I hope that train project can be a joint research project. Building trains and rail lines serve not only to improve relations, infrastructure and economy of Greengraft and other settlements, but also the 504's and Dragonflies. Hell, it'd build closer ties to the point that we could strengthen the Federation we have going on here.

It would require you to share the compact fusion reactor design, so it would be doable, if you are willing to let that go.
8500C, which means that the Machine Heads will actually have money to throw at their infrastructure to expand it and thus their economy.

I guess that makes sense, though. I could still go for the loan, but think that we should find methods beyond tech-purchasing to spend that money. Seeing as they still didn't have militarized mech's in our first battles, I do not have high hopes for their technology. Perhaps something involving their artisans, industry, or Mechs?
I guess that makes sense, though. I could still go for the loan, but think that we should find methods beyond tech-purchasing to spend that money. Seeing as they still didn't have militarized mech's in our first battles, I do not have high hopes for their technology. Perhaps something involving their artisans, industry, or Mechs?

The 504 are likely the faction with UAM design, and as an offshoot of the 504 the Machine Heads would likely also have any technology which the 504 started with.
Umm, is there something for just repairing the rail lines/train tracks? We could come back to the locomotives later or set up a temporary diesel line.

This is an issue that pops up enough I should consider a FAQ. The issue is that the rail lines are all supposed to be powered from municipal reactors that produce gigantic amounts of power, all of which are radioactive ash sprinkled across the planet at this point. There was a certain minimum amount of power you had to push into the system to get it to go when things were running properly, and now the system is full of holes and leaks. For the foreseeable future the existing lines simply will not work. You could work out fresh ones if you invested in plasma and field physics and in materials science.

As for diesel (or any other petrochem system), that is doable, but it would require you to devote at least one refinery just to producing the fuel and the research and infrastructure investment time is probably greater than just building with fusion reactors.
Why would something like a train require a compact reactor? The backup reactors are described as being vehicle-portable, so one would expect that we wouldn't need to use something miniaturized enough to replace a mech's internal batteries instead of just building a locomotive car to haul a backup reactor.
Why would something like a train require a compact reactor? The backup reactors are described as being vehicle-portable, so one would expect that we wouldn't need to use something miniaturized enough to replace a mech's internal batteries instead of just building a locomotive car to haul a backup reactor.

The backup reactors aren't rated for use while in motion, and are frankly overkill. You could figure out how to fix that, or you could just use the compact reactors which already have more than enough punch for your needs. It's a fairly simple project as is, the majority of the work is in making sure the coupling system doesn't tear itself apart.
[x] Spot the Machine Heads the entire 8500C (0.5+d.10x)

Highest success odds, Machine Heads will rebuild economy and begin high value trading. They also likely become allied closely from gratitude.
May cause internal political pressure, our population won't appreciate just giving away huge sums of money.

[] Spot the Machine Heads what they can't pay on their own [6500C] (0.7+d.10x)

Good success rate, Machine Head economy remains devastated and require additional investment if they are to be a significant part of the region. Frankly if we do this we might as well spot them the whole sum, their restored economy would pay it back faster in trade.

[] Offer a loan with reasonable terms [600C a year for 20 years repayment schedule] (0.7+d.10x)

Decent success rate, and if its the whole sum they can rebuild their economy, though the repayment will reduce gratitude and slow growth. Less problems at home, a loan makes sense as an investment.

[] Offer a loan with less reasonable terms [1000C a year for 20 years repayment schedule) (0.2+d.10x)

Trouble waiting to happen. Harsh loan rates make us taking advantage of the situation to squeeze money out of them.

[] Try to convince the 504s to accept a payment schedule rather than a lump sum payment (0.6+d.10x)

Remember the 504s WANT to keep fighting. This will be a tough sell.

[] Let them figure out payment on their own (0.3+d.10x)

No way this works

I think we can count the full sum as an investment. We'd make it up in trade with their restored economy in a few years and we could use another friendly polity in Shattersaw, ideologically opposed to Dragonflies and with bad blood between them and the 504s. It means three factions that only like us, of which two like us enough that they won't fight while we're there.
[X] Spot the Machine Heads what they can't pay on their own [6500C] (0.7+d.10x)

IC she has the kind trait not charitable she will probably spot them the cash they are missing but not pay it completely off.
[X] Spot the Machine Heads what they can't pay on their own [6500C] (0.7+d.10x)

IC she has the kind trait not charitable she will probably spot them the cash they are missing but not pay it completely off.

We want to get that charitable trait if at all possible. So why not push towards it instead of going strictly with what her current traits suggest?
[x] Spot the Machine Heads the entire 8500C (0.5+d.10x)

The next turn planing will be interesting...
[x] Spot the Machine Heads the entire 8500C (0.5+d.10x)

I would prefer this be fronted by the Shattersaw Federation rather than our own polity, but I don't think that is going to occur. Never the less, the let's the Machine Heads rebuild their infrastructure, generates a lot of good will with us and can potentially get us the charitable trait.
This is an issue that pops up enough I should consider a FAQ. The issue is that the rail lines are all supposed to be powered from municipal reactors that produce gigantic amounts of power, all of which are radioactive ash sprinkled across the planet at this point. There was a certain minimum amount of power you had to push into the system to get it to go when things were running properly, and now the system is full of holes and leaks. For the foreseeable future the existing lines simply will not work. You could work out fresh ones if you invested in plasma and field physics and in materials science.

As for diesel (or any other petrochem system), that is doable, but it would require you to devote at least one refinery just to producing the fuel and the research and infrastructure investment time is probably greater than just building with fusion reactors.
Erm, why do we need the land train in the first place? I thought that the civilians recently modified the existing trucks using compact fusion reactors, so range shouldn't be an issue, and volume of cargo should only be a matter of using more vehicles.
I can see where the land train might have some advantages - cheaper, since only one motor/reactor would be necessary, and also requiring a smaller crew since only 1 vehicle needs to be steered - but I'm not sure I understand why we can't reach the other two FV settlements - ie, Librarian's Nook and Six Pillars - quickly enough?
Alternatively, couldn't we just establish a reaction-force in Amethyst Garden, with vehicles, soldiers, and whatnot, which can then quickly move to either settlement from there?

Also, we have absorbed Amethyst Garden (which still needs a segment on the frontpage, btw), but what about the settlement where the Recyclers originally lived? Hearthhome, I think? Did we take that over as well, or is it too distant, going by the same limitation why the other two settlements aren't joining us, yet?

As for what to do here:
[x] Spot the Machine Heads the entire 8500C (0.5+d.10x)
I'm not entirely happy about it, but I guess it's good enough.
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[] Offer a loan with reasonable terms [600C a year for 20 years repayment schedule] (0.7+d.10x)
Has the same beneficial effects as spotting them everything, while giving us a concrete benefit over time, and leverage beyond soft power. We already have a very good reputation, so lets collect off of it. We will still have a friendly polity, still make the loan up in trade, and still be the only faction any of these people like. We'll just have more money at the same time(and I doubt that a 600C drop in income will cripple their expansion so badly that we lose more than 600C in trade.) Also, please continue to consider carefully before voting, we don't want an insanity attack.
What? Can we even afford just giving them 8500C out of nowhere? Plus, it doesn't build up trade relations the same way a loan does. Because they have to repay, you know what that gives us? It gives us a reason to be interested in their economy. It gives us a reason to check in and say, "Hey, how's it going, what's your economy like?"

It does so under the pretense that we're asking to make sure they can pay their debts. And we *want* get get involved and link up with their economy.

[] Offer a loan with reasonable terms [600C a year for 20 years repayment schedule] (0.7+d.10x)
That's not 'easily' really. "Hey, we can spend our entire surplus this year and then some on it" isn't *easily.*

Easily is, "I made a thousand dollars, so here's a twenty, kid."

Because note, you know who else is going to want to spend that money? Us! And you know what the public wants us to spend that money on? Making things better. I think we can have a lot more justification for the spending if we package it as a loan and then talk about opening markets up.
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That's not 'easily' really. "Hey, we can spend our entire surplus this year and then some on it" isn't *easily.*

Easily is, "I made a thousand dollars, so here's a twenty, kid."

When you're a nation state level polity having a surplus at all is basically living in gravy land. Nations are not household economies. The fact that this move would still leave us firmly in the money means we can do it easily.

That it will likely provide another market for our industry means we also end up strengthening our longterm outlook as well.

Because note, you know who else is going to want to spend that money? Us! And you know what the public wants us to spend that money on? Making things better. I think we can have a lot more justification for the spending if we package it as a loan and then talk about opening markets up.

Remind me again, what's our ingame way of using that money for our own benefit as I see it the only thing we can spend oodles of money on is military equipment and whilst I'm quite happy to do that to strengthen our polity it does nothing to make the average persons lot in life easier.
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