualified heirs, the better.
We spent an action working with Victoria last turn (and didn't sacrifice her trait gain chance unlike Mirande's), and we are currently tutoring Anna, being her primary educator.
Available Mutual Research Projects
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

Teaching and Research
[X] Joint Research Project (to be decided)

Personal Actions (Select up to 2 options (Working with Mirande soft locked)
[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

Mirande's Personal Action
[X] Have her study Grave Keeper's memoirs
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Weren't we given a warning about not letting people who didn't see the star fall read the memoirs?
No, quite the opposite.

To those reading this, I do hope that you find it in your hearts to make copies so that others might read it. I have endeavoured to make the introduction as clear as possible, although my brain has not bent that way in many years so I find it trying to do so. This is a memoir of the Grave Keeper, who was born the day the Stars Fell. I have recorded my thoughts and experiences and thus laid out a map for the young to follow. If you seek the truth of the Grave Keeper, look not in these pages but in where these pages lead, and they will bring you to my treasures and sorrows. While it is a path all may tread, I ask that walking its full length be kept to those new to the world, the light of Stars having never kissed them. My grasp of the souls of others fails me now, so I begin in earnest...

At least from this, Grave Keeper seems to want people who didn't see star fall be the ones to really get into the memoir and comprehend it.
[X] Materials Science I 96/300 (2x vote weight)

This is better for us given our synergies, and the others want it too.

[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically (Reminder: gains +1 chance to increase willpower)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge

[X] Give her the free time to pursue her own interests

Mirande did well the last time we gave her free time! Let's give her her head and hopefully let her continue sharpening her skills.

It sounds as if materials science is going to lead to better body armor for the 504. Given that these melee fighters are already capable of wearing improvised armor of metal plating sewn into their clothing while still charging with heavy power tools they can probably get some decent armor at a lower tech than most factions by just accepting a heavier weight.

On the other hand, rooftop solar is quick, saves us space, industry, and artisans, and doesn't really play to their strengths since they have a guild system providing them with artisans and more industrial capacity to absorb the strain of manufacturing fusion reactors. We need those artisans dearly, and fusion reactors drink them up.

The memoirs are important. Gravekeeper produced them specifically because Dia asked him to ensure that there was a way to pass on his abilities as a (relatively) stable psyker faction leader barehanded Eldar ass-kicker. We know that we happenstantially acquired the tools to construct a stable psyker tradition, and the write-in to get the memoirs was likely a large part of that.

Is Anna still resentful about Mirande's favoritism? Out of curiosity, why didn't we ever explain to Anna our reasons for doing so?

She never gained the "envious" trait, so she likely got over it. Telling her would not have done anything to reduce the problem, and would have created new ones.

...that might actually be very important since she is now the ruler of her own faction. If she starts seeing Psykers in her territory, she NEEDS to know what to do. We may want to give her a read-through of the Codex Aetherium.

Possibly, but that is very different than telling her that her sister is one of them. Right now only two living souls know Mirande's secret, which is a potentially very powerful asset not to be discarded lightly.
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Possibly, but that is very different than telling her that her sister is one of them. Right now only two living souls know Mirande's secret, which is a potentially very powerful asset not to be discarded lightly.
I see what you are saying, but this is one of those things where we need to go all-or-nothing. Once she knows of the existence of Psykers, the chances of her realizing or finding out about Mirande goes WAY up. And that is not the kind of surprise you want to spring on someone.

Anna is in the best head-space she is likely to find. Plus, she may well have need of the special advantages a Psyker can give.
I see what you are saying, but this is one of those things where we need to go all-or-nothing. Once she knows of the existence of Psykers, the chances of her realizing or finding out about Mirande goes WAY up. And that is not the kind of surprise you want to spring on someone.

Anna is in the best head-space she is likely to find. Plus, she may well have need of the special advantages a Psyker can give.

It will probably come up during Anna's military training, especially once we have our Willpower Training standarized. We need to tell her what she's up against, and who she can trust.