"Man, this sucks. It's been days, when are we gonna get to do something better than moving rocks?" Yang moaned as she shoveled another pile of rubble into the dumpster.

More pale than usual and dripping with sweat, Weiss was a mess. That didn't stop her from trying to play the authority figure. "Xiao-Long... stop whining. T-this is necessary-"

"Yeah, I'll save you the breath before you puke." The blonde cut her off. "I get the adults are on defense duty, but that doesn't mean we can't... I don't know, switch out or something. I mean, we can kill Grimm too, why are we stuck being glorified bulldozers?"

Pausing to lean on his shovel, Jaune piped up, "Eh, it needs done. I'm not gonna complain about getting the safe job."

"Man, I can't believe I thought you were some major cool guy back in initiation." Yang laughed, kicking a rock at him and making him yelp.

"Y-you did?"

"Well yeah, you're not bad looking... don't get cocky, you're no Tsun either... and I mean, there had to be a reason The Pyrrha Nikos of all people went out of her way to take you out." She replied. "Gods, I still can't believe how lucky we were to run into Louise when we did."


The girl in question was not too far away, helping move some the really heavy stuff with her sister.

Who was apparently an Ursa.

Yup... that had nearly caused a disaster when the pair had walked up with the old dude and most of DASY had moved to attack. Luckily, between the 'werebear' talking and Vicky jumping in the way of the rest of them, they didn't make a terrible mistake. Looking back, the pink haired girl had mentioned something about turning into a bear, but seeing and hearing were completely different things.

Despite the strangeness of it, everybody was happy for Cattleya's help once the initial panic wore off. The sisters were making more progress with their crazy strength than DASY, CFVY, and BRTC combined. Not only that, but Louise was bouncing back and forth between clearing debris and healing the occasional person they found still trapped in the rubble.

Yang felt a stab of pity as the pinkette fixed one such person's broken legs with a distant horrified expression on her face. Uncle Qrow looked like that some nights when he crashed at their house, just siting there staring into the corner and drinking until he passed out. She could only imagine what was going through her normally reserved friend's head that would make her look that way.

"You know what, forget I said anything." The blonde sighed. "I'm just... frustrated, y'know?"

"Yes, well, you're not the only one." Weiss agreed, slightly more steady after a momentary break.

"Just what the heck was Ozpin even doing that could cause all this?!"

"Ozpin?" Vicky asked in confusion, whipping her head around from where she'd been feeding some of the smaller rocks to her lower mouth.

Not surprised that she'd been too busy with all the lava vomiting and web spinning to help build temporary shelters, Yang explained, "That's the word going around. Apparently the blast had to be really deep beneath Beacon to do what it did and one of the guys from Council Admin says the CCT elevator went down way past ground floor, but nobody knows what for. Even Ironwood blames Ozpin."

"What?" Weiss asked, suddenly much more interested. "The General said as much?"

"Well... no... but whenever people ask about it, he doesn't deny that Ozpin could have been behind everything! He just kinda frowns angrily and changes the subject."

"Yang, that doesn't mean anything! He could just be mad people are accusing his friend... at least, I think they're friends. Considering how he almost always backed Ozpin in the past, this would be a huge smear on his credibility if Ozpin were to be blamed." Weiss argued as Vicky said nothing, just going quiet again as she turned back to watching Louise with concern and eating rocks.


"Penny? She is currently undergoing maintenance aboard one of my ships. The damage that woman did... her outer layers were reduced to slag, most of her sensors were destroyed, and her joints are all fused, at least the ones that didn't get melted off completely, but you can assure Miss Vallière that she is alive and we are doing out best to ensure she recovers while we wait for Doctor Polendina to arrive."

"Perhaps I could be of some assistance?"

Giving you a skeptical expression, he says, "I can ask if she would like to see you, but I don't think your healing magic would be a good idea considering how she reacted last time."

"Not to worry, I would not risk her life in such a manner. However, I do have some technical skills that could be useful in repairing her body after the changes that my apprentice caused." You explain, to which he nods in understanding.

Pulling out his Scroll, he offers, "I could have one of my men escort you to her if you really think you can help."

"No, thank you." You reply, much to his confusion. "I doubt the facilities aboard a damaged ship in a realm with minimal knowledge of magic would be the best place to conduct the necessary research into her changed state and viable procedures for her repair. If you were to release her into my custody, I have under my employ a pair of individuals that could no doubt have Penny back on her feet in a week or less."

Thinning his lips, Ironwood pauses for a moment before saying, "I'll have to decline as well. Your help has been invaluable, I'll give you that, but you're asking me to remove one of my people from where I know she will at least be kept stable so that you and two people I have never met can attempt to fix her doing gods know what."

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (650/650)


[] Yeah, no. This isn't really an offer he can refuse. Insist that he turn her over to you.
-[] Hit him with Paralyze, stab him through the heart, and reanimate him.
-[] Attempt to Charm him.​

[] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.

[] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[] Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.
-[] Follow up on this Relic business, perhaps Summer or one of your other local contacts know something.​

[] Write in.
[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.
-[X] If he refuses, Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.
[X] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[X] Bring up the communication problems brought on by the CCT tower's destruction and possible solutions.

Welp, since that didn't work, I'm still worried enough about this issue to bring it up again. That and I don't want to risk Moira and Shen going outside of safety when Penny isn't in any danger of dying. Perhaps by showing actual examples of technical expertise would help alleviate his worries and convince him with proof.
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If we transfer Moira and Raymond to his ship, will this affect the time table for our own?
Yes. Three days to a week to study her and from then it could take longer if you actually want fix her rather than just take the info and run. Keep in mind that Raymond would definitely want to stick around to fix her.
[X] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[X] Bring up the communication problems brought on by the CCT tower's destruction and possible solutions.
[] Yeah, no. This isn't really an offer he can refuse. Insist that he turn her over to you.
-[] Hit him with Paralyze, stab him through the heart, and reanimate him.
-[] Attempt to Charm him.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Do we have any scientists/researchers other than Vahlen? I reckon we offer the help of Raymond and Moira(plus any X-Com scientists). Tell the Science Waifu to try and recover as much information as possible. I'm not too worried about security since Ironwood should have military tier protection.

[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.
-[X] Subtly inform Moira to prioritise her research, send her with any extra researchers/supplies she may need
--[X] If he refuses, Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.
[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.

By the time Ozpin comes back his allies are all turned lol
Guys, the ship is nearly done:
4 days until ship completion.
But sending Moira and Raymond over would delay that by more than a week with how much time is needed to both study her, AND repair her:
Yes. Three days to a week to study her and from then it could take longer if you actually want fix her rather than just take the info and run. Keep in mind that Raymond would definitely want to stick around to fix her.
Also, given the damage she's received, it's very likely that they won't be able to fix her up any time soon in only 4 more days. Yet she won't be in any danger of dying or her condition deteriorating due o her robotic nature, so that's plenty of time to complete ship construction first, and then pitch the idea to Ironwood again later.

Basically, don't prioritize the bonuses secondary objectives over the primary, especially when the secondary goal isn't that time-limited.
[X] Yeah, no. This isn't really an offer he can refuse. Insist that he turn her over to you.
-[X] Hit him with Paralyze, stab him through the heart, and reanimate him.
[X] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[X] Bring up the communication problems brought on by the CCT tower's destruction and possible solutions.

We need compensation for these stuff. Maybe inter nation communication will allow us to use all that good will we accumulated for some military hardware.
[X] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[X] Bring up the communication problems brought on by the CCT tower's destruction and possible solutions.

Always have an exit secured.
[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.
-[X] Subtly inform Moira to prioritise her research, send her with any extra researchers/supplies she may need
--[X] If he refuses, Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.

[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.
-[X] Subtly inform Moira to prioritise her research, send her with any extra researchers/supplies she may need
--[X] If he refuses, Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.
[X] Meet him halfway by having Moira and Raymond come to Penny with you.
-[X] Subtly inform Moira to prioritise her research, send her with any extra researchers/supplies she may need
--[X] If he refuses, Go to Patch and search for a good place to start a secondary kwama mine.
[X] Accept his refusal and move on.
-[X] Bring up the communication problems brought on by the CCT tower's destruction and possible solutions.
Shuldovah and Long Yi
Having been denied, you chose to give ground and offered having the two of them go to Penny. It wasn't to be. Apparently the General was more wary of your help after such a simple exchange. Choosing instead to state once more that the automaton's creator would be arriving shortly, he all but marched you off the premises with an offer to return when Polendina could supervise any procedures.

And you'd thought that surely you had built up some measure of good faith in his eyes by now.

Hiding your irritation as you leave the coliseum, you make a note to yourself that Ironwood seems to respond negatively toward heavy-handed tactics. Rather hypocritical of a man willing to anchor a fleet of warships at an international event.

Perhaps simply waiting until the ship is complete and stealing the mechanical curiosity would be a better alternative? It would more than likely spoil your relationship with Atlas, possibly the other nations as well. If your kindness is going to be returned like this though, it might be worth simply switching to a less benevolent face. After all, you currently have a veritable stranglehold on the Kingdoms' food supply and no reason to be as generous as you have been other than speeding the return to a convenient supply chain.

Considering the fact that you could obtain materials and supplies elsewhere if all goes to plan, why not take a more aggressive stance? Well, it would throw away your carefully crafted philanthropic persona, you suppose. There was a middle ground somewhere to be sure, but seeking it would be fruitless in your current indignation.

Instead, you decide to focus your attention on a mostly separate affair. Kwama, to be specific. Whether or not you shift your methods, expanding your source of income to a more visible locale would keep prying eyes distracted from your original mine and the aethervessel housed within. Finding a properly public, yet remote enough location on the island of Patch would serve that purpose well and so you will need a knowledgeable guide.

In what is probably the most wasteful use of magicka you have done since leaving Nirn, you cast a Lightning Bolt from atop the coliseum and ride it to the point of impact. Grabbing the unsuspecting girl about the waist before she has time to do more than yelp, you throw another bolt over the horizon and drag her along.

Dropping the blonde just before arrival, the two of you roll apart. Blocking her automatic retaliatory fireball with a Ward, you give a taunting jaunty wave as her mouth drops open upon recognizing who she attacked. "Oh gods, I didn't... what the hell is going on?"

"Good afternoon to you too, Miss Xiao-Long." You reply casually, your intentional magical exhaustion taking much of the edge off of your irritation.

Whipping her head around to the point of almost smacking herself in the face with her hair, she at least drops her guarded posture as she gawks, "No seriously, what is this? Where are w- Is that Vale?"

"Indeed it is." Rather quick of her to notice, really. "Your family lives on Patch, yes?"


"Good, good. I have need of someone to show me around the island."

A creasing brow leads to a hand on her hip before she asks incredulously, "Are you for real?"

"Most definitely, though I suppose that depends on whether you can be assured that anything is real. Why, I know of several ideological doctrines that claim what we know to be real is not in fact real or that what we know is a mirror of the truth."


"The Mythic Dawn cult, the Psijic Endeavor, Aurbis At'Anu Ajcea, the Annuad, 'et'Ada, Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer' of the one thousand and eight Cyrodilic weapons of rapture, the Walkabout, and so on and so forth." Snorting at her flat, lost expression, you walk inland past the blond. Honestly, some people make it too easy baffle them with what they ask for. "Nothing to concern yourself with, try not to think about it too hard or you might break something best kept whole. Now, are you going to help or not?"

"Uh... In case you didn't notice before you kidnapped me, I'm kinda busy." Yang argues, though that doesn't stop her from trotting along after you.

With a much more derisive snort than the last, you counter, "You were busy clearing dirt, now you are busy helping me ensure people stay fed long enough to actually use those roads."

Unsurprisingly, that silenced any further dissent from the teen.


Hod once again cursed his luck at having been chosen to patrol the marsh. Everyday some superstitious idiots came to the Blue Palace to complain about something, it just so happened that today Falk Firebeard hadn't been in attendance. Which meant 'High Queen' Elisif made the stupid decision to believe the crazed old woman when she said she heard unnatural moans coming from the abandoned shack on the edge of Haafingar territory.

"How High King Torygg fell for such a naive-" He began, pushing open the door to see the confusing sight of a blonde woman in red and black leather sitting on top of a bookshelf.


Looking down, Hod spied a man, woman, and one of those 'Kahjeet' people. Each of them was bound, gagged, and had a sack over their heads. In a corner on the floor was a fourth person, though they were just asleep rather than tied up. Head pivoting to the woman, her captives, and back again, he opened his mouth to demand answers when a whisper on the wind pulled his attention back toward the city.

Three simple, yet foreign words that were the stuff of increasingly frequent nightmares over the last two months: "Yol Toor Shul!"

Hotter than the forge and traveling infinitely faster than the swiftest steed, a torrent of flames surged out of the Sea of Ghosts. Even miles away, Hod could feel the heat!

"Fus Ro Dah!" The voice Shouted a second time, a ripple of air swatting aside the ancient stone pillar that had held Solitude aloft for countless years.

Terrified awe filled Hod's mind as he sprinted harder than he ever had before, ignoring the startled call of the woman as the ground shook from the impact. His home was under attack and dragon or no, he was son of Skyrim. Victory or Sovengarde, no jumped up lizard was going to get away with that!

As he ran and ran and his long stride devoured the distance, there was something strange about this attack that nagged at his awareness. Since the Dragonborn had lost to that Sahloknir and had their corpse put on display above Kynesgrove, those damned flying lizards had basically done whatever they wanted; burning fields, landing on ships to capsize them, devouring cattle, slaughtering patrols, and all manner of things that spoke of terror tactics. This outright assault just didn't fit the pattern. Just where was the dragon anyway?

"Yol Toor Shul!"

Another blast of flames stretched out through the dust from what looked to be a ship on the water. Being much closer this time, Hod could see men crumbling to ash in its wake, armor not so much melting as evaporating under such overwhelming heat. What was left of the old walls that had stood witness to millennia toppled down into the harbor as the lance of fire scrapped across their tops.

With most of the defenses destroyed and few survivors in a state to resist, Solitude probably wouldn't be considered a Hold of its own by the end of the day.

Even so, Hod stood in wait on the docks. Legionary, Haafingar guard, and citizen; Hod placed himself between the approaching ship and his fellows. Shield rattling, panting heavily from the sprint, sword wavering. When the ship finally pulled up to dock, as if it were about to unload a shipment of Cyrodillic brandy for Tullius rather than having just destroyed most of the city, Hod wasted no time.

Charging up the gangplank with a battlecry that would make Ysgramor himself weep with pride, the red-clad guardsman didn't know what to expect. A dragon chained or captured beneath the deck to be used as a cannon perhaps. There was no dragon however, just a crew of half-starved dark elves with soul-less eyes that ignored him and a robed man wearing a strange tentacled mask.

Nevertheless, Hod pushed on and prepared to end the strange man's life. The masked man didn't even flinch as the sword closed in on his neck, just grabbing Hod's sword arm and saying, "Meyye krif norok, nuz tol togaat lost zol vonik. Hin laas los Dii. Gol Hah!"


"And I guess this is the last real good place, I mean, if you don't want to put it right in the middle of town where a bunch of kids or pets will keep running into the place." Yang says as she ushers you into a clearing where an old house looked ready to collapse with the slightest breeze.

It's easy to tell that the girl is uncomfortable being near the building for some reason, but you ignore it. Of course, because you have no interest, the blonde chooses to explain, "I don't really have good memories of this place. I... I was looking for info about my mom... er... not Summer, my other mom."

"You need not explain yourself to me." You tell her, not so subtly implying that you don't care.

Not that she puzzles that out of your statement, apparently bolstered by your 'assurance'. "I was young and stupid. I'd been snooping in dad's old things and found a picture of him and mom and Summer and Uncle Qrow... I bundled little baby Ruby up and I thought we'll be there and back before dad gets home..."

"You can stop, really." You sigh, but she isn't even looking at you, just staring off at the building. Ugh, great.

Peeking inside, you incidentally knock the door the rest of the way off a hinge that is more rust than metal. "We would have both died if Uncle Qrow didn't show up when he did."

Putting the clearly traumatized child out of mind, you step cautiously inside and poke about. Moldering furniture, sodden carpet intermingled with moss and decayed foliage, a ceiling partially collapsed beneath a fallen tree; not even ghosts would live in a place this far beyond repair.

Spotting something sparkling beneath a small, mostly decomposed bed in the back room, you bend down to pick it up. The object turns out to be a framed picture in moderately good condition. As you flip it over and dust it off to see a group of two girls and an older boy, your skin tingles across your back.

"Is that Summer?" Yang asks over your shoulder, apparently recovered from her episode.

She does have a point, as one of the children does bear the general appearance of her ghostly mother. From the silver eyes to the white cloak and even in a face that you can easily imagine aged up, it couldn't be anyone else... which makes the boy and girl two people that you vaguely recall the ghost mentioning the day you bound her.

Not quite what you would call serendipitous, but still an interesting development.

Regardless, it doesn't really matter too much, so you pocket the photo and return back to the matter at hand. The choice is between this ramshackle hut, a mountainous plateau featuring Summer's no longer necessary gravestone, the forests a mile or so away from Signal academy, and a small rocky peninsula on the opposite side of the island from Vale. Sparse pickings by any measure.

The last option is alluring due to being a good spot for a new port that meant shortening any potential travel to Western Sanus... so long as you were willing to risk skirting the untamed Northern continent that sat inside the curve of Sanus's ocean rather than sticking to the safer shorelines like most trade vessels. All of the other options were roughly equal in merit other than the one near Signal meaning protection against the admittedly minor Grimm presence on the island.

Given that the mine in Mountain Glenn was doing fine despite the semi-frequent scuffles with the beasts and the stomping Goliaths above, some would-be werewolves weren't much of a threat.

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (10/650)


[] Hazel's old house.

[] Summer's grave.

[] Near Signal.

[] The remote peninsula
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Welp, Ironwood being suspicious of how hard Cynric is pushing for examining Penny one way or another is justified. Yet again more goodwill lost for negative gains. Oh well, at least it's not a significant loss since this is just bonus stuff.

As for where to put the mine, the place closest to the coast for best transportation seems the best option, even with the additional danger of unexplored and unprotected areas nearby.

[X] The remote peninsula

But this though:
Since the Dragonborn had lost to that Sahloknir and had their corpse put on display above Kynesgrove
Because seriously, the Dragonborn, assumed to be from Cynric's world, died before finishing his main quest?!
a robe man wearing a strange tentacled mask.
and then there's Miraak coming from Solstheim because he didn't get dealt with by the Dragonborn. Welp. I can't tell if the actions of Cynric influenced all this, or that Dragonborn just plain sucked. Either way Cynric will be in for some interesting times if he ever goes home to Skyrim. More importantly though I hope none of this affects Cynric's adventures.
Because seriously, the Dragonborn, assumed to be from Cynric's world, died before finishing his main quest?!

I'm not limiting the dragons, so just imagine a newly minted Dragon born with just Unrelenting Force and the first word of Whirlwind Sprint. Now imagine that Dragon born against a eons old Dragon that can use both of those plus the rest of WW Sprint, Slow Time, Frost Breath, Mark for Death, Become Ethereal, Storm Call, Aura Whisper, Battle Fury, Cyclone, Disarm, Dismay, Elemental Fury, etc..

and then there's Miraak coming from Solstheim because he didn't get dealt with by the Dragonborn.

{Unhinged giggling}
I'm not limiting the dragons, so just imagine a newly minted Dragon born with just Unrelenting Force and the first word of Whirlwind Sprint. Now imagine that Dragon born against a eons old Dragon that can use both of those plus the rest of WW Sprint, Slow Time, Frost Breath, Mark for Death, Become Ethereal, Storm Call, Aura Whisper, Battle Fury, Cyclone, Disarm, Dismay, Elemental Fury, etc..

The Last Dragonborn is personally blessed by Akatosh. He would have picked someone who would either: A) be able to kill the ancient dragons anyway, B) be lucky enough to only run into enemies of appropriate power levels, and/or C) has access to the greatest of Akatosh's time related abilities: the mystical quicksave key. Also, "the Wheel turns on the Last Dragonborn" part of the prophecy means that the world literally revolves around the LDB and so events are going to just so happen to work in their favor.
The Last Dragonborn is personally blessed by Akatosh. He would have picked someone who would either: A) be able to kill the ancient dragons anyway, B) be lucky enough to only run into enemies of appropriate power levels, and/or C) has access to the greatest of Akatosh's time related abilities: the mystical quicksave key. Also, "the Wheel turns on the Last Dragonborn" part of the prophecy means that the world literally revolves around the LDB and so events are going to just so happen to work in their favor.
They aren't actually dead. They just faked their death so they could go off and do inane side-quests and ignore the main quest without everybody getting on their case for their completely fucked reasonable priorities.:V