A Little Vice (Trans Magical Girl fic)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I've seen people mention the phrase "cour" a few times when talking about timeline but I have no idea what it means with regards to anime/magical girl conventions (somehow I don't think the French for courtyard or court of law is the correct answer). If someone could explain what it means to me I'd be very grateful :)
I'm not an expert but people in thread have been indicating it's the specific structuring anime uses as roughly equivalent to (but distinct in details from) talking about the seasons of a show.

Mostly it apparently matters in terms of how many episodes/arcs etc you'd expect from what I've been following but I'm sure someone else can better explain as other people are actually familiar with it.
I'm not an expert but people in thread have been indicating it's the specific structuring anime uses as roughly equivalent to (but distinct in details from) talking about the seasons of a show.
LampWitch already linked my more in-depth explanation, but TL;DR: A cour is a set of (usually) 10-14 episodes, a season is one block of anime which is usually one cour long but sometimes two or more cour. The example I used in the explanation was My Hero Academia; season 1 and season 2 are both one season long (natch), but season 1 is one cour long while season 2 is two cour.

I've only heard the term used in an anime context, and even then not often. It seems like a pretty niche term, but it has its uses.
There are definitely differences in Western television (and streaming shows and so on) in pacing between shows that are intended to run for about 10-15 episodes and shows that run for 25 or more per season. The terminology may be to some extent anime-specific, but any serialized visual media will tie into it somehow, I think.

some of y'all don't support trans wrongs

Would you mind defining that term? Or would it fatally explode the joke, in which case, sorry?

Would you mind defining that term? Or would it fatally explode the joke, in which case, sorry?
yea this is a trans wrong
Something inside me writhed in joy and I found I somehow knew exactly what came next. I raised one hand and dragged it across my face. "Verdant winds of Invidia, change me!"

For one moment, I seemed to stand in a hall of envy's mirrors reflecting every inadequacy: too tall and clumsy, too ugly, too weak, too unlovable, too unmotivated. C couldn't change; couldn't be anything anyone would want to be, anyone anyone would really want to have. But envy would turn each inadequacy into a font of strength.

So what if I was too big and clumsy? I could just imitate Ida's grace. I could borrow Temperance's stature and poise. So what if I was weak? I could mimic Inessa's power and beauty. So what if I was pathetic; I could steal the bearing of a Saint.

Miasma wrapped around me, buffeting me as it scoured away everything unneeded, everything of Charleton in favor of something softer and smaller and prettier and perfect.

And then it condensed into soft fabric. My hands, stretched toward Inessa in welcome, found themselves covered in long black gloves. A skirt, black with green highlights copied the exact style the Saints wore. Envy could do nothing less. I toyed with the bow on my chest (and tried not to pay attention to the fact that I actually had a chest) and then nearly lost my balance as the dark left a pair of dark wings on my back.

The Saints had little feathery things, more ornament than not. Mine, flared out as the transformation left them, were a thing of another tier entirely. These were mine. The mark of envy's beast. No matter how much the Saints outshone the sun, I would reflect their light and rule the night.

I smiled at them, tongue flicking across one of my fangs.

"With a jealous scream to shatter the night, Invidia Bat has arrived!" I let my hand fall to my side, dipping low into a curtsy and wrapping myself in my wings.
Not a snake, but in hindsight it makes sense with the whole biting someone and geting their powers.

Am I the only one that does not want C or Lupin to be purified or at least not completely?
For all that we know that how they are doing things isn't right, I feel that there is some truth to what Lupin said to people needing sin (and I want some people representing those sins).

Plus no matter how much C life sucked the side that actually went ahead and changed things for the better is the sinner's side. The good guys coming now, "saving" C and somehow looking like the reason everything is fine now doesn't sit well with me, the fact that something similar probably already happened with Gula it's even worse...

Edit: tried to make things a bit more clear.
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They wanted to take C from that house, C just refused until the bottle incident. According to Gula, becoming a Saint was letting go of shame, and she still indulges herself in gluttony. Maybe a sinner group without Superbia at the top could be good, but to me the text seems to be implying sin and virtue are about how you view things rather than about traits, with sin being about seeing yourself and what you do as wrong and still doing it. C keeps saying there's a split between her and the Saints, and thinks they don't really care, but they really do like her and want her as a teammate. They just screwed up because mental health is hard and the closest thing to a therapist was Mr Noir.
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Not a snake, but in hindsight it makes sense with the whole biting someone and geting their powers.

Am I the only one that does not want C or Lupin to be purified or at least not completely?
For all that we know that how they are doing things isn't right, I feel that there is some truth to what Lupin said to people needing sin (and I want some people representing those sins).

Plus no matter how much C life sucked the side that actually went ahead and changed things for the better is the sinner's side. The good guys coming now, "saving" C and somehow looking like the reason everything is fine now doesn't sit well with me, the fact that something similar probably already happened with Gula it's even worse...

Edit: tried to make things a bit more clear.

I think this is unfair. The Virtue Side was fully supportive of C, offering her shelter from her father and safe places to practice trying to transition such as with Temperance trying to get her to wear dresses, they were just willing to respect C's autonomy and not force her into the dress like Lupin was. C just wasn't willing to let himself become herself because of the mix of toxic masculinity and cishetero patriarchy pushed on her by her father.
I think this is unfair. The Virtue Side was fully supportive of C, offering her shelter from her father and safe places to practice trying to transition such as with Temperance trying to get her to wear dresses, they were just willing to respect C's autonomy and not force her into the dress like Lupin was. C just wasn't willing to let himself become herself because of the mix of toxic masculinity and cishetero patriarchy pushed on her by her father.

You are correct, the girls did try being suportive as much as they could, which helped a bit.
But neither the boss of the evil faction Or the boss/mascot of the good faction helped, one because he just wanted to use C and the other because he "can't" (the fact that Michael is an angel and the mascot on the team confuses me a bit too).
At the end of the day, like it or not, the probing and pushing of the greedy wolf plus the feeding of C envy is what actually started the change that C needed.

It isn't exactly what I would call healthy, like someone that is abused deciding they are going to be a better person than their abuser out of pure spite.
Plus I am quite sure that there are going to be problems in the future with C and her envy, like a pendulum that was swinging in one extreme that will go now to the other.

But I just want it recognized, that in making this first great step the greedy wolf and envy helped, that what's needed is balance, not simply purify the beasts and everything will be ok...

I hope I am not coming in too strong?
You are correct, the girls did try being suportive as much as they could, which helped a bit.
But neither the boss of the evil faction Or the boss/mascot of the good faction helped, one because he just wanted to use C and the other because he "can't" (the fact that Michael is an angel and the mascot on the team confuses me a bit too).
At the end of the day, like it or not, the probing and pushing of the greedy wolf plus the feeding of C envy is what actually started the change that C needed.

It isn't exactly what I would call healthy, like someone that is abused deciding they are going to be a better person than their abuser out of pure spite.
Plus I am quite sure that there are going to be problems in the future with C and her envy, like a pendulum that was swinging in one extreme that will go now to the other.

But I just want it recognized, that in making this first great step the greedy wolf and envy helped, that what's needed is balance, not simply purify the beasts and everything will be ok...

I hope I am not coming in too strong?
Do you consider Temperance to be "simply purified?"

And do you consider Temperance's outcome to be a bad thing?
Had a whole paragraf writen, but going to simplify:
How I am suposed to know if it's a bad thing if I don't know why does the things she does?
I just don't know her enough
I feel as though reading the story so far gives us a good sense of Temperance. Like, we may not know everything about her inner mental life and whatnot. But we do know that she seems functional, reasonably happy, and not somehow hyper-repressed and out of touch with her actual desires. She's just not lashing out and hurting people with them.

I think you may be taking ideas of sin/purity/good/evil from other settings and mapping them onto this setting. It seems as if you're imagining that in the process of being "purified" of being Invidia, C would have to entirely give up the aspect of wanting what other people have. It doesn't seem to work that way in this setting.

We have no reason to think that Temperance lost the ability to, I dunno, eat the leftovers in the middle of the night. Or to acknowledge that she just likes something. Or whatever being "purified of the sin of gluttony" might seem to involve in your interpretation.
We have no reason to think that Temperance lost the ability to, I dunno, eat the leftovers in the middle of the night. Or to acknowledge that she just likes something. Or whatever being "purified of the sin of gluttony" might seem to involve in your interpretation.
I'd go a step father and say we have very good reason to think that she hasn't lost that ability.
Temperance ignored us both, instead chomping down loudly on an apple slice. I glanced at her, grateful for the distraction, only to blink twice at the oddly impressive array of chips, crackers and sliced cheese she'd set out.

"Mine," she said.
From a strictly literal sin-and-purity perspective, this would be gluttony. Yet Temperance is engaging in it, in front of Michael, in the library.

I understand the impulse. When I see a good/evil dichotomy, particularly one defined in Christian terms (with angels and deadly sins and so forth), I want to break it. And when a sympathetic antagonist antagonizes the side of virtue, it's natural to look for flaws in that virtue that would justify them.
But Shadell has done a pretty good job constructing an angel who actually seem good and saints who accept the complexites of life. The one imposing a black-and-white worldview on teenaged girls isn't Michael—it's Superbia.
I feel as though ...
yeah maybe, still I found Lupin argument and backstory in last chapter interesting.
If we are to believe her (and it seems quite credible) it's seem that it isn't as simple as sins and beast are the cause of all bad things.
It probably won't affect the Saints directly because they are the protagonist, but it's something to keep in mind nonetheless.
To me, my read of it, is that Invidia has the sin of envy because she thinks that it's bad and wrong and evil to want what she wants. She thinks that a "good" person wouldn't want what she does, and so that conception of what she's doing as wrong is what makes it a sin. I feel like what will ultimately happen is that her friends will convince her that it's actually perfectly healthy and right to want the things she does, and that will be what brings her back to the side of the good guys.

Of course I don't expect that to be exactly an easy road, considering how much internalized baggage Invidia has going on...
That and Lupin is currently isolated from people who aren't Beasts, working in a cult headed by uncle soul colonialism and repressing eirself because ey isn't actually accepted by said cult. Ultimately said faction affirms the current social order of minorities like the main characters being considered wrong and having to shamefully hide, while an ignorant asshole calls the shots.
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To me, my read of it, is that Invidia has the sin of envy because she thinks that it's bad and wrong and evil to want what she wants. She thinks that a "good" person wouldn't want what she does, and so that conception of what she's doing as wrong is what makes it a sin. I feel like what will ultimately happen is that her friends will convince her that it's actually perfectly healthy and right to want the things she does, and that will be what brings her back to the side of the good guys.
I look at this, and I notice how Lupin tends to rationalize even her relatively positive and constructive desires as "I'm doing X because I'm greedy," and explicitly advises C/Invidia to get Superbia off her back by just passing off whatever C/Invidia wants to do as "I'm doing X because of my vice" and Superbia will, quote, "have a boomer moment, then shrug and wander off."

Though I think it's a combo platter of things. Invidia carries the sin of envy around because she thinks it's wrong to want what she wants. BUT because she constantly loops everything back to the sin of envy, she also does bad shit she really shouldn't do. Because as Invidia, her entire concept of how to be happy is locked up in being envious to the point where she redirects all incoming "should I even do this" calls to the Envy Office. And the Envy Office gives some very shaky answers to that question sometimes.

Or that's how I see it.
I will note that unlike Avaritia's fairly well developed conception of Greed (by which ey can kinda just loop every emotion or desire into greed, even ones that don't fit very well) Invidia seems to be a little rougher with the sin. And also still frames things in terms of like, "stealing Inessa's beauty" and not really acknowledging herself as having value by doing so?
Invidia just gets the rougher end of the stick, here! Envy needs more stretching before it can reach feeling good about yourself, I guess.
I will note that unlike Avaritia's fairly well developed conception of Greed (by which ey can kinda just loop every emotion or desire into greed, even ones that don't fit very well) Invidia seems to be a little rougher with the sin. And also still frames things in terms of like, "stealing Inessa's beauty" and not really acknowledging herself as having value by doing so?
Invidia just gets the rougher end of the stick, here! Envy needs more stretching before it can reach feeling good about yourself, I guess.

Envy is very nearly by definition self hating, honestly?

Like, to envy someone something, you must put down your own qualities in that respect - theirs is better and nothing can be done about that, you can just take it, covet it, steal it, but it is still theirs.
Envy is very nearly by definition self hating, honestly?

Like, to envy someone something, you must put down your own qualities in that respect - theirs is better and nothing can be done about that, you can just take it, covet it, steal it, but it is still theirs.
not really? i think you could totally go to "they have that but i deserve it" as a form of envy, which i think would be c's end state as invidia if she followed lupin's path exactly

i don't think it's going to be that simple either way

i think the reason c got to this point was because her "bad" feelings were not accepted, and going "oh but these are bad and she needs to get rid of these" to her envious desires is missing the point of what happened

if that's what "purified" means to you then i guess i just think what's really needed is to have someone go "hey c i see what you are, i see that you want, i see that and that's okay"
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