[X] Forge stronger diplomatic ties with the 504
They're basically our allies now. Might as well start working together.

[X] Release to the 504 (warn)
Hell with the Dragonflies, give the knowledge to the people we actually like.

[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE
We need more fighters.

[X] Construct fusion reactor - While you already have enough power to run everything as is, if you set up the industrial scale fusion reactor first it would allow you to decommission the solar facility and free up a great deal of room within your curtain walls. Without armoured buildings anything you built would risk damage during a major wind or fire storm, but it would not face near certain destruction constantly like anything out in the forest would

[X] Census - Armin will have teams take a proper accounting of your population and set up a system to keep it updated, reducing the risk of infiltration. Will have future economic benefits
Get this done now before anything else.

[X] Local Building Materials
Will help with the sawmill products.

[X] Research
Our laborer population is kind of stretched currently and we don't need more artisans/academics.
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[X] Forge stronger diplomatic ties with the 504
[X] Release to the 504 (warn)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE
[X] Construct sawmill - With the gear you got nearly two years ago, you could set up a relatively small scale sawmill, although it would stretch your energy supplies thin, even augmenting with the hospital's back up fusion reactor, but you could start cutting down trees and turning raw materials into refined ones. Will require the back up fusion generator
[X] Census - Armin will have teams take a proper accounting of your population and set up a system to keep it updated, reducing the risk of infiltration. Will have future economic benefits
[X] Local Building Materials
[X] Research
I have the sneaking suspicion the sniper our scout flushed out then missed twice after that was the one who took the shot. I also bet he was a third party maybe saw mill maybe some one else entirely. Will vote in the morn when I have an actual PC and not tablet but I really want to know what is up with grave keeper.
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I have the sneaking suspicion the sniper our scout flushed out then missed twice after that was the one who took the shot. I also bet he was a third party maybe saw mill maybe some one else entirely. Will vote in the morn when I have an actual PC and not tablet but I really want to know what is up with grave keeper.

We took the hit to the sternum, and it was pretty much head on, or the bullet probably would have been deflected rather then crushed against us.

Which meant that unless that Sniper was packed with the rest of the group, he wasn't the one who shot.
Son of a bitch, you mean some asshole did take a shot out of us? Scored a Nat 100, and Then we managed to survive somehow?

Still, "Moment of Truth?" That was a pretty vague roll, and there's No way anyone in that situation came out ahead but us. It was a fully armed military group versus a militia. Sure, we were put out for months, but it still gave us an undeniable Causus Belli against a group that was apparently the kind of scum that we love to shoot?

I mean, hell, if it was a Nat 100 in Their favor, we'd have probably died right then and there, unless that was Academia Nut invoking plot armor for us. But CK2 kills people for even Less, and it wasn't like we didn't have something vaguely resembling a line of succession either.

It was to the Sternum, right? So it came from head on. Which meant it actually Did come from the Dragonflies...

Well, accidental discharge or trigger happy assholes, either way, if you're going to shoot a messenger when they call for parley, you deserve what you're getting. That they turned out to be using slave labor on top of that is icing on the cake.

The alternative, is, of course, a third party having a sniper positioned just to cause this kind of clusterfuck, but that's straight up Diabolous Ex Machina shit. Grave Keeper probably could have done it, because he's pretty strongly implied to be a fairly potent Psyker, but that's probably reasonably high risk even for him, because there would be a Lot of witnesses.

I had at least two more sub-turns planned out and then the dice come up 100, so things really went out of control there. There are incongruities, especially when you include the metagame data of the dice rolls. That's why there is the option to attempt to investigate the situation, because the situation was confused enough that Armin is somewhat suspicious that it might very well have been a third party that shot you in order to provoke return fire on the Dragonfly position. Or maybe among the rifles recovered there is evidence of an accidental discharge from faulty gear. It's already been a year so the evidence is has already decayed by now, but it's still fresh enough that you might be able to get answers, which could influence the future of your diplomacy.

Or it might give you the wrong answers.

So that's the question: how bad do you want to know what happened?
So just to be sure @Academia Nut currently we have one backup fusion generator that we swiped from the sawmill site. As for the armored building tech needed for any more construction, can we construct them with salvaged materials?
So just to be sure @Academia Nut currently we have one backup fusion generator that we swiped from the sawmill site. As for the armored building tech needed for any more construction, can we construct them with salvaged materials?

You have an industrial fusion generator from the sawmill, and a backup fusion generator from the hospital. The former is, fully assembled, about the size of a small house, while the latter is about the size of large couch.

For the armoured buildings, theoretically you could salvage them from Shattersaw but you have two problems: 1.) You can't work it, you don't have the technology to do it properly, and 2.) Because of 1.) that means that any piece big enough to be viable is too big to fit through the door of the stairwell for the train so it would have to be moved through the forest.

Basically, the issue is that most materials degrade in the environment so it was considered uneconomical to build using anything less than the best materials, but those were being shipped in from off world since you were still a relatively new colony, and since the armour has obvious military applications the guys financing it did not yet feel that Dandriss was developed enough to hand over the STC for the material. Then all contact with the outside universe stopped and things started going to hell because the planet had been deliberately made dependent on outside support.
Can we try to start a revolt within the Dragronfpy faction and supply the revolutionaries with guns (not-military) so they are not stomped flat?

Is this possible or do the nobles have the worker slaves too oppressed to smuggle them arms?

Also, can we just make the sap ourselves and sell it cheap with the needed warning labels of heavy metal poisoning?
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Can we try to start a revolt within the Dragronfpy faction and supply the revolutionaries with guns (not-military) so they are not stomped flat?

Is this possible or do the nobles have the worker slaves too oppressed to smuggle them arms?

You would have to smash their FOB to be able to send expeditions (military or espionage) down the rail line to even find their settlement before you could even think to do that, and have a spy network established.
Right, revoting for the fusion reactor so we have space inside the walls for another building. I'm hoping the local building materials research will lead to some sort of armoring that resist the environment a bit.
-Edited vote-

Why are people going for the saw mill? Without the reasearch to build armoured building out oc them it is useless and because of it we won't be able to build anything next turn.
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So what kind of government was in charge of human space before the ships stop coming? Was earth the government center or were we part of some other space government?
[X] Forge stronger diplomatic ties with the 504
[X] Release generally (warn)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[X] Construct fusion reactor
[X] Census
[X] Local Building Materials 0/200
[X] Research
[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[X] Release generally (warn)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[X] Construct fusion reactor
[X] Census
[X] Local Building Materials 0/200
[X] Research
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[X] Forge stronger diplomatic ties with the 504
[X] Release to the 504 (warn)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[X] Construct fusion reactor
[X] Census
[X] Local Building Materials 0/200
[X] Research

Seems reasonable, overall.
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while Alectai reasoning is sound regarding the attack, its just too convenient and in favor too much to 504...

maybe I'm just a conspiracy nut then...
I am curious how this noble in charge thing ended uo happening.

Did some rich people decide to settle this death world and started calling themselves nobles using the power of them controlling resources being shipped in to keep power?

P.S. Want to point out if Teaching is picked it doesn't mean we stop researching. Only that we don't get the potential to advance as much.
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[X] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[X] Hold onto the research for now
[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Construct fusion reactor
[X] Census
[X] Local Building Materials
[X] Research
I have a sneaking suspicion that it was the 504 that shot us to implicate the Dragonflies, and Grave Keeper was warning us.

I mean. Look at this.

"Better than expected... go far... go far... inspiration! Betrayed... betrayed... so sad, always betrayed. Madmen. Yet butchers. But which? Butcher, butcher, butcher... but... the bones tell! They always tell! Last testament... the bones. Trust neither slavers... nor slaves.

The Dragonflies are the slavers, obviously, but the 504 were also kicking up shit because people they viewed as theirs were being enslaved. And the comments about being betrayed could easily apply to us, betrayed by our superiors, betrayed by the moron we executed, and then betrayed by the 504, perhaps?

I don't think we should trust either group. I think we should go see Grave Keeper.
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@Academia Nut

If we build the Indusrial Fusion Reactor now does that mean that the reasearch action with it is locked forever or till we shut it down for the eggheads to go have a look?

I also want to know if constructing it now will also cause problems in the nature that if it breaks down we can't fix it up again cause we didn't take the time to write down the schematics we have the design blueprint needed to input into the fabricator to build replacement for worn down and broken pieces of the fusion reactor?

If indeed the case is like this installing it now could be a major blunder on our part.
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Hm... point. Changing my vote:

[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[x] Release generally (warn)
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research

Figured that the Census isn't *quite* urgent, yet, while the investigation is time-critical.
[x] Try to contact Grave Keeper
[x] Release generally (warn)
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[x] Construct fusion reactor
[x] Investigate Shooting - Armin will devote effort to attempting to piece together what happened the day you were shot while the , although answers may never be found
[x] Local Building Materials 0/200
[x] Research
I am reposting my vote list cause of repeated edits from changing my mind.

Main decisions I decided to rethink was the construction of the industrial fusion reactor right now before researching it first so we have its design in our database. If screw up in setting it up we could lose the design forever and working maintenance on it would be also a lot harder when something innevitably breaks down. Fabricating replacement part will also be harder from trying to reverse engineer a blueprint from a busted piece than working one if we can do it at all. Plus as the reactor is down till we repair it we will have a energy crisis which will effect our entire infrastructure. We won't even be able to research it after we set it up due to not being able to afford to shut it off because it will be providing the power we need by then.

I really, really don't want to risk something becoming lost tech.

[X] Release generally (warn)
[X] Forge stronger diplomatic ties with the 504
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry).
[X] Establish a salvage operation in Shattersaw
[X] Census
[X] Industrial Fusion Reactor 0/300
[X] Teaching
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