Yeaaaaaah, this is a setup. They've been bottling us up with the
specific intent of making us more powerful. They've even prepared a beautiful little battlefield for us to go off on, complete with trash mobs that we can disassemble, people that can empower our first surge, and a weak region for us to take over. Hell, they've even been carefully not telling us anything about this region. And of course we walked right into their plan. Giant fucking landslide, even.
Okay, so what do we do here? After we get people to
read the damn discussion instead of just voting and running away, I mean. :/ I feel like this post is just wasted effort. But assuming that at least
someone reads it -
do we want to cap this off with killing our parents for being total assholes? Do we hold on to the first surge, walk back home, and nuke the place before anyone realizes we're not dancing on their strings? Something else entirely? Because fuck
@Alivaril: You have a gift for making antagonists that make me want to make them