We need to take the more powers option because what Mirande is lacking is the numerous and diverse number of powers within her disciplines. Simply bumping one skill with Telepathy 2 is sub-optimal and I doubt we'll gain Grand master Psyker here.
Your new powers can be selected from the following list. You must choose 2 Divination powers, and then you can choose either 2 Least Powers, 1 Lesser Power, or save for later
[] Least Clairvoyance (range 100m, visual only)
[] Lesser Clairvoyance (range 500m, visual only; 100m visual and audio)
[] Lesser Psychometry (touch, up to 20 years back, greater clarity within the first 10 years)
[] Psychometry (touch, up to 40 years back, audio information within the first 10 years; can also study places rather than objects)
[] Lesser Precognition (a few seconds into the future, +1.5xLearning to Personal Combat rolls for a scene)
[] Precognition (several seconds into the future, +2xLearning to Personal Combat rolls for a scene, 0.5x Learning to Diplomacy rolls for a scene)
[] Future Telling (up to a month into the future, significant detail within the first few days)
[] Advanced Future Telling (up to a year into the future, significant detail within the first week)
[] Fortune (+1.5xWillpower to one non-psychic roll)
[] Advanced Fortune (+2xWillpower to one non-psychic roll)
[] Least Mind Edit (low willpower characters lose track of your presence)
[] Least Uplink (can communicate mentally with unfamiliar characters within 10m, familiar ones within 100m; link with familiar characters last one scene per manifestation)
[] Least Psychic Shriek (willpower contest vs. manifestation roll for all other characters within 3m or be stunned)
[] Least Warp Whisper (opposed willpower test with a single target within 100m, loser is frightened until they can make a willpower check equal to the one they lost by, or one scene, whichever is sooner)
[] Lesser Mind Reading (can pick up all surface thoughts of everyone within 20m for a scene with enough detail to add 0.5xLearning to personal combat and diplomacy rolls with subjects within range; can manifest a second time for more detailed information from one subject, which ends the power)
This is what Mirande needs to be able to invest in.
Telepathy 2 gives a tiny bit more power for manifest telepathic abilities and WILL involve Mirande bumping mind reading. What we should do is have Mirande bump Least uplink and Least Mind edit.
Depending on the number of powers available from the choice maybe even go for Lesser mind edit and least uplink.