Fanwork#4773 Words of Reaction to the 4bear- I only now realize I should have stopped 329 words ago, that woulda been on point.
I'm trying to react to this one as I go, even though I've already failed and peeked ahead like five times. Because the Forebear Lore needs to be savored. It comes with the dubious benefit of allowing me to see how many of my cleverer, thinkpower-requiring observations were blatant to everyone else!
Hey now, we still have around 40 Hours of Reckoning before the clock runs out! Practically an eternity. Unless it's the hour for our enemies to reckon with us, which is too long because I prefer it when they die sooner. Lots of damage can happen in an hour, I reckon.
But this is a Forebear update, when is an hour not of reckoning for him?
Is there a means of attaining contentment without excess self-satisfaction? Quick is the plunge to stagnation, once one's goals are attained.
-Notes of the Forebear
It's easy to be content, if you're lazy like I am! The Forebear might consider that excessively self-satisfied, but he should decide that it isn't excessive. Whenever you have a problem, define it away, that's how I solve everything. Much less gruesome than cutting.
More realistically, get new goals so that you don't stagnate, but don't set aside the progress you've made in the past. That's how you end up burning out, and not writing any reaction posts! Take care of your mental health so you can earn more Arete.
More fictionally realistically, there's lots of mind magic available! Bliss yourself out while simultaneously setting your motivation to maximum, psychophilosophical questions are for mortals. If the Interdict of Cognition or something like that tries to stop you, Cut Through it! Do the same for common sense!
Monday, the 1059th world.
So maybe it isn't just that the Forebear zooms through worlds in a week, his existence could just be so miserable that every day is a Monday for him! A cruel burden worthy of the Accursed himself. The other Doom of Lunacy, eternal Moon-day?
The treadmill of worlds ground on ceaselessly, and he increased his pace to match. Long had it been since his first dire transport, his first breathtaking emergence into mystery and wonder. Now there was only the drab gray abattoir of his trek, the mire of worlds each successively crueler and more ashen than the last, pith of his soul ground into an unfeeling husk. Yet even that dusky charcoal had not been enough for the Procession. By raw pressure alone it had smelted him into something harder, charcoal become diamond, become something that could neither tarry nor yield; but only press ceaselessly onwards into the abyss of worlds. There was no brightness in this mire, so all he could display was his sharpness: the power to pierce, to strike, to cut.
It's awesome to read about the Forebear, but less so to be him. I recommend magical therapy again, or possibly weed. Surely it can't actually be nothing but cruelty? I'll have to read on to see. But smoking a blunt would be tarrying. That doesn't seem like the worst sin, what could be responsible for this insane drive? The "treadmill of worlds" is another mark in the "reasons 4bear is a Cursebearer" tally (as well as Proc[gr]ession), but even they can get vacations. Don't tell me that the wondrous Voyaging Realm is a metaphorical as well as a literal amusement park, and every task is worse from here? I mean, I expect that to be the case as far as power levels go, but we already dismantled a civilization powered by gigatorture, I don't want to be sent to actual hell. Or, well, that wouldn't be the worst since we'd overthrow that too, and try to turn it into heaven. As the Forebear would, but he can't stop to enjoy it.
Because he has depression. In fact, I diagnose him with conceptual depression, his sad is level 2 on the ISH. Have you tried cutting it off and not cutting it on again?
That sharpness he'd refined on the whetstone of worlds, until his fingers were bone and his marrow was wine, until his mind and soul like errant wax dribbled from his eyes and stained the cosmos beneath. One of the few benefits of perpetual reincarnation: the ability to train beyond the limits of any one body or self.
Uh. Maybe the reason you're sad is because you do things like this? Cutting is cool, but have you tried keeping the skin on your fingers? And don't drip your soul on my cosmos, that shit is nasty. Personal space please.
Seriously, many of your problems appear to be self inflicted- or maybe melting his mind is the only pleasure he still has left, we all know Hunger is a masochist, but even he can't compare to the glory of the Forebear. I didn't mean to kinkshame, as long as you don't drip your wax on me you do you.
The Forebear reincarnates eternally, and it looks like it isn't by choice. His Blade does offer a lot of reincarnation-y powers, and though I first figured they were channeling parts of his cursed(?) immortality, they could also be attempts to replace his unpleasant reincarnation with gentler versions. The Second Stage lore had Hunger musing that he might one day be able to bind himself as firmly to the sword as the Forebear was said to do- since the Forebear had been doing this before he'd mastered Cut, it was probably a later development. Or perhaps he just wanted to train more, Hunger got good use out of following your footsteps with Second Stage.
He could train beyond his body, at least. I'm not sure what "training beyond self" entails. Cut Through revealed that a sword is a tool of murder- and tools have wielders. A theme like "it doesn't matter who does the cutting" seems to contradict that, a bit, so that doesn't seem right. Maybe one day I will comprehend.
He cut those things which were easy to cut. He cut those things which were difficult to cut. He cut those things which were possible to cut. He cut those things whose possibility was in question. He cut, and cut, and cut, and cut, until he could cut through, even if it could not be cut.
Before you cut the things that can't be cut, you cut the things that can. It's obvious, but I hadn't put much thought into the Forebear making easy cuts. Even I can do that much! Feels good to have something in common with such a legend.
This still doesn't explain anything... except the importance of practice, I suppose. Practice makes perfect effects. Or was that Praxis?
That had been his first salvation. The spiral of things he could cut expanded slowly, torturously but without limit, and he knew that one day he would cut his way free no matter the cost.
Sounds like Praxis to me. And it's good that he has a solution! Spoiler alert, it's cut. Spiral, what does that remind me of... oh yeah, the Cold Light of Vengeance. It was never described as a spiral, but endless expansion of cutting fits. As does the world destruction. And the cold vengeance. That was definitely a Forebear technique.
And also the Ordinal Spiral, but that's lame, sword spiral is where it's at.
Such edge, he thought dully, and briefly smiled. What would his younger self had said, if he could see him now? He whose life was some ghoulish nightmare out of his darkest dreamings, who a thousand times had died gasping only to awaken into a realm colder still? He could hardly remember the boy he'd been once, faintest glimmerings of a threadbare identity.
Dully? Not in my Forebear, throw that personality against the whetstone this instant and grind it away. No time to reminisce, you need more edge. But really, it's good to see even the smallest smile on this guy. Maybe one day he'll be able to cut a permanent smile on his face. Uh, metaphorically. We don't need a Joker-Forebear hybrid.
And what the fuck, I think he's actually in hell. No wonder he has so many immortality tricks, I think he was being literal about "every world is worse" since he's repeating it here. I wouldn't sharpen in response to that, I'd become the ultimate turtling coward. What happened to give him this curse?
The Procession of Worlds was a staircase that only descended, and he its benighted warden, yet still he had lived and seen wonders beyond the reckoning of pallid mundanity, glimpsed and grasped power beyond the furthermost imaginings of men. Still it was not enough. Was that his curse, or merely his burden?
Aha, the Procession is its own thing- thank goodness Hunger doesn't have to worry about it*! Feels like some strange ritual, the sharpening the Forebear is experiencing might be intentional. Can't have the guardian of hell be weak- you'd think he could use a little backup, though, or a weekend, but those would get in the way of cut. And how is this staircase created? Bad and naughty realities get sent to the world wiggler to atone for their crimes, that must be it.
*Unless the Geas was modeled after this, in which case fuck. Wild theory: the Forebear was one of those who cursed the Accursed.
The enemy was upon him once more. Berserkers, a horde to darken the wide-rimmed horizon, each beast engorged with the swollen might of devoured pantheons; the pantheons themselves richly fattened by entire worlds enslaved, engines of exploitation so deeply engrained that their laborers had no word for even the concept of choice. How many quadrillions lived and breathed their own oppression, fearful yet hopeless, with neither the will nor the desire to conceive of better, knowing absolutely that their flat merciless existence was the best of all possible worlds?
This is a shitty pyramid scheme and I want out. Cut the whole thing down and start over. You think the Lord of Stalks is bad, but he's got nothing on this fractal cannibalistic oppression nonsense, with born and bred slaves at the bottom. And I still feel bad for the evil gods, too, but only a little because fuck em. "Berserker" is a subdued name for god-eaters, but they aren't special since there's a horizon of them. I guess you'd need at least this much to contest even the babby 1,000th world Forebear? And he's not even a percent of a percent of a percent done with his cutting yet. We have a long way to go. how can we make some of these exploitation engines for our own powerups, huh? Preferably without the exploitation, but I'm flexible. /jk
Torments of such modest scope failed to quicken him anymore, yet he had no choice but to fight. The staircase was endless and without remorse. Conquest and dominion meant he would take only a single step down, while failure would see him descend entire flights, the power and torments of the worlds where he landed unthinkable to a mind of his present level. Had he not learned to cut... he shuddered at where his current existence might lie. Trapped and mewling in some torture dimension half a thousand steps up, perhaps. The Procession did not take kindly to those who ignored its implicit dictates.
So "Hell" is no longer a theory, I'll capitalize it now. The Forebear is actually in Hell. Or at least, not too far above it. And the reason he can't slow down to avoid suffering is because he'll only suffer more by being dropped to turbohell, because the Procession is evil. And worse, he can't slow down his fighting to train when his enemies are too low level, because he might skip a step, which would be worse than not being able to train. Somebody give this man the Hunger Ring. Or just smash this horrible place altogether, Accursed please save this man, if he doesn't Cut himself out first. Or Cut down to the bottom and kill Forebearverse Satan- but somehow I get the sinking feeling he didn't succeed. Probably the fact that we have his sword now, that might be it.
So the big question here is why (the fuck)? For one thing, why would you make a torture dimension. For power, probably, because that's what it all comes down to in the end. Alternatively, this is a natural process, or made by a being of elemental evil or something. More important is what the position of the warden was intended for. Another amusing torture, or a shitty attempt to clean the place up, working against the grain of suckage? Or is
everyone in this place bound to the Procession, winner gets tortured slightly less? Incentivizing everyone to be cruel to each other, naturally. Ugh.
If the Accursed wasn't our bro, I'd be panicking about how the Forebear's Tomb was in Hunger's past isekai... even now, I'm concerned. As dystopian it was, it wasn't nearly as bad as what the Forebear's dealing with, so if it ever was a Step he did an excellent job cleaning it up. At least until the creators of the Procession (the Hidden Ones maybe? gasp) tried their next takeover. Which would make Hunger- still a baby Cursebearer who shouldn't worry about such things, that's my decision.
He welcomed worlds where the opposition was mightier, for that meant their depravity could only be more mundane.
You've heard of the crazy-hot matrix, how about the might-depravity matrix? Spent a few seconds wondering if this implied a maximum cruelty ceiling, but then I realized it was a property of the travel mechanism rather than the worlds. Based on nothing, I predict that the bottom level is completely powerless but absolutely depraved. That sounds awfully poetic, right?
At last the Berserkers had concluded their glacial charge. He'd considered leaving them to their business, for the stench of evil upon their target-worlds had seeped beyond all mundane means of resolution, but the ingrates had presumed to attack him as well, mistaking indifference for weakness, or simply too stupid to care.
The reason he had time to monologue is because he's just that much stronger than these guys. I should take back what I said about training earlier. He just needs to be able to multitask, as long as he can conquer these worlds it should still be alright. The only issue with that is that the Forebear isn't actually a genius (by
now he would be, but relatively speaking), he put all his chargen points into Willpower. So all there's left to do is Cut.
He seems to agree with my gut reaction that those worlds can't be saved, but I'd have thought his Blade would be more merciful than the stomach of a Berserker, so maybe it's a good thing they charged him. So ungrateful, not thanking him for allowing them to live. Can't blame him for the ++++++++++etcHeartlessness after what he's been through, of course.
The Berserkers were judgement given flesh, a perilous flood to sweep sin away when the monstrosity of the universe grew beyond even their ravening evil. Perhaps in him they saw the shadow of an oppressor whose hands were too stained for any shred of mercy. Or perhaps their divine hunger was wholly unreasoning in its all-consuming impetus.
They were impressive specimens, the warpaint-bone of their masks harrowing to the very soul, their merest footfall the end of worlds, each errant stroke an age's close. These were beings whose clutch and weft could pluck free the bones of gods, the might of aeons a stripling yew before their methuselah provenance.
Huh, I guess there is a cruelty ceiling, that's a relief. A disgustingly high one, which is itself evil, but beggars can't be choosers. It's not perfect, clearly, otherwise there wouldn't be further steps down. Guess evil can go Even Further Beyond as well.
I want to react to the description, but can't think of anything to say except "nailed it." I do not want to meet a Berserker in a dark alley.
Wait, fuck, I just realized the Forebear is going to kill the Berserkers. Which is bad, because until we fix the manpower shortage we want them to keep eating hells. For the Greater Good! The Forebear clearly doesn't spare the lesser evils, though, but it's more likely he's just pissed they came at him.
There's never been any confirmation the other dozen times I compared things to curses, but the Berserkers might have a connection to the Decimation. Or not, "eating" isn't that complicated a concept.
He drew the Blade and the realm was quelled, grown quiet and still in the presence of that steel. It had been an ordinary sword once, a bastard sword, hand-and-half of uninspired design, flat gray pommel and blade. Now it was the instrument by which his cut was delivered, and that sufficed to elevate it beyond the realm of gods, or those who devoured them.
The Forebear of Dynasties took one step forward, and cut once.
The Berserkers fell. Ambrosia and stranger things pooled from the bodies of the now-depleted army, half-digested remains of reveler gods.
The Berserkers were established to be weaker than the Forebear, but I expected more of a fight than a single horizon cut. The food chain is brutal. I no longer feel bad for the gods, since they were partying until they died. With indescribable god LSD.
His full(er) title includes "of Dynasties," but that doesn't add much. Sort of implied, really. More importantly, his sword is
boring! Imagine how many Charisma +'s he passed up by not blinging it up, just because it's a tool of murder doesn't mean it can't be stylish. (Forebear disapproves -7)
The connection between "Cut" and "Quell" isn't obvious yet. Rank, boosted only when he draws the Blade? Not unlike a Stance. Wait, d'oh, this one would be Realm-Quelling Stance, AKA World-Defeating, which boosts Rank. There's no mystery to solve this time.
"Do you regret sacrificing your name for power?" One foe remained, a statuesque woman dressed in silks. Space and time spooled about her like molten amber, her skin the pale bone white of her underlings' masks.
Uh oh, implications. My boy Nameless might be in some trouble. I recall making a joke last week along the lines of "sell your name for power, it's free real estate." I was right, it seems, but the free real estate is Hell. Fucking Summer, this was not in the terms and conditions. I knew it was bad juju to sell your name, but there never appeared to be any consequences. The name might not be why the Forebear's here, but it is at least something to regret.
Back to now, there's another enemy, things aren't allowed to be that easy even for Hunger, there's no way you can oneshot the baddies in Hell. She's the Berserker's boss, the Bosszerker if you will. Another link in the food chain! We can rule out the "mindless hunger" theory for why you were attacked here, since she clearly isn't. Not weak, either, you can tell because she has particle effects. *taps head*
"I don't think about it," he answered honestly, preparing his second cut. The sides of his head burned in anticipation. All of it had been too easy thus far; he had expected a complication such as this.
What a Chad, yeet that thot, help I'm trapped in 20xx. He's been thinking about the Procession this whole time, so Nameless is safe (from this exact consequence). What's up with the sides of his head, is his mind about to melt out of his skull again? I've never experienced anticipatory temple headaches before, he should see a doctor demon about that.
"Names have such beauty," the woman breathed. "They are so critical to the essence of what we are. Know a being's name and you possess dominion over them, if only by a little. Exercise that dominion wisely, and it can become total control."
He struck, and the woman flashed back, but this third cut was aimed and thus inescapable. She split in half diagonally, and trembled once.
She's ominously leading up to an "and I control you muahahaha," it looks like. Wouldn't this be a good reason to sacrifice your name? It could be that having a name is like having a lock, with others knowing it being the key. Without one, people (Bosszerker people anyway) can just waltz in? Also, you weaken your essence and therefore your Form of Rage.
The Forebear retroactively dunks on the Berserkers, since he wasn't even aiming. But his blade is now unerring! Show Vanreir how gr∞grandpa does it.
"I can offer you answers," she continued sedately. "The meaning behind your endless journey, this troubleshooter of worlds, this cosmic janitor. I can-"
He struck, and it was the fourth cut. Four was the number of death. She perished, and with a flick of his blade he restored his hearing, his ability to comprehend the spoken word.
The Forebear continued without regret for the data he might have lost. It was not his to wonder why, but merely to cut through, always and forever, until the task was done. It might not be achieved in finite time, but impatience was one weakness that had been ground out of him early on.
So that's what the sensation on the side of his head was, he cut his hearing because her yammering was not conducive to cutting through. He didn't hear any of the lore I've been geeking about, because he is more meme than man. It's kind of a shame, because even if she wasn't going to tell him the meaning, it would be a comfort for many to know there
was one. Because, luckily, it seems like the Forebear was put here to clean this place up, not just to suffer.
Fucking 4bear memes are real, I can't believe I actually have to take it seriously now. "Four is death" isn't a sentiment I would expect the Forebear's powers to express, he seems more like a "One is death" man. I was reminded of Artful Thorn's limit, but he only actually hit her twice. There are four components of each 25-Arete Stance, and four Forms, but both of those seem like an artifact of the way Arete purchases are scaled, not anything to do with the Forebear. Five companions, but those are Undying. Is five life? No, life is also 4bear.
I cannot comprehend infinite time as a mortal, but as a non-mathematician I can't comprehend comprehending infinite time either. Feels hopeless. What's the difference between "infinitely later" and "never?" Presumably you can accelerate your perception of time on the ISH with enough +Wits or something, but I'd rather focus on what happens in the meantime. Assuming there was anything worthwhile here.
He stepped, and appeared on one of the few worlds un-ravaged. Its occupants bowed to him as a god and he discouraged them. He set his Blade down in the stance of rulership, sword in the stone with pommel upright, and severed the chains on their mind and soul. This sufficed not, for they had no spark of volition in the first place to stoke, and he resigned himself to the slow grinding process of deploying another Dynasty. Perhaps it was the very system of divine power-through-worship that lead to such unpalatable extremes. This realm needed to be restructured from the very fundament, the souls recycled and rebirthed into a plane more appropriate to some level of flourishing.
You know, I figured there'd be a "slow grinding process" involved in the "being the Forebear" business where he sticks his sword in, but I was thinking it would be sex. The Forebear doesn't even fuck, how depressing to not even have that to comfort him. The "of Dynasties" is more meaningful than I assumed, since it seems more like an "Era" or a "Universe" now. Also a euphemism meaning he destroyed a whole realm, damn. So it's possible that the Forebear is the creator of the Human Sphere/Voyaging Realm and the Tyrant's universe- no wonder his sword can subdue these callow realms. And we're holding it. Now, despite what you might expect, it would actually be a lie to say I don't want to make Realms yet, because Pillars- there could be awesome synergies there. Makes the sword as brush metaphors more interesting, too.
And in punishment for me making fun of him, he took away my infinite oppression engines. 70% Wisdom? I don't think so, this guy knows what's up and he knows perverse incentives when he sees them. It's a pity that the people couldn't be saved. It was probably possible, even if it was impossible for the Forebear and his Cutmania- if nothing else, could they be tossed into a Lotus-eater machine? Or would that "best world" thing interfere? Moot question, because the Forebear doesn't have any friends and he's doing his best, okay?
He cut, and felt the temporal noose loosen, and was confronted by the Greater Aspect of the woman he'd earlier slain. She was wreathed in the cosmos, the nebulae her accoutrements, and now wore a mask of blinding radiance, the primordial fire of all creation.
The reason I made that "particle effect" joke earlier is because her spacetime twistiness seemed a bit underwhelming on this level, and here's why. The Forebear wasn't the only one holding back! And if one cut was far too easy, four isn't much better. No, you have to time travel even to reach the actual bossfight when you're in the Procession.
Should I be curious about how she's wreathed in the cosmos and any possible relation to Hunger's Mantle, or is using the stars as accessories just something all the cool kids do at a certain level? The Contests of Primacy for the Sky at any divine meetup must be exhausting, we should've taken Threefold so as not to have to deal with them.
"How convenient," the Ur-Mother hissed, her voice a sibilance that transcended sound and imparted meaning without medium. "That you might wander the worlds and only ever encounter villains so vile that any atrocity might be justified by their destruction! How utterly and shamelessly appropriate for the likes of you."
"It is," he said nodding. That mere annihilation was a luxury wildly undeserved for his current regime of foes did weigh on him at times. Surely there were misdeeds of such scale for which vengeance was downright mandatory, and death a grave miscarriage of justice. But it was not in him to be just. The ideals of justice were just one part of the weight that added strength to his cut. So wielded, could anyone retain their appreciation for such?
You can't escape exposition by turning off your ears this time, but glibness is still as effective as ever! The Ur-Mother self-owned by calling herself a vile villain, I'm pretty sure. And both she and the Forebear are 100% correct to call it convenient, imagine all the moral debates we'd be able to skip if murder was always the answer! But then again, the Forebear might have been able to escape by now with the Arete hauled out from the salt mines.
And the lack of moral complexity is more evidence that the Procession was designed to create a being like the Forebear, who can have complete conviction. Meaning there's only so far we should emulate him, since our situations aren't the same- but that's obvious, the danger of Hunger getting confused about that is low.
I wholeheartedly approve of the Forebear's rejection of justice. The idea that the world would be a terrible place if we all got what we deserve is more laughable in Hell than on Earth, but it still resonates with me. No need for justice, just ice them.
"You seek to undo all that I have made," the Ur-Mother growled. "You, with your mere brute skill, your unseemly invincible power, would unseat me and make of this place the pale shadow of a paradise realm, something like the Earth which after all these eons anchors still your conceits of normality. Can you not see that such an act would shirk the purpose of all possible universes, reduce ineffably the grandeur of all that is? That you have discarded name and meaning, it does not follow that you must inflict the same upon every realm you tread!"
Is... is she a tsundere? I ask because there's an awful lot of flattery in her supervillain rant. Noooo, don't you dare touch me with your filthy, savage blade- dammit, now I'm imagining a porn parody of this. I blame Rihaku.
But setting aside how ridiculous the Ur-Mother is, I think I get it. "Evil is necessary as a contrast for good to be meaningful" is something I've heard before in the real world, even if I vehemently disagree. But this isn't a real world, this is a Rihaku quest. And I'm not joking when I say that the deepest lore of a Rihaku quest is that it's a quest. Evil isn't needed for good, but antagonists are helpful in a story. And according to her, the Forebear is making the story worse by cutting up the hells that could be used by other protagonists. Because good isn't good, drama is good.
I mean, in universe that's clearly reprehensible, but I love what (I've interpreted that) Rihaku is doing.
Going back to Nameless Yong... there might not be consequences? The lack of consequences would be the punishment, in this view. That makes no sense, please hold while I untwist my mind from the damage trying to comprehend an overgod inflicted.
"I don't care," he said. "Are you done begging for your life?"
"I will ruin you," she began, "from beyond oblivion if I must. I am not some trifling pretend-divine, to be disrespected so-"
"Unconditional surrender," he said, "And l spare you. Else I will draw my Blade again."
ruin him? She's saying that to the For- wait, he's young still. And she did have her Berserkers, which are ruinlike? Are we seeing the Forebear's origin story? Well, of course we are, but I didn't think it'd be that part of it.
Nebulae aside, the Ur-Mother doesn't seem very bright. This conversation is probably translated down the ISH for my convenience, but still. I guess that's what happens when you only encounter cartoonishly evil vile villains, huh? She's like all the rest, even if she has a crippling lack of self-awareness to present herself this way. In the Forebear's view, anyway, he is just done. I feel like, since she's so willing and eager to talk, there's value in keeping her alive, but the only reason he's listening is because he can't turn off his ears anyway. Cut.
(Fake Edit: And holy shit, never put me in Hell, the next few sentences prove how screwed I'd be.

"Hah!" She laughed. "You cannot so much as move as long as we speak, for my Speech is the very stuff by which this cosmos was made, and remade every instant with you inside of it. Now we will bargain, child, and you will find my reservoir of mercy has run low... but neither of us shall depart this moment until we have reached an accord."
Oh. So my feeling of "God, does she ever shut up?" was her superpower. And "can we please talk this out?" is a nonstarter when one person has talky god powers and the other one doesn't, so cut is the correct answer as it always is in Hell. I'm sorry for ever doubting you, Mr. Forebear. I don't think that's how talking it out works, but it is if she says it is. Yikes, no wonder she's so unselfaware, nobody is allowed to disagree with her. Feeling better about Skyveil, even if I doubt Hunger'd end up anywhere near this bad without it.
Ur-Mother: Forebear, I've come to bargain. (How many times can I copy and paste this to inflate the word count before Rihaku stops giving me Arete? : p)
He spent mightily of himself and cut through to the solution of this unpleasant dilemma. Better eons spent in recovery sleep than wasted on this dialogue.
The knowledge appeared in his mind. He arrayed his energies in the All-Defeating Stance, by which nothing that opposed him could not be ruined, even an ontological lack, and felt the last lingering curse of the Ur-Mother from her defeat three instants into the future.
Forebear Quest had a massive omakestorm and snap-bought All-Defeating Stance. Unfortunately, this version of the Forebear doesn't have any questers, so he goes 28 Arete into debt for it. Or so I interpreted the recovery sleep, though that could be an exasperated hyperbole, especially since he might get kicked down into zettahell if he keeps failing Procession Geas tasks by sleeping. The disrespect is real.
I'd noticed the functional similarity between ADS and Praxis pre-combat advancements, and the Forebear Cut Through to ADS, but it's not counted as a Praxis technique. Because the Forebear's Cut-magic overlaps with Praxis, but there are parts of it that aren't? But anyway, I'm even more hype about ADS than I already was, and if you didn't notice from my two attempts in a row to gather support for ADS as a write-in, I was already super hype for it. I feel vindicated about saying "I've overlooked a bunch of things, I'm sure, but that's fine because ADS defeats them too!" or however I worded it, because I hadn't even considered attacks from the future! Should I be so smug about my ignorance? Yes, because ADS defeats even not being smug, don't ruin this for me. The Forebear flashbought ADS to get out of a jam, it's an honor to follow in his footsteps.
Ruin itself had permeated his form, and all that he touched would crack and dissolve. Useful if weaponized. He integrated it into the nature of his Stance and mastered it thereby. Perhaps there was more to the cut than a blade's edge, if body and essence could be arranged so profitably.
So he only now became Ruinman, theory confirmed. Wait a minute, though, if ADS and Ruin came at the same time, he never had any of the lesser Defeating Stances. How sad, to never know the glory of Guile-Defeating Stance. Unless they just didn't include the Ruin components... but that's basically all of Magic-Defeating Stance. Strange that there'd even be components, if this is how it was formed, but if he Cut Through to a parallel reality (or whatever nonsense) where he had developed an answer, it would still bear the marks of its making.
No surprise if the Ruin the Forebear wields is stronger than Hunger's, but other than the Giant Enemy Crab I don't think we've seen Ruin effects as flashy as the description here suggests. Maybe the Forebear refined it over time and we're benefiting from that practice?
We knew the Stances were "internal energy manipulation," but now we know it's essence. Super cool- it makes me want to use the stances as a path to the broader field of essence manipulation, but since as far as Hunger is concerned stances are the pinnacle of the field and they require essence "investiture," it's not the most productive use of time. Even if it would be awesome.
Taken at face value, the Forebear's line about the cut being more than an edge is asinine. No duh, everyone knows you should put your body's weight behind a punch. But he has a lightsaber, so it's okay that he thought it'd be different for him. Especially because he only now received +++++Int and Wis, it's hard to avoid becoming well balanced after getting + to all stats no matter how much of a Cut maniac you are. I hope it helps with his happiness, or at least his contentedness if that's impossible.
"Last chance," he said, and she desperately marshaled her energies, full realities fed to the cauldron of her ascension as she prepared to oppose him in direct strife. Numberless innocents incinerated on the pyre of such pointless hubris.
I shouldn't be surprised after the quadrillion slaves horror, but I still have to stop for a moment to take this in. Protip: if you want to know who the bad guy is in a conflict between the person who sacrifices their future energy for a powerup and the one who burns "numberless innocents," it's the latter. She doesn't even have the decency to win, so the Forebear's right that it's pointless.
She's just the worst. Or the 29845y235yioth worst, however far up she is from Uttermost Hell.
He pulled sword from stone. The hour of reckoning had come.
Bruh. Let me scroll up... yup. I had assumed that when the Forebear cut through time, it was with his sword, but it was never explicitly said that he picked it up. No wonder the Ur-Mother was secure enough in her victory for that level of monologue, swordboy had no sword. Arrogant on his part, too, to challenge her without it, but (wait, what's publicly available... good) it's not that easy to unmake the choice to stick the sword in the stone, until the Hour of Reckoning. Which is now, I knew that line had something to do with something.

And let me check again- cool. +2 Martial Rank, when the Forebear is presumably in the teens already as a universe creator- the Ur-Mother seemed not too far above him before, so she's simply dead now. As the Forebear said, but there's mechanical basis for his certainty!
In the aftermath, the multiverse she'd burned rained like ash down upon the Realm of Forms. He'd collected what few remnants existed and seeded them into the hollow dimension he was in the process of restructuring. Without the Ur-Mother, causality itself was paused in this realm; he pulsed his newfound power, and Ruin pervaded reality, enabling the passage of events so long as they trended towards destruction in the end.
Ruin in such a guise was mere entropy, and though its ending would be dire, there would be spots of brightness in the universe to come, and that was all that was required for his task to see completion.
Enough. Time to rest. One day in the future he would be king of this patchwork realm, and witness its shining apex before departing to a world fouler still.
So entropy is the Forebear's fault, thanks Obama. I can't even blame the Ur-Mother exactly... if the best you can hope for is spots of brightness, it might've been better to abort the universe. There are others, after all. But he has a task, which requires this universe exist. Thinking about it, if he has to visit
later, that means the universe he created is likely even worse than this one. What the heck, man, that's a dick move. At least, as the Once and Future King, he's taking responsibility.
At the risk of pareidolia, I'll try to connect this to Hunger. The patchwork realm does seem to be a reasonable description of the Voyaging Realm, and "trending towards destruction" is, uh, congruent with our experiences therein. But that's our fault as much as anything. And if the Forebear is the King of Entropy, is Hunger the King of Winter that comes after? I like it, as long as we can work towards spring, in that metaphor.
Now, let me focus on one line:
Time to rest. You see that, Hunger? Even the Forebear took a break now and then, despite the dire consequences of slacking. Not that it's your fault the voters are egging you on.
'Quick is the plunge to stagnation, once one's goals are attained.' Perhaps that is the wisdom behind my interminable journey. If so, have I any choice but the repudiation of all wisdom?
- Notes of the Forebear
There are other methods of motivation besides endless descent into hell, you know. I suggested magic and drugs earlier, but aside from the extremes there are options. Like the satisfaction of a job well done. It doesn't always work, but it has the benefit of not being Hell, which is an attractive trait in a motivation. I'm glad he didn't think of it in those terms, because that's not a hundredth as metal as repudiating all wisdom is. How did that line from Bleach quest go again? Ah, there it is.
When the world and an ideal exist in disharmony, it is not the ideal that has to change! It is not the ideal that is wrong! IT IS THE WORLD!""
Same energy.