"Preposterous." You say with a scoff. "Having a place to rest and retreat to in case of trouble is an important part of espionage."
Crossing her arms defiantly, Louise glares up at you. It is rather difficult to take her seriously in her frilly little nightgown. "We're at an inn, that's not very secure. Admit it, you just didn't want me around."
While true, it wasn't as if you would actually say that. "An inn is perfectly secure if no one knows you are there. Have a little faith in your master, I gave you a vital mission and you succeeded flawlessly, just as I knew you would."
Blushing now, she tries to maintain her glare. "Y-you're just saying that."
"In all the time we have spent together, have you ever known me to give unwarranted praise?" You ask as you take a seat on the one of the beds.
Turning away to hide her increasingly crimson cheeks, she huffs. "I guess not."
"Then there you have it. Now to bed with you, we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow and I will leave you to guard the room if you cannot keep up." You say jokingly.
"With that in mind, I want you to shape that effect into the Daedric runes for 'firesong' and be sure to put them in the same order that I did." You whisper as you both sneak through the ship.
Teaching Louise the Flames spell had been simple. All you had to do was her to do the opposite of Frost and the girl immediately understood. Now, after Louise recovered from her panic at your story of all the cannons being created to fight you, the two of you were going to sabotage as much of the shipments as possible.
Now, while you had heard of cannons being used by the Hammerfell navy and even seen a few protruding from the ships floating in river, the ones being loaded onto these vessels were ridiculous. The monstrously large weapons needed to be disassembled from their carriages, tilted on end, and carefully maneuvered inside before being strapped down in the center of the cargo hold. So big were these cannons, that only six would fit safely within each ship.
While you use a touch based disintegration spell on each cannon you pass, your apprentice takes the more magicka intensive task of placing a Fire Rune on the inside of each crate and underneath every third barrel. Luckily for you, each anchored ship is only maintaining a skeleton crew of the metaphorical kind, allowing you to work undisturbed.
This continues for the rest of the day, entering each ship by levitating up to it underwater and climbing through the cannon holes. After the twelfth ship, you run out of magicka and proceed to lowering the carriage axles into the river. Your apprentice appears to be fatigued after another hour of casting, so you pull her aside once you withdraw to a safe distance outside the docks.
"That is enough for today." You declare, passing the girl some of the sweets that you had gathered for your next task.
Taking the offered confectionery, Louise pops it in her mouth and nods tiredly. The two of you stroll toward the smithy from yesterday at a leuisurly pace, with you keeping an eye on the exhausted young woman. You idly wonder how many runes she placed today, but decide to let her concentrate on not passing out in the street.
Arriving at your destination, you let Louise sit down to rest as you approach the tables where the children are packing up for the evening. After a few moments, you spot the annoying child from before beaming up at you and approach with a smile. "There you are, how was your day boy?"
Frowning, the child kicks the table. "Not good. Papa got hurt last night, now I have to stay home and do boring stuff all week."
"Hmmm... maybe this will make it better?" You say, pulling out the bag of treats. In an instant, the boy stops sulking and reached out with his filthy hands. "Ah ah ah, I need something in return."
Seeing the stupid look on his face, you elaborate. "I want you to bring me one of those muskets, a small one preferably."
"Sorry, we haven't made any pistols in a long time." The child says regretfully, eyeing the bag in your hand. Seeing as how you can't hide a full sized musket on your person and being caught stealing isn't something you can afford at the moment, you put away the bag and ignore the useless child as you head back over to your apprentice.
Without a word, she hops to her feet and stumbles as she follows you back to the inn.
The next day is wasted as your apprentice remains asleep, causing you to spend that time creating a Scroll of Detection. With Mysticism being your worst type of magic, it takes you several attempts to find a working pattern and transcribe that pattern within Daedric clusters that do not conflict with one another. With Oliver Cromwell as your target, you imbue the scroll with the majority of your magicka before you go to sleep for the night.
Upon awakening, Louise seems fully recovered from her, apparently extreme, exhaustion. Giving her a sideways glance as the two of you head toward the docks, you address the girl. "Do you have any idea on why it took so long for you to recover?"
"Long?" The girl asks, receiving an expectant nod in return. "I was only asleep for a day... that's not unusual."
"Considering the fact that you should be constantly replenishing your magicka since you do not share my affliction, it is indeed unusual. Either you have, and therefore used, much more magicka than I thought or there is something preventing you from recovering properly." You say worriedly. If it's the former, she is more of a potential threat than you realized and if it's the latter, it might be contagious. "Are you ill?"
Shaking her head in denial, she replies, "I feel fine, honest. Maybe our people are just different? You do come from another world after all."
"A very good point, forget I mentioned it." You agree, though the concern is still there despite the logic of her statement. Putting that aside for now, you focus on the path ahead only to notice a distinct lack of people on the road. Increasing your pace, you hurry toward the docks, only to find that the majority of the ships are gone. "Damn!"
"What do we do now?" Louise asks, idly adjusting the cloak on her zombie.
Sighing, you turn and head back toward the city. "The only thing left is to deal with the mine."
"But the boats are already gone, why do we need to do anything more here?" Your apprentice wonders aloud as she struggles to match your stride.
"These people are supporting our enemy, Louise, We cannot allow them to maintain their current rate of production whilst we fight an increasingly dangerous foe." You explain, taking off into the air toward the inn. Upon arrival, you put the girl's pack onto the zombie and head back out into the street. "Send it North through the forest, we'll catch up once we're done here."
Following your instruction, Louise relays your orders and looks up at you expectantly. Motioning for her to remain behind you, the two of you make haste toward the nearest well. You surprise the girl by lifting her over your shoulder and jumping through the hole in the ground, causing her to shriek as you fall. After several deafening moments, Louise notices that you aren't falling very fast due to your enchanted robes and she ceases her screaming. Minutes later, you finally touch down onto a wooden basket that's half full of ore.
The men around you halt their work and a mustachioed man in a cape approaches. "What is the meaning of this?" He shouts out and draws his stick... wand. Treating him as the threat that he could be, you promptly set his wand arm ablaze with a gout of Flames and slam your staff into his jaw. Most run away, but three of the miners respond by charging the two of you with their pickaxes, but Louise hit's the lead man in the face with an Ice Spike, causing your opponents to flee.
"Now what?" Your apprentice asks, looking around the dark cavern with fearful eyes. "There could be orcs down here or w-worse."
Chuckling at her worry, you look around the intersection for a sign of which way to go before deciding on casting Clairvoyance. "I've dealt with plenty of Orcs in my time, they aren't nearly as bad as their reputation would make them out to be." You say, following the golden trail toward the river.
With an over-dramatic gulp, the girl follows after. "M-master Cynric... I... I don't think this is a good idea."
Ignoring her complaints as a loud drums begins to echo through the mine, you run past several branching tunnels full of panicked workers. half an hour later, you arrive at your destination, you look to the other end of the wide chamber to see the magical path leading directly into a moist limestone wall. "Blast that stone and let's get out of here, the rebels have had several days to prepare, I would rather they not get any more."
Obediently flicking her sword toward the wall, Louise chants a bit and the limestone crumbles, releasing a torrent of water into the tunnels. With the river being diverted underground, it's only a matter of time before the lower mines are filled and the water level rises to the surface. Rather than wait around to drown, the two of you turn and run back the way you came. Passing several of those strange ore wells, you find them all blocked off with stone slabs. Continuing toward the staircase as Louise's panic increases, you notice that the miners appear to have used the baskets to escape, though the lack of ropes and pulleys suggests that the mages needed to levitate them out.
Rounding the last corner, you come upon the exit chamber with the stairs. The room is enormous, requiring several sets of pillars to keep the vaulted ceiling from collapsing. Unfortunately, the path to the stairs appears to be blocked by- "Orcs! I told you this was a bad idea!"
Observing the four large bipeds, you agree that it could be bad, though you do feel the need to disagree. "Those are definitely not Orcs." You say calmly. "They appear much more similar to ogres, though I will admit, the green skin and tusks are quite similar to an Orc's."
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (400/650)
Choose 1:
[] Engage the at close range, using your staff to avoid their attacks.
[] Louise can provide spellfire from a distance.
[] Have Louise engage while you cast from a distance.
[] Spell Write in
[] Attempt to flee using your staff.
[] steal Louise's cloak to prevent her from following, a distraction could save your life.
[] Use Recall.
[] Write in.