Actually, it might have been a better argument to argue that "We would have gotten this increase to Education from a thing we did on our own, not because of Daemons" rather than taking the route of mentioning Daemons and Tzeentch's number again and again.
Because I certainly would prefer that it was
our knowledge growing.
... And in fact, since we possibly-paranoidally noted at one point "What if we keep getting manipulated into these situations exactly in order to tempt us to use Sorcery?" ...
and yet we got out of this situation WITHOUT sorcery, and grew from it without Sorcery... ... Then that might be evidence
against the thought that it's anything to do with Daemons.
Because what happened was that we didn't use Sorcery, we used our Foresight as usual, and we actually improved.
tl;dr God I really hope it's not Daemons.
I do suspect that the kind of unique situation of a bonus to telepathy training from the paradox cube may apply to improved education here, depending on whether it's through integration of the Daemon's knowledge or completely novel insight due to our fate manipulation. Either way, it seems like a non-reproducible event, given that it required multiple crits, tzeentch's holy number and really abnormal warp interactions. I feel like it's the one thing on this list that we can't drum up on our own time while we're on the road. We can work on education with an action, but we can't necessarily grasp these specific insights again. This is the option that has the most obvious synergy with the themes of the update.
Hopefully it's
not through more integration of Daemon stuff.
In fact, I hope that since this time we would be gaining this from
stuff we did ourselves rather than
eating a Daemon, it would actually help
offset the fact that we got so much Virtual Education from a Daemon.
This would be Education that we'd gain from a thing we did on our own. Not because we happened to eat a Daemon.
And I think it might not actually be that good a thing to keep harping on the "Tzeentch's number" bit. At all. Tzeentch is not our friend.
Basically, my thinking is this.
If this gets us 50 years of virtual insight that we otherwise could not get, or gets us 50 years of Daemon Knowledge deciphered safely, when we otherwise don't even know how to approach integrating that yet? Either of those will be well worth it. The first one is absolutely irreplaceable, and the latter is still (probably) harder to replicate than grinding powers with training actions.
I really hope it's the former. And I'm honestly not sure what to do or feel about the Daemon stuff at this point.
We've been feeling tempted to use Sorcery. (And at the start, we actually had to roll temptation to not use it. We were in a situation where we thought we were
totally fucked and would face a
horrible fate by Deldar. And we decided that using Sorcery would have been worse than that.)
At this point I'm not even really convinced of the safety of the "safe" parts of Sorcery that get brought up by (IIRC) Alratan time and again.