[X] Amy is courting Taylor! Don't worry Vicky can still carry your bloodline.

This is the only quest where I have to think long and hard about our decisions
[X] Amy is courting Taylor! Don't worry Vicky can still carry your bloodline.
[] Amy is courting Taylor! Don't worry Vicky can still carry your bloodline.

Tied with distracting them by complaining about Karin.
[X] Amy is courting Taylor! Don't worry Vicky can still carry your bloodline.

Spreading lies all day, every day. Technical lies that is.

[X] Explain that Amy did a lot of things and is a horrible deviant. As the girl's mother, it falls to Carol to correct her daughter's problems.

Not like the truth is any better.
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[X] Explain your relationship with your own mother to distract them.

There's nothing like a horror story to bring the family closer together.
"I slaughtered tens of thousands of innocents and helped bind their souls in the physical plane so they could suffer for all eternity. Mom took exception to this, that evil, abusive monster!"
On Family
Putting on a brave face for her friend in need, Louise addressed the older woman sternly, "Miss... Mrs. Dallon, if your counterpart reacted badly to whatever Amy may or may not have done, maybe you should leave the subject for a day that's less... frenetique."

"I can't just ignore-" The woman made to argue, but Louise cut her off with a sharp jab of her fork in the woman's face.

"You can... and if you value your family, you will." She commanded, retracting the utensil and looking back to the odd foods on her plate. Giving it up as a lost cause, she shoved the dish away and sighed, "I'd like to think that my friend at least has a better mother than me."

Grimacing at having heard parts of her family's history from Cattleya, Vicky shushed her mother's next words. Taking that as her cue to continue, the pinkette explained, "When she was fifteen, my mother, Karin, became a member of the kingdom's elite Manticore knights."

It was a blatant attempt to distract the situation, but both of the others seemed intrigued enough for it to work. "Much like myself, she... developed slower than most and used that to her advantage to disguise herself as a man and eventually continued the charade with thick iron armor when a more... concealing outfit became necessary. She put down a vampire coup, plots at rebellion, and many other major events in the kingdom's recent history. Even now my family is the main deterrent against invasion by our Germanian neighbors because of Karin's fearsome reputation. As you may have guessed, this wasn't the best preparation for motherhood."

"No, really?" Vicky snorted, getting a disapproving look from her own mother while Louise ignored it.

"Karin was a strict woman. She demanded results of all her children and the more we disappointed her, the further it drove her to fix our problems. The 'rule of steel'," Louise growled. "was the guideline she expected us to follow; perfect control, no sign of emotional outbursts, loyalty to the crown above all else. My eldest sister Eleanor proved too temperamental and anti-social, having no skill for diplomacy or even basic conversation unless the desired result was hostility. After several failed engagements, Karin sent her off to work in a distant city closer to her next fiancé, likely hoping she would carry his child before her personality could ruin things. Cattleya, the middle child was born sickly and frail, never being quite capable of performing much physical or magical exertion without the risk fainting... Obviously this was quite shameful and our parents kept her secreted away, only letting her attend the rare gala at the manor while they threatened or bribed into silence each healer that failed to cure her."

Louise really didn't want to share her own experiences, but it was too late to turn back. Both blondes were staring in horrified expectation. After telling them of both her sisters, it would be cowardly not to continue.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, the pinkette slowly exhaled and said, "With two disappointments, she relegated Cattleya off to her mother's family name and named me heiress de la Vallière the moment I could walk. By the time I was two years of age, Karin was testing me on my knowledge of our lineage and proper decorum. As with my sisters, tutors were hired for every subject I was expected to know, mother only taking the time to occasionally teach us about warfare because she felt no others were qualified. When I got something wrong or made a mistake at dinner, she would sneak into my room at night and use her old iron mask to scare me as punishment. Father never tried to stop her. When it became clear I couldn't do magic, mother... didn't react well. My wet-nurse was executed under the suspicion of poisoning me, my tutors were shamed as failures and their reputations were hopelessly tarnished, and when she finally decided that it was my fault I was engaged to Viscount Wardes."

"Years of study, countless late nights in the family library... I refused to just be cast aside like that. I begged and pleaded with my parents until finally they allowed me one chance; Since I was finally sixteen, I would go to the Tristain academy of Magic and produce a familiar as proof of my magic or be wed off to my fiancé immediately."

Vicky interrupted her with a disgusted look on her face as she exclaimed, "That's... that's horrible... barbaric even."

"It wasn't so bad." Louise hurried to argue. "Viscount Wardes was a family friend for years, he helped take care of me when I was a child and was the only one besides Cattleya who really cared to help when I was upset. Besides, his silver-grey hair and beard made for quite the sophisticated, yet dashing figure."

For whatever reason, both women looked a bit ill, but Louise wasn't sure she even wanted to know what images their minds would have made for her endorsement to have that effect. "Never mind that! I wasn't so much against the engagement, it was being cast aside as worthless that I hated. To lack magic was to be no better than a commoner, a useless peasant good for nothing but manual labor or fodder. The academy. What a useless place. I spent almost two years there with nothing to show for it but memories of ridicule from people I once thought might be my friends! Even Montmorency, my distant cousin... I taught her how to read! I disguised her bed wetting with spilled wine when she was so nervous on our first night at the academy! If... If Master Cynric hadn't shown up when he did, I-I..."

Shaking with indignation at the reminiscence, the pinkette was too busy glaring at the table to pay much attention to the buzz of Carol's approach. Somehow the woman had shifted around the table and was hesitantly pulling Louise into a hug. "Shhh... You don't need to say any more."

Brushing aside her angry tears, Louise weakly struggled for freedom. It didn't work though, since Vicky had gotten it in her giant head to join her alternate mother. Frustrated by the invasion of her space, the pinkette growled, "I don't need your pity! I just wanted to keep you from making a mistake."

Louise seethed inwardly, not at the two who were touching her, but at herself. How had a simple diversion turned into such an embarrassing display? It was just another example of how she would never meet Karin's standards. Not that she really cared all that much about her mother, but it was frustrating. She hated being seen crying and yet here she was again, not even a full month since her last episode, shedding tears in the middle of an unfriendly fortress.

That they were tears of rage at her past treatment only made it somewhat more acceptable.

"-ow and thank you for that." Carol said, soothingly, bringing the young woman's focus back to the conversation. "I... suppose I can let the issue sit for a while, Vicky. I trust... I want to trust that Amy wouldn't do anything too terrible. It's just..."

Victoria nodded gratefully before adding, "She's not Marquis, mom."

"H-how... How do you-" Carol asked, reeling back in shock, allowing Louise to finally squirm free and get some distance and try to regain her composure as the two conversed.

"I'm from the future." Vicky answered with a smirk, wobbling one hand from side to side. "Kind of."

Sighing, her mother shook her head. "I know she isn't... I know, but that... I'm trying. You don't understand how hard it is for me to look at her and think of all the things that I should have done. The things that could go wrong. How one mistake, one slip of the tongue might ruin everything. Please don't tell your sister this, or the other Vicky, but I... I never wanted to adopt her."

"Yeah." Vicky drawled. "I kind of figured that when my Amy told me you and Aunt Sarah were talking about that. She's known you hate her since she was eight."

"I don't hate her!" Carol denied harshly. At her alternate daughter's unimpressed brow raise, she slumped in her seat and whispered, "I never hated Amy. I just don't want her to turn on my family."

Tilting her head, Louise couldn't help but point out, "But she is your family. You brought her up as your daughter didn't you?"

"Yes, of course I did, but nothing about this is that simple. I don't trust people! Vicky is mine, I know she's safe just like I know Mark would never do anything to harm me or my daughter, but Amy? She sulks in her room half the time and I sometimes can't help but think she's plotting against us. Her father... He was a terrible person, a monster in human skin and her powers are so similar! You have no idea how terrified it makes me to even touch her!" The woman argued quietly as she focused on Vicky. "Look, I know it sounds bad, but I am trying. I really, really am. I haven't been the best mother, to either of you and I doubt your version of me was so different, but I realized recently just how quickly something terrible could happen and take my girls away from me."

Shrugging at Vicky's overwhelmed expression, Louise turned to Carol and replied, "Well, at least you're making an effort."

"Louise?" Vicky asked after several long moments of silence. At the pinkette's attention, hedged, "About your mom... you kept saying was. Is she..."

Understanding the implied question, she spoke, "Dead? No, not that I know, but I pray that I never see her again."

Status: Healthy
Magicka: (5500/14000)


[] When the meeting resumes-
-[] tell them that you have preparations to see to and you will meet whoever wishes at the mountain.
-[] tell them you will return in the morning. Since they wanted to know what was on the other side of the portal so bad, you can surprise them by letting it open at their headquarters.​

[] Leave after lunch, Carol already told Piggot that the corpulent woman must take any issues to the Dallon matriarch first. May as well take advantage of the offer.
-[] Move the Corpses to the mountain and then try to earn more funds via healing. X-com and Master Cynric can make the purchases based off their own priorities when the portal opens.
-[] Search for Hinata.​

[] POV Switch:
-[] Cattleya
-[] Cynric​

[] Write in.

A/N: Karin is by no means the worst parent in fiction or reality, but she certainly isn't full of warm and fuzzies. Louise also isn't the best at being objective.
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Well, that was heartwarming. Now back to the character this quest is named after.
[X] POV Switch:
- [X] Cynric

Is her translation thingy failing?

she would sire his child
...I didn't realise biology worked so differently in Louise's homeworld.

she named me relegated Cattleya off to her mother's family
"named me" doesn't belong here, I believe.
Is her translation thingy failing?
No, she has the same thing happen with lunatic because the word is basically the same in both languages.

...I didn't realise biology worked so differently in Louise's homeworld.

"named me" doesn't belong here, I believe.
Oops. Editing errors. Though with the genetic weirdness of a fantasy world... maybe I should leave the sire part in. Like that one fic where RWBY humans are bioweapons powered by organic nuclear reactors. :rofl:
[X] Leave after lunch, Carol already told Piggot that the corpulent woman must take any issues to the Dallon matriarch first. May as well take advantage of the offer.
-[X] Search for Hinata.
[X] When the meeting resumes-
-[X] tell them that you have preparations to see to and you will meet whoever wishes at the mountain.

[X] POV Switch:
-[X] Cynric

I want to search for Hinata and I was one of the people advocating for it, but I more want to cut to when Cynric has set up a permanent portal and the group is no longer divided. Cynric could summon Hinata when he arrived or scry for her, but after all this time(not really that long but meh) I don't see Louise being worried enough to search for her...
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[X] Leave after lunch, Carol already told Piggot that the corpulent woman must take any issues to the Dallon matriarch first. May as well take advantage of the offer.
-[X] Search for Hinata.
[X] Leave after lunch, Carol already told Piggot that the corpulent woman must take any issues to the Dallon matriarch first. May as well take advantage of the offer.
-[X] Move the Corpses to the mountain and then try to earn more funds via healing. X-com and Master Cynric can make the purchases based off their own priorities when the portal opens.

Stuff to do, tasks to fuifill.