[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[X] Release to the 504 (warn)
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research
[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[x] Hold onto the research for now
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research
@Academia Nut

How big a project is Plasma Physics?

Cause if it is a 2000 point project or even half that it would be bad.

Either way I wish to urge everybody to reconsider constructing the industrial fusion now.

With dedication to research we can make the 300 points for the Industrial Fusion Reactor in 2 years if we roll average on dice
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[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[x] Hold onto the research for now
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research
@Academia Nut

How big a project is Plasma Physics?

Cause if it is a 2000 point project or even half that it would be bad.

Either way I wish to urge everybody to reconsider constructing the industrial fusion now.

With dedication to research we can make the 300 points for the Industrial Fusion Reactor in 2 years if we roll average on dice

It'll be expensive, but you won't know how expensive until you have a chance to look over the parts in depth.

Update will be in the evening I think.
So if we survive to the Great Crusade will the mechanis try to take all of our tech and ban our professors since they are academics and not cult members?
[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[X] Release generally (warn)
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research
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Things are just beginning so Terra and Mars have yet to slide into barbarism, although they're going to be on their way soon enough. Technically this isn't something to really concern yourself with since the gulf of time is so blood massive.
Speaking of time; how long can we reasonably expect our current equipment to last, approximately?
What we should be aiming for if we ever get that far is enough power to tell the Imperium of Man to fuck right off and take their singular point of failure with them.
Cue ~5000 posthuman supersoldiers coming to kick our teeth in. Plus the ~10 million other dudes and hundreds of ships. Better to pursue diplomatic means of change.
What we should be aiming for if we ever get that far is enough power to tell the Imperium of Man to fuck right off and take their singular point of failure with them.
You mean the emperor right? We could always point out that if something happens to him the Imperium would likely collapse.
Cue ~5000 posthuman supersoldiers coming to kick our teeth in. Plus the ~10 million other dudes and hundreds of ships. Better to pursue diplomatic means of change.
You say that like we can't uptech to that level of genetic engineering or even uptech to the point where that many ships don't matter. Honestly if our people aren't superhuman by the time we meet the imperium something has gone terrible wrong.
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We have thousands of years to get our own Post human supersoldiers and ships.
Honestly we should turn ourselves into a post human species. Cause with our world we will need it. It's not the animals we need to worry about but the plant life. It's literally toxic to us. The only part we can eat right now is the sap. I would not be surprised if our people ended up adapted being able to digest metals and all the other toxic stuff to us on this planet.
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Honestly we should turn ourselves into a post human species. Cause with our world we will need it. It's not the animals we need to worry about but the plant life. It's literally toxic to us. The only part we can eat right now is the sap. I would not be surprised if our people ended up adapted being able to digest metals and all the other toxic stuff to us on this planet.
That'd probably happen through evolution anyway. At least, if we release the sap tech for everyone and they don't quite refine it enough.
That'd probably happen through evolution anyway. At least, if we release the sap tech for everyone and they don't quite refine it enough.
Evolution means that people will get sick and die over dozens and even hundreds of generation so that those that are more resistant can pass down their genes instead till it spreads through the population.

I find that inhumane and unecessary when in few years we could genetically engineer the same thing.
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If this quest lasts long enough of has enough time skips to the point where we meet the IoM I fully expect our bones to not be made out of calcum. It's a nice metal and all but I would be surprised if or bones are some kind of super strong alloy you see in Eldar biotitans among other things.