Government Income: 10885
Treasury: 3819
Personal Wealth: 305C
Projected Net Income: 13440C

Select up to 2 actions
[x] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[x] Trade with the Machine Heads

Bring in more immigrants from the outlying Free Volunteers settlements, and improve the Machine Heads' relations and economy to make them a closer and more powerful ally.

Select up to 2 options (Can reassign command centre design for 3)
[x] Train Soldiers Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[x] Train Soldiers (x2) Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

Train as large a number of Jaegers as we can right now, so that the Barracks will be able to train up more Jaegers with having to spend actions on training. We should have UAM Design next turn, which would make SAWs cheaper as the UAM bottleneck is less of a limit, and we should hve AA mounts for the Light Autocannons next turn, so I'd suggest that we hold off on buying SAWs and LACs until next turn, when our funds would go further.

Pick up to 1 options
[x] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

Improved research, plus we control the network infrastructure for better security.

You can also commit to a project in Shattersaw. Your public would like improved defences in the city, which would be best done by a new barracks.

Pick 1 option
[x] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

It's what our people are asking for, so it should help diffuse any discontent about the deal with the Machine Heads. Plus it will help Shattersaw increase its force of soldiers, which means we'll have to divert fewer of our soldiers to defend it.

Pick up to 2 options
[x] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
[x] Investigate Dragonflies technology
- [x] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design

Kelenas' comments about the probability of the Dragonflies trying to infiltrate our own security services seems plausible, so I'd like to get our people deeper into their spook service. And I want to get the Cloning Tank research completed ASAP so we can get to work on Biomedical Logic, which will give a great boost to Cybernetic Surgery and Universal Healing Machine Research.


[x] Land Train 0/200

This should take us 1 or 2 turns and really improve our ability to keep in contact with the outlying settlements along the rail line, and actively support them if needed.
@Academia Nut

Will the improved and networked Archival tool research bonus apply this turn if we spend the economic action on it?


Edit: Also a note, that our head of research is explicitly pointing out that the limited ai research option is of value in increasing our research output. The GM has also in the past stated that both networking and AI 1 together unlocks 'learning' tools. So it's probably a good idea to go for this sooner rather than later. Although I'm agreed on the Train project for now.
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Why is it being built in greengraft when we need it in glenshade manner?

I think that's a book keeping error. At least I hope it is the intention was to build it in Glenshade as I recall.

Edit: Also I think we used a back up reactor for Greengraft with the creation of the manual manufactory. So we should have excess power available which isn't listed on the front page. In general things look pretty out of date on the front page.
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The book felt ancient in her hands. That was almost assuredly the point, as the text had been written long before humanity had escaped their first gravity well. The synthetic textiles that imitated the woven fibers of a plant that had never been native to Dandriss gave every impression of fragility and delicacy, though demonstrably they were tough enough to survive an apocalypse. The words on the page were completely incomprehensible to Janice Rivers, written in a language no one had spoken for a millennium.

When an archival tool was brought to bear on it, however, the miracles of modern science shone through. Nanoscopic chips embedded in the spine were detected by the archival tool and transmitted the data held within, synchronizing with onboard registries and translating the dead language into any number of languages the tiny device had on file. Currently, the chief diplomat had it set to something she could read without too much difficulty. The courier that brought it to her fidgeted nervously but said nothing.

"So Baron Maxwell simply wanted to send his wife some light reading?" Janice asked, a tone of polite disbelief entering her tone. The courier was one of Greengraft's designated couriers who made the monthly mail run.

The girl- woman, she reminded herself. Barely into her fourty third year, someone half her age shouldn't make her feel so old, no matter the stress of the last decade and a half- nodded. Realizing that more was required of her, she said "Yes, ma'am."

Rivers sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose to fend off the oncoming headache. Maxwell had always been charming but acted as if being direct would bite him in his classically-sculpted ass, so even actions that seemed entirely straightforward and understandable usually weren't.

This book on..."falconry" was sent via the diplomatic pouch (which was probably a violation of security and procedure at least thrice over, but it was too late in the evening for her to care for the moment), and he sent it as part of his guise as Baroness Stone's husband rather than sovereign of a foreign polity. Making a note to herself to ask the people in the legal department what sort of precedent having your boss' husband being head of another state would have for her, she moved on.

The book wasn't a gift to Dia. If it was, he'd have a copy translated and sent over for nighttime reading, even assuming that the Baroness had a secret love of the sport for all that Janice had never heard her mention. The book he did send over was from his family's private stock, and given that even pre-Fall it was uncommonly well-made even for the normally decorative libraries of the nobility. She's missing something here, she knows it. Taking off the archival tool, she closed her eyes and counted to a hundred. She was a wealthy, classically-educated member of the elite of society, and she wanted something to line her apartment's walls.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the book with a fresh perspective. It was masterfully made; the 'ink' on the pages bright and clear, vivid without being gaudy. She could probably fool herself into thinking it was all handmade as well, clearly a work of art just for the object itself. But something that nice wasn't there for aesthetic value alone, the subject matter was important as well. It was a noble's book for...a noble's pastime. Flicking her archival tool back in place, she input a few short commands into the device.

Falconry was a pastime for the upper classes on a number of worlds in various guises. The bulk of the data encoded in the microchips was on a few species of now-extinct avianoids from Jerovas IV, which were modified from a previous form of the flying creatures imported from another star. There were footnotes tagged as being relevant to other species domesticated to serve in similar roles...hold the phone.

Standing upright, then immediately regretting that due to the headrush making her feel somewhat dizzy, she picked up the landline on her desk and dialed Provost Vultin's office. The man had long since gone to bed, but one of his secretaries answered the phone all the same.

"Office of the Provost, can I take a message?"

"Selena, it's Janice. Quick question; are there any projects regarding domestication of local predatory wildlife completed?" Janice curled the phone's cable around her finger, an anxious habit that she had never gotten rid of. Her brain said she was taking a stab in the dark, but her gut said that it was a good one.

After a few long minutes the secretary got back to her. "No, nothing. Sorry." A click and some typing. "There is a project that we have on record from one of our subsidiary departments, however." That was the polite way of saying that they got it from the Recyclers. "Domesticating dragonflies, it looks like. Is that what you're looking for?"

"It just might be, thank you. You've been more than helpful."

Dragonfly domestication? It was almost like Maxwell had planned this. He sent the book to, presumably, prompt progress on that project. But why?

Because he was quietly under pressure from his own nobles. Flicking through one of the filing cabinets in her office, she paged through a report from their envoy to the Dragonflies on a formal dinner two months ago. Among the vapid flattery and coy insinuations were a number of barbs concerning the Baroness as being 'most admirably fit for her designated station in life, and on the wings of serendipity risen up to her current lofty position', words that would sound like a complement to someone who hadn't spent time near Baron Maxwell when he was being prickly about something.

So, a rising tide of complaints regarding Dia Stone's lack of cultural refinement followed by Maxwell sending a book on how to come across as refined to a pack of snobbish aristocrats? That was almost straightforward of you, Baron Aetos. Handing the courier the book back, she instructed the young woman to ensure that the Provost's Office had it by the start of business tomorrow and began typing up an email flagging the dragonfly domestication project as a matter of potential increased diplomatic interest.
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Train Soldiers x2
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Building Industrial Fusion Reactor in Greengraft, will complete in 1 turn
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Train Soldiers x2
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Building Industrial Fusion Reactor in Greengraft, will complete in 1 turn
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Train Soldiers x2
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Building Industrial Fusion Reactor in Greengraft, will complete in 1 turn
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Train Soldiers x2
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Building Industrial Fusion Reactor in Greengraft, will complete in 1 turn
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200
Hmm, the soldiers come already equipped with SAWs now, right? I think Academia Nut mentioned something *like* that, but if not, shouldn't we make sure they have guns before making more soldiers?
Hmm, the soldiers come already equipped with SAWs now, right? I think Academia Nut mentioned something *like* that, but if not, shouldn't we make sure they have guns before making more soldiers?

You have 15 SAWs distributed among more than 15 squads of troops, so you have less than 1 per squad now. You're also seeing the militias with more machine guns since they can no longer be assigned a SAW for garrison purposes.

Also, the front page has been updated a bit with research and the costs for building pile tree curtain walls. Note that you only need an action to set cultivation (as much as you can afford) into motion, you don't have to maintain an action for the full growing period. Also, the fissile material harvest has been updated with something I meant to put in last night. There is now a chance of something going horribly wrong if you aren't careful.
Hey, we've heard the man. Maybe we should, you know, buy some SAWs if we're going to get more troops?

With one round of soldier training we'll have 200 soldiers, so we should have at least 23 SAWs. One for each squad, and then one for each 'location' as a garrison. More might be nice, but I'll leave it to the people who are doing the math as to what we can afford.
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Hey, we've heard the man. Maybe we should, you know, buy some SAWs if we're going to get more troops?

If we wait two turns we'll have more UAMs and one for the barracks which means we can get SAWS much more cheaply. If we assign a research centre to the UAm Project it has a chance of finishing next turn.

UAM Design + 38 -> 519/750

d100 + d25 + 63 + 5 wat (+upgraded archival tools?) + 38 tech leak.

a small one admittedly.
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Fair enough, I suppose we'll just have to hope that no major military threats come up in the next two turns. Which I admit feels a little optimistic.

I mean, it'd be almost trivial to pay for 10 SAWs instead of doing Soldiers twice, and the ratio will only get worse if we do soldiers twice. 240 soldiers, 15 SAWs.

I mean, something like 2/5ths of us were willing to give away 8500C a few days ago, and now we're skimping on a 1500C expense in the hopes that nothing comes up in the next two years, in order to save money two years from now?
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If we wait two turns we'll have more UAMs and one for the barracks which means we can get SAWS much more cheaply. If we assign a research centre to the UAm Project it has a chance of finishing next turn.

UAM Design + 38 -> 519/750

d100 + d25 + 63 + 5 wat (+upgraded archival tools?) + 38 tech leak.

a small one admittedly.
And then we need to spend actions on building UAMs, most likely. I'm thinking at least 3 turns before we can get a discount on SAWs, too long for me.
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[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Buy 10 SAWs
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Building Industrial Fusion Reactor in Greengraft, will complete in 1 turn
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate 504s technology

This puts us at enough SAWs for everyone, including garrisons, to have one. We could buy more, but I'm going to assume there is a reason we're pinching our pennies and thus choose an option only 100 C more expensive than buying soldiers twice.
You have 15 SAWs distributed among more than 15 squads of troops, so you have less than 1 per squad now. You're also seeing the militias with more machine guns since they can no longer be assigned a SAW for garrison purposes.

Also, the front page has been updated a bit with research and the costs for building pile tree curtain walls. Note that you only need an action to set cultivation (as much as you can afford) into motion, you don't have to maintain an action for the full growing period. Also, the fissile material harvest has been updated with something I meant to put in last night. There is now a chance of something going horribly wrong if you aren't careful.
Mh, not to be annoying, but when will you update the frontpage with the data from Amethyst Garden? Ie, space, buildings, population, etc?
Okay, so as of right now we've got 160 soldiers (16 squads) and 15 SAWs. Two per squad means a total of 32, so 17 saws. We'll be adding in 2 squads (the greengraft contingent) through auto-training, so add 4 more to 21. Four more squads with a training action, meaning 22 squads total and a total of 44 SAWs. Take the 15 we already have out and we want another 29 SAWs. We could get more for future-proofing if we want, but let's start with this for now - that's 4350 C to bring our military up to par, plus 1400 C for the training action.

Other uses this turn for the money - trading with the Machine Heads, of course. Upgrading the Archival Tools (I argue) is another 600. So a total cost of 6350 plus trade amounts. That seems pretty comfortable to me.

Incidentally, @Academia Nut , how would we go about having the production of 2 SAWs being routine as part of building a new squad?

EDIT: We also seem to have are artisans and academics numbers unchanged, even though we did some teaching last year (?)
Yeah, that all makes sense and I'd definitely vote for that. Though, we do also need a SAW or three for garrison duty, like, one for each location in case the militia has to defend a place on its own for a bit.