This Forebear guy seems like he's alright at cutting, but how many cuts would it take for the him to reach the center of a tootsie pop?
He could cut through a tootsie pop with a single swing, that's how awesome he is! But to get to the tootsie roll in the middle, he might want to stop halfway through, which might be more of a struggle for him.

Edit: Pagegang step aside, we Tootsie Gang now.
Hour of Reckoning
Hour of Reckoning

Is there a means of attaining contentment without excess self-satisfaction? Quick is the plunge to stagnation, once one's goals are attained.

-Notes of the Forebear

Monday, the 1059th world.

The treadmill of worlds ground on ceaselessly, and he increased his pace to match. Long had it been since his first dire transport, his first breathtaking emergence into mystery and wonder. Now there was only the drab gray abattoir of his trek, the mire of worlds each successively crueler and more ashen than the last, pith of his soul ground into an unfeeling husk. Yet even that dusky charcoal had not been enough for the Procession. By raw pressure alone it had smelted him into something harder, charcoal become diamond, become something that could neither tarry nor yield; but only press ceaselessly onwards into the abyss of worlds. There was no brightness in this mire, so all he could display was his sharpness: the power to pierce, to strike, to cut.

That sharpness he'd refined on the whetstone of worlds, until his fingers were bone and his marrow was wine, until his mind and soul like errant wax dribbled from his eyes and stained the cosmos beneath. One of the few benefits of perpetual reincarnation: the ability to train beyond the limits of any one body or self.

He cut those things which were easy to cut. He cut those things which were difficult to cut. He cut those things which were possible to cut. He cut those things whose possibility was in question. He cut, and cut, and cut, and cut, until he could cut through, even if it could not be cut.

That had been his first salvation. The spiral of things he could cut expanded slowly, torturously but without limit, and he knew that one day he would cut his way free no matter the cost.

Such edge, he thought dully, and briefly smiled. What would his younger self have said, if he could see him now? He whose life was some ghoulish nightmare out of his darkest dreamings, who a thousand times had died gasping only to awaken into a realm colder still? He could hardly remember the boy he'd been once, faintest glimmerings of a threadbare identity.

The Procession of Worlds was a staircase that only descended, and he its benighted warden, yet still he had lived and seen wonders beyond the reckoning of pallid mundanity, glimpsed and grasped power beyond the furthermost imaginings of men. Still it was not enough. Was that his curse, or merely his burden?

The enemy was upon him once more. Berserkers, a horde to darken the wide-rimmed horizon, each beast engorged with the swollen might of devoured pantheons; the pantheons themselves richly fattened by entire worlds enslaved, engines of exploitation so deeply engrained that their laborers had no word for even the concept of choice. How many quadrillions lived and breathed their own oppression, fearful yet hopeless, with neither the will nor the desire to conceive of better, knowing absolutely that their flat merciless existence was the best of all possible worlds?

Torments of such modest scope failed to quicken him anymore, yet he had no choice but to fight. The staircase was endless and without remorse. Conquest and dominion meant he would take only a single step down, while failure would see him descend entire flights, the power and torments of the worlds where he landed unthinkable to a mind of his present level. Had he not learned to cut... he shuddered at where his current existence might lie. Trapped and mewling in some torture dimension half a thousand steps up, perhaps. The Procession did not take kindly to those who ignored its implicit dictates.

He welcomed worlds where the opposition was mightier, for that meant their depravity could only be more mundane.

At last the Berserkers had concluded their glacial charge. He'd considered leaving them to their business, for the stench of evil upon their target-worlds had seeped beyond all mundane means of resolution, but the ingrates had presumed to attack him as well, mistaking indifference for weakness, or simply too stupid to care.

The Berserkers were judgement given flesh, a perilous flood to sweep sin away when the monstrosity of the universe grew beyond even their ravening evil. Perhaps in him they saw the shadow of an oppressor whose hands were too stained for any shred of mercy. Or perhaps their divine hunger was wholly unreasoning in its all-consuming impetus.

They were impressive specimens, the warpaint-bone of their masks harrowing to the very soul, their merest footfall the end of worlds, each errant stroke an age's close. These were beings whose clutch and weft could pluck free the bones of gods, the might of aeons a stripling yew before their methuselah provenance.

He drew the Blade and the realm was quelled, grown quiet and still in the presence of that steel. It had been an ordinary sword once, a bastard sword, hand-and-half of uninspired design, flat gray pommel and blade. Now it was the instrument by which his cut was delivered, and that sufficed to elevate it beyond the realm of gods, or those who devoured them.

The Forebear of Dynasties took one step forward, and cut once.

The Berserkers fell. Ambrosia and stranger things pooled from the bodies of the now-depleted army, half-digested remains of reveler gods.

"Do you regret sacrificing your name for power?" One foe remained, a statuesque woman dressed in silks. Space and time spooled about her like molten amber, her skin the pale bone white of her underlings' masks.

"I don't think about it," he answered honestly, preparing his second cut. The sides of his head burned in anticipation. All of it had been too easy thus far; he had expected a complication such as this.

"Names have such beauty," the woman breathed. "They are so critical to the essence of what we are. Know a being's name and you possess dominion over them, if only by a little. Exercise that dominion wisely, and it can become total control."

He struck, and the woman flashed back, but this third cut was aimed and thus inescapable. She split in half diagonally, and trembled once.

"I can offer you answers," she continued sedately. "The meaning behind your endless journey, this troubleshooter of worlds, this cosmic janitor. I can-"

He struck, and it was the fourth cut. Four was the number of death. She perished, and with a flick of his blade he restored his hearing, his ability to comprehend the spoken word.

The Forebear continued without regret for the data he might have lost. It was not his to wonder why, but merely to cut through, always and forever, until the task was done. It might not be achieved in finite time, but impatience was one weakness that had been ground out of him early on.

He stepped, and appeared on one of the few worlds un-ravaged. Its occupants bowed to him as a god and he discouraged them. He set his Blade down in the stance of rulership, sword in the stone with pommel upright, and severed the chains on their mind and soul. This sufficed not, for they had no spark of volition in the first place to stoke, and he resigned himself to the slow grinding process of deploying another Dynasty. Perhaps it was the very system of divine power-through-worship that lead to such unpalatable extremes. This realm needed to be restructured from the very fundament, the souls recycled and rebirthed into a plane more appropriate to some level of flourishing.

He cut, and felt the temporal noose loosen, and was confronted by the Greater Aspect of the woman he'd earlier slain. She was wreathed in the cosmos, the nebulae her accoutrements, and now wore a mask of blinding radiance, the primordial fire of all creation.

"How convenient," the Ur-Mother hissed, her voice a sibilance that transcended sound and imparted meaning without medium. "That you might wander the worlds and only ever encounter villains so vile that any atrocity might be justified by their destruction! How utterly and shamelessly appropriate for the likes of you."

"It is," he said nodding. That mere annihilation was a luxury wildly undeserved for his current regime of foes did weigh on him at times. Surely there were misdeeds of such scale for which vengeance was downright mandatory, and death a grave miscarriage of justice. But it was not in him to be just. The ideals of justice were just one part of the weight that added strength to his cut. So wielded, could anyone retain their appreciation for such?

"You seek to undo all that I have made," the Ur-Mother growled. "You, with your mere brute skill, your unseemly invincible power, would unseat me and make of this place the pale shadow of a paradise realm, something like the Earth which after all these eons anchors still your conceits of normality. Can you not see that such an act would shirk the purpose of all possible universes, reduce ineffably the grandeur of all that is? That you have discarded name and meaning, it does not follow that you must inflict the same upon every realm you tread!"

"I don't care," he said. "Are you done begging for your life?"

"I will ruin you," she began, "from beyond oblivion if I must. I am not some trifling pretend-divine, to be disrespected so-"

"Unconditional surrender," he said, "And l spare you. Else I will draw my Blade again."

"Hah!" She laughed. "You cannot so much as move as long as we speak, for my Speech is the very stuff by which this cosmos was made, and remade every instant with you inside of it. Now we will bargain, child, and you will find my reservoir of mercy has run low... but neither of us shall depart this moment until we have reached an accord."

He spent mightily of himself and cut through to the solution of this unpleasant dilemma. Better eons spent in recovery sleep than wasted on this dialogue.

The knowledge appeared in his mind. He arrayed his energies in the All-Defeating Stance, by which nothing that opposed him could not be ruined, even an ontological lack, and felt the last lingering curse of the Ur-Mother from her defeat three instants into the future.


Ruin itself had permeated his form, and all that he touched would crack and dissolve. Useful if weaponized. He integrated it into the nature of his Stance and mastered it thereby. Perhaps there was more to the cut than a blade's edge, if body and essence could be arranged so profitably.


"Last chance," he said, and she desperately marshaled her energies, full realities fed to the cauldron of her ascension as she prepared to oppose him in direct strife. Numberless innocents incinerated on the pyre of such pointless hubris.


He pulled sword from stone. The hour of reckoning had come.

In the aftermath, the multiverse she'd burned rained like ash down upon the Realm of Forms. He'd collected what few remnants existed and seeded them into the hollow dimension he was in the process of restructuring. Without the Ur-Mother, causality itself was paused in this realm; he pulsed his newfound power, and Ruin pervaded reality, enabling the passage of events so long as they trended towards destruction in the end.

Ruin in such a guise was mere entropy, and though its ending would be dire, there would be spots of brightness in the universe to come, and that was all that was required for his task to see completion.

Enough. Time to rest. One day in the future he would be king of this patchwork realm, and witness its shining apex before departing to a world fouler still.

'Quick is the plunge to stagnation, once one's goals are attained.' Perhaps that is the wisdom behind my interminable journey. If so, have I any choice but the repudiation of all wisdom?

- Notes of the Forebear


The winner was [X] The Armament Fish. How do you think Hunger will react to this information? How should he react? Was the Forebear an example to be aspired to, or a cautionary tale to be vigorously spurned? Assuming that he's truly gone at all, of course...

Hunger has attained the Title, [X] King of Winter. Three EFBs acquired in a single update is truly power beyond all reason! Even so, the power of the Armament Fish is undeniably vast; and what better enemy to withstand a deluge than a Fish? Good tactics can improve his odds greatly.

Vote update later tonight or tomorrow!

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He used the Power of Ruin to create a universe/multiverse with entropy installed, like our own universe? (After all, when the passage of time means eventual ruin, that is a sort of ruin too.) Wow, that's incredible. I didn't know it had that much scope.
Man, now I feel bad for the Forebear. He seems like a guy who fundamentally wanted to do good, but ran headlong into an uncaring universe until this was all he had left of him. The speculation about him being a Cursebearer was wrong - being a cursebearer would have been vastly preferable. Imagine what this man could have done with a better powerset, if he built his current self -

"You, with your mere brute skill, your unseemly invincible power,

With nothing but skill. Seriously, WTF? If this is true, he's probably more impressive then even the Accursed - at least the Accursed started off as a solaroid exalt (we think, anyway).

Also, Amarlts being descendants of the Forebear confirmed? He starts a dynasty at every world he conquers.
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Imagine not picking up ADS after this.

You guys did just expend an enormous amount of Arete on raw power! Could save for Pillars or Ruling Ring...

Damn, Forebear is such a cool dude. No wonder he managed to cut through his way into Royal Praxis.

Well, technically it's a series of techniques that use the same underlying principles as the Royal Praxis, the Royal itself encompassing everything he could do any more!

But yes. The position of cosmic janitor is not to be entered into lightly, without the proper qualifications!
(721 words.)
In this particular fan work the MC is one who already has a pretty wide portfolio of assets. We get the very excellent phrase "hyper-trillion" alongside the very ambiguous term of "your charges."
I'm glad you like the former, which seemed to me bizarre and vaguely pretentious in a very Rihakuverse sort of way. (I think it means something like "around a trillion, but multidimensional enough that a regular number would be misleading".)
The latter, in case it wasn't obvious, refers to the mechanisms (in this case mostly heroes) by which Comeuppance enacts its' nature.
This one is rough. Has the Accursed done anything that would inspire glee at getting his comeuppance? The conflict between him and his tormentors is meant to be ineffable, but some hints have been dropped about the Accursed trying to challenge and change the status quo. If that change is for the better, describing his curses as "comeuppance" could only be very tongue in cheek. Is our MC's existence really limited by the denial of the chance for such a small bit of cosmic irony?

It would be fun to find out!
Comeuppance is less a moral principle and more a structural one!
Right now, it's upset not because there's something beyond its' power, but because there's something which isn't part of it that is taking its' job! Job security is very important, you know!
Now this is neat. The 'charges' seem to be people who have the attention of Comeuppance. When Hunger et. al got their curse offers, it was looking over their metaphorical shoulders. At least, I think that's what the first sentence is saying.
Pretty much. But it's also saying that, on another level, the Accursed is giving Comeuppance a recruitment pitch via synthesis from across a hyper-trillion of Comeuppance's charges. He's looking back over their shoulders, in other words.
This would be a potent form of mitigation for the Accursed. Maybe Hunger's Indenture tasks would take on a different tone? I'm not really sure how mitigation milestones that are meaningful for the Accursed itself would work for already-completed transactions.
Mostly, I expect it would give the Accursed more room for action! His ability to hold off various curses is clearly limited somehow, but there are presumably curses - or curse-combinations - that he's unwilling to let loose. The Decimation, for example, or the combination of Maiming and Lunacy.
Cosmic Balance - which actually came to me a Curse format version of the only even-vaguely-plausible reason for why Harmony is such an incredible jerk in the Alloy of Law series - is one of those that I expect he keeps suppressed at all times.
This curse is really appealing once it has been mitigated, and really disturbing up until that happens. Lots of people get their comeuppance already, but it would be hard to argue that the universe only pushes back on those who have destructive ambitions. The climate activist is just as likely to get their comeuppance as an unethical financial broker. And the financial broker has more resources to mitigate consequences, so if the cosmic balance equalizes our MC's efforts for good and bad ends then there will be on net more weight applied against the good guys than the bad guys. On the other hand, if the curse equalizes the MC's outcomes then we might have a larger budget to impose penalties on the unscrupulous. This would lead to a quest whose theme weighs the herculean efforts needed to bring justice to wrongdoers against the feather-touch that is needed to ruin the fragile egg-shell lives of regular people.

Based on the 3(?) conversations I've had with Horatio, this would be a very interesting plot line to follow!
If it wins, mitigation priorities would be the very next vote! By default it would be "worst possible interpretation for your goals", which would be basically unplayable - mitigation would be how it, and thus much of the quest, are defined.
This one just makes me sad for Protagonist-kun. If the meta verse became aware of its true existence, then anybody with an urge for reform would be discouraged. Put in the form of a curse, those reformers would see it in the worst possible light and despair immediately. What a sad commentary on the worth of our MC's efforts.
Comeuppance is hardly a necessary part of reform, but its' depopularization would have some interesting effects on its' sphere of influence, yes - and probably not for the better. (Much of the problem would be discouraging contrarians and their useful niche in evolution, I think. On the other hand, mitigating that aspect would be reasonably simple with the Praxis.)
This option provides the largest obstacle to the MC's personal goals: it is known and it is weaker. However, it also puts no restriction on the MC's day to day activities. We'd set about the task of bringing justice comeuppance to the denizens of the ISH's higher tiers.

Writing a quest where a protagonist with "hyper-trillions" of agents stumbles into a shadow-war against enemies with even broader resources would be difficult, but probably a lot of fun to read.
Weaker is the main problem; 'known' is kind of a wash. (Comeuppance gets power from that, so the Brand is a lot more interested in hurting people and making its' bearer unlovable.)
Also, fair warning, I don't know a whole lot about what high-tier Rihakuverse looks like - I may not update this until or unless I have an idea of what the quest would actually involve.
[H] The Apocryphal Curse
[H] Collection
Collection is the quest that I want to read most. It is totally off the wall, and for someone who wants to investigate different phenomena, the Apocryphal Curse is not so much an obstacle as a weighty burden. The success of this quest would be dependent on the player base engaging in a collaborative writing process instead of the top down format of most quests.
Adopt the self-defeating stance. The benefits are explicitly smaller than the costs. However, this is less of an existential threat than it is for mortal curse bearers. Maybe we are a better spot for AC-mitigation because we will survive holding the curse for longer than any other curse bearer? I'm not sure how this one would play out.
Honestly, it's probably not a lot worse for mortals? Their main problem is that it has a (actually fairly low, if well-managed) chance of killing them - I model it as something like 20% over the long term - whereas you'd have like 40-60% of your projects selfsabotaged. On the other hand, immediate power! You could probably handle a full ISH-tier-up worth of Apocryphal integration at this point.
I don't care that much about praxis. Hard work is a good fit for an operator who handles "hyper-trillions" of agents, but it's almost scary to think of what would be required to earn praxis picks.
I actually don't see any inherent connection between scale of influence and affinity for hard work, but it would be useful! I figure Praxis work doesn't ever get easier or harder relative to your position, although some things (like Progression) do change how much you get from it.
Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist is such a cool concept. It seems like a quest should be able to handle the free-form element pretty effectively because the log of previous verdicts would always be available. I'm imagining something like a techno-babble quest, but with QM guidance.
To be clear, I wasn't planning to use that system, just making an instructive comparison. (Also, what is it with you people? Orm's Nobilis fan and apparently you're familiar with Wisher Theurgist Fatalist, but no one's mentioned the Erfworld reference? I guess it's not too surprising, but it does feel strange to me.)
I have to say, "moderately esoteric relationship simulator" with the Accursed is a sales pitch that I didn't know would be so effective. Despite my automatic enthusiasm for W/T/F, this one immediately caught my interest. I think it would depend on the combination of Curse / Remittance.
I wasn't thinking that far ahead - I was just thinking of the joke. So yes, its' effectiveness is surprising for me, too.
Cosmic Balance and Collection are individually my favorite options, but it seems like they don't really work together. I could be wrong.
They don't have any particular synergy, but they aren't actively in conflict either. The only notably bad combinations I can see are Apocryphal/Incarnate (because your selfsabotage has a clearer route to -Progression) and Plenary/Collection (because it's hard to undo the damage to your reputation). Even those are workable, they're just harder to use.
[V] The Cosmic Balance
[V] Favor
If we are playing a relationship simulator, we should start strong by taking a curse that the big man wants to offload.
Clever! Significant argument power bonus. That means this one is in the lead!
[Bkr] The Plenary Brand
[Bkr] Incarnate
It isn't obvious that the Enemies will immediately know that we are coming for them. While mitigation becomes more difficult as we scale up, it would be entirely possible to work really hard on Mitigation (Stealth) before escalating into direct opposition with our targets. Praxis seems like the obvious choice if we are declaring War, especially given our existing power base of various heroes & villains whose circumstances make them eligible for their comeuppance.
Yeah, this is a fairly obvious combination. It probably winds up with the most conventional "Cursebearer with bigger numbers" quest, actually - the easiest way to get rid of the reputation damage is to seal off your power from your name, which would be a lot easier if you had more selfhood to go around.
[CU] The Apocryphal Curse
[CU] Favor
Interesting! Any particular reasons?
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I mean, every universe he visited was irrevocably doomed to entropy, which (and this might seem like a pretty spicy take), was bad.
I don't think that's necessarily true! He only achieved the power of Ruin in that very encounter, and used it to reconstruct that world's metaphysics because he was too sleepy to do anything else.
I don't think that's necessarily true! He only achieved the power of Ruin in that very encounter, and used it to reconstruct that world's metaphysics because he was too sleepy to do anything else.

Good point! Still a little rude, if you ask me!

Not every - he just had to build his own causality here and was exhausted enough to use Ruin instead of sword Praxis. But really, if you can't patch your universe out of entropy, you deserve it.

Normally I'd disagree, but this is the Rihakuverse, where you can buy a magic system from a peddler for three goats and a sack of beans, so they'll probably figure something out.
How do you think Hunger will react to this information? How should he react? Was the Forebear an example to be aspired to, or a cautionary tale to be vigorously spurned? Assuming that he's truly gone at all, of course...

Honestly I think it's a bit of both. It's obvious that the Forebear wasn't a bad person. He was just a guy that was trying to do the best he could. I think his skill and dedication are something Hunger should strive to achieve. However the reason he ended up in such a bleak situation was because all he could do was cut. He didn't have enough of a skill set to properly deal with every situation. He didn't use ruin to rebuild an entire world because it was the right thing to do. He used it because it was the only thing he could do. So while we should follow his example in skill and dedication we shouldn't limit ourselves to a single method of action. We need to either diversify and achieve mastery in everything or to delegate and let our allies succeed where we can't.
4bear fan 4ever. Now I somewhat regret going for the Trinity instead of the Sword Advancement.

Not clear what universe this was though. Patchwork realm sounds a whole lot like the Voyaging Realm, but Hunger picked up his Blade in the isekai world. Plus the mention of causality stemming from the Ur-Mother in the end... interesting coincidence that the Tyrant's actions were described as destroying fate till only causality remained. And don't the Forebears immortality powers operate on a principle that sounds like fate/destiny?
Forebear was hardcore but not someone any one should aspire to be. He lost too much of himself from the look of it.
Honestly I think it's a bit of both. It's obvious that the Forebear wasn't a bad person. He was just a guy that was trying to do the best he could. I think his skill and dedication are something Hunger should strive to achieve. However the reason he ended up in such a bleak situation was because all he could do was cut. He didn't have enough of a skill set to properly deal with every situation. He didn't use ruin to rebuild an entire world because it was the right thing to do. He used it because it was the only thing he could do. So while we should follow his example in skill and dedication we shouldn't limit ourselves to a single method of action. We need to either diversify and achieve mastery in everything or to delegate and let our allies succeed where we can't.

If only we had a companion who could shoulder some part of that burden! It'd be really difficult to cover all of Hunger blind spots and weaknesses though, this hypothetical ally would have to be some kind of Renaissance Woman :V