Government Income: 10885
Treasury: 3819
Personal Wealth: 305C
Projected Net Income: 13440C
Select up to 2 actions
[x] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[x] Trade with the Machine Heads
Bring in more immigrants from the outlying Free Volunteers settlements, and improve the Machine Heads' relations and economy to make them a closer and more powerful ally.
Select up to 2 options (Can reassign command centre design for 3)
[x] Train Soldiers Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[x] Train Soldiers (x2) Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project
Train as large a number of Jaegers as we can right now, so that the Barracks will be able to train up more Jaegers with having to spend actions on training. We should have UAM Design next turn, which would make SAWs cheaper as the UAM bottleneck is less of a limit, and we should hve AA mounts for the Light Autocannons next turn, so I'd suggest that we hold off on buying SAWs and LACs until next turn, when our funds would go further.
Pick up to 1 options
[x] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)
Improved research, plus we control the network infrastructure for better security.
You can also commit to a project in Shattersaw. Your public would like improved defences in the city, which would be best done by a new barracks.
Pick 1 option
[x] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)
It's what our people are asking for, so it should help diffuse any discontent about the deal with the Machine Heads. Plus it will help Shattersaw increase its force of soldiers, which means we'll have to divert fewer of our soldiers to defend it.
Pick up to 2 options
[x] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
[x] Investigate Dragonflies technology
- [x] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
Kelenas' comments about the probability of the Dragonflies trying to infiltrate our own security services seems plausible, so I'd like to get our people deeper into their spook service. And I want to get the Cloning Tank research completed ASAP so we can get to work on Biomedical Logic, which will give a great boost to Cybernetic Surgery and Universal Healing Machine Research.
[x] Land Train 0/200
This should take us 1 or 2 turns and really improve our ability to keep in contact with the outlying settlements along the rail line, and actively support them if needed.
Treasury: 3819
Personal Wealth: 305C
Projected Net Income: 13440C
Select up to 2 actions
[x] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[x] Trade with the Machine Heads
Bring in more immigrants from the outlying Free Volunteers settlements, and improve the Machine Heads' relations and economy to make them a closer and more powerful ally.
Select up to 2 options (Can reassign command centre design for 3)
[x] Train Soldiers Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[x] Train Soldiers (x2) Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project
Train as large a number of Jaegers as we can right now, so that the Barracks will be able to train up more Jaegers with having to spend actions on training. We should have UAM Design next turn, which would make SAWs cheaper as the UAM bottleneck is less of a limit, and we should hve AA mounts for the Light Autocannons next turn, so I'd suggest that we hold off on buying SAWs and LACs until next turn, when our funds would go further.
Pick up to 1 options
[x] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)
Improved research, plus we control the network infrastructure for better security.
You can also commit to a project in Shattersaw. Your public would like improved defences in the city, which would be best done by a new barracks.
Pick 1 option
[x] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)
It's what our people are asking for, so it should help diffuse any discontent about the deal with the Machine Heads. Plus it will help Shattersaw increase its force of soldiers, which means we'll have to divert fewer of our soldiers to defend it.
Pick up to 2 options
[x] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
[x] Investigate Dragonflies technology
- [x] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
Kelenas' comments about the probability of the Dragonflies trying to infiltrate our own security services seems plausible, so I'd like to get our people deeper into their spook service. And I want to get the Cloning Tank research completed ASAP so we can get to work on Biomedical Logic, which will give a great boost to Cybernetic Surgery and Universal Healing Machine Research.
[x] Land Train 0/200
This should take us 1 or 2 turns and really improve our ability to keep in contact with the outlying settlements along the rail line, and actively support them if needed.