He could have Khorne's skull fetish, follow Tzeentch's in scheeming, love his children which fly the Jolly Roger flag like Nurgle does and Slaanesh is ...
... fuck Slaanesh. Hir has no use here, only just been born so has other things on the agenda more pressing.
That's just it though, there's no 8 pointed stars, no people being sacrificed, and the hospital is totally normal. No bleeding from the eyes or anything.
You carefully look over the details coming in, and once your initial surge of anger cools you decide to that you unfortunately do not have actually actionable intelligence, although considering the general politics of the 504 and the proximity of the weapons cache you found to the sawmill you are suspicious of their involvement in shadier dealings before the War. You order Armin to finish up his investigation while you get ready for a trip.
Taking your freshly trained squad on a deployment to Shattersaw, you also take the time to stop by the hospital. Leaving the squad outside, you venture in and find that it is as others have said: the place is a macabre cathedral decorated with the bones of the dead, although the bones certainly seem to be arranged reverently rather than grotesquely, which is something, you suppose.
"Grave Keeper?" You call out.
"Ah! Apologies, apologies, apologies," a voice says from behind you, nearly making you jump but you hold back on the reaction. Instead you turn around and find the man behind you. In the light he is... just a man, really. A crazy, broken down man whose hair has gone wild and is starting to go grey. You also note that he appears to be built like a tank. Not normally the sort of thing you would expect from an insane hermit, but Grave Keeper clearly gets a lot of physical work done. Before you can say anything in response, he adds on, "There and back again, not sloth. Fair enough. Fair enough.
"I wanted to personally thank you for the information. It was quite helpful," you state.
"Fair to flock flocks fairly, fairly not?" Grave Keeper responds while his attention sort of wanders, a grin spreading beneath his beard. You get the feeling that he has a hard time focusing and that what he said sounded meaningful to him when he first started saying it, then funny towards the end.
"My people have been treating yours well, so you feel inclined to reciprocate?" You ask, trying to clarify what he said.
Going over to one of the bone murals on the wall, Grave Keeper seemed intent on fixing some minor detail for a moment before he asked, "Said I not?"
"Well you're hard to follow," you point out.
Grave Keeper brightened up at that and cackled a bit before he said, "Great pride in that!" He then sweeps off deeper into the hospital, you following behind. You call out to him and ask, "I just have one question! How did you know?"
Grave Keeper stops in his tracks and turns to you with an ominous look on his face before he breaks out into a grin and says, "Radio."
Fuck! He must have simply heard the transmission setting things up and then come to warn you in his own insane way. Hell, there was a solid 16 hours between when you talked with Martin and told him where you were going and when you got to the farms. They probably had people on watch there anyway. While the shot would have required an expert, skilled hunters were not in short supply among those that worked in the forest and a large majority of them had survived the starbomb attack, so it was all things considered not that difficult for the 504 to have set up. It was well done and cunning and an object lesson in how not to under-estimate people.
Grave Keeper had walked down a hallway almost to its end while you stewed on that piece of information when he spun on his heels and came back, saying excitedly, "A boon promised! A boon!"
"Yes, well, your assistance has already been quite the boon and..." You start to say before suddenly Grave Keeper is way too close.
"A message for one who has been there and back again no boon," he says, his beard nearly tickling your face. You would get him to back the fuck off, but you're not sure how. "Too many to choose, so must choose. To know and to fear, to have and to wonder, or to ask and be aided? Which is chosen?"
You choose...
[] Information
[] A trinket
[] A favour
On a side note, when we start trading, we should sell text books along side food. Not only do they help keep humanity from a decline, but they also are an excellent opportunity to provide propaganda to vulnerable young minds. It shouldn't be political propaganda, as that would be too blatant, but propaganda designed to influence core values would be quite effective.
This seems most like what our character would go for.
And the 'radio' comment got me laughing. He may or may not be a crazy psyker, but he's certainly smarter then we apparently are when it comes to gathering intel
This seems most like what our character would go for.
And the 'radio' comment got me laughing. He may or may not be a crazy psyker, but he's certainly smarter then we apparently are when it comes to gathering intel
Grave Keeper grins and then pulls back away from you, giggling of all things, and then he says, "The bones tell! The bones' tale trembles and terrifies! Come with me, come with me!"
Following the madman up the stairs to the top of the hospital, you find yourself standing in front of the massive pile of skulls he had built. Humming to himself he looks over them, picking them up and seeming to talk to them a few times before he finally lets out a gleeful shout and plucks out a specific skull from the pile.
"What a tale! What a tale! So far from home, so far from home! A traveller whose feet went almost as far as your soul, if not by foot or rail. Curious, no? Spectacular, yes!" Grave Keeper explains.
"What was so important about this person?" You ask, trying to suss out what had him so excited.
"His face! His face remains still, no? Very important face once, very important. Death more important," Grave Keeper explains, then turning the skull around to reveal the back of it and the very obvious cause of death: the back of the skull has exploded outward. Not like a bullet had passed through it or even that the brain matter had been boiled over, but something far stranger and grotesque. It was like the back of his skull had become like putty and swollen up like a balloon, the final moments as rupture occurred captured in slow motion, the bone still all one piece and solid, but now with a massive hole in it.
"What the..." you breathe as you take in the impossible damage. Composing yourself, you then ask, "May I take pictures?"
"You may," Grave Keeper says, and you pull out your phone to start gathering details on the damage.
Because of your handling of the situation you gain +1 base Intrigue and +1 base Learning
Turn 3 Results
"The former governor's second son," the Provost tells you a month later once the facial reconstruction programs have finished compiling in the downtime cycles among the rest of the work. "We have no idea what could have caused the damage to the back of his head, possibly some sort of tumour or possibly a parasite of some kind. We would have to examine the actual bones to be able to narrow it down any further."
"What was he doing here?" You ask skeptically.
Armin speaks up at that and says, "According to media records, he was supposed to be on vacation shortly before the bombs fell - not Dragonfly's Landing, some resort closer to the capital - but prominently featured in the background was his personal jet. If he still had access to it, it could explain how he got here, especially since no one seems to have noticed him until he was already dead inside the city."
"You would think someone would have noticed a jet," you point out. "Even if he landed it on top of the lines that would get noticed. Everyone using them regularly checks for external damage and they would see that. And no one has reason to hide it. The Dragonflies would use it to claim even more legitimacy, and the 504s hate the nobility and would parade around scraps."
"Unless it landed in the forest," Bertrand points out. "The starbomb did kick up a major firestorm, so for about a year there the canopy was clear enough that you could have made a controlled landing and the forest floor would have been mostly clear of razor leaves."
"Why would you land in the forest?" You point out.
Bertrand points to the picture of the exploded back of the skull and says, "He may not have been entirely coherent at the end."
"That's still a lot of forest to check over on a maybe," you point out. You then wave it off to think. There's all sorts of things on your plate right now, especially now that you are back up to fighting trim and it looks like the Dragonflies might try to pull something off.
The reactor had been set up properly and was now producing more than enough power to shut down the solar plant, which you could decommission to free up a tremendous amount of space within the curtain wall. You might want to hold off until Vultin finished off his project to come up with something suitable to replace the standard building armour you had been using before you build anything in the free space though.
Speaking of which, Provost Vultin seems quite confident that he will have something viable by the start of the next year.
Rolled 64 + 57 + Rolled 5 = 126
Speaking of which, whatever he comes up with it had better be strong. A nasty windstorm blew through a few days ago and it was a reminder of just how dangerous the forest could be. Everyone made it inside, but the sound of the blade edged leaves slicing through the air and smacking against the walls was always a bit unnerving.
Rolled 33
Rolled 1 (1d10)
What to do next, what to do next.
You are fully recovered (action penalty removed) and better yet, your population is now working smoothly enough that you now are at +1 action a turn.
Diplomatically, you're in about the same place you were last year, although now you know that the 504s aren't to be trusted quite as much as you might have hoped they could have been. Also, you know that trying to contact Grave Keeper is mostly an exercise in frustration if you don't go personally, although you could probably make strong gains with those that 'follow' him in Shattersaw if you tried to reach out to them.
Select up to 2 action
[] Work to coordinate more closely, if cautiously, with the 504s
[] Attempt to open up dialogue with the Dragonflies
[] Open up dialogue with Grave Keeper's followers
With the number of troops you have in Shattersaw, there are calls for you to train and equip more soldiers to your professional standards to better defend what you have. On the other hand, there are also calls to punch in the faces of the Dragonflies and push them out of Shattersaw all together, regardless of casualties. You and your council are also in on what the 504s got up to and the possibility of military action against them is now on the table. There are also suggestions to seek out a jet that may or may not exist somewhere in the forests around Shattersaw, and suggestions to send an expedition along the rail lines to see what is going on in the communities further out from Shattersaw.
Select up to 3 options
[] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3)
[] Drive the Dragonflies out of Greengraft - Gathering up the forces present, you can smash their fortifications and drive the forces of the Dragonflies out of their FOB, but it will likely be costly in terms of lives lost. The 504 may help you, with a higher chance if you attempt to forge closer ties with them
[] Drive the 504s out of Shattersaw - The backstabbing zealots need to be taught a lesson about not attempting to assassinate people to get them to fight your wars for you, although doing so is likely to damage more than just the bodies of your soldiers since there are more than a few people in Shattersaw and Greengraft that appreciate them
[] Forest expedition - There might be a relic of the old government out there, holding clues as to what caused the starbombs to fall, being politically useful, and also being a piece of lost technology that would be really useful for your labs to get their hands on. Also, it might be a useful training exercise for your troops. WARNING: This option will be forever lost the next time a Firestorm or Great Firestorm disaster affects through the area
[] Down the line - You've sent expeditions to Shattersaw and have something of a permanent presence there, but you've received little contact from anyone further out. It may be a good idea to send an expedition out there to find out what is going on
With your larders actually starting to fill up for once and the fusion reactor set up, you have an abundance of food and energy, but not space, so further building will have to be delayed until Provost Vultin finishes his project. There is a bit more room in the building you have set aside as your farms for expansion, with your surplus food supply letting you build up an extra reserve of seeds that can be used to plant extra crops, which could be useful for attracting immigrants or even upping ration size temporarily. Also, with your machine shop now not in constant panic mode, you could create things you want rather than things you need - the former category including guns.
Pick 2 options
[] Expand farms - Fill up the rest of the building you are using with hydroponic equipment, expanding your total food production to be able to feed up to 3000 people (from 2500)
[] Establish a salvage operation in Shattersaw - With the FOB and general cooperation of the population, you can now safely send out teams on long term missions to gather up salvage and resources from the ruins of Shattersaw
[] Build militia weapons - Cheap and easy to make, chemical slugthrowers are the mainstay militia weapon, and you could build up to 300 more with your current resources
[] Build military weapons - With the hacked UAM, you can build more military grade personal weaponry to equip soldiers with, although they tend to rarer elements that puts a bottleneck on your production so you can only make 50
[] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
Armin suggests that the census might still be a good idea. He has also suggested that "Security" is a bit of a broad term and could include external as well as internal investigations. He also wishes to look into the other factions you know of, since it is clear that not knowing them has hurt.
Pick up to 2 options
[] Census - Armin will have teams take a proper accounting of your population and set up a system to keep it updated, reducing the risk of infiltration. Will have future economic benefits
[] Spy Network - While the skill sets are different from police, spies are a kind of investigator and having a network in place could potentially help avoid subterfuge in the future
[] Investigate the Dragonflies - Try to spy on and examine the Dragonflies, learning more about who they really are and what their goals are beyond 'domination'
[] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
The current project hums along towards completion, but with things being sorted out Vultin thinks he might be able to oversee, if not directly participate in the experiments, of a secondary project if he had another 100 labourers and 10 academics assigned to the task.
Primary Project - Local Building Materials LOCKED IN
Secondary Project
Pick 1 option
Improved Local Sap Purification 0/350
Grenade Fruit Cultivars 0/250
Industrial Fusion Reactor Design 0/300 (Req. decommission first)
Backup Fusion Reactor Design 0/200
Tree Smelter Design 0/100
Dandriss Grade Lumbermill Saw Design 0/400
UAM Design 0/750
UAM Jailbreaking 0/500 (Warning: Researching less than 50 RP a turn on this project breaks a UAM device)
Universal Healing Machine Design 0/2000
Cloning Tank Design 0/1000
Cybernetic Surgery Design 0/1000
For the research centre, the assignment would be to
[] Primary Project
[] Secondary
[] Teaching
With things settling in, you now find that you actually have time to pursue your own little projects. You could work on improving some of your skills, or you could just relax. On the latter note, you have received a curious, anonymous request from one of the men to find a boyfriend (or girlfriend!) because there's sort of a perception that until the Captain gets into a relationship things are too busy for anyone else to try to seriously pursue one without feeling selfish. It's a rather eye rolling concept in your mind, but you suppose such perceptions of 'returning to stability' may be more widespread than you thought.
Choose 1 option
[] Work on Diplomacy - Chance of increasing your base Diplomacy score
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[] Relax - Try to find something to do to occupy your downtime
[] Look for a relationship
Diplomatically, you're in about the same place you were last year, although now you know that the 504s aren't to be trusted quite as much as you might have hoped they could have been. Also, you know that trying to contact Grave Keeper is mostly an exercise in frustration if you don't go personally, although you could probably make strong gains with those that 'follow' him in Shattersaw if you tried to reach out to them.
Select up to 2 action
[X] Work to coordinate more closely, if cautiously, with the 504s
[X] Open up dialogue with Grave Keeper's followers
With the number of troops you have in Shattersaw, there are calls for you to train and equip more soldiers to your professional standards to better defend what you have. On the other hand, there are also calls to punch in the faces of the Dragonflies and push them out of Shattersaw all together, regardless of casualties. You and your council are also in on what the 504s got up to and the possibility of military action against them is now on the table. There are also suggestions to seek out a jet that may or may not exist somewhere in the forests around Shattersaw, and suggestions to send an expedition along the rail lines to see what is going on in the communities further out from Shattersaw.
Select up to 3 options
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3)
[X] Forest expedition - There might be a relic of the old government out there, holding clues as to what caused the starbombs to fall, being politically useful, and also being a piece of lost technology that would be really useful for your labs to get their hands on. Also, it might be a useful training exercise for your troops. WARNING: This option will be forever lost the next time a Firestorm or Great Firestorm disaster affects through the area
[X] Down the line - You've sent expeditions to Shattersaw and have something of a permanent presence there, but you've received little contact from anyone further out. It may be a good idea to send an expedition out there to find out what is going on
With your larders actually starting to fill up for once and the fusion reactor set up, you have an abundance of food and energy, but not space, so further building will have to be delayed until Provost Vultin finishes his project. There is a bit more room in the building you have set aside as your farms for expansion, with your surplus food supply letting you build up an extra reserve of seeds that can be used to plant extra crops, which could be useful for attracting immigrants or even upping ration size temporarily. Also, with your machine shop now not in constant panic mode, you could create things you want rather than things you need - the former category including guns.
Pick 2 options
[X] Expand farms - Fill up the rest of the building you are using with hydroponic equipment, expanding your total food production to be able to feed up to 3000 people (from 2500)
[X] Establish a salvage operation in Shattersaw - With the FOB and general cooperation of the population, you can now safely send out teams on long term missions to gather up salvage and resources from the ruins of Shattersaw
Armin suggests that the census might still be a good idea. He has also suggested that "Security" is a bit of a broad term and could include external as well as internal investigations. He also wishes to look into the other factions you know of, since it is clear that not knowing them has hurt.
Pick up to 2 options
[X] Census - Armin will have teams take a proper accounting of your population and set up a system to keep it updated, reducing the risk of infiltration. Will have future economic benefits
[X] Spy Network - While the skill sets are different from police, spies are a kind of investigator and having a network in place could potentially help avoid subterfuge in the future
The current project hums along towards completion, but with things being sorted out Vultin thinks he might be able to oversee, if not directly participate in the experiments, of a secondary project if he had another 100 labourers and 10 academics assigned to the task.
Primary Project - Local Building Materials LOCKED IN
Secondary Project
Pick 1 option
Spoiler: Projects Available
For the research centre, the assignment would be to
[X] Teaching
With things settling in, you now find that you actually have time to pursue your own little projects. You could work on improving some of your skills, or you could just relax. On the latter note, you have received a curious, anonymous request from one of the men to find a boyfriend (or girlfriend!) because there's sort of a perception that until the Captain gets into a relationship things are too busy for anyone else to try to seriously pursue one without feeling selfish. It's a rather eye rolling concept in your mind, but you suppose such perceptions of 'returning to stability' may be more widespread than you thought.
Choose 1 option
[X] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
Select up to 2 action
[x] Work to coordinate more closely, if cautiously, with the 504s
[x] Open up dialogue with Grave Keeper's followers
Select up to 3 options
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3)
[x] Forest expedition - There might be a relic of the old government out there, holding clues as to what caused the starbombs to fall, being politically useful, and also being a piece of lost technology that would be really useful for your labs to get their hands on. Also, it might be a useful training exercise for your troops. WARNING: This option will be forever lost the next time a Firestorm or Great Firestorm disaster affects through the area
[x] Down the line - You've sent expeditions to Shattersaw and have something of a permanent presence there, but you've received little contact from anyone further out. It may be a good idea to send an expedition out there to find out what is going on
Pick 2 options
[x] Expand farms - Fill up the rest of the building you are using with hydroponic equipment, expanding your total food production to be able to feed up to 3000 people (from 2500)
[x] Establish a salvage operation in Shattersaw - With the FOB and general cooperation of the population, you can now safely send out teams on long term missions to gather up salvage and resources from the ruins of Shattersaw
Pick up to 2 options
[x] Census - Armin will have teams take a proper accounting of your population and set up a system to keep it updated, reducing the risk of infiltration. Will have future economic benefits
[x] Spy Network - While the skill sets are different from police, spies are a kind of investigator and having a network in place could potentially help avoid subterfuge in the future
Pick 1 option
[x] Improved Local Sap Purification 0/350
For the research centre, the assignment would be to
[x] Primary Project
Choose 1 option
[x] Look for a relationship
It's implied that our character starting a relationship is the requirement for civilian life to "normalize" somewhat, making this a bit of a priority. If nothing else, it should help out morale in our settlement.
As for research, aside from construction materials, food is the biggest bottleneck for us, so starting research into that should be our next main priority.